Book Read Free

Distorted Hope

Page 9

by Marissa Honeycutt

The sensation stopped, but my neck still burned. I lay limp on the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. I’d never felt such pain.

  I looked up to see Nathan holding up a small, black rectangle. Why had Nathan hurt me? He had just kissed me a few minutes ago in a way that made my knees week. Why would he do that to me?

  But then again, why wouldn’t he? I was just a sex slave.

  “That is my warning to you,” Nathan said in an even tone. “You will do as I tell you, or she will suffer until you do.”

  “You sadistic motherfucker!” Jason’s hands clenched into fists. “She hasn’t done anything wrong. Why punish her?”

  “Because it’s more effective if I punish someone you care about rather than you. You think you can handle the pain, but can you handle the pain of watching her suffer for your stubbornness?” Nathan pushed the button on the remote again, and just like before, the needles shot into my neck, making me scream in pain once more.

  “Alright! Alright!” Jason looked down at me, eyes wide with panic. “I’ll do what you ask. Just…please, stop hurting her!”

  The needles stopped once again and I lay on the cold cement floor, holding my knees to my chest and trembling. The men talked above me, but I no longer paid attention to what they were saying. I watched Nathan’s hand as he held that remote, praying he wouldn’t use it again.

  Jason kept looking down at me, worry evident in his eyes. I hated that he couldn’t hold me, comfort me. My heart ached as our eyes met. His hand clenched and unclenched as he stood talking with Nathan and the other man, Colin. I assumed Colin was the other engineer by their conversation.

  When the pain began to subside, I moved to my knees, although, I kept my forehead on the ground. It hurt too much to hold my head up.

  “You can’t be serious,” Jason said.

  “It’s why I brought you here,” Nathan said. “It’s your area of expertise.”

  “But I never meant for it to be used on people. It’s not for weapons.”

  “It’s not really your concern what it’s used for. It’s your concern to make it work.”

  There was a moment of silence and then Jason sighed. “Alright,” he said in a resigned voice.

  “I thought you’d see it my way. Come, Kitten.”

  I looked up with red eyes. Nathan had turned and began to walk away. I glanced at Jason as I stood, wanting so badly to run into his arms. His eyes held the same level of desperation I felt.

  “Nathan, may I please spend some time with Kyra tonight?” Jason asked in a humble voice, not taking his eyes off me.

  Nathan paused. “Not today. Maybe tomorrow.”

  Jason’s form turned blurry as my eyes filled with tears. He pressed his lips together and his chest heaved as he glared at Nathan.

  “Kyra!” Nathan snapped.

  I jumped and turned to run after Nathan, glancing back at Jason once I’d caught up with him. He gave me an encouraging nod and I smiled weakly back at him. Oh, how my heart ached for him!

  I turned back around and followed Nathan to the edge of the gravel where he picked me up and carried me over the sharp rocks. I didn’t wrap my arms around him this time; I was terrified of him now.

  I spent the next few hours in Nathan’s office, sitting by the fireplace. He didn’t speak to me, although I could feel his heavy gaze every once in a while.

  When it was time for lunch, I stood with difficulty and followed him across the courtyard and into a large dining room just off the living room. I was realizing everything was large here. It fit him.

  Nathan sat at the end of the table and I sat next to him, on his right side. Colin, Jason, Mark, and several other men I didn’t know came in, as well. Colin sat across from me with Jason next to him. Mark sat on the other side of me. He seemed surprised to see me but gently asked how I was doing.

  I glanced at Nathan before answering. He nodded. “Fine, thank you,” I answered softly, staring at my lap. I’d had enough pain for the day and dreaded making Nathan angry at paying too much attention to anyone aside from himself.

  Lunch was served by the two native women I’d seen previously: Juanita, the older Latina woman from last night, and the younger one who had brought my breakfast earlier in the day. I ate in silence as the men talked energetically around me. Even Jason seemed more interested than he had when I’d seen him earlier in the day. His face tightened a bit when the purpose of the project was talked about, but he really did seem excited about the design and creation part.

  I was careful to use my best table manners, eating slowly and neatly and praying I didn’t give Nathan a reason to scold me later. My gaze remained on my plate and I stayed absolutely silent. It wasn’t that difficult; no one spoke to me.

  When lunch was over, Jason and I had a last, longing look at one another before he disappeared down the patio steps with Colin and a few of the other men.

  Nathan spoke with Mark in Spanish for a few minutes as they finished their drinks. I sat quietly with my hands in my lap.

  I felt so lonely. My heart ached for Jason and Stacey. I was used to being alone, but this was different. Even when Stacey went out of town, I knew she’d be returning in a few days. Here, I had no and one—except Jason—and I had no idea when I’d be able to talk to him. It all hinged on the whims of Nathan, who was proving rather unpredictable in his actions.

  I returned with Nathan to his office after lunch and sat by the fireplace while he worked. My legs were beginning to ache, and I shifted as subtly as I could on my heels. My calves were numb and my knees and back ached.

  After who knew how long, Mark entered and spoke to Nathan in low tones. I didn’t look up when he entered, instead concentrating on the rug pattern I’d been staring at for what seemed like hours. I never knew a swirl could be so interesting.

  After Mark left, Nathan stood and walked over to me. I trembled as he sat down on the couch next to my spot on the rug. What would he give me now that would hurt me?

  “You’re doing very well, Kitten,” he said in a gentle tone, stroking my head.

  “Thank you, Patrón,” I said in a soft voice, thankful he wasn’t angry. Or at least, he didn’t seem angry.

  I closed my eyes as his fingers slowly trailed down my back, through my hair, causing me to shiver. He did that several times, and I began to lean into his touch. When my head touched his leg, I jumped, not having realized I’d leaned so far. I straightened myself, but he gently pressed my head back against his outer leg with his big hand and continued to stroke my hair in silence.

  I wondered at his gentle touch. Nathan was such an enigma. The sensation was surprisingly soothing and my eyes closed again. His fingers brushed the side of my neck, raising goose bumps on my arms, along with another shiver of pleasure. He brushed my neck again and I felt my nipples tighten. My breath caught in my throat as he did it a third time.

  How could I become aroused by him? He’d put me in so much pain this morning and had ignored me the rest of the day. And now my body betrayed my love for Jason by responding to Nathan’s soft touch?

  “Come here, Kitten,” Nathan said in a husky voice.

  I looked up at him, wondering what he meant; I was right next to him. But he patted his lap and I moved to stand, only to realize my legs were numb. I winced as I moved to my knees, partially at the pain of movement and partially at the fear of not moving fast enough for Nathan’s satisfaction.

  He caught me around my waist when I swayed on my unfeeling legs and pulled me sideways into his lap. I gave him a wide-eyed, frightened look as he did so.

  “It will get easier,” he said, stroking my cheek. “Soon, you won’t be uncomfortable at all like that.”

  I gave him a tentative smile, hoping his words were true.

  His hand slowly slid around to the back of my head and brought my face close to his. I inhaled his spicy scent again and my mouth opened slightly as he pulled me even closer. When his lips brushed mine, tingles surged through my body, and when his lips enveloped mine, the tingles
ignited into a slow fire of desire. For him. For the man who hurt me.

  Nathan held my head firmly but not forcefully as he delved his tongue into my mouth, thrusting in and out in a languid manner. He tasted of the red wine he’d drank at lunch, and I found myself moving my own tongue around his, desire for him growing stronger by the moment.

  His hand moved from the back of my head and slowly down my neck and chest until he cupped my breast. I moaned as he squeezed, feeling the heat of his hand through the thin fabric of my dress. Pushing the strap off my shoulder, he then pulled the bodice down so he could take my bare breast into his hand.

  I pulled away from his mouth, gulping in oxygen and leaning my head back as he caressed me. My body ached for his touch and when he brushed my nipple with his thumb, it almost hurt it was so hard.

  He pressed into my back, making me arch up so he could capture my nipple in his mouth. One of my hands found its way around the back of his neck, while the other stroked the hand holding my breast up to his mouth.

  He licked and sucked at my breast, raising goose bumps all over my arms and legs. My thighs tightened as I felt moisture seeping out from between my legs. I could feel his growing hardness at my hip.

  Moving the other strap of my dress down, Nathan gave attention to my other breast as his hand slid lower to my thigh. I trembled as his hand moved up under my skirt and pushed one leg down to the ground. His fingers touched my bare pussy lips and I gasped and leaned my head back, almost to the arm of the couch. He probed the swollen folds gently as he moved up to kiss my neck and then my mouth again. When his tongue thrust into my mouth, his fingers thrust in between my lower lips and I moaned loudly in surprise and lust.

  His fingers were long and thick and the invasion felt so good! I rotated my hips to allow him easier and deeper access. When he pressed another finger inside, I moaned even louder.

  “So tight and wet,” he murmured against my lips. “Free my cock.”

  I swallowed nervously and opened my eyes to find his gray eyes dark and lust-filled. Part of me was thrilled I was the one to make him feel this way. I tried not to think about the fact it wasn’t Jason and that surely the other girls made him feel this way on a regular basis. And probably more so, considering they were far more experienced than I.

  I moved and began to unfasten his pants with less shaky hands than the night before. It was difficult to concentrate on the task with his fingers moving inside me.

  When he was finally freed from the confines of his pants, my eyes widened at the size of him once again. How could he have fit inside of me?

  He pulled his fingers from my body slowly and I whimpered, making him smile slightly. “Suck me.”

  I scooted down to the floor between his legs and wrapped one hand around him and stroked up and down as I nervously moved my head toward his monstrous erection. I licked at the tip a few times before taking the head into my mouth.

  It was difficult to keep my teeth away from him, and my jaw quickly began to ache, but I didn’t want to anger him and sucked and moved my head as best I could. He rested his hands lightly on top of my head but didn’t apply pressure. I was thankful he let me control the movements and didn’t shove himself down my throat.

  He smelled musky and tasted slightly salty but not bad at all. After a few minutes, I became more enthusiastic about the task, although my jaw still ached.

  After several minutes of licking and sucking, he pulled me back into his lap and kissed me again. “You’re already getting better, Kitten,” he said, his voice coarse with desire.

  I gave him a shy smile. “Thank you, Patrón.” He smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the sides. My heart fluttered slightly at the… was that affection in his eyes?

  He kissed me again, harder than before, but not cruelly. I reached down to continue to stroke him until he put his hands on my hips and lifted me up.

  I whimpered when I realized what he wanted. My stomach filled with fear and anticipation of the pain I’d felt last night.

  “Sit down on me,” he encouraged gently. “You don’t have to hurry. Don‘t hurt yourself.”

  I blinked in surprise. “Thank you,” I said in a quiet voice. He released my hips and pulled my dress up over my head and tossed it on the couch next to him. I felt my cheeks warm as he gazed at my naked body. He put my hands on his shoulders and then held my hip with one hand and his cock with the other, positioning it at my entrance.

  I trembled as I began to lower myself onto him. I felt myself stretching and stopped, hissing at the pain. Nathan stroked my hip and brought my face to his, kissing me gently and stroking my cheek and neck.

  Slowly, I continued to lower myself, taking him deeper and deeper into my body. I groaned in pain and he suddenly grasped my hips. I froze, fearful he would ram himself inside, but he didn’t. Instead, he moved me up and then down again, almost tenderly. He did this several times and I pulled away from his mouth to gasp at the pleasure.

  His gaze was intense as our eyes met, his grip firm but not forceful. I couldn’t look away from and watched in astonishment as his gaze softened into an unexpected tenderness.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed and sucked in a sharp breath as he passed by an especially sensitive spot. He smiled and repeated the motion. My eyes drooped and then suddenly I stiffened and cried out loudly as a powerful orgasm hit me. He moved me down again, deeper than before.

  I squealed in surprise as our hips met and my orgasm began afresh. My eyes rolled back into my head and I screamed in pleasure, digging my fingernails into his hard shoulders. He moved his hips against mine, making the pleasure waves go on and on.

  I rode the pleasure, vaguely aware of his groan before I felt the surprisingly erotic throb inside me. He pressed my hips down to his, burying himself deeply into my pussy. I yelped as he hit something deep inside of me and he pulled me back up.

  I looked at him with wide eyes, stunned at the sensations I’d just felt. He brought my lips to his and kissed me for a moment before pressing my head to his shoulder. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest and feel his cheek against my forehead. He held me so tightly it was almost frightening, but he stroked my hair and back gently with his hands and I slowly relaxed.

  I listened as his heartbeat slowly returned to normal. He continued to stroke my back, kissing my head every once in a while. I didn’t know how long we sat there together, but I felt… content. It was weird, considering I’d been terrified of him only hours before. Really weird.

  Nathan put his hand under my chin and tipped my face up so he could kiss me. As he did so, my hands slipped around his neck and my fingers ran through his surprisingly soft hair.

  A knock at the door made Nathan stiffen and pull away suddenly. I turned and saw Mark standing in the open doorway with a surprised look on his face as he stared at us.

  “What?” Nathan snapped. He lifted me off his lap and put me back on the floor where I’d been sitting before, then fixed his pants and stood.

  I quickly put myself into my ‘position’ as Nathan strode away. I stared hard at the floor, willing back the tears threatening to fall. I’m just a sex slave. There is nothing more between us than sex. But it didn’t feel that way.

  “I came to tell you her room is ready,” Mark said from the doorway. He seemed hesitant to walk into the now tense office.

  “The room in the women’s house?”

  “Of course,” Mark answered slowly.

  Nathan was quiet for a moment. “No, I want her staying in the main house.”

  It was Mark’s turn to be quiet. “Okay…”

  “Do you have a problem with that?” Nathan snapped.

  “No, sir.” Mark’s voice turned formal. “Just surprised.”

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want with my girls.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Move her things in to Madison’s old room. It’s clean, right?”

  “Yes, sir. I put her in there last night.”

  “You did?”

Mark didn’t answer right away. “It was the closest available room.”

  More silence filled the room. I resisted the urge to look up.

  “Good,” Nathan said finally. “Bring her Kindle here.”

  “Yes, sir.” Mark’s footsteps faded as he walked away.

  Remaining as still as I could, I felt Nathan looking at me again for a long moment before the keyboard started clacking again.

  A few minutes later, a shadow darkened the entrance again.

  “Give it to her,” Nathan said.

  Someone walked to me and feet appeared in front me. I looked up to see Mark smiling gently down at me, hand outstretched with the Kindle he’d given me on the yacht in his hand.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, reaching for the small e-reader. His eyes flickered downward and I blushed, remembering I was naked. I looked quickly back at the ground and held the Kindle in both hands on my naked thighs.

  “You’re welcome,” Mark responded in a gentle voice. He petted my hair briefly before walking away.

  I stared at the plastic rectangle in my hand, unsure of what to do. I assumed Nathan had Mark bring it to me so I could use it, but I was still hesitant to move.

  “You may dress if you’d like.” Nathan’s voice was loud in the quiet room.

  I glanced up and saw him watching me with an impassive look on his face. I nodded. “Thank you, Patrón.” I reached for my dress and slipped it over my head, spreading the skirt neatly over my thighs and hips.

  A few minutes later, I felt moisture trickling down my thighs and onto my ankles. It took me a moment to realize it was probably Nathan’s cum, and I blushed at the thought. Would it drip onto the carpet? Would I get in trouble?

  “What are you embarrassed about?”

  I was shocked at how much he watched me and told myself to remember that and not assume he wasn’t looking if I had the desire to do something I shouldn’t. “I felt… uh… when we…um” I motioned to the couch. “…your…” I sighed and looked up at him, cheeks hot. “Your… um… stuff…”

  “My cum is leaking out of your pussy?”


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