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Hero: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 3)

Page 14

by Anna Hackett

  “Galen,” Kace said, his voice wavering a little. “They were using an experimental mind control implant to control their gladiators. The Talos, they called it. It’s why he wanted Rory and Madeline dead or gone. They have them, but they never worked.”

  Rory tapped her neck. “But the proof is still here, and he was worried someone would discover it.”

  “I will personally destroy your house.” Galen said to the imperator, his tone the coldest and most lethal Lore had ever heard it. “One cardinal rule, and you can’t even honor that. I will dismantle the House of Thrax, bit by bit. Every time more of you come, I will take you down. That is my vow.”

  He yanked his sword out, and the Thraxian slumped to the floor with a pained groan.

  Galen shot the alien one last, hard glance. “You tell your people to stay away from mine, and that includes any women of Earth.”

  Lore tightened his hold on Madeline, felt her nails dig into his skin as she held on. He stared at his imperator for a moment, and then he grinned. “You are badass, G.”

  Galen raised a brow, then spun on his heels. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”


  As they headed out into the crowd of the underground fight ring, the loud music assaulted Rory’s ears. She pushed into Kace’s side, doing her best to keep him on his feet.

  A second later, Nero’s big form appeared. He’d obviously been keeping watch on the main door to the winner’s room. He lifted Kace’s arm over his shoulders, and took the bulk of Kace’s weight.

  “How do we get out of here?” Kace yelled over the noise.

  “We found a ramp that leads down here,” Raiden answered. “A back entry used by the staff.” He looked at Rory. “Your friend Hilea showed it to us.”

  “Hang on a second.” Rory spun to face Galen. “There’s another human from Earth here. A man. I saw him in the fight ring.”

  “What?” Harper shouldered forward. “Who?”

  Rory swallowed. “Blaine Strong.”

  Harper rocked back on her feet, shock on her face. “No.”

  Rory knew Harper was friends with the man. She looked back at Galen. “He was on the security team with Harper at the space station. They’re making him fight to the death in the ring. We can’t leave him.”

  Galen looked torn, then nodded. They pushed through the crowd and reached the railing around the sunken pit.

  Two large alien fighters were wrestling on the sand below, but neither one of them was Blaine. He was gone.

  “No,” Rory cried.

  “We can’t stay,” Galen said. “Kace needs medical help, now. He has lost too much blood.”

  Harper gripped Rory’s hand and squeezed it.

  Rory looked at her friend. “Blaine was here, Harper. I saw him with my own eyes.”

  “I believe you.” A spasm crossed Harper’s face.

  Galen cursed and grabbed a nearby spectator, jerking the thin man up on his toes. “There was a fighter here.” Galen looked at Harper.

  “He’s tall with broad shoulders,” Harper said. “Dark skin. Smooth like mine.”

  The man nodded his head, swallowing. “He won three matches. They take them out to rest after three.”

  Rory released a breath. Blaine was still alive.

  “Guy is a machine in the ring,” the spectator added. “Crowd favorite. He’s the champion of the fight ring.”

  Galen shoved the man away. “We have to go.”

  Harper’s fingers tightened on Rory’s. “We come back. We’ll find him and rescue him, too.”

  Heart heavy, Rory moved back to Kace’s side. They headed out and Galen led them to the back entrance they’d found down to the fight ring. They followed a spiral ramp upward. As they ascended, she felt dizziness trying to take over and gritted her teeth.

  The ramp had doorways carved into the side of it, evenly spaced apart. Barely-covered men and women with dull, jaded eyes lolled in some of those openings. Other doors stood open, smoke wafting out of them and vacant-eyed people lounging inside.

  Brothels and drug dens. Her gut cramped. There was a sense of hopelessness and despair that made her shiver.

  She could have ended up here. Any one of the Fortuna abductees could have ended their nightmare here.

  It made Rory realize how lucky she’d been to end up at the House of Galen.

  And even more so, how incredibly lucky she’d been to find her friends and to find Kace. She looked up at him now. Even with his face swollen and in pain, he was still the most handsome, strong, and heroic man she’d ever met.

  She was completely in love with her pretty-boy gladiator. She couldn’t wait to get him healed and then show him exactly what he meant to her.

  When they stepped out of the narrow tunnels and into the main part of the Kor Magna Markets, it was like a breath of fresh air.

  Rory watched stall owners setting up for the day. Hell, they’d been underground all night. She sucked in the smells of cooking and felt nausea rise. She swallowed a few times, ready to be back aboveground.

  She looked over at Madeline, tucked in Lore’s strong arms. She looked broken and lost, nothing like the driven, haughty commander that they’d endured on Fortuna Station.

  But they wouldn’t let her stay broken. Everyone at the House of Galen would help Madeline, and help her find a way to heal.

  They moved through the Kor Magna streets, streaks of gold lighting the dawn sky. Madeline blinked a bit now, her face lifted to the endless pale blue canopy. Rory kept a tight grip on Kace. He hadn’t made a sound, but she knew he had to be in agony.

  “Not too much farther,” she told him.

  His teeth were clenched as he nodded. “I can make it. I vowed to see you safe, and once you’re back in the House of Galen, you will be.”

  “My hero,” she whispered.

  It wasn’t long before they were back in the arena tunnels, and the gray-and-red-cloaked guards were pushing open the double doors to the House of Galen. Their battered group stepped inside.

  “Everything’s going to be okay, pretty boy,” Rory murmured to Kace. “The healers are going to get you fixed right up.” She leaned in, pressing her lips close to his jaw, and lowering her voice. “And after that, it will be just you and me.” She injected a sultry tone into her words. “I’m going to take good care of you.”

  His chest hitched. “Promise?”

  “Oh, yes. I have a few new positions to show you.”

  His good eye gleamed.

  “And I have something very important to tell you.” Her belly jumped. She couldn’t wait to tell him she was completely head over heels in love with him.

  She sensed the others slowing down and she looked up. Ahead in the main entry area, she saw Regan’s curvy form standing with a pair of House of Galen guards, and a small group of men.

  The strangers were tall, with ramrod-straight postures. They all turned, and Rory swallowed a shocked gasp.

  The resemblance to Kace was clear. They had similar features, with the same military bearings, and the same bronze skin.

  Kace made a noise. “Chief Commander Daeron.”

  “Commander Tameron.” The older Antarian’s gaze ran over Kace’s injured body, skating briefly over Rory without pausing. “It must have been a challenging battle.”

  “It was.”

  Rory felt like she’d swallowed a rock. These were Kace’s people.

  Regan stepped forward, wringing her hands. “Um, these men arrived while you were all out. They wanted to see Kace.”

  “Commanders? Why are you here?” Kace asked.

  One of the other men stepped forward. “You’ll be pleased to hear your training contract in the arena has been cut short, Commander Tameron. The battle with the Hemm’Darr has intensified, and we are recalling you to your position aboard our lead War Destroyer.”

  Rory saw conflicting emotions wash over Kace’s face—duty, loyalty, regret. Now her stomach turned over in a sickening roll. She thought she was going to be sick.

  “The Hemm’Darr are escalating their attacks,” one of the other Antarians said. “Our people need our best soldiers.”

  Rory felt Kace’s muscles tense beneath her hands. This was everything he lived for. His entire life had been about protecting his people.

  She’d only been a brief blip in his life. An interesting diversion, one he’d fought not to succumb to.

  Rory loved this man, and she wouldn’t make this hard on him. She wouldn’t let him betray his beliefs.

  Her hero needed to be a hero.

  She leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for everything, Kace.”

  He turned to look at her, a strange, unreadable look on his face.

  Steeling herself, she pulled away. “You are an amazing, noble man. I wish you the best of luck.”


  Tears pricked at her eyes. Dammit. She wouldn’t cry. “Promise me you’ll stay safe.” She felt her insides crumbling. “Be careful, pretty boy, and take care of yourself.”

  Before she broke down, Rory spun and ran back to her room.

  All the way there, she tried to pretend that her heart wasn’t shattered. She tried to tell herself she couldn’t be bleeding inside over a man she’d only known for a few weeks.

  But it didn’t work. Back in her room, she raced into her bathroom and was violently sick. After she’d heaved up everything in her stomach, she rested her head against the cool tiles. Now the tears came.

  She felt movement at her side and saw Hero appear, pressing against her. She grabbed him, holding him tight. As the sobs wracked her, Rory promised herself she would only cry this one time.

  Then she’d pull herself back up and help her friends.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rory stood with Regan and Harper in Medical, watching the Hermia healers treating Madeline.

  The station commander sat huddled in a large chair, and refused to let go of Lore’s hand. The gladiator sat beside her, talking to her in his smooth voice.

  The healer stepped over to talk to them. “She’s in shock.” The healer’s voice was low and fluid. “Physically, she’s not in bad shape. She’ll need some nutritional supplements for a while, but most of all, she’ll just need some time.”

  “Thank you,” Harper said.

  “Fraser.” Madeline’s voice was a little shaky, but Rory thought it sounded more like the woman she’d known before.

  Rory moved over to her.

  Madeline lifted her gaze, tears brimming in her violet-blue eyes. “Thank you.” She lifted her gaze. “Thanks to all of you for getting me out.”

  Rory touched the woman’s arm. “You’re safe here.”

  “Blaine. Blaine Strong was down there too.”

  Rory nodded, her throat tight. “We couldn’t rescue him, but we will. We’ll go back for him.”

  Madeline nodded. “How far are we from Earth? When can we go home?”

  Aw, shit. Rory pulled in a deep breath and glanced at the others. Regan wrapped her arms around her middle, and a muscle ticked in Harper’s jaw. They’d both had their turns informing someone else about their unfortunate reality.

  Rory turned back to Madeline. “Too far. There’s no way back to Earth. It would take roughly two hundred years.”

  “What?” Madeline’s eyes went wide.

  “I’m sorry—”

  “That can’t be! I have a son—” A sob tore from Madeline’s throat.

  Shit, Rory hadn’t known Madeline had a child. “I really am sorry. The Thraxians used a transient wormhole to reach our solar system. It’s since collapsed. There’s no way back.”

  Madeline dissolved into ugly, heartbreaking sobs.

  Lore dragged the woman into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face against the gladiator’s neck and held on tight.

  “Go,” he said, looking very at ease with the woman’s tears. “I’ve got her.”

  Rory shuffled out with the others. Her heart cracked again as she absorbed Madeline’s pain. Rory missed her family incredibly, but she didn’t have a child. She couldn’t conceive how bad that pain could possibly feel.

  But with her heart already in pieces, this was more than Rory was able to cope with right now. She turned to leave.

  “Rory?” Harper’s voice.

  Rory stilled.

  “I thought you’d want to know that Galen’s sent people to find Hilea. He said she’s welcome at the House of Galen.”

  Warmth fluttered in Rory’s chest. “That’s great. She probably won’t come.”

  “He thought the same thing. He said he’d ensure she’s taken care of.”


  “And he’s already making plans on how to rescue Blaine. We’ll get him back.”

  Poor Blaine. “That’s great.” Rory turned to leave again. “I need some time alone. Kace is leaving and going back to his planet.”

  “No,” Regan said. “I’ve watched the two of you together. He loves you, and you love him.”

  Rory imagined for a brief, brilliant second how it would feel for Kace to love her.

  “He loves his planet,” she said. “Even if he does feel something for me—” her voice broke “—I’m not going to make him choose.” A wave of dizziness washed over her and made her stagger.

  “Hey.” Harper gripped her shoulder.

  Rory shrugged her friend off. “I…just need some time alone.” Before she fell apart for everyone to see. And Rory Fraser never fell apart.

  She hurried along the corridor, her feet moving faster and faster. She thought about heading back to her room, or the gym, but everywhere and everything reminded her of Kace.

  She slammed out of the doors of the House of Galen. The guards didn’t stop her. She wasn’t sure if it was the look on her face, or the fact that there was no longer a risk to her now.

  Rory found herself running through the tunnels, and before she knew it, she stumbled out on top of the arena tower where Kace had taken her that other time she’d needed to escape and breathe.

  The place where they’d first kissed.

  She leaned against the stone railing, the wind hitting her face. She closed her eyes, breathing deep.

  She refused to let the tears fall. They wouldn’t help. Like Madeline, she just needed some time.

  But deep down, Rory knew that the pieces of her heart would never fit back together the same way. Kace had worked his way in deep, and she didn’t think she’d ever get him out. She pulled in a shaky breath. Hell, she didn’t want to get him out.

  She breathed in again, and this time, she imagined the smell of him. She choked back a sob.

  Then, she sensed a presence behind her. Her eyes snapped open and she looked back.

  And there he was.

  Her hands clamped onto the stone. Kace.


  Rory looked so beautiful, with the wind tugging at her red curls.

  “You’re all healed,” she said.

  He nodded. “The healers took care of me.” He still had a few faint aches in his ribs, but everything had mended nicely. His left eye was no longer swollen, his face clear of bruises.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “You really think I’d just leave? Leave the House of Galen and Kor Magna in the blink of an eye?”

  Her mouth opened, closed.

  He took a step closer. “You really think I’d leave you like that?”

  Her lips quivered. “You have your duty to your planet. I know it’s everything you’ve ever worked for—”

  “I’m falling in love with you, Rory.”

  She froze. “You don’t believe in love. You said it doesn’t exist.”

  “All my life, I’ve been told it doesn’t exist. You’ve proven that very wrong. You’ve shown me what love means. What life means.”


  He held his hands up. “I’ve lived for war. I was bred for it. Drak, I think you’re right, they brainwash us to believe it.”<
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  She watched him steadily, and he saw tears glistening in her eyes.

  “You’ve shown me that I can have more, Rory. I’ve seen the way you care, the way you live, the way you love. I want that.”

  He reached out and pulled her close. Her body was stiff, her heart hammering against his chest.

  “I want to live, Rory.” He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her, pulling her taste inside him. “I love you.”

  Her hands gripped his chest. “Oh, God, Kace, I love you, too.”

  “Thank the Creators,” he murmured against her lips.

  Suddenly, they were tearing at each other’s clothes. “Yes.” Her voice was husky, as she yanked open his trousers.

  Kace took seconds to strip her trousers off and one more second to tear her underwear to shreds. She gasped, jerking against him.

  His pretty, sexy woman liked that.

  He backed her against the wall and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, his cock pushing against her hot center.

  She moaned, moving against him.

  “So greedy.”

  “For you, I always am.”

  Kace needed her. He needed to feel her around him, hot and alive and vital.

  He plunged inside her.

  Rory let out a choked cry, her hands digging into his shoulders. There was no time for gentleness or finesse. Kace needed to claim his woman, and ensure she knew exactly who she belonged to.

  He thrust inside her, glorying at her cries and the tight clasp of her body.

  He felt his release charging home, his vision dimming. “Rory.”

  “I’m here, Kace.”

  He reached between their bodies, and as soon as he touched her swollen clit, she screamed his name, her body clamping down on his.

  Kace leaned forward, burying his face in her neck, and as his release hit, his hips lunged forward, and he poured himself inside her.

  Rory Fraser was his. And he’d do whatever he had to do to ensure everyone knew that.

  Especially Rory herself.


  When Kace moved, pulling her into his arms, she felt flushed and happy. She leaned into his strength, listening to the rapid beat of his heart beneath her ear.


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