The Darkest Pleasure

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The Darkest Pleasure Page 6

by Jenika Snow

I felt him slowly bring his finger back to my clit and run little circles around it. It was more a tease than anything else, and I wanted to scream in frustration. The pleasure was so intense, something I'd never felt before. If it felt this good without any penetration, I knew I wouldn't last one minute when his body joined with mine. It was then he let his finger slip into my passage. I was so wet down there, his large finger slid in smoothly. I moaned into his mouth and kissed him feverishly as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of me. He didn't go very far, just to the first knuckle. I ached to be filled completely; his finger wouldn't do it. I couldn't believe how my thoughts had become so explicit when I had no experience with sexual situations. Abruptly, he pulled his finger out and broke our kiss. I was panting and could feel my lips swollen from his kisses. He leant his head against the chair and stared at me with half-lidded eyes. His lips also were swollen and red from our ministrations, and his breathing was fast and shallow. I wanted to ask why he stopped, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt his huge erection pressing against my bottom and wanted to run my hands over it.

  "If I didn't stop, I would have taken you right here on the couch,” he murmured.

  I wanted to tell him I was all for that, but that was a little too blunt, even for me.

  "You deserve a bed made of silk and velvet for when I make you scream with pleasure."

  He brought his face so close to mine, I was sure he was going to kiss me. His breath drifted over my skin, the smell of champagne on his lips making me feel drunk with lust. I heard myself make a little sound to his comment, and then his lips descended on mine again in a soft, gentle kiss. He lifted me off his lap and held my hand as he led us out of the room and into a grand dining room.

  "I hope you're hungry. Hunter is an exquisite cook."

  I must have looked like I was in shock, because frankly, I was. How could he just go from one thing to the next? My body was still on fire, my pussy so saturated I wanted nothing more then to impale myself on his cock. I took a calm, steadying breath and looked around the room. My gaze finally settled on the large oblong-shaped table. The thing could easily seat twenty people, and was exquisite. There were two place settings, right across from one another. “Hunter?” I didn't know who he was talking about, but I assumed it was a butler or servant.

  "Hunter is my dear friend. I've known him for ages, it seems. He enjoys cooking, and is marvellous at it, but has no one to cook for anymore."

  I was confused by his statement. I wanted to ask why this Hunter fellow just didn't cook for the two of them, but maybe there were underlying factors that made that situation unworkable.

  "When I informed him you were coming tonight, he all but jumped into the kitchen to prepare a tantalising meal for us."

  I smiled and let him escort me to one of the place settings. He pulled the chair out for me and folded the napkin over my lap, like a true gentleman. I wasn't used to such chivalry and was flattered he'd treat me with such respect. My body was still humming with pleasure, and I hoped after dinner we could pick up where we'd left off. Kerian took the seat across from me. I heard soft music start to play, something classical, or maybe it had always been on and I just now noticed it. Taper candles were on the table in front of us, making the crystal of our glasses cast rainbows across the pristine white linen tablecloth. I looked down at my place setting and took note of the variety of utensils that lay in front of me. I didn't know what half of them were for, aside from the fork. I heard Kerian chuckle and glanced up at him. He was staring at me with his mouth quirked up at the corners. I felt my face heat as I realised he knew I had no idea what any of the things in front of me were for.

  "Just watch me, Ashliyn. Half of them are just for show."

  I nodded, but couldn't get my damned blush to subside. A door opened and I turned. A man entered holding a silver platter. From across the room I couldn't see him very well, but as he came closer, I realised he was elderly. His hair was snow white, but immaculately styled. If I had to guess, I say he was in his seventies, but the way he walked and held himself suggested he was as young as forty. He set the platter in front of us and smiled at me.

  "Ashliyn, this is my very dear friend Hunter Caldwell,” Kerian said.

  Hunter walked around the table and picked up my hand. I thought he would shake it, but he brought it to his lips and kissed the back.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, young lady. I'm so happy Kerian has brought you home for dinner. I hope you enjoy the meal."

  I smiled at him and assured him I would love it. His eyes were the purest blue colour I'd ever seen, or maybe it was just because his skin was so fair and his hair so white. He lifted the platter and revealed a roast with vegetables laid around it. It smelled delicious, and until then I hadn't realised how hungry I was. He left and when he emerged again, he had another platter. He did this several times, but even when Kerian and I both offered to help, he scoffed at the idea. When he brought out the last platter, the table, or at least our end of it, was packed. He lifted lids to reveal soups, salads, and side dishes. When he started to serve us, Kerian gently pushed him to the side and started to do it himself.

  "Please, won't you join us?” I asked. “There's so much food, and you went to so much trouble to prepare it, you might as well enjoy the fruits of your labour."

  "Oh, you're a sweet girl, but alas, no, my dear. I've already eaten and must be on my way. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I hope to see you again soon.” He and Kerian exchanged a look I couldn't decipher, and he disappeared through another door and didn't return.

  We ate and talked about ourselves. It was strange how alike we were, and how much we had in common. After dinner, I stood to take my plate into the kitchen. After telling Kerian I was more than capable of cleaning up my own mess, he reluctantly agreed. I pushed the door open and wasn't surprised how modern the kitchen was. Stainless steel appliances were placed strategically around the room. There were dark cherry cupboards, black marble counter tops, and the same hardwood floor I'd seen throughout the house. I rinsed off my plate and searched for the dishwasher. I saw a stainless steel box-like appliance, which I thought might be it. I noticed it opened from the top instead of from the front, like most dishwashers. I lifted the top, and white frosty air puffed into my face. The chill from the deep freezer—which I now realised this appliance was—had me shaking as I peered inside. I saw bags—hundreds of them, it seemed— with deep red, almost black liquid inside each one. I set my dishes down and grabbed one of the bags, hissing as the coldness of the plastic bag stung my hand. The bag was unmarked, but it was an IV bag, that much I could tell. I wasn't a moron and knew what I was looking at was blood. Maybe Kerian was anaemic, or had a rare blood disease. I felt a little spooked, holding a bag of blood, so I put it back where it belonged, located the dishwasher, and placed my dishes inside it. I washed my hands and walked back out to the dining room. Kerian was nowhere to be seen, so I tried the sitting room.

  The fire was still going strong, the flames licking at the crackling logs. I had noticed there were no pictures of other family members, just pictures of that one man, but taken in different time periods. I thought that was strange. I continued down the shelves and when the pictures ended, I came upon stacks upon stacks of books. Most had old, leather-bound spines. Some looked like they had seen a lot of hard use, but others were in such mint condition, I wondered if they were originals or just replicas. A lot of them were in foreign titles I couldn't even begin to pronounce.

  "Do you like to read?"

  I jumped, startled. Kerian was right behind me and I hadn't even heard him come into the room. I spun around, my heart beating a fast rhythm in my chest. “I did in school, but not so much now.” I looked at the books again. “Do you understand all these languages?” I turned back to him and noticed he was staring at the books as well.

  "I do. You find things to accomplish when you have so much time on your hands."

  I didn't know what he meant by that. He couldn't be much
older then his mid-thirties, and even though I didn't know much about a doctor's schedule, I assumed they were quite busy. I didn't know where he could have learned so many languages—we really hadn't talked much about our pasts, which I was thankful for because my past was certainly not one I cared to delve into.

  He took my hand and led me to a door off the sitting room. I gasped when he brought me into what seemed to be a greenhouse. It wasn't humid, as I expected; it was the most beautiful room I had ever seen. Flowers and trees of all varieties filled the room, making it seem as though we were in the middle of a jungle. There were no walls—not solid, anyway, but glass walls surrounded us, to let the sunlight stream in and nourish the plant life. I walked around and looked at each plant, absently touching and smelling the flowers. Some were in full bloom. Others, tiny buds just starting to swell. “This is so beautiful. Who grew all of these?” I continued to look at all the flowers and enjoy their heavenly aroma.

  "Mostly Hunter. As you can see, he has a green thumb. I occasionally enjoy gardening, but with my schedule, I can't venture out here in the daylight."

  I nodded as I made my way around the room. “You perform a lot of surgeries during the day or something?"

  "Or something."

  I turned to him and he smiled. He didn't elaborate on his response, and cryptic as it was, I didn't press him for a deeper explanation. I assumed he didn't like talking about work. Who did? As I walked the circumference of the room, I stopped in front of him. I don't know if it was the smell of the flowers, the champagne, or his scent, but I felt light headed and euphoric. We looked at each other for a second or two before his head dipped and he traced my lips with his tongue. I had hardly cooled down from our earlier explorations; my panties still wet from my arousal. I was so worked up, I moaned into his mouth from his simple touch. He must have taken that as a cue, because he crushed me to him and slanted his mouth over mine. Our tongues met in the middle and tangled for supremacy. Of course, he won, and I was thrilled at his dominant streak. It made me feel entirely feminine.

  "Oh, Ashliyn, I've never wanted anything more then I want you right now."

  He broke away from my mouth and buried his head at my neck as he whispered the words. I ran my hands up and down his muscled back, loving the way it flexed beneath my fingertips. It wasn't as if I were saving myself for marriage. I just had never found anyone I wanted desperately enough to lose my virginity to. Kerian, however, was the man I wanted to lose it to.

  "I want it just as much as you do.” I said the words into his chest and felt him tense all over. I took that as a good thing; maybe I had surprised him with my comment. He pulled back and looked down at me with so much desire, I shivered.

  "We shouldn't."

  "No, we really should.” I didn't know why I was being so blatantly sexual about this, but since meeting him, it was as if my body were on fire and he was the only one who could put it out. I watched as his eyelids dipped to half-mast at my comment. I could feel his stiff erection pressing against my stomach, and I moved closer. I heard him swallow and close his eyes as the softness of my stomach moved against the steel of his erection.

  "You want this?” He pressed into me farther and I moaned. I could hear my breathing now, and it sounded desperate. I nodded as I moved my hand down his stomach. I felt the defined muscles bunch together under my touch. My fingers slid over the top of his belt, the cold metal of the buckle a stark contrast to my overheated skin. My breath came out in a puff as my fingers wandered lower to his penis. I ran my hand the length of it and swallowed at its size. I was a virgin, yes, but I knew when I encountered a monster of an erection. Even through his pants, his shaft was huge. I could feel the outline of the head as it rose towards me, as if seeking me out. He felt thick and long, and I wondered if he would fit inside me. His breaths were coming fast and shallow, just as mine were, and I didn't know if he realised he was gripping my hips so tightly, it felt like pleasurable pain.

  "Are you sure about this?"

  I was so far gone from my arousal, all I could do was nod and squeeze his erection more forcefully. He took that as my answer, groaned into my hair, and took my hand as he led me through the sitting room and up the carpeted stairs. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body, and my sex clenching in anticipation. At the top of the stairs, he led me past several doors, finally stopping at the one at the end of the hall. He opened the door silently and led me into the dark space. He quickly turned on a light, shut the door and pushed me up against it. At last, I was finally going to lose my virginity, and to a man I truly cared for.

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  Chapter Eight

  * * * *

  His mouth covered mine before I could anticipate what he was doing. His hands framed my face as his mouth took possession of mine. His tongue slid along my lips, wetting them before slipping past and plunging against mine. I moaned into his kiss as I let my hands explore his arms and back. I started to unbutton his shirt, but only got half-way before he broke away from me and ripped it off himself. Buttons flew in every direction and as he looked down at me, he looked like an animal finally set free. I stared at him. I don't think I had ever seen a male chest look as exquisitely delicious as Kerian's. His muscles stood out, the room's lighting casting shadows on every hollow and crevice. His body was big and muscular, the tendons and sinews toned to perfection. I could see the outline of his erection as it pressed against his pants—the room's light seemed to showcase it even more. I licked my lips as I stared at him. He slowly walked closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, then ran his fingertips over my revealed skin as he slowly slid my dress off my shoulders. The fabric fell easily off my body, pooling at my feet.

  He stood staring at me and I started to feel a little self-conscious. My breasts weren't very big, so the fact that I hadn't worn a bra was starting to make me doubt my decision. I felt nervous as I stood there. No man had ever seen me naked, and I wondered what was running through his mind.

  "You are the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on."

  My breath hitched in my throat at his softly spoken words. His voice was deep and husky, and his eyes dropped farther down, giving him a sleepy appearance. I cleared my throat, but didn't say anything in response to his comment. I stood absolutely still as he brought his hand to my collarbone and lightly traced it. He placed one hand on the door beside my head, his other teasing my flesh. I felt his hand shaking on my skin and closed my eyes in pleasure as he slowly brought his fingertips down to one of my breasts. He traced the nipple gently, making my nipple pucker and stand erect. I opened my eyes and stared at his dazed and dreamy face. I pressed my hands against the cool wood of the door as I saw his head descend towards my nipple. I braced myself as I felt his warm, wet mouth encase my now-throbbing nipple and felt him suck me. My head tipped back and rested on the door as I moaned at the erotic feel of his mouth sucking and nipping at my flesh. A continuous flow of moisture seeped out of me, and I braced my legs farther apart to relieve the pressure. He stroked my other breast and tweaked the nipple until the blood rushed to that spot and it stood hard. His mouth rotated between my breasts as his hands worked their way over my hips and to the top of my panties. He slid his fingers under the waistband, until that too was pooled at my ankles. He helped me step out of them, all the while never breaking contact with my nipples. He kissed his way down my ribs and over my stomach, nipping and licking into the crescent of my belly button. I reached for him, spreading my hands in his hair.

  I watched as he made his way over my hips, lifting my leg to drape over his shoulder. I knew what he was about to do, and I was a little apprehensive about having him so close to something so private. His mouth traced where my leg met my mound, his wet tongue skating over my flesh and causing goose bumps. He ran his hands over the tops of my thighs and moved his fingers over my now-saturated pussy lips. I felt him slide his fingers over them before gently pulling them apart. I felt very exposed, but what he was doing
to me was making me so aroused, I would have let him do anything. I felt my clit give a mighty throb as his fingers ran up and down the inside of my lips. I was soaking wet, and his fingers slid easily over my flesh.

  "You're so wet for me."

  He growled the words so close to my vagina, I thought I'd have an orgasm then and there. My voice broke on a moan as I felt his mouth encase my clit and give it several sucks while his finger delved into my opening. My clit throbbed in his mouth, and I could feel myself clench around his thrusting finger. His free hand gripped my ass from between my legs before running back to my vagina and spreading me wide. I felt his tongue flatten and drag up from my opening all the way to my clit before sucking my clit back into the hot cavern of his mouth. I was so close to orgasm, I could feel myself pulling his hair. I let go in fear I might be hurting him.

  "No, pull it. It will make it that much better."

  That was all it took, his erotic words, to send me over the edge and into a pleasure-filled haze I had never before experienced. I gripped fistfuls of his hair as he continued to suck at my clit and plunge into my pussy. I thrusted down on his finger and moaned loudly. My body slowly came down from its shivering high, but I still felt little tremors coursing through me as he scooped me up and walked me over to the bed. I felt drugged and light-headed, and his every move made my clit pulse with aftershocks. I moaned and stretched as I felt cool silken sheets meet my back. I opened my eyes. He removed my shoes before unbuckling his pants, and stepping out of them and his underwear. He stood naked and glorious. My gaze travelled down his rippling abdomen to the dark thatch of hair at the base of his penis. My eyes widened at the size of him. His shaft was hard, and I could see moisture leaking from the slit. He was huge, much bigger than I thought a man could be. I doubted whether he would fit inside me. As if reading my mind, he swallowed and moved over me on the bed.

  "Don't worry, it'll fit. I'm going to make you feel so good."


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