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Winter's Kiss (An Erotic Fairytale Short Book 1)

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by J. P. Uvalle

  “Prince Estevan.”

  Teasingly, he licks his lips at me, causing my breath to catch in my throat. Prince Estevan has a way of eliciting sensations my body has never known. “Thanks for saving me.”

  “Anything for you, princess.” Effortlessly, he dips me backward then sensually presses me back against his muscular body draped in black.

  “You’re an amazing dancer,” I beam.

  “You’re not bad yourself,” he winks.

  My hearts goes into a frenzy.

  “Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes. Now that I am in good company,” I giggle.

  His sexy smile makes my cheeks heat. I love and hate how my body responds to him. Unable to resist his charm, I allow myself to melt into him, lay my head on his shoulders as the orchestra plays a slower song.

  “Being here with you just feels so right, yet I know so little about you.”

  I lift my head from his shoulder. “I was just going to say—”

  “Winter, darling. There you are. There’s someone, dying to meet you.”

  At the same time, our gaze rivets to the side of us to find my stepmother and the redheaded woman Prince Estevan was schmoozing with earlier. I fake a smile, deciding to play nice. We turn to face them, and out the corner of my eye, I see Prince Estevan fidgeting with his fingers behind his back. His Adam's apple pops up and down. What is he so nervous about?

  “Winter, dear. This is Gwendolyn, Princess of Adonis…” She turns the corners of her lips up at Estevan. “Prince Evestan’s fiancee.”

  I feel my heart sink into the pit of my stomach as Gwendolyn glares death into my soul. Not once but twice my stepmother has ruined my evening. Served another crushing blow. All my hopes evaporate, and I don’t bother to say a word.

  I run, tears pooling from my eyes.

  “Winter,” I hear Estevan scream after me.

  With hundreds of stunned eyes on me, I don’t stop until I reach the garden maze where I can be alone with my thoughts. I lean against a towering bush, starving for air. I pray I am having a nightmare, hoping that all I have ever dreamt of wasn’t just taken right from under me. By her…Gwendolyn.“This isn’t happening.” Why hadn’t he said something before? The sense of betrayal doubles me over on my knees. My chest constricts so tight I can’t reel in any air. Swaying away from the bush, I dizzily walk down the snow-dusted cobblestone path. The sky is dying like my heart, vanishing behind the tall trimmed hedges. With my head down I aimlessly travel through the maze, not caring if I ever find my way out.

  The sight of a shadow shifting in the dim light makes every hair on my scalp stands at attention, every neuron firing as fear trickles like ice water through my body. Whoever is behind me their breaths are staggered and choppy, and I hesitantly turn around. Vibrant eyes tug at my broken heart, pulling it completely apart. This is crazy… I just met you. I shouldn’t feel like this! “When were you going to tell me your heart belonged to another?”

  He puts his hands in the air. “I was going to tell you, I swear. And…my heart doesn’t belong to her. I don’t think it ever will now that I’ve met you.”

  I puff air through my nose and shoot my arms toward the sky. “Don’t try to work your charm on me now. WE. CAN’T. BE. TOGETHER. You’re promised to someone else, remember! Us. It can never be.”

  He hangs his head. “Yes…I wish things could be different.”

  “And to think you knew this entire time when you were doing that thing with your tongue. Do all boys take advantage or is it just you?”

  “My God. Can you blame me? I mean, look at you. You’re irresistible with your curvy hips and sultry red lips.”

  “So, this…you not telling me about your fiancee—Gwendolyn Balavarr of all people—and you coming on to me is my fault?” I stab my fingers into his chest.

  Prince Estevan doesn’t speak, he only sits down on the bench, not caring there is snow on it and shoves his hands through his sexy black hair. Nothing but silence passes between us and I can’t bare it any longer. Lifting up my dress I storm forward, but then I feel his hand tighten around my wrist. “Please don’t go. Not yet. Just tell me what I have to do to make it up to you.” Getting up from the bench he hovers above me, threading his fingers through my hair. “I’ll do anything. Just say the word.”

  For a moment I contemplate how to make him pay, but in the end, it will only make letting him go that much harder. I love myself too much to put me through any more heartache. There is no happy ending in the cards for us. It’s better to accept it now and move on. I rip my wrist from his grasp, my palm hits his cheek. The impact echoes throughout the maze. “Never speak to me again.”

  “No.” He scoops me up by the back of my thighs with such determination it scares me and has my entire body feeling like it’s been set on fire.

  My back collides with the stonewall of the maze, and I’m stuck between a hard place and another…hard place, his bulging cock digging into me. Estevan’s sweet breath now lingers above my swollen lips. It takes all my willpower and more not to kiss him, let my tongue dance with his. Let him have his way with me.

  “Listen to me. I am going to find a way out of this marriage one way or another, hoping you’ll be at the end waiting for me. Goodbye, for now, my princess.” He places a swift kiss on my forehead and disappears around the corner, leaving me to battle with my body, my heart, and my head. The uncertainty of my future brings another stream of tears to my eyes. At one point I thought Prince Estevan was going to be my one and only, to have and to hold for all eternity. Truth be told…you don’t always get what you want.

  Going back in, I dodge Zanna coming out from the ballroom on a man’s arm. At least someone is having luck tonight. The last thing I want to do is upset her with my scandalous evening. She deserves to have a little fun, spending a night not being in my shadow. I owe her that much; she’s always there when I need her. But, tonight I need to take care of myself. I decide to call it a night and make my way to my bedchamber. I undress out of my gown and slip on my tunic. Pulling back the cover, I try to push tonight’s events out of my head. Especially Prince Estevan. I don’t know what mess he is tangled up in, but I know I want no part of it. He might as well have ‘trouble’ stamped on his forehead.

  I spend the next hour tossing and turning in my bed that I am relieved to hear a knock on my door. Getting up, I don’t bother to throw on my robe because I know it has to be Zanna. She probably found the Lord of dreams and couldn’t wait to tell me about it. Swinging open the door, I find myself frozen in place. My heart skipping several beats at a time.

  It’s him.

  Prince Estevan.

  “How did you get past my guards?” I snarl.

  “Shhh. Keep your voice down.” He tries to walk into my room.

  I shove him back. “You’re not allowed in my room.”

  A wicked grin appears on his face. “Why? Are you afraid of what might happen?” He towers over me, sex rolling off him in waves. His scent of sandalwood embedding itself deep into my memory.

  I glare. “No.”

  “Then there should be no problem letting me in.” He takes a step forward.

  I push him back. “What do you want?”

  “I needed to know you were all right.” He frowns. The sincerity in his eyes tugs at my heartstrings, but I have to bury my feelings for him. He will never belong to me. Gwendolyn, that lucky bitch.

  “I’m fine. Now, leave.” I attempt to close the door, but Estevan pushes back.

  “Princess Winter, please hear me out.”

  I sigh with a groan. “If it will get you out of my life faster, then fine.” I wave my hand for him to enter, then quietly close the door.

  He walks over to look out my window. “Nice view.”

  You can say that again. I bite my lip, my eyes trailing up and down Estevan’s body. I marvel at the breadth of his shoulders, the ones I so badly want to dig my nails into as he does unspeakable things to me. Cool your lady parts. “Okay,
start talking.” I gulp as I try to put as much distance between him and the bed as I can. I decide to sit in the rocking chair that once belonged to my mother. She sat in it to share the fairytales my grandmother used to tell her. I pray that by sitting in this chair, her strength will somehow absorb into my body. All I can think about right now is how I want to erase that brooding look off his face and shove him down onto the bed, fervidly collide my body against his until I’m sated. I clench my legs closed, wondering how I will get through the next few minutes without ripping his clothes off?

  Chapter Six


  How has my life become so complex? Shakily, I rake my hands through my hair as I go to sit down on her bed. Running my hand over the silk sheets, I imagine our bodies entangled beneath them, not afraid to let the raw passion we feel flow between us. But, I didn't come here to play out my fantasies. Winter and I have matters to attend to.

  I withhold a wicked smirk as I watch her. She is sitting across the room in an old rocking chair, her thighs tightly clenched together. From her strained expression, I can sense she is struggling to resist temptation. Fortunately for her, I plan to make things easy on her. Right now, I must regain what little trust I had with her before Queen Hildred introduced Gwendolyn as my fiancee. I pat the spot next to me. “Come here.”

  “No. I am fine as we are.” She clears her throat, the wooden chair creaks underneath her as she shifts her weight to one side.

  “Winter, I promise, I will be on my best behavior. Please sit next to me.”

  Her eyes pierce through the moonlight studying me intently. And instead of coming to sit next to me, she stands, picking up the rocking chair and moves it closer. Still, not close enough for me to reach out and touch her if I desire to.

  You undoubtedly have “my future queen” written all over those thighs. “Well played.” Her defiance arouses me, making my cock kick in my pants.

  “Thank you. Now…go on.” She crosses her legs, her face set with a determined expression. Winter is going to do everything in her power to resist what her heart and body want.

  I am okay with that for now. It’s not Winter’s fault we can’t be together—it’s mine. Well, my idiot father’s. Given King Balavarr’s past of pitting kingdoms against each other, I suspect he hasn’t been forthcoming about his real plans. A snake like him always has a hidden agenda for him to come out on top, and I know in my heart he is going to sabotage my father to get there. If I don’t stop him, history is bound to repeat itself. My people of Farrington don’t deserve that. It’s my duty as next reigning king to protect them from harm, and having a woman as strong-willed as Winter beside me would help me survive the storm about to fall over France.

  “Princess Winter, I know we just met, but sometimes that’s all it takes for you to know that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. I know with every cell, every nerve in my body you are the woman for me. I would risk it all for you. I just need to know that you’re going to be in this with me. This path won’t be easy, but I am willing to endure it for you. For my people. The question is…are you?” Waiting for her to answer my question, my stomach feels as though it is being anchored by weight.

  “What are you saying…you’d betray your father, your alliance…for me?”

  “If that what has to happen, then yes.” I won’t tell her about King Balavarr, not yet. I want her to do this because she wants to be with me and not for the fact the fate my kingdom’s future is in jeopardy.

  She shakes her head. “No. I can’t possibly allow this.”

  I jolt up from the bed, instantly I am on the floor in front of her. “I get you are afraid but don’t deny your feelings for me.”

  “I’m not—I just.” She frowns.

  Before I know it, my hand is working its way up her thigh. Her skin feels so soft, yearning for my touch; however, I decide it best not to push my luck. I refrain from touching her and sit back on my heels. “I want you, Winter. Only you. Nobody else will do.”

  “I want you too, but we can’t do this. The consequences we’ll face will be far too great. Estevan…I am sorry.” Winter flutters her eyes shut, and teardrops trickle down her cheeks. Her eyes wander away from mine. “Please go,” she sobs.

  Slowly, I walk to the door and hesitate to turn the knob. I look over my shoulder. “I am not going to give up on us, Winter. Even if it means the death of me. I don’t need weeks or months to know we are something worth fighting for.”

  The morning came and went. For the past hour, I’ve been hiding away in my bedchamber from Princess—if you can even call her that—Gwendolyn. Just the sound of her breathing gives me a splitting headache. Looking out the window, I catch a glimpse of Winter heading toward the forest. With all the festivities going on and all the men dying to court her, I know this may be my only opportunity to spend time alone with her. So with haste, I throw my suit jacket over my shoulders and head towards the door. I try my best not to make a sound when closing it—this hallway tends to amplify the smallest noises.

  “There you are, my prince charming.”

  Bloody hell. I spin on my heel. “Gwendolyn dear.” Cringing inwardly, I peck both of her cheeks.

  Oddly her dull gray eyes light up with excitement. “Our fathers have arrived. Queen Hildred has requested our company for afternoon tea.”

  I rather die of the plaque. “Oh, isn’t that just grand.” I force a smile so wide I fear my lips might bleed. “Will Princess Winter be attending?”

  Dissfaction plows her brow. “Why is her revolting presence of any importance to you?”

  “I only ask because…she’s a complete headcase and I want to enjoy my tea.”

  “Very well.” She interlaces her hand with mine, and I can feel my hand incinerate with disgust.

  We travel down the hall in silence. Thankfully, the royal tea room is not far, because this is absolute torture holding the hand of a woman I care nothing about. Walking in, the smell of jasmine tea and freshly baked bread causes a tightening in my stomach. I haven’t eaten since the ball.

  “I am delighted you were able to make it.” Queen Hildred is fast to greet us with a smile I find odd.

  “Your Majesty, thanks for extending an invitation for us to join you this lovely Winter’s afternoon.” I nod as Gwendolyn attempts a graceful curtsy. She’s the most uncoordinated person I’ve ever met.

  Queen Hildred waves her hand towards the back of the room. “Please…have a seat.”

  When she moves out of my line of vision, I see my father and King Balavarr partaking in a heated conversation. Maybe that’s why the queen was so quick to greet us. Perhaps she’s hoping Gwendolyn and me will be a buffer to dilute the tension in the room.

  They both adjust their suits when they are aware we’re are now in the room. I let go of her hand, nodding to both the men I despise and take my seat. The Kings and Queen continue their heated debate about taxation to the point their blue in the face. Gwendolyn expression is blank as if she has no clue what they are even arguing about.

  “A monarch is a type of butterfly right?” Gwendolyn whispers to me.

  I have to set down my cup to keep myself from breaking it in half. And this is the woman he picked to rule beside me! “Yes dear,” I force a smile. Fucking dim-wit. I down the rest of my tea with a gulp but it only makes my blood boil even hotter. I can’t take this anymore. “Extraction of taxes by a centralized body will allow for better-funded services, providing the state and the participation in the new network of overseas trade will bring new business to local tradesmen.” For once in my life, I side with my father. Hildred looks at me, her jaw unhinged as Balavarr glares at me. Once again, he is trying to manipulate the situation to benefit him and only him. Some partnership. How can my father not see his deceit?

  “Well…I believe Estevan is right.” Balavarr stares daggers at me for he knows I don’t buy any of his bull.

  I meet the intensity of his glare as I stand. “It’s Prince, Soon-to-be-King-of-Farringt
on to you, King Balavarr.” I shift my gaze to Queen Hildred. “May I be excused, your majesty?”

  She gives me a nervous smile and nods. “Certainty.”

  Gwendolyn tries to follow me, but I cut her off at the pass. “Where are you going?” she pouts.

  “I just need some time to think.” I have to find Winter before I go completely insane. Exiting the tea room, I bump into my best friend and his lady friend I’d seen with Princess Winter at the ball. One of her ladies-in-waiting I presume. They both clear their throats.

  “Hmm…you two look cozy.”

  “Prince Estevan, meet Lady Zanna…my fiancee.”

  My eyes widen in shock. “ Congratulations to you both.” I take her offered hand and place a small kiss on the back of it.

  “Have you seen Princess Winter? I must find her.”

  “She’s at her thinking spot. It’s best not to bother her.”

  “It’s urgent, like life and death urgent. Lady Zanna, I need your help.”

  Her gaze lingers for a moment. “Okay if you must. This way.”

  Chapter Seven


  As I lay in the snow, a shiver spirals up my spine. I seek to feel numb, but all the images and thoughts of Prince Estevan race through my mind, heating my heart. How he is willing to throw away his crown for me? All for love? That’s not possible, is it? There has to be more to this story than he’s telling me. He has hidden things from me before, what is stopping him from doing it again? Can I really trust him? My mind boggles with so many questions that need answers, and I have the slightest clue of where to start.

  The sound of hoofs pounding the snow lifts me upright. Standing, I dust the frost from my dress. Few people know of this place. Three horses gallop around the trees, and to my surprise, Prince Estevan and another man I recognize from last night come into view…behind Zanna. Traitor.

  “What are you three doing here?”

  They step down from their horses, after that tying them to nearby trees.


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