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Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3)

Page 3

by Lowell, Chanse

  Why had he answered that stupid phone call?

  “I hate him,” Adam began, his nostrils flaring, chest heating.

  “I know . . . Do you think he knows that?”

  “No. He only sees what he wants.”

  “What can I do?” Her hand trailed up his arm to his shoulder.

  “You know what to do when I get tense.”

  “You want one here?” Her hand trailed down toward his waist.

  “Yes. I need it. I’m so angry, the only thing I can do is have your mouth on me and come, so I can drive normal again. Give me one now.” He paused and then remembered he should probably throw in some manners. “Please. I need you to. You always know when I hurt anywhere, and you always make it better. My dick likes that, and so do I.”

  She smiled, but her eyes were hesitant.

  “If we get caught . . .”

  “We won’t. And even if we do, I’ll tell them I’m crazy, since clearly I am.” He blinked and grabbed her hand, leading it down to his zipper.

  “What should I say when the cop sees how happy you are and how flushed I am with suspicious moist lips?” She smirked.

  “You tell them giving me a ticket because they’re jealous is more than rude, it’s just sad. Do it, Mari. I need you to give me head real good like you always do. I wanna get us back home in one piece. I need you to suck me hard.” He stroked her hand she had settled on his lower abs.

  “Okay, but don’t make a habit of this unless we’re parked in our garage.”

  He grinned so big his Adam’s apple tugged up toward his chin. “I like the garage.”

  “Yes, you’ve told me before. A lot of your fantasies seem to happen in there ever since we bought our house and moved in two weeks ago.”

  “I’m a man in there. It’s dark, and the kids don’t go in there. It’s quiet. I can hear you when you’re breathing hard, and it makes me want you more.” He released a tight moan. “I change the oil in the car. I own this car, and my house. That’s what a man does. He owns stuff.” He nodded. “And he fucks—a lot. I’m good at that.”

  She swallowed. “Yeah, you are, and you do those things. You own all of that, and you own me, too.”

  “I rotate tires.”

  “You do that really well, sweetheart.”

  His heart rate spiked as she glanced down at his lap with a heated look.

  “I fix things you don’t know how to.” His fingers on his left hand drummed on the wheel.

  “That’s true.”

  He pushed her hand down further with his right until she was inching his zipper down.

  “And most of all . . .” His words hung in the air. His dick twitched.

  “Most of all?”

  “I imagine how many ways I can get you under me. How I can cram you into a seat and show you why I’m a man in my own car, in my dark garage.”


  “You show me nightly and sometimes more.” She sucked in her lower lip, and her eyes went wide, sparkling with mischief.

  “I don’t have a condom, so you’ll use your mouth.” He gave her a heated look.

  She exhaled with a small puff of air like she was suffocating on his words.

  “And you’ll swallow, because there’s nowhere to spit it out.” He grinned.

  He turned to look at the baby. Button was sleeping.

  “Should I hurry since we need to get Meg?”

  “No. She’s fine. I need you to go slow. Let me feel all of it. No rushing. I don’t like rushing, and if you do that, then I’ll be even tenser and want another one when I get home.” He gave her a somber look this time, his jaw tensing.

  “Okay, sweetheart. For you, I’ll go as slow as possible.” His zipper was lowered the rest of the way and her hands were doing what he needed them to—pulling and tugging at fabric in the way.

  “So slow . . .” Her voice was raspy and thick with desire, exactly the way he needed it to be.

  And that’s when he pushed the seat back, flattened it as best as he could, and he reminded himself, “I’m a man. My wife knows this. I’ll get her and my baby home safe, then I’ll murder that bastard. Or at least beat some sense into him.”

  * * *

  Adam handed her the keys once they were parked in the garage and gave her a tight hug. He kissed her hair and growled in her ear, “That wasn’t slow enough. I want another.”

  “After I get Meg. Take the baby inside. I’ll be back soon.” She gripped his shoulders and squeezed them in a reassuring way.

  “Okay. But I want another. Not tonight, but when you get back.” He nipped at her ear. His dick was hard and achy for her.

  “You know I’ll do that as soon as I can.” She hugged him back, then pulled away.

  She smiled, but it was tight at the corner of her eyes.

  He knew that look. She was worried about him. She’d probably call Amelia.

  “I’m taking your phone.” He leaned to the side, felt around for it and then once he had it, pocketed the damned thing.

  “You don’t trust me?”

  “You won’t need it.” He got out of the car at the same time as she did.

  He went around to the back, pulled out Button, keeping him in his car seat while he continued to sleep and then waved at her as she started the car back up and went in reverse.

  He went inside and could hear the garage door closing as he roamed down the hallway.

  The baby was heavy, but not too much for a man.

  He carried him back to their bedroom and stripped out of his itchy suit, put on some shorts and left his shirt off.

  Baby’s liked skin and lots of it.

  Byron liked his daddy to hold him without a shirt on, and that was what Adam would do.

  But only after he ate a sandwich.

  Adam picked the car seat back up and swung it a little as he wandered out to the kitchen.

  He set the sleeping baby out of the way and proceeded to make himself a sandwich and get a soda.

  He’d upgraded to caffeinated, even though he knew it was a bad example to Meg. But he loved it. He had to have it. It was like sex in a can with fizzy stuff in it, only with less moaning and not as messy.

  Well, sort of. He did moan every now and then while chugging one down.

  What could be better than all that anyway, other than a naked Mari swimming in fizzy stuff he could drink. Like champagne. His dad gave him some when he took Mari and him out to dinner after Adam agreed to start an internship in Dustin’s office.

  Right as Adam had the sandwich made and his drink in his hands, there was a popping sound as he opened his can of fizzy bliss, and then a “Eeeeahhhhh, eeeaaaahhh!”

  “Byron!” He turned to Button.

  The little guy always knew when someone was eating and he wasn’t. For a baby not even three months old yet, he sure was a genius.

  “You know I need to eat,” Adam told him. Button didn’t seem to know that part for some inexplicable reason.

  He set his sandwich down on a plate and stared at his full can of soda he had yet to set his lips on.

  The baby’s face scrunched, his balled up fists flew to his mouth, and he screamed even louder.

  Adam rushed over to him, unbuckled him and had him out a second later.

  He patted his little bum, bounced around a bit and hummed while he held him to his chest.

  When Byron settled a little, Adam rocked him and ate his sandwich one-handed.

  Byron’s squirmy legs pulled on his chest hairs some, but it was fine.

  Sniiiifffff. Sniiiiifffff.

  Choppy danced around Adam’s legs.

  “I can’t let you out right now. Kinda busy eating and calming Button down. Use your doggy door,” he told his friend.

  Choppy whimpered.

  Adam groaned. “Fine! Make Byron happy and then I’ll let you out.”

  He crouched down and held onto Byron tight but sat him on top of his steed.

  Meg and he always loved it in Toy Story 2 when Woody rod
e the dog, Buster.

  Choppy yipped for a moment and gave him a look like Adam must’ve eaten too many doggie treats, because this was not allowed.

  “Save me! Save me! I want to have sex in the garage after I eat my sandwich, and my boy here won’t let me do that. He acts like he’s starved even though Mama fed him before we left the courthouse.” Adam laughed at the funny voice he was performing for his son.

  Byron was quiet, but wobbling around.

  Did they make saddles for babies and their trusty dogs?

  Choppy’s tail wagged, and she sniffed at Adam’s face.

  “You smell turkey sandwich?” He grinned at Choppy. “Well, too bad. I’ll give you some later. Babies have places to go. They have a very busy schedule between all their pooping and peeing.”

  He somehow steered the dog over to her exit for the backyard while keeping the baby happy and on Choppy’s back.

  “Uhhhh . . .” His wife’s voice was . . .

  “What?” He picked up Button and snuggled with him, pretending like he hadn’t been teaching him how to someday be a rodeo clown.

  How did she always sneak up on him when he was doing stuff like this?

  “Nothing.” Mari smiled, shrugged her shoulders and then set Meg down.

  The little bottomless pit went straight for his sandwich and was already gobbling it down as he nuzzled his nose into Button’s sweet little hair.

  “Is he hungry again?” Mari asked, patting Button’s back.

  “He’s fine. Manly bonding time is all.” He grabbed his soda before Meg begged for some.

  He swallowed it down in a hurry. Button was sucking his fist again.

  “Yep, he’s hungry.” Mari gave him a knowing look.

  “He’s fine.” He pointed at the bedroom. “Get Meg set up and then meet me back there. It’s not a garage, but I told you I’m not waiting.”

  “I heard you the first time.” She pinched his ass, smiled and then brought Meg over to the table and got her some more food, her favorite neon colored crayons and some paper.

  His daughter was always doodling.

  “Mama will be back in a little bit,” she told her.

  Adam headed into their bedroom, stroking the baby’s back and cooing in his ear.

  “I need this. You can manage to be happy for ten minutes, and I’ll pay you two dollars,” he told his son.

  “Mmmmeeehhhap,” the baby mewled.

  “That’s right—meehappy when Mama sucks me.” He used a firm voice. “We’re men. We understand there are needs.”

  “Be serious. He can’t understand that.” She closed the door and then turned to him, lifting her shirt and getting ready to feed the boy again.

  “But I come first.” Adam stared at creamy, round flesh.

  “You come first after the baby’s not squawking, otherwise I can’t come, because I’m too worried about him and can’t concentrate. And you don’t like it if I don’t get mine, too.”

  “Lie down. I know what to do.”

  She pressed her lips together, and her eyes gave nothing away.

  “I said—lie down.” He pointed this time.

  The second she was on the bed with her chest exposed, he handed her the baby. The voracious little one latched right on.

  That was fine.

  Adam sat at the foot of the bed and pulled her heels off.

  His fingers massaged and kneaded into the soles of her feet.

  “Ohhhhh, that feels good,” she moaned.

  “You hate heels more than I hate wearing a suit,” he mused.

  “I think you’re right. They were making my legs cramp up a little.”

  His fingers roamed up her calves, and the more he dug in, the louder she got.

  “I like the sounds you make.” His fingers went under her skirt.

  She squirmed and chuckled a little.

  The baby made a little squeaking noise but kept eating.

  Within moments, Adam was finding ways of undressing her without bothering the baby or disturbing his meal.

  She was in her underwear now, and so curvy and pretty, he had to get up and lock the door.

  “He’ll be asleep soon, but he’s not out yet,” she informed him.

  “Open your mouth, Mari.”

  She turned her head over her shoulder, and her eyes went wide.

  “I said open. If he can suck on you while I’m undressing you, then you can suck on me while he goes to sleep. When the men are done in this room, then it’ll be your turn. I like tasting you, too.”

  She made this throaty catching-noise, like a trap door just swung shut, but then her mouth was open, and he approached her with his body bared more than hers.

  “Thank you. I like it when you listen to me.” He grinned.

  It was a good day to be a man in this house today. Very good.

  * * *

  “Adam, sweetheart, wake up!”

  “Whhhhaaaa . . . ?” His eyes wedged open a little. The sheets were fisted in his hands, and he was drenched in sweat.

  “You were having another nightmare,” she told him, stroking his jaw. “Was it him again?”

  “Yeah.” He kicked the covers off, and Button startled in the co-sleeping crib next to the bed.

  He was surprised the baby was still in there. Usually by now he was nursing again and in bed with them.

  “Why won’t you call Amelia? You know she can help.”

  He raked his fingers down his cheeks. “No. She’s got better things to do.”

  “She’s about to open up that center for kids with similar issues. There have been advances in medicine. Why don’t we go visit and just take a look around?”

  “I can’t. I don’t want to be in that Harkham’s Corner place.” He grimaced. That was the name of the center. It sounded so—trapping and confining.

  “Can’t or won’t?” She sat up and reached for him.

  How did she always know when he needed touch? He rarely had to ask anymore.

  He landed in her lap and curled his body around hers. “It hurts. Inside my heart, my head—all of it aches like someone’s drilling me.”

  “I know, and I want it to get better. He did this to you without even realizing it.”

  He rolled his hips into her. “Make it better like you always do.”

  “Sex didn’t keep this nightmare from happening. You wanted oral twice, and you got it. Now, I can help you get back to sleep by pleasuring you again, but is that really going to stop this from happening? You were triggered today, and that’s not something to be ashamed of.”

  “It is for me. I know better. I’m smarter now.” His stomach knotted up.

  “It’s not about being smart.” Her fingers drifted through his hair. She smelled like yogurt. He was warm and fuzzy inside when he inhaled her delicious scent. “You smell like my baby’s favorite food.”

  She chuckled. “You mean I smell like baby spit-up?”

  “Yuck. That’s not what I said.” He scrunched up his nose.

  “Can you tell me what you’re thinking will help, other than sex? I’m happy to make love with you, but you’re going to run through our condom stash pretty quick if you keep this pace up.”

  “I want to call him, yell at him, and rip his heart out of his elbow so the bones will splinter while I’m doing it, but he doesn’t deserve that.” He huffed and stroked her thigh next to his head. His nose ran along the smooth flesh there. He hummed a little.

  “When the judge said—”

  “Don’t say it—not you, too. I can’t listen to this.” He turned over and buried his face in her lap.

  “Fine, I’ll keep quiet, but at least talk to someone. If not Amelia or me—someone you can trust.”

  He shook his head back and forth, his ears hitting her thighs.

  She sighed and leaned back into the wall. They couldn’t afford a headboard.

  It cost them all of their money to buy this place, and that was even after Dustin helped with the down payment.

n I’m telling you now—if you don’t do something about this tomorrow, then no more of this nice Mari.”

  His head popped up. “Whattaya mean? No sex?” His voice shook.

  “No. I’m not that cruel, and I’m not trying to punish myself.” She walked her fingers through his bangs and then scratched his scalp like he did sometimes to Choppy.

  “Then what?”

  “No more of me stocking you up with soda. I’ll let you tear through what we have, but then you go buy it yourself.”

  “Maaaa-riiiii!” His voice hitched.

  “I don’t care what you do, or who you talk to about what happened today, but someone needs to know what’s going on in that head of yours.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Try to buy your soda yourself, and see what happens.”

  “Zach can get it for me.”

  “He won’t.”


  “Nope. I’ll tell them both you’re being restricted.”

  “I’m a man!” His spine snapped straight. “And I can have a damn soda if I want to.”

  “Yes, but you can’t go into that grocery store by yourself since that stupid woman reported you when she saw you again. Remember her? The one with the cute little girl you gave a ride in the cart?”

  “That was a long time ago. The grocery store doesn’t care anymore.” He swallowed hard. No more soda?

  “They keep files of stuff like that.”

  “They do?” His eyes dried out as he failed to blink. “I can go to a convenience store.”

  “You don’t like operating the fountain machines, and you hate getting into those glass doors,” she reminded him.

  “The doors make that awful suction sound. It makes my head ring.” He shivered for a second.


  “Be nice.” He stroked her belly, and neared better places. “You have to be nice to me. I’m the man. I’m your man, and I say be nice.”

  She let him touch her wherever he wanted, but her breathing didn’t escalate.

  “Be hot for me,” he said. “I like that even better than being nice.”

  “Be reasonable and talk to someone about your episode and dreams.” Her breathing was still the same.

  His chest heated and pressure built up.

  “Will you make those noises I like?” He leaned in and kissed her at the corner of her mouth.


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