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Echoes of the Past ds-4

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by Tim Marquitz

  Echoes of the Past

  ( Demon squad - 4 )

  Tim Marquitz

  Tim Marquitz

  Echoes of the Past

  Chapter One

  “My name is Hasstor. I bear word from Lucifer.”

  It took a second for the words to sink in, rattled as I was from being dragged from Earth and dumped into some backwater, cross-dimensional cesspool. Just a few minutes before, I’d been spending what I thought was my last minutes alive with Karra and mourning the loss of Abe, when the demon Xyx and his flunkies, black and White, showed up. Now, here I was, standing before their master. I don’t know what I was expecting from this forced meeting, but it certainly wasn’t a message from my not-so-dearly-departed uncle.

  There was fog in the air and it made my eyes water. Xyx, Black, and White had all faded into it after dropping me off. They were pretty much out of sight, out of mind because all I could do was stare at Hasstor. There was no mistaking the guy was a demon, of some kind, but I felt a strange reverberation against my senses. It was something I couldn’t put my finger on. His power was subdued, held in check by sheer will and the smoke that clung to everything like a bad credit score, but it was clear he had plenty of it. As it had when I first encountered Xyx, the wash of Hasstor’s magic rolled over me and made my stomach twist. Whoever he was and wherever he came from, he sat at the top of the food chain.

  His cold, lidless gray eyes didn’t waver as he stared back, waiting for me to respond. Unlike Xyx, Hasstor didn’t hide behind a cloak and mask. In fact, he left nothing to the imagination. Naked as the day he was hatched, Hasstor stood before me like he was posing for the cover of Demonic Playgirl. His skin was an abyssal obsidian, so black it shimmered with a radiant blue in the dim light. Possessed of four powerfully built arms he stood with two of them upon his hips, drawing awkward attention to the monster between his legs; and I really mean monster.

  Nearly as big as his forearm, the thing squirmed and hissed, silver teeth gnashing in the gaping maw that split the tip. Tiny black eyes dotted the serpentine length like a bad case of the clap. They blinked in alternating order, but kept their gaze on me the whole time. It made me more uncomfortable than watching an episode of Glee.

  I tore my eyes away and followed the swirling trail of puckered scars that covered Hasstor’s flesh. They stood out, just a shade lighter than the rest of his skin. There were too many, and they were too intricate in design, to be anything but ritualistic. I didn’t have a clue what they meant, but I spied some similar to the ones I’d seen on the containment case in Lucifer’s chambers. There was a subtle difference to them that made me think it was a different language, but it gave me the idea that whoever-whatever-had been locked up inside it wasn’t from Earth.

  Finally back at Hasstor’s hairless face, pug-nosed and square-jawed, I found my voice. “Uncle Lou sent you, huh?” My cheeks warmed as I thought about my uncle. Had Hasstor shown up a couple of months back, I’d have thrown a party to hear from Lucifer, but now? Not so much. There were too many questions.

  Hasstor nodded, his upper lip pulled into an amused sneer.

  “You’d think if this was so important he would have come himself.” No clue who Hasstor was, I wanted to be sure he was legitimately delivering a message from my uncle before I decided how I would deal with it.

  The low rumble of a chuckle slipped from him. “Lucifer told me you would be difficult, Triggaltheron, so he provided me with the means to convince you.”

  I cringed a little at the use of my full name, but given all the folks who’d been spitting it out lately, I was kind of getting used to it. Shrugging it off, I watched as he held out his upper right arm, his clawed fingers spreading open before me. Bright against his dark skin was a red dot of liquid that could only be blood. My senses fluttered against it expecting the residual feedback of my uncle’s power, but that wasn’t what I found.

  My legs buckled and nearly went out from beneath me as the essence of the blood hit home. The air cooled in my lungs and I held my breath, my heart thumping a cannonade. I reached out and scooped the drop from Hasstor’s palm and cradled it in trembling hands. It wasn’t Lucifer’s blood.

  It was my mother’s.

  “How-“ I started, but the words clung to my tongue.

  “These are dark times. Lucifer knew you might question a messenger bearing even his essence, but he had no doubt you would heed the word of one who bore that of your dam.” I felt the weight of his eyes on me, though I couldn’t tear mine from the tiny drop of my mother’s blood. It was the closest to her I’d been since I laid her to rest outside her ancestral village. “Is this true?” he continued.

  I nodded.

  “Good, for I have little time before my presence is noted. The conflagration in your Heaven was the perfect cover for my arrival. Despite my power being depleted by the long journey, those more mystically adept will soon see beyond my weakened veil now that the conflict is over and their attention is not drawn elsewhere.”

  Only half paying attention, I licked the blood from my palm. Warmth flooded my mouth, my tongue going numb as the essence of my mother’s spirit filled me. It was the tiniest of sparks, but it filled my head with memories that had been dormant for centuries. I could hear her soft voice and smell the subtle waft of the flowers she used to scent her bath. As morbid as it sounded, I wished I had more of her blood so I could hold onto her longer. I missed my mother. She was the only person in my life who truly cared about me without qualification. She loved me because I was her son. That was enough for her. It was everything to me.

  Hasstor grunted, ruining my reverie, and drew my attention to yet another of his clawed hands he held out. In it was a thick tome. It was covered in the strange symbols Hasstor wore on his flesh and looked as though it was made of some ancient leather. I suspected it was a hide of a more human nature, the writing like raised scars. With only a little hesitation, I took it. I didn’t need to examine it further to know I wouldn’t be snuggling up with it in front of the fireplace.

  “What is this?”

  “Lucifer wished it passed on to you, but he gave no specifics as to its nature or its intended use. He said to hide it where no eyes may see, and that you would know what he asked of you.”

  That was a pretty clear allusion to the God-proof room in Lucifer’s chambers. He didn’t want anyone to be able to track the thing. I nodded to Hasstor, not really happy about another mystery, but I hoped the book might help translate the spells on the broken case and give me some clue as to who had been locked up inside it.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “Yes.” Hasstor drew a step closer. I had to resist the urge to step away from little Squirmy. “He wants you to know a war is being waged beyond your universe. God and Lucifer fight together to repel the enemy that threatens all of existence, but Lucifer fears the battle might reach Earth before the war is concluded. He asks that you find a way to prepare for its coming, or at least warn those who might stand in your planet’s defense should Lucifer not be able. If Earth falls, it may well become a foothold behind allied lines that might lead to the defeat of God.”

  Hey, look at that; bad news. How unexpected. “What are we in for?” I really didn’t want to know, but what the hell? I’m a glutton for punishment.

  “I am permitted to say little of the nature of our enemy, but so you understand the gravity of what may come about, your universe was only the most recent of God’s creations, and far from the most evolved, or the most dangerous.”

  “So, we’re talking aliens?” This kept getting better and better.

  “Alien to you, yes, but yet quite similar as well. If there was to be a flaw in God’s plans of Genesis it would be the self-absorption
that infests so many of the beings He created to populate the various worlds.”

  Amen! He was preaching to the choir. People sucked all over. “Are there little green men coming?” I didn’t think I had enough tinfoil saved up to protect me from the answer.

  He didn’t even crack a smile. “There may well be, but I cannot say for certain. Even to my people, God’s plans and motivations are a mystery. I know only that your universe, as well as my own, are but parts of a larger plot whose purpose we are not meant to fathom.”

  “So, y’all are no better off than us, huh?”

  Hasstor laughed. His voice was a deep rumble that stirred the fog. “In our relations to God, we are most definitely no more informed.”

  It was strangely comforting to know humanity wasn’t the only species getting screwed by the powers that be. Chalk one up for equality.

  “Is this an impending doom type of scenario, or will I get to take a nap first?” I could really use one.

  It’s hard to believe that just days before I was fighting to save Heaven from rogue archangels, werewolves, and vampires, oh my. The unexpected arrival of my cousin, Scarlett, beat to hell, set it all off. The Nephilim sent to finish the job were only the icing on the crap cake to follow.

  After jet-setting around the world — Iran, Saudi Arabia…Hell — in a race to get to Heaven ahead of the supernatural rabble looking to plant their flag, and to escape the deadly storms that scoured the planet as the Tree of Life shared its death throes, I just wasn’t in the mood for any more apocalyptic bullshit.

  Abe’s funeral was the culmination of it all. I watched from the trees as friends and family gathered at the grave, but not me. My mentor, my friend, the closest I’ve ever had to a human father, was laid to rest, and I was in the nosebleed seats. Even the cemetery workers got a better view. It was all just too much.

  Hasstor’s face settled into an amused grin. “Lucifer did not provide me with a timeline, but neither did he convey the sense his fears were imminent. I believe he is simply being cautious, for even he does not know the full extent of what his and God’s forces face.”

  That was encouraging. Nothing like saving the Earth only to find out the rest of the universe is on the verge of obliteration. How Douglas Adams. All I needed was a towel and a fish to shove up my ass. Right then, I almost wished Xyx had brought me here to be executed. It certainly would have saved me a bunch of stress. “Was there anything else Uncle Lou wanted passed on, like maybe asking how his beloved nephew is doing? Anything non-apocalyptic like that?”

  “The tome and the warning were all he sent.”

  Never any love for poor old Frank. Maybe I was just deluded, thinking I was more important to my uncle than I really was. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, though. You don’t earn the title the Father of Lies by being honest. It still sucked, but that’s what I get for thinking I’m special.

  “It is time for me to leave, Triggaltheron. Xyx waits to aid my return to our world, but Jonas Black and Ethan White will remain. They will report on Earth’s progress and yours as well.” He held out a green gem wrapped in a strange, shifting, gray metal that looked almost liquid. “This is a summoning stone. With it close by, you can call them to you should you need their assistance or necessity demands you forward a message to Lucifer.”

  I didn’t think that was likely as I took the gem, but I could imagine a few scenarios where being able to summon a couple of Black and White targets to take the heat off my back would be nice. As I was thinking that, a subtle hint of power rippled against my senses. Hasstor drew on his magic, and the fog danced chaotic at his feet.

  “It would be best if the earthlings at large were kept ignorant of the universes beyond their borders. They are too fragile a species to grasp the complexities of their true place in the grand scheme of life.”

  Half human myself, I wasn’t sure how to take that, but I let it go. I’ve had enough fights outside of my weight class lately to know better than to take this one on. I plastered on my best I’m-Gonna-Screw-Your-Daughter look, nodded, and waved goodbye. A split second later, Hasstor’s spell took hold, and I was whisked away.

  I could have sworn Squirmy winked at me.

  Chapter Two

  Much to my surprise, I arrived back in my living room, in the exact same spot Xyx picked me up. Convenient.

  I didn’t know how long I’d been gone-time in alternate dimensions always a bit screwy in comparison to Earth-but I knew it had been a little while, at least; long enough to ruin my day. My senses pinged on an empty house. Karra and Chatterbox were already gone, leaving me alone. That was the last thing I wanted to be.

  As soon I realized I was coming back from my unexpected jaunt across the universe, and wasn’t gonna die, I’d started imagining being with Karra more. Together again for such a short time, the shadow of Abe’s death lingering over the last couple days of relative peace after the Heaven debacle, I just wanted to cuddle.

  Yeah, I said it.

  But as usual, especially of late, my uncle and his needs and machinations trumped any of my insignificant wants and desires. It felt like a bad marriage; ‘til death do I get screwed. Not that it did me any good to complain. The big boys were gonna play their reindeer games regardless, and the little folks would be the ones to pay for it. It had always been that way. Expecting my lot to be any different now was like hoping a politician would make good on his campaign promises. It just wasn’t gonna happen.

  Still upset about Abe, I wasn’t in the mood to give a damn about Lucifer’s bullshit. It wouldn’t be going away anytime soon, so why bother? In the mood for a beer, I went to the kitchen and pulled open the refrigerator. A couple of cold Budweisers stared back at me from inside. I pulled one out and realized I couldn’t open the damn thing with Lucifer’s tome still in my hand. Not up for a jaunt to Hell just yet, wanting to call Karra first, I needed someplace safe to stick the stupid thing. The first place that came to mind was rather rude, but then I glanced down at the crisper drawer, full of old and wilted vegetables, and it hit me that was the perfect place for it. No one would dig through my shriveled tomatoes and brown lettuce looking for anything, let alone a book no one in the universe even knew existed.

  I yanked the drawer open and dropped the book inside, rearranging all the plastic bags of fruits and vegetables so they completely covered the book. Not even sure why I had the damn things to begin with, I topped the wilted mess off with a hairy plum just for the ambiance. Once that was done, I shut the fridge and popped the top off the beer. The first sip was cold and refreshing and made me want a dozen more. Given all that had happened lately, a good and sloppy fifteen minute drunk was in order. A two minute liaison with a gorgeous blond certainly wouldn’t ruin my mood any either.

  Thunder rumbled as I made my way back to the living room, and I heard the patter of rain striking the roof. It’d been coming down pretty steadily since the Tree of Life started its recovery from Gabriel’s assault on Heaven, nature doing its best to repair the damage it had wrought. As I turned into the foyer, I could smell the moisture in the air. It’s thick, musky scent was a huge difference from the normally dry, desert air of El Paseo. It was a pleasant change from the oppressive, summer heat.

  A flash of lightning drew my attention to the front door, bright light peeking through the frame and illuminating the wall in a golden sliver. Drops of rain splattered through the crack and wet the floor, and I realized the door was open. I thought Karra might have left it that way when she left, but that didn’t make sense. She would have taken the portal seeing how she was carrying Chatterbox. Hard to slip out unnoticed with a severed zombie head that never shuts up stuffed under your arm.

  My senses not picking up anything in or around the house, I figured the storm had blown it open. Ethan and Jonas had burnt the wards out when they’d come to collect me the first time, so I wasn’t too worried about it, but paranoia runs deep in my blood. I pushed my will out further and scanned the area. There was nothing unusual.
r />   I peered outside. The night was quiet, and the street empty, unlike the last time I’d answered my door. The slight wind fluttered past me and chilly water splashed against my cheeks, the rain blowing straight toward the front of the house. It felt good. I took another sip of my beer and watched the shower for a minute, standing in the doorway. Lightning crackled in the distance and lit up my front yard, drawing my attention to something reflective on the sidewalk. I stepped off the porch and went to where I’d seen the flicker.

  It was a silver-looking coin, the size of a half-dollar, lying on the ground. Picking it up, it was heavy in my hand and a little rough, as though it were made of pewter. I glanced at the coin and saw it had a design on its face. It was like one of the old Batman TV series sound effect balloons. Jagged edges in tinted red made it look like an explosion. The word Bam! was printed on it in bold, black lettering.

  I looked up to see a flash in the distance, above the rooftops of the house across the street. My mind processed it as lightning, but something more primal screamed a warning.

  A bee sting of agony screamed to life at my forehead. My legs collapsed and I was knocked backwards onto the porch, crashing hard into the ground. Stars swirled before my eyes and I couldn’t see. I tried to get up, but my arms and legs were numb. I couldn’t feel them. My thoughts stumbled all over each other as I tried to think.

  The stars winked out one by one as blackness flooded the edges of my vision. I felt my body convulse…and then I felt nothing.

  Chapter Three

  “I told you he’d survive.”

  A strange, smooth voice filtered through my ears and slid muffled into my brain. I heard the words, but I couldn’t make much sense of them; they sounded almost foreign. Pain flitted at the edge of my senses, muted and nagging more than debilitating, but it was there. Bright dots danced across the screens of my eyelids, but I was afraid to open them. There was a slight sense of motion and pressure inside my skull. It felt like there was a worm wiggling its way out of my brain.


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