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Distorted Hope

Page 5

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “Do you want to do it or do you want me to?”

  I hesitated. “I’ll do it, but help me if I mess up.”

  He chuckled and rolled to his back. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  I sat up and, with slightly trembling hands, unfastened his cargo shorts, looking back to find him watching me with hooded eyes and a lazy smile. He nodded his encouragement. Apparently, they hadn’t given him underwear, either, and as I parted the fabric, I sucked in a sharp breath. There he was—long and thick, nestled in a patch of golden curls. I tugged his shorts off his hips and let them fall to the ground.

  I stared at him for a long minute, unsure what to do. He took my hand in his and showed me how to wrap my hands around him and move up and down. I was fascinated by the silkiness of the skin and yet it was so hard beneath the surface. A glistening bead of pre-cum appeared at the tip and I leaned down to lick it off, curious as to how he tasted. Salty, like Mark had been, but not unpleasant. He groaned and I looked up at him nervously.

  “No… good. You can do it again,” he croaked. “If you want.”

  I gave him a shy look and kissed the slit and then—trying to remember what I’d read in my novels—took him into my mouth, sucking gently.

  “Oh, Kyra!” he exclaimed, jumping slightly. I pulled away but he put his hand on the back of my head. “Feels incredible.”

  I took more of him in and moved my head up and down slowly, letting my tongue slide up and down, learning the different parts of him. I did that for several minutes until he tugged on my hair and I sat up. “Did I do something wrong?”

  He pulled me down to lie next to him. “Not at all. If you keep doing that, I’ll come in your mouth instead of… Shit.”


  “I don’t have a condom. Are you on the pill by chance?”

  I shook my head. “Never needed to be.”

  “Some girls use it to help with their periods.” Jason sat up and opened up the drawer in the nightstand and laughed. “I think they were expecting us to have sex.” He held up a box of condoms and I blushed. “Good ones, too.” He grinned and opened the box to pull out a little foil package. Placing it on the bed next to me, he kissed me down to the bed and stretched out on top of me.

  The sensation of his naked body on mine awakened my body again. I squirmed under him as he kissed me, the sensation of his hard length against my thigh making me ache to have him inside me.

  He sat up on his heels and I watched in fascination as he rolled the condom onto himself. He looked up and grinned. “No babies for you.”

  I giggled and he leaned down to kiss me again as he lined himself up at my entrance. I held my breath.

  “I’ll go slowly, Kyra. I don’t want this to hurt any more than it has to.”

  I nodded and swallowed. He kissed me and gently pushed into me. I gasped at the foreign sensation and he looked at me. I nodded. “I’m okay,” I panted.

  Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he pressed himself inside my body. I winced, feeling tiny tingles of pain as I stretched open to accommodate him. I liked looking into his eyes. It felt so… intimate. He moved slowly until I gasped as he hit my hymen.

  He leaned down so his body was supported on his elbows and smoothed my hair. “This is the hard part,” he whispered. “Let me know when you’re ready. No hurry.” He kissed my cheek and neck, helping me to relax.

  Now that I had to adjusted to what was inside me, I wanted more. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Okay,” he whispered. Giving me a tender look, he kissed me again and then moved inside quickly and forcefully.

  I stiffened and cried out loudly as my body tore open for him. Tears sprang to my eyes and he kissed them where they slipped down my cheeks.

  “It’s all over, Kyra,” he soothed. “It’s done. Now you can enjoy it. When you’re ready.”

  After a while, the pain subsided and I started to appreciate his presence inside me again. I stifled a giggle and he gave me a funny look.

  “Sorry. It’s just kinda weird. There’s a part of your body inside my body.”

  “I could see that as strange. But the question is, do you like it?” He moved slightly and I moaned as the millions of nerves in the area awoke.


  “Good,” he whispered, slowly thrusting in and out of me.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed as sensations previously unknown began to seep through my body, finally understanding what made sex such a big deal. This was so much better than the descriptions in my books.

  He rolled so I was sitting on top of him and I gasped at him. “You can roll your hips how you’d like and we can try and get you to orgasm again.” He grinned at my blush. “And I can stare at your beautiful breasts as you ride me.”

  Ride me. It sounded so… erotic. He intertwined our fingers and I began to move up and down with guidance from him. Soon, I felt that wonderful pressure building inside me again. My eyes snapped open wide as another, harder orgasm swept through my body and I sobbed out his name in shock and surprise. Then I felt him throbbing inside me and my name was on his lips as he came.

  I leaned forward onto his chest and closed my eyes with a smile on my face. Wow.

  A sound made me jump. I think I must have dozed off because I couldn’t remember where I was for a minute. When I opened my eyes, I realized I was lying on top of someone with their arms wrapped around me. Jason.

  I lifted my head and grinned, feeling giddy and shy at the same time. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he murmured, brushing my hair away from my face.

  I shifted and felt him still inside me, and I giggled.

  A loud knock sounded at the door and then it opened. I shrieked and rolled off of Jason, yanking at the covers as I did so. Jason helped cover me and then I turned to find Mark in the doorway looking very amused.

  “Enjoy yourselves?”

  “Ever heard of privacy?” Jason growled.

  “I have. You no longer have it. Or at least not much.” He crossed his arms and leaned casually against the door jam. His eyes swept the room and then landed on me. “Are you on the pill?”

  I pulled the blanket up higher on my chest and shook my head.

  “I used a condom, if you really want to know,” Jason said in an irritated voice.

  “I know,” Mark said looking back at him. “I needed to know if we need to stop and get something for you. Stopping pills in the middle of a package isn‘t smart.” He looked back at me. “Nathan’ll have a doctor look at you when you get there. Think about what kind you want. He’s not interested in having babies fill his house.” He looked back at Jason. “If she ends up pregnant, Nathan will blame you. Make sure you use a condom every time until she’s on something.” He turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “I never thought I’d get a safe-sex lesson from the employee of an arms dealer,” Jason commented.

  It took me a minute to register what all had happened and for some reason, I burst out into laughter. Jason looked at me strangely. “I’m sorry. It’s just so… bizarre. Your comment just set me off.”

  Jason laughed, too. “You’re so right. I’ll be right back.” He stood and walked around the bed and into the bathroom.

  I watched him, fascinated by the differences between his body and my own. He was angular and hard and tall to my curves and softness. So weird.

  He returned a few minutes later and crawled back into bed, pulling me close. “You doing okay? Sore?”

  I shifted to turn onto my side and face him and felt a twinge of pain. “Not too bad. The orgasms more than made up for it.”

  He leaned forward and kissed me. “Good. There’s more where that came from.” His lips captured mine and he pulled me into another lovemaking session.

  I awoke naked with a naked man pressed against my body. By the look of the light streaming into the room, it was probably midday. Jason and I had made love several times during the night and each time had been more amazing than
the last.

  Then I remembered what was on the day’s agenda and began to feel sick with dread.

  Jason stirred behind me and I turned to face him. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  A smile crept across my face as I stared into his blue eyes. “Good morning.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Wonderful… and sick.”

  Jason looked confused for a moment and then nodded. “Understandable.” He kissed me and then pulled away, cradling my cheek with his hand. “I really, really enjoyed last night.”

  “Me, too,” I said, placing my hand on his.

  He ran his thumb over my cheekbone. “I love you, Kyra.”

  I inhaled sharply. “I—I love you, too.”

  He grinned. “I wanted you to know before things changed.”

  My heart soared as I cuddled in close to him. Jason loved me!

  “Are you hungry?” he asked a few minutes later.

  I shook my head. “But you can go eat if you want.”

  “I don’t want to leave you.” His eyes were earnest.

  “I can come along.”

  When we were dressed, Jason and I went out into the living room and Mark had lunch brought to us at the table.

  “You need to eat, Kyra,” Mark said firmly, watching me stare at my plate.

  I tried, I really did, but every bite made me feel like I was going to throw up. Mark wasn’t pleased I’d only eaten a few bites but didn’t push me.

  Jason and I went back to the stateroom after we ate and made love again. We were curled up together in bed when Mark came in later that afternoon, holding a pink dress. “Shower and put this on.”

  I stared at it; it looked really short. I looked at Mark with questioning eyes and he gave me a firm look. “Don’t be difficult, Kyra. If you do as you’re told, you’ll avoid a lot of trouble.”

  We were eating dinner when the boat pulled into the harbor. I stared at my lap, trying to keep the few bites I had eaten in my stomach. Jason reached over and squeezed my hand. He knew better than to say it would be okay. Neither of us knew what was going to happen and if it really would be okay, but he was with me. That’s all he could offer and that’s all I wanted right now. We had each other.

  After the kidnappers finished eating, they went outside to get ready to dock, and we were left alone for a few minutes.

  “What will happen now?” I asked in a soft voice.

  “I don’t know.” He leaned over and kissed my temple. His touch was so soothing. “I’m here,” he murmured against my head. It was a mantra he had been repeating all day and he knew it calmed me.

  Mark returned a few minutes later. “Jason, there are shoes in the closet for you. Go get them on so we can get moving.”

  “Doesn’t Kyra need shoes?” Jason asked with a surprised tone.

  Mark shook his head. Jason hesitated, not wanting to leave me alone, but Mark gave him a warning look. “I told you I wouldn‘t hurt her unless you don’t cooperate. I think I’ve demonstrated that.”

  Jason gave me an apologetic look and hurried back to the bedroom. I looked up at Mark with frightened eyes.

  “It’s good you got some sexual experience before we landed,” he said, leaning against the back of a chair.

  “Am I really going to be a sex slave?” I asked, tugging at the hem of the too-short cotton dress and wondering if it was an example of the wardrobe I’d be expected to wear from now on.

  Mark shrugged. “That’s up to Nathan. He might keep you to himself. I think he might like you.”

  “Me? Why?” That was just crazy.

  “Kyra, I’ve heard you talking to Jason about how school was for you. I—” He shook his head. “I know kids can be cruel, but that was a long time ago. You are a very beautiful woman and you need to start thinking of yourself that way. Nathan hates self-deprecation and you’ll piss him and his clients off if you act that way. If you want to stay on his good side, you need to gain some confidence. Fast.” He smiled. It was a nice smile. “I wouldn’t have brought you along if you weren’t attractive. Nathan has high standards for his girls.” He gently cupped my chin with his hand. “If we were in different circumstances, I’d ask you out. I think you’re very pretty and very sweet.”

  I gaped at him. “Why would you think that about me? You’re… you’re…” I stuttered.

  He grinned. “I’m what?”

  “You’re so hot.”

  He laughed. “So are you.” He smacked my rear and walked away.

  I didn’t know what to think about Mark. He was very firm but gentle with me for the most part. If he wasn’t my kidnapper, I might have liked him. He tried cracking jokes along with Jason to cheer me up when depression threatened to overwhelm me at dinner. He seemed easy going as long as we did as we were told. He was the same way with the other men, who deferred to him as their leader. John was the redhead who’d been at the diner with him. The man with the mischievous blue-green eyes and light brown hair was named Bryce. The fourth man, with soft brown eyes and almost black hair, was named Carlos.


  He paused at the stairway. “Yeah?”

  “My friend, my best friend, Stacey… She’ll be so worried about me. Is there… any way I could let her know I’m okay?”

  Mark gave me a sad look and shook his head. “I’m sorry, Kyra. I can’t risk communications back to the states. Nathan would kill me. Literally.” He turned and disappeared down the stairs.

  I sat down on the couch, the short skirt of my dress unable to prevent the soft fabric rubbing against my bare ass and pussy, which were sore from so much lovemaking. I picked at the ends of my hair, noticing the split ends for the first time. I need a haircut. The thought was so foreign, it stunned me. I’d never gotten a haircut to make myself look good, except with Stacey’s makeover. I cut my hair when it got too long, but now I was thinking I needed a haircut because of split ends? Maybe I really was changing.

  Jason came out and looked around. “Where’s Mark?”

  “Went downstairs.”

  “You okay?” He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

  I nodded, curling up next to him. “This dress is way too short. I wish I had panties to wear.”

  He chuckled and traced my hand that was resting on his thigh. “I think you look sexy.”

  “Thanks.” I sighed. I was looking this way to meet Nathan. Jason’s new boss. My new… I had no idea. Boss?

  Mark returned a few minutes later, having changed from his black t-shirt and jeans to lightweight khaki shorts and a blue linen shirt. “It’s fucking hot out there.”

  Mark handed me a pair of white leather flip flops and we walked out the back of the yacht. I felt like I had just walked into a vegetable steamer. The air was sticky and hot and made my dress stick to my body and my legs stick together. The sky above was dark gray with pink edges appearing as I looked lower in the sky toward the ocean.

  “Holy fuck,” Jason mumbled. “I miss the desert.”

  “It’s cooler at the hacienda,” Mark said, taking my hand and helping me up onto the dock.

  Jason glared at him and took my other hand, and Mark let go with a chuckle. A black SUV waited at the end of the dock. John, Bryce, and Carlos were standing nearby, looking around. Their guns were holstered at their hips, but they seemed ready to use them if needed. After we got into the SUV, which was thankfully air conditioned, John got behind the wheel with Mark next to him in the front. Carlos and Bryce sat in the back seat.

  “We’re just driving to the airport,” Mark explained. “We’ll take the helicopter to the hacienda. Otherwise, it’s a really long drive.”

  “Why didn’t we just fly all the way here?” Jason asked.

  “Security issues,” Mark answered.

  Jason raised his eyebrows but Mark didn’t elaborate.

  The drive to the airport only took about ten minutes, and then the SUV stopped near a large helicopter. Actually, calling it large was an understatement. A giant be
ast squatting on the landing pad, it dwarfed the other helicopters nearby. I counted five windows in the cabin, where the others only had one or maybe two.

  The fast-fading sunlight made it difficult to discern the true color, but I guessed it to be blue.

  The interior was spacious and bright. White leather chairs flanked two fold-down tables on either side of the central aisle. A narrow door led to a second seating area, where a couch and two chairs faced each other across an expanse of open floor. There was even a small bathroom in the front of the cabin, near the entry door.

  The show of outrageous luxury impressed me, humbled me, and even frightened me. A man who could afford all this was clearly accustomed to getting anything he wanted.

  “Have a seat and give me your shoes,” Mark said, motioning to one of the table and chairs set. I sat down, slipped the sandals off my feet, and handed them to him.

  Jason sat across from me and Mark sat across the aisle from Jason. When the others had gone into the back, the interior lights dimmed, the propellers began to rotate, and we were up in the air a few minutes later. I dug my fingers into the armrests and stared out the window at the disappearing lights of the airport below. We crossed over a wide river of some sort and then the terrain became a never ending carpet of green.

  Jason held my hand on top of the table and looked out the window. I wondered what he was thinking about. I had been so caught up in my own misery, I hadn’t even considered the fact he was leaving a family behind. His parents and brothers would have no idea where he’d gone. That had to be eating him up inside.

  I squeezed his hand and he glanced at me. “How are you doing?” I asked.

  A myriad of emotions flashed through his eyes and they watered slightly. He pressed his lips together and nodded, turning his gaze back to the window.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t taken your feelings into consideration, Jason,” I continued. “You must miss your family.”

  He nodded again, refusing to look away from the window. His eyes glistened in the dim lighting and my heart broke. I glanced at Mark, who stood and walked to the back of the helicopter. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I moved to kneel next to Jason, taking his hands in mine. “I’m so sorry, Jason,” I whispered.


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