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Eluan Falls: A Whisper of Fate

Page 40

by Dane G. Kroll

  Emperor Nikali Caning had a meeting with the Prial Renee. Ellen came along to be introduced to the politicians and leaders in their sister empire.

  It was a magical weekend for Ellen. It was the first time she had ever seen Prial. The art, the shows, the city itself took her breath away. Every night, she and Nikali escaped through the gardens to have a quiet moment together.

  On their way back, Ellen remembered looking upon the Capitol in all its glory. She remembered feeling unbeatable. Nothing was going to stop Nikali and her together.

  That was the last time she remembered being truly happy. Then the duties of the Empire came into play. Nikali became more distant each year. And every year she could not produce a child they grew more apart. Then Prial brought down her dream when they killed Nikali at Insabal’s Canyon.

  Ellen’s smile turned sour as her memories flooded in. She held back tears. She had not thought about her time in Prial for years.

  “Everything alright?” Seres asked.

  “Yes, my love,” said Ellen. “Everything is fine. And Everything will be great once we take back the palace. The Council will kneel to us by the time this campaign is over.”

  “The throne will be beautiful with you by my side,” said Seres.

  “Of course,” said Ellen. She wiped away another tear before covering the window with the carriage shade. She knew what the Capitol looked like. She did not need to look at it any further.

  Chapter 85

  The gates to the Eluan Capitol were wide open. They welcomed Francesco de Seres and the former Myrus army with open arms despite the lack of any fanfare. The streets were littered with people drunk off of Tamor Blood. Very few people paid attention to the oncoming carriage and its prize being dragged behind it.

  Jordon was long dead. His body was torn to shreds from the rough conditions of the open roads of the Eluan Empire. Seres’ army marched behind the carriage. Their footfalls echoed down the streets. After several minutes of traveling through the city their presence was finally being noticed.

  It had been months since the city had a proper military within its walls. People stood outside to learn about the situation. They whispered and conjectured about what it all meant. It was well known Myrus was the last stronghold against Emperor Nikali, and to see that very army now marching into the city with no obstruction meant only one thing. The war was over and Nikali had won.

  Seres’ carriage pulled up to the courtyard of the Emperor’s palace. Unlike the rest of the city, there was a welcoming party waiting for Seres at the top of the grand steps. Seres looked out the window of the carriage. He could see Nikali, Cassandra, and the rest of the Royal Council waiting for him.

  Seres turned to Ellen. “How far does this go?” Seres asked his lover.

  “As far as it needs to,” said Ellen. “We are so close. We cannot falter now. The Royal Council will slip up, and when they do we will take everything.”

  Seres smiled. Ellen always knew what to say. He leaned in and passionately kissed her. The rest of the Royal Council had experience. They had their connections, but Seres had the former empress of Eluan, mother of Emperor Nikali, Ellen Caning, at his disposal. Together they were unstoppable.

  Seres stepped out of the carriage, followed by Ellen. They began to walk up the steps. As they made their approach Nikali stepped forward. He stood at the top of the steps with his arms open and a grin on his face.

  “I have dreamed of this moment for a very long time,” said Nikali. Then he looked over at his mother. “Bow to me.”

  Ellen did as she was told. She dropped to her knees on the marble steps of the palace. Then Nikali turned his gaze over to Seres. Seres did not need to be instructed. He bowed before Nikali.

  Nikali pulled out a sword from his robes. He balanced its blade down on the steps in between Seres and Ellen. They each placed a hand around the sharp edges.

  “Do you swear to honor the Eluan Empire, to uphold its way of life, to protect its emperor, and its god?”

  “Yes,” said Ellen and Seres in unison.

  “Do you swear to give your life for Eluan if the time arrives? Do you swear to bleed for the future?”

  “Yes,” they said.

  Then Nikali twisted the blade in their hands. The sharp edge cut through their palms and blood began to run down the side of the blade, dripping onto the steps.

  “Now, stand as members of my Royal Council,” said Nikali.

  Nikali lifted up the sword. He moved it across his eyes then brought it back closer to his face. He stuck out his tongue and dragged the bloody blade across his lips to get a taste. When he reached the end of the sword he lowered the blade and looked at his mother and her lover with a smile.

  “It’s so great to have you with us,” said Nikali.

  Seres and Ellen took to their feet. They were not thrilled, embarrassed, or ashamed. They were driven. And Nikali was giving them one more step toward their goals.

  Chapter 86

  For the first time since Nikali took the throne the Royal Council had a full house. Nikali sat on his throne at the head of the table with Cassandra to his right and eleven other men and women looking back at him. It was an accomplishment even his cousin, Heric, barely achieved.

  “Myrus is no more,” cheered Nikali as he took a swig of his drink. “The war is over!”

  “Are you sure?” Seres asked. “We did not pass any of your forces on our way to the Capitol.”

  “I’m sure,” said Nikali. “I don’t need an army. I am an army. I single handedly destroyed Myrus. I’m sure you will be getting reports very soon. People will see the monument I have built to commemorate this occasion. And soon we will celebrate even greater than before. The Night’s Flower will be the brightest it has ever been. I promise you that. I will shower the city with coin. We will drink until we are passed out. Then we will drink some more. My reign will be nothing but pleasure!”

  “What did you do?” Quaet asked.

  Nikali snarled at Quaet for cutting off his celebration. “I showed them my power. Make a note. Send artists out to Myrus. I want my legacy to begin now. I want them to share what I have done. I want songs to preach about my power.”

  “Everybody is dead?” Quaet continued to question.

  “Yes,” said Nikali. “Everybody. Farrah is gone. Her rebellion is no more.”

  “I see,” said Quaet. “Congratulations.”

  “Yes!” screamed Nikali. “Yes!”

  Nikali spun around in the throne. His legs stretched up above his head to allow himself to move in circles around the seat. When he stopped, his legs were propped up against the back of the chair and his head was lying down on the Council table. He looked up and out at the rest of the Royal Council.

  “I want to talk about the future,” said Nikali. “We’re going to rebuild the crossing. We’re going to go over to Louson! And we’re going to make them pay for bringing the avadons over to our empire. They tried to work with Tcher to destroy Eluan. Did you know that? I did. And they are going to pay for that. I will topple Louson because I want them to know what it feels like to be attacked by a force stronger than them.

  “They are over there praying for their gods to return. So I will grant them their wish. I will return. Charos will make his return to Louson and he will slaughter them all just as I did to Myrus. Their blood will fuel my reign for generations. Aldrin the Ageless was a myth. I am for real. I am Nikali the Godly.”

  The Royal Council sat in silence, uncomfortable with Nikali’s rant. Nobody dared argue anything their emperor declared. His word was the law of the land. The past was erased, and Nikali was now claiming the present and the future all for himself.

  Nikali continued on with his tirade for several more minutes before he grew bored and became distracted by an idea that popped into his head. The Royal Council was smart enough by now to wait out his rants and came to expect Nikali’s short attention span. They let Nikali leave without any formal address. Nikali’s whims were like the wind, and he
always desired to chase them.

  Once Nikali was gone, the Royal Council began to clear out. Most of the members were too ashamed to stick around. They dared not speak out against Nikali in fear of him hearing their words. They kept their heads low and hoped they could survive long enough to enjoy a long life of treasure.

  Quaet remained seated as the others began to clear out. He sat and stared at Seres who slowed down from making his exit. He gestured for Ellen to keep going.

  Ellen was the last to leave the Council room. When she closed the door behind her she left Seres alone with Quaet.

  “What are you doing here?” Quaet asked.

  “To join the Royal Council, just as you,” said Seres.

  “You could have challenged Nikali,” said Quaet.

  “As could you have,” said Seres. “Tell me, why is Nikali still standing? I have it on good authority that you were up to something.”

  “Whatever you are insinuating, I would tread lightly,” said Quaet.

  “The Suraya told me they were working with you,” said Seres.

  Quaet paused for a moment of consideration. Finally, he spoke again. “Where are they now? Did they get out of Myrus?”

  “No,” said Seres. “Just me.”

  “Just you?” Quaet asked.

  “I am the Suraya, now,” said Seres. “I have their connections. I have their authority. And as I’ve come to understand you have much deeper connections with Alexus and Louson than I had thought.”

  “You’re the Suraya, now?” Quaet snickered. “Then try to keep up. Nikali keeps us on our toes here.”

  “Do you have a plan?” Seres asked.

  Quaet chuckled at Seres’ question. He got to his feet to make his leave.

  “Do you have a plan, Quaet?” Seres asked again. “Answer me. I am the leader of the Suraya, now.”

  “You know as well as I do, the Suraya were fools,” said Quaet. “They couldn’t do anything with their plans. They were children playing around with their daddy’s sword and shield. I got what I wanted out of them. As I’m sure you did. Now it’s just a matter of patience. Try to keep up.”

  Seres watched the old man leave the Royal Council room without a care in the world. He dismissed Seres with ease and it infuriated Seres to his very core.

  Quaet would have to be dealt with sooner or later.

  Chapter 87

  Chaos finally settled since the events at Myrus. The news began to spread and a solemn dread overcame the rest of Eluan. While no other city had dared to stand up to Emperor Nikali many of them were silently rooting for Seres’ campaign to achieve victory. It was a hurtful blow when it was announced that Seres had not only failed his goals, but joined Nikali in the end. Who was left to challenge Emperor Nikali?

  Night, now, covered the Eluan Capitol. The former Myrus army was in its position surrounding the Capitol palace. Seres now commanded the strongest army in all of Eluan. He made sure his men were present on every corner of the palace grounds with his banner standing tall. Even with Nikali backing him Seres made sure everybody knew about the power Seres had now.

  Nikali glanced through the windows of the palace as he made his way to the Emperor’s chambers to check on the condition of Heric. Seres’ army was in line around the palace. Torches sprang to life across the back line of the army scattered in the city streets. The fire was blinding. It lit up the last few rows of the army standing guard outside of the palace gates. It was truly an awesome display. Even Nikali’s ravetroopers could not rival Seres’ strength.

  Nikali welcomed himself into Heric’s room. He hid back his disappointment in seeing Heric still indisposed in his bed.

  Like usual many of the nurses scattered at Nikali’s presence. Alma remained at her post near Heric’s side. Even through all the chaos at the palace Alma and the nurses stayed by their Emperor.

  “Any changes?” Nikali asked.

  “No, sir,” said Alma. “There has been no improvement.”

  “Give me the room,” said Nikali.

  Alma bowed her head and made her way to the exit. There was little argument left in her. “Call for me if you need me,” she said before she closed the door.

  Nikali looked at his fallen cousin. Nikali’s power was growing every day, but no matter what he poured into Heric he would not awaken.

  “I’m changing the world for you,” said Nikali. “Wake up and see what I’ve done. The Council is falling in line. We can make the changes we always dreamed of. Abigail is still out there. I believe it. If I hear word about her I will be the first to come to her rescue. You saw her. You can be with her again.”

  Nikali placed his hands at Heric’s heart and head. He coursed his arcan through Heric’s body. He let the power flow out of him and into his cousin.

  Heric’s breathing quickened. Nikali stood up straight. He watched Heric’s eyes begin to dart back and forth.

  More power flowed into Heric as Nikali grew excited. He could not contain himself. It was working. His power boost was getting through to Heric.

  “Yes,” muttered Nikali. “Wake up. Wake up. Eluan is ready for us.”

  Nikali grew focused on Heric. Heric’s body began to seizure out of control. Nikali tried to hold him down while continuing to push arcan through his body.

  Heric jerked back and forth. Spit foamed at the corners of his mouth. His body tried to arch against the bed, but Nikali held him down.

  The shaking slowly came to an end. Nikali was losing his power. He continued to embrace Heric until his body started to breathe steadily.

  Finally, Nikali was nearly drained, but it was working. Heric was stirring. Nikali laid his forehead against Heric’s chest. He could feel his cousin’s heartbeat against his own skull. Heric just needed a little more power, and Nikali could give it to him. Heric was going to wake.

  Then Nikali felt the cold steel of a blade drive into his back.

  Nikali shot away from the bed. He tried to stand up, but a lightning of pain brought him to the ground.

  The room was spinning. Nikali took a moment to get back his composure. He looked up to see Alma standing at Heric’s bedside with a bloody dagger in her hands.

  Alma scurried over to the window of the Emperor’s chambers. She lit a lantern and let it hang on the window frame.

  “For Eluan,” she said.

  Beyond the palace gates, Quaet watched as the signal was placed up in the window. Alma had done her job. Nikali was down.

  “It’s time,” Quaet said to his personal servant standing at the side of his room. “Hurry, now. Tell Commander Seres that Nikali has been attacked.”

  Nikali braced his upper body off of the ground. He growled at his betrayer, Alma. She was coming back toward him with the knife in hand.

  Nikali tried to swat Alma away but he could not attack with only one arm, injured from the previous attack, and still weak from his session with Heric.

  He was vulnerable.

  Alma approached Nikali once again. She stabbed him several more times in the back. Nikali was able to barely turn away from the onslaught and take the strikes to his left arm. Nikali crumbled to the ground at Alma’s feet.

  Alma kicked Nikali onto his back. He looked up directly at her. He saw the blade rise up above her head.

  Then the floor rumbled under massive pressure. The door to Heric’s room burst open. It had sensed Nikali was in danger and rushed to the rescue. Nikali’s fury arck charged forward into the fight ready to defend his master.

  Alma turned to defend herself against the reptilian monster. The fury arck never slowed down. It tackled Alma down to the floor.

  Alma struck the knife several times into the creature’s underbelly as the fury arck bit down on Alma’s face.

  Nikali took the moment to compose himself. He was losing a lot of blood. He rolled back onto his stomach. The pain was disappearing. He was growing numb to his injuries.

  He watched as the fury arck tore away at Alma. Flesh and blood spilled across Heric’s chambers. Alma w
ent motionless. Her hand let go of the knife stuck in the fury arck’s soft hide.

  Alma was dead, but her work was done. The fury arck’s belly was cut open. It was losing blood faster than its master.

  Nikali crawled toward the bloody bodies on the floor. The fury arck limped along the floor. The knife in its underbelly dragged against the floor and it dug deeper into the fury arck’s flesh every time it tried to lie down.

  The fury arck whimpered from the pain. It crawled over to Nikali looking for support and comfort. Nikali breathed heavily. His strength was waning. He couldn’t keep himself steady. Nikali embraced the fury arck with open arms.

  The loyal pet turned over onto its back. Nikali reached down and pulled the traitor’s knife out of its belly. More blood began to seep out of the wound.

  “I release you,” said Nikali. “You did well.”

  With his final command, the fury arck died in Nikali’s arms. It was a relief that Nikali did not have the luxury of having. Nikali rested against the frame of the bed. The corner of the wood dug into Nikali’s stab wounds in his back. It gave a shot of life and feeling in him.

  The pain brought Nikali back to the situation. He was under attack. He needed to fight his way out. He needed to rip out his attacker’s heart. With or without arcan.

  Several soldiers rushed into Seres’ quarters in the palace. They had received the news from Quaet’s servant and rushed to find their commander.

  The intrusion brought Seres and Ellen to their feet. They were half naked and in each other’s arms when the soldiers delivered the news.

  “Emperor Nikali has been attacked,” said Seres’ soldier. “He’s somewhere in the palace.”

  “Who is attacking?” Seres wanted to know as he rushed to gather his clothing.

  “We’re not sure,” said the soldier. “One of Quaet’s messengers alerted us. He was looking for you.”

  “Quaet,” repeated Seres, understanding the situation.


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