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Winter's Kiss (An Erotic Fairytale Short Book 1)

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by J. P. Uvalle

  I turn to my right, it stops vibrating. I turn to my left, and if it weren’t attached to my neck, it would’ve been ripped from my grasp. Like a magnetic, I am pulled across the hallway. The snowflake unveils a lock in the wall, magically setting itself into the mold. A blue light blinks and the snowflake detaches from the wall, revealing a hidden door. Gasping in awe, I step into a mystical room covered with glittering frost with a white armoire tucked in the corner. I find myself instantly drawn to it and fling the doors open. Oh, Gods! An armor dress so elegant yet so fierce meets my eyes. The armor is engraved with blue snowflakes, the same design on my necklace, the same pattern of the hawks scar. “This can’t be a coincidence.” Searching through the armoire, I come across a letter sealed with Stoneshire’s emblem. I open it…


  If you have found this battle gown, then that means you have to fight for what you believe in. LOVE.

  You won’t be in it alone. Behind this gown holds your loyal army.

  I know you will be the most influential queen France has ever seen. Accomplish what we never could.

  Love does conquer all,

  Momma and Papa.

  My teardrops paint the page, blending the letters into a black blob. As I wipe away the wetness, I am instilled with renewed confidence. Hastily, I pull the gown from its enclosure. Once I have it on, a mystical power electrifies my veins and the gown sparkles like falling snow. I see another indention for my necklace to fit in. I set it in unlocking a hidden door. Stepping into another secret room, my exposed skin is brushed with a frost-biting chill. In the center is a statue of a man and a woman made of solid ice. As I sway up to study it closer, I recognize them as my grandparents who I’ve never met but have seen paintings of. My gaze drops to the gold plate in front of their statutes. “The Ice King and Queen.”

  “All those stories my mother told me weren’t fairytales at all…they were of my grandparents!”

  Several rectangles in the walls disappear replaced with knights dressed in white armor and…, my jaw slacks as I cautiously walk over to touch the mystical creature—an enormous white wolf with blue globes and same snowflake scar over his left eye. “Just gorgeous.” I ran my hand along his frozen body, my touch melting away the ice. He comes alive with a deep howl, rattling the walls of the secret room. The knights awaken and fall to their knees in front of me. “Our queen, it’s an honor to serve you in battle.” One of them unveils a special sword from his back and offers it to me. “Your royal sword, your Majesty.”

  Amazing! Holding the base of it in my hand, some of the power within me travels into the sword and continues an indefinite spiral of glow within it. “Thank you, my royal guard. Now…” I turn on my heel. “…Let’s go save our King.”

  Chapter Ten


  Surrounded by Balavarr guards, I am trapped on the Stoneshire Bridge awaiting my dreaded future. Today is when my soul dies. My father stands next to me, nose in the air like he has something to be proud of. This is a complete disaster waiting to happen. The end to the St. Claire legacy as we know it, and it’s all his doing. I hope the lust for greed and power are worth losing your son over.

  I scrunch my face in disgust because I can’t bare his existence any longer. A snowflake lands on my suit out of nowhere, a slight breeze setting in. The sky eerily darkens. Seeing the snow fall faster, gives me some comfort, reminding me of the woman I miss with every part of my being. Winter. Closing my eyes, I reminisce about the brief moment we shared over in the woods. Passion so hot and pure, the snow melted around us. The memory will get me through the years to come.

  The bell chiming brings me back to my harsh reality. I am being forced to marry the enemy, a woman I will never love. Gwendolyn appears walking down the aisle alone. There isn’t a gown or enough makeup in all of France to make her attractive to me. What a second…Where’s Balavarr?

  The nervousness of what could be holding him up twists my stomach in knots. He was at Stoneshire keeping an eye on things, but I knew he really meant Winter. My fists clench into a ball. If he’s hurt her in any way, I will have his head.

  She smiles at me through the vail, and all I want to do is vomit.

  Squawk!!! The white hawk from the other day circles above us, as if he is targeting his prey. The wedding guests gasp and point. “Oh my, do you see it? It’s a white hawk.”

  Rolling my shoulders, optimism cores though me. Maybe there is hope for Winter and me yet.

  The hawk dive-bombs some of the guards, starling the crowd. I figure this is the best time for me to escape. I swipe my father’s sword then push him over the bridge. He falls into the frozen lake and struggles to bring himself to the surface. “Good luck getting out of there. You should've learned how to swim.”

  “Estevan…blurp…please help.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “What on earth are you doing?” Gwendolyn screams in my face.

  I shove her to the ground as I run passed.

  “Not so fast prince charming.” Queen Hildred steps into my path with a few of Balavarr’s guards.

  What the…? “You don’t deserve the crown that lays upon your head, traitor.”

  She laughs. “Who are you to decide what I deserve? Oh, why bother. Seize him.”

  A strong wind blows in our direction, knocking us to the ground.

  “Let Prince Estevan go,” A voice echoes through the falling snow.

  Getting up from the ground I am met by the most incredible sight. Winter dressed like a radiant knight, riding a white wolf the size of a horse and…an army of sparkly white soldiers. Suddenly, I feel dizzy. Am I dreaming?

  “Oh, it’s the incessant pain in my ass back to save her prince.” She wipes the snow from her gown.

  Winter jumps of the wolf, stomping forward as she draws her shimming sword that can blind someone if they were to stare at it too long. Seeing her this way makes my heart rage against my chest. Although ready to spill blood, she does so with such elegance. “Let him go, Hildred. Or you shall feel the wrath of Winter.”

  The wolf growls ready to pounce. Her army assumes their war stance and Balavarr’s guards mirror them.

  Hildred steps forward, bringing Winter and her toe to toe. “Your pathetic army and dog, don’t scare me. I am a Balavarr, and we always win.” She sticks her nose in the air.

  Everyone gasps including Winter. “A Balavarr?” Winter shakes her head. “How did I not know of this? You never intended to give up the crown did you?”

  Hildred shrugs. “What can I say, I am good at keeping secrets. Your father never knew either. We’ve been planning to take over France for a long time, princess. You never stood a chance at being queen.” Her smirk falls into a frown. “Speaking of…what have you done to my cousin?”

  Wow! I run my hands through my hair. This is insane!

  “Let's just say, he got caught in the flames.”

  Hildred growls. “That’s it, you little twit. Prepare to die.” Hildred’s cape falls to the ground revealing an armored dress of her own, but it’s nowhere as glamorous as Winter’s though. Not even close.

  “I’ll enjoy ripping that crown from your head.” They clash swords, signaling an all-out war. The wolf and her army charge forward taking out the front line of Balavarr knights as Winter and Hildred twirl in the middle expertly dodging each other's swipes.

  The guards blocking me from Winter draw their swords, and I backpedal onto the bridge, fighting them tactfully. Annoyingly, I trip over Gwendolyn still cowering on the ground. Useless. I grab her by the arm and toss her at the guards to shield myself from the lash. The guards' sword impales her through the abdomen. “Sad. You killed your princess, you should be ashamed.”

  They stand there in shock, holding her close. I take this opportunity to stab each of them through the weak spot in their armor. All three of them fall into a pile, and I jump over them to take out a few more guards, desperate to get back to Winter.

  I find Hildred begging on her knees.
  “Please have mercy on your stepmother. I practically raised you.”

  Winter twists her face into a scowl. “You call tormenting a child raising?” She lifts her sword to Hildred’s neck, ready to slice her head off. But for whatever reason, she stalls. “No.” Winter shakes her head. “I am not going to stoop to your level. That’s not the kind of queen I aspire to be. I‘ll show you mercy.” Winter lowers her sword.

  Hildred’s eyes widen as she crawls forward to hug Winter around the legs. “Thank you, my dear.”

  “I said I’ll show mercy, but my dog won’t.” Winter swiftly removes the crown from Hildred’s head and kicks her to the ground.

  The wolf appears above Hildred, drool streaming down his mouth. She put her hands up to shield her face. “Please no!”

  Winter’s chest heaves up and down, rage turning her pale skin red. “Kill her.”

  I watch in horror as the wolf devours her whole. Bones crack and pop as blood gushes from his mouth.

  “No more spiders.” Gravity suddenly pulls Winter to her knees.

  I slide across the snow to her aid and lift her head up with my hands. She continues to repeat. “No more spiders,” over and over.


  Her watery eyes meet mine, her abused soul speaking to me. “Yes. She used to put spiders in my soup, and did other horrible things to me.”

  I pull her into my arms. “It’s all over now. She’ll never hurt you again.”

  She looks at me, smirking. “I think this is where you give me a happily ever after kiss.”

  I chuckle, “I’ll give you that and much, much more.” Taking her bottom lip in between my teeth, she moans against my mouth. Our kiss is wild, raw and unrestraint. We kiss like we may never see tomorrow.

  A week later…

  Winter and Cedric and the rest of the kingdom needed some time to mourn the loss of Lady Zanna. We found him just in time for them to share one last tender moment before her passing. The doctor believed she had broken ribs and pneumonia. Balavarr, that bastard!

  Zanna’s last words still haunt me. “I can die a happy woman knowing my best friend will be written into the books for taking down the most feared family in history.”

  At one point, Winter stopped blaming herself and blamed me for Zanna’s death.“At least your best friend didn’t die in the war for our love.” She slammed the door in my face and was determined to stay in her room for days. In the meantime, to keep my mind occupied, I hired some hands to restore Stoneshire back to its entrancing beauty after the dungeon fire. I hope she likes the new editions.

  But enough about that…

  Today, my old life ends, and my new one begins, with Winter as my queen. The wedding was splendid, but nothing or no one else mattered once I saw her walking towards me in her opulent white gown, embellished with the most elaborate patterns of snowflakes; each one unique and rare like her. From the moment I first saw Winter, I wondered how I even managed to breathe without her. She is my air, my life. My one ultimate wish. And now, I get to spend the rest of my days with her by my side. I kick open the door to our bedchamber and carry her over the threshold.

  “So barbaric…I like it.” She possesses my mouth with hers, curling her sweet soft tongue around mine.

  “Oh, yeah?” I toss her onto the bed, and in one quick swoop, I rip the front of the dress, and it falls off her shoulders, exposing her creamy skin to me. “What else do you like, my queen?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

  She bites her lip.“Those tricks you do with your tongue…will you teach me?”

  Her question, her licking her lips at me forces some cum to leak from my cock.

  “Mmmm. From what I’ve seen, I bet you’re a quick learner.”

  “Uh huh,” Winter nods, reaching for my pants, eager to release the beast from his cage.

  Her eyes grow wide, studying me in her hand. “My Gods! I’ve heard stories from the other maidens, but they never said it would be this big or this”—some drool trickles down her chin—“delicious looking.” Without instruction, she uses the tip of her tongue, making circular motions up and down my length.

  The delicate swipes have me rock hard ready to burst, but I have other plans, and it doesn’t involve her mouth. So, I restrain with all my might. “I don’t need to teach you how to please your king, you already know.”

  Humming against my swollen flesh, she takes me deeper into her mouth, her eyes never unlinking from mine.

  “My goodness, I love that beautiful mouth.” Grunting, I caress the top of her head careful not to pull her hair, remembering what Balavarr did to her. She reacts with a slight wince but soon melts back into my touch.

  She picks up the pace, taking me deeper. About to explode, I unlatch her mouth from me. She works her way back onto the bed as I slip out of my clothes.

  Teasing me, her hands trail down the length of her and end at the trim of her panties. “Is this what you want my king?” Her fingers hook under the strings and slowly but surely pull them down, sliding them off.

  Now, her beauty is entirely exposed to me. The hypnotizing sight of her spread before me, has my heart drumming so loud I fear I might go deaf. Weak in the knees, I fall to the ground in front of her. Winter’s nectarous smell entrances my tongue in between her petal-soft folds. “So sweet.” Circling around her pulsing nub, I delve a finger into her pussy.

  So receptive, she moans out a sweet melody attaching my name at the end. “Estevan.” She bucks against my finger sliding in and out, and her excitement has every neuron in my brain short-circuiting.

  My mission in life is to satisfy my queen and knowing I am, gives more pleasure than fucking her senseless. Which I wouldn’t mind doing. In good time.

  “Harder,” she screams.

  I don’t hesitate to push my finger to the hilt. “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you, my queen?”

  “Yes, please,” she pants. “I need my king inside me now.”

  Draping me over her, I close Winter into my cocoon, molding our bodies as one. My mouth moves over her lips as if I am sucking on candy. “Are you ready for this?”

  Her vibrant blue eyes are pools of desire. “When I am with you, I am ready for anything.”

  Her words almost make me come. “I love you, Winter. With every beat of my heart.”

  “I love you, Estevan. You’re everything I could possibly want in a man.”

  Hearing her say she loves me brings a lightness to my soul. Kissing her fiendishly, I slowly ease my length into her, allowing her body to adjust to my girth. My whole world starts to spin, feeling her tight around me, squeezing me deeper inside.

  She sucks in several deep breaths to calm herself. “More.”

  On command, I push in feeling joy from her pleasure-filled expressions.

  A low moan escapes her lips as she digs her nails into my shoulders. “Faster. Own my body.”

  Fuck! I lose all my senses and thrust into her repeatedly, crushing my hips against hers.

  Her hands skim off my shoulders, down my back until she’s gripping my ass. “Oh, yes my king, fuck me harder.”

  I growl. “You got a filthy mouth.” My lips meshing with hers, her hips bucking against mine, sends me over the edge and I drive my cock to the hilt, rocketing my cum inside her, coaxing her to orgasm. Winter’s screams penetrate the air, her whole body shuttering as her sex gives my cock one last squeeze.

  Dizzy with satisfaction, I collapse on top of her, our breathing out of sync. Our hearts playing their own music as we listen. “I could stay like this forever.”

  She enfolds me into her arms. “Me too.” To my surprise, she flips me over, her smirk wickedly delicious. “My turn to own you.”

  Winter’s King

  (An Erotic Fairytale Short, #2)

  Coming 2018

  About the Author

  J. P. Uvalle is a beautifully twisted soul who has a passion for writing paranormal romance and has the divine ability to make the unbelievable, believable. She was bo
rn and raised in Colorado Springs, went to Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology and graduated with an Associate's degree in Applied Science and Technology. JP works Full-time as an emergency veterinary nurse.

  Aside from being a technician and a writer, she runs two businesses in her spare time ~ Beautifully Twisted Publishing, and Mary Kay. On top of that, she also contributes her time as a blog/promotions manager for the book blog, Beneath the Ashes.

  When she's not saving lives, coming up with her next plot twist or making women feel pretty & pampered, she's spending time with family and friends.

  Author Links






  Book + Main Bites:

  Twitter: @Soul4Writer

  Instagram: j.p. uvalle




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