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Snow, Jenika - The Assassin [Alpha One Assassins] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m sorry.” His voice was soft and gentle, exactly how he was treating her. “We’re going to need to keep an eye on this and make sure it doesn’t get infected. The wounds on your feet probably hurt like hell, but they are only superficial and should heal fairly quickly.” He applied a generous amount of ointment on the cut and then secured a bandage on her leg. “All done.”

  He looked at her, but didn’t remove his hand, which rested on her upper leg. She swallowed, her panties becoming increasingly moist at his close proximity. Her traitorous nipples poked through the thin cotton of her tank top, and she heated with embarrassment. If he knew she was aroused, he did a good job out of not appearing to know. He stood and cleared his throat, and her eyes widened as she noticed the massive bulge pushing against his pants. He quickly turned away, running his hand through his short hair, the muscles in his back and arm flexing beneath the dark shirt he wore.

  “We should probably get some sleep. We have to leave early tomorrow.”

  She nodded. She didn’t argue because she was exhausted and the bath had increased her tiredness. She looked at the one and only bed and then back at Gage.

  “I’ll sleep on the floor, don’t worry.” He walked to the bathroom, stopping right at the doorway. “I’m going to clean up. I’ll be out in five minutes. I’ll leave the door open so that I can hear anything. Don’t worry, you’re safe.”

  She nodded and slipped under the covers, hearing the water in the bathroom running. She turned onto her side to stare at the wall.

  True to his word, he was out in five minutes, steam emerging from the bathroom and saturating the room. She turned onto her other side, watching with female appreciation as he came into the room, his hair damp and slightly spiky, wearing a black T-shirt and a clean pair of black military fatigues. He grabbed several blankets and a pillow and made a pallet on the ground in front of her bed, his gun beside him.

  “Try to get some sleep, Neeka.”

  She turned out the light, the room completely dark, the sounds from outside seeming to penetrate the concrete and wood of the walls. Although she felt safe with Gage no more than a few feet away, every little creak, every little whisper of wind against the window sent chills through her body. She was so tired, but her heart was racing, and she felt fear take a stranglehold on her. She looked down at the ground, not able to actually see anything but somehow feeling Gage’s presence. “Gage?” She whispered his name.


  “Will you lie beside me? I just don’t want to be alone right now.” Silence greeted her for a stretched period of time, and she feared he would refuse. It wasn’t as if she was juvenile and afraid of the dark, but every little creak reminded her of them coming for her. She heard rustling and felt the bed dip beside her. She inhaled his masculine scent, her skin tingling and raising with awareness. His body heat seeped through the covers, warming her and wrapping her in a feeling of safety.

  “Thank you.” They were silent for several heartbeats, and Gage’s deep yet soft voice speared through the darkness.

  “Will you tell me about what happened tomorrow?”

  She bit her lip, her heart starting to race again at the thought of telling him about what happened. Maybe if she got it out she’d be able to get some rest. She took a large, steadying breath, feeling resolve wash through her. “Rye Vincent was our family doctor. I loved him like a father.” She squeezed her eyes shut, emotions boiling inside of her that she didn’t want to surface. She was aware of Gage moving closer to her, and of his sweet, wintergreen breath drifting across her hair. She felt safe with him, like nothing in the world could hurt her.

  She spilled the rest of it, telling him about Adaym and the other “soldiers” Rye had made using her blood. Tears slipped down her cheeks, and she turned her head, burying her face in her pillow as her emotions crashed to the surface.

  “Every time I think about those poor men being Rye’s prisoners, I get sick. Although I know this isn’t my fault, I can’t help but feel responsible for it all. I’m the reason those men are prisoners. I’m the reason they will never truly have a life.”

  It was then that Gage wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close to his body as he whispered soothing words against her head. It was in his warm embrace that she let herself fall asleep, and let herself push the nightmare of Rye to the back of her mind.

  * * * *

  Gage listened to Neeka’s deep and even breaths. She had finally fallen asleep, and he was restless. He wasn’t going to lie in the bed with her, but when he had heard the fear and desperation in her voice, something inside of him had broken down, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to deny her. He knew he should have just kept on driving, knew that stopping was a bad idea, but he had seen how exhausted she looked, and he couldn’t not stop. He inhaled deeply, his Beretta in one hand, his other resting dangerously close to her arm. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and he could see her willowy form under the blankets. He lifted his hand to touch her arm and sucked in a breath when she shifted in bed, rolling over so that she now faced him. Her breathing was still deep and even, her face almost illuminated in the darkness. Her arm pressed against her side, so close that all he would have to do was move his hand an inch and he could run his fingers along her porcelain skin.

  He knew he shouldn’t, but he did it anyway. He extended his fingers and ran them over her warm flesh, a soft sigh escaping her as she unconsciously moved closer to him. He should go sleep on the floor, he knew this, but he didn’t want to. He laid his palm over her hand, her fingers lightly twitching beneath his. He leaned in and smelled a lock of her hair that fell across her cheek, the aroma like honeysuckle and vanilla. His mouth watered, and his cock grew harder. She shifted her legs, and he held in the groan that threatened to escape. With every move she made, her thigh would brush up against his erection, teasing him to the point where he thought he would come right in his pants.

  He squeezed his eyes shut, knowing that he would just need to hold out until he could deliver her to McCarthy. Maybe he had just been too long without a woman. He kept telling himself that, but he knew deep down that wasn’t the case, that he was just inventing excuses for the emotions Neeka brought forward in him. He was afraid that when the time to turn her over to McCarthy finally came, he wouldn’t be able to do it.

  * * * *

  Neeka opened her eyes, the room still pitch black, the sound of Gage’s breathing so close she could feel the warmth of it against her hair. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she took note of Gage sleeping right next to her, his hand wrapped around her own. Her heart skipped a beat and then stopped all together when he opened his eyes and stared at her. They watched each other for several moments, his hand never leaving hers. Even though she had just been a prisoner less than twenty-four hours ago, she couldn’t stop herself from leaning forward. Her heart slammed against her ribcage as she pressed her mouth against his. They didn’t move for a suspended second, their lips barely touching, their breathing mingling as one. Gage pulled back, and she felt her face heat with embarrassment. Nice job. Good way to make the situation even more awkward.

  He watched her, not saying anything, his hand finally reaching up and cupping her cheek. His lips pressed against hers, slightly opening as his tongue ran along the seam of her mouth. He made a deep sound in the back of his throat and pressed himself closer to her. She opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside and press against her own. Their mouths never broke as he pulled the sheets up and slipped underneath them. Their breathing became erratic as their kiss became more intense. His other hand speared into her hair, gripping the strands tightly as he leaned over her. She rubbed her legs against his, the rough material of his pants seeming to make her even more aroused.

  Her panties were soaked, the material running against her pussy lips and teasing her clit until she could feel it become hard and engorged. Her nipples stabbed through the material of her shirt, rubbing against his chest as they pressed as close togeth
er as possible.

  “We should stop.” He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged as he brought his lips to her neck and slowly sucked her flesh.

  “No, we shouldn’t.” She moaned, his tongue flicking little flames over her skin. She arched her back, scissoring her legs and causing friction to start in her panties. He pressed his hips into her, his cock hard and big against her belly. He slowly started to thrust it against her, mimicking what she wanted to do so badly. He leaned over her more, his big body sheltering her as she opened her legs and accepted his weight. It felt so right, so good, and so extreme. It should have felt taboo to be doing this with a man she barely knew, but she felt connected to him. He had saved her life, and because of that they were linked. At least, that’s what she told herself as she let herself get lost in the pleasure.

  “No, Neeka, we have to stop.” He pulled away and looked down at her. “Let me just hold you and keep you safe, okay?”

  She looked into his shadow-covered face, knowing he was right, but wishing he wasn’t. She nodded and he lay back down, pulling her close so that her head rested on his chest. The intoxicating scent of him washed over her, and she was surprised to find herself falling asleep almost instantly.

  Chapter Eight

  Gage drove down a barren, paved road, most of the asphalt cracked, dirt covering patches of it and telling of how often the road was actually used. Neeka sat beside him wearing shorts that showcased her slender legs and a shirt that hugged her breasts. She had complained about her attire, but he couldn’t, not when her body was so delectably delicious. They were about five hours into their trip, and even though he would have preferred to drive straight through, he knew that wasn’t the best course of action. No doubt her captor was scouting the area, and so he kept to the deserted roads and off the main ones. It would take him longer to reach his destination, and he would have to make several stops along the way, but his first priority was to keep Neeka healthy and safe.

  They had left before the sun had risen, and now it blazed high in the sky. He had checked in with Alpha One, getting confirmation on another small motel about an hour from his current location. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, keeping his eyes trained on the door, not knowing what to expect. It also didn’t help that Neeka had slept beside him.

  He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, her leg bent at the knee and resting on the leather seat. She stared out the window, her shirt rising slightly with every movement she made. Her midriff showed, the smooth, flawless skin of her belly peeking through the white of shirt. He gripped the steering wheel tighter, clenching his jaw and shifting in his seat when his cock started to harden. His shaft had been hard all night, and every time she had moved, she had somehow pressed against his dick, rubbing sensuously and making him ache. His cock throbbed with the need to be buried inside of her pussy, her long legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her, licking and biting her neck, her hands tugging at his hair as she screamed out her orgasm. He nearly groaned from the image he conjured up, knowing he needed to reign in his desires or they would both be in trouble.

  An hour later he was pulling into the small motel’s parking lot. The motel’s name, The Wild Thistle, blinked neon green above the front entrance. The small, one-story building was situated out in the middle of nowhere, and Gage wondered who would possibly think it was a good idea to open up an establishment out here.

  “Stay here, I’ll check us in.” She nodded and he got out, entering the front office and feeling like he was transported back to the fifties. An ancient-looking air conditioner sat in one of the windows, rattling and chugging as frigid air blew out of it. Burnt-orange carpet lay beneath him, numerous stains sporadically dotting it. The walls and ceiling were also covered in brown stains and even what appeared to be grease stains. A few chairs were pushed against the wall, the velvety-looking fabric printed with a hideous brown and mint green paisley design. A scuffed and chipped coffee table sat between the chairs, a few dog-eared magazines scattered on it. The place smelled musty, like it hadn’t been aired out in years. He would have to make sure to thank whoever at Alpha One had booked them a room here.

  He stopped at the front desk, the yellow counter with gold flecks looking worn and abused in several places. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dime-size microphone and recorder and stuck it to the underside of the counter. He didn’t think he was being followed, but if he was and someone came into the front office looking for them, he would be able to hear exactly what was said.

  He slammed his hand down on the silver bell that sat alone, the ding loud in the small office. A second later a middle-aged woman shuffled out, her feet covered in what used to be white fuzzy slippers, but now looked more brown and tattered. A bandana was wrapped around her hair, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.

  “Well, hello, handsome. We don’t get many lookers out in these parts. What can I do you for?” She winked, popping her hip against the corner and smiling widely.

  “I called ahead for a room.” She looked him up and down and then out the window. The windows in the SUV were tinted, and he knew she couldn’t see Neeka in the vehicle.

  She reached under the counter and pulled out a sign-in book, laying it on the counter and flipping to the day’s date. “Single bed, honey?”

  “Yeah. I’m just passing through.” She pulled out another book, ash from her cigarette that hung from her lip falling on the counter.

  “Okay then, I’ll give you room twenty-six. It’s the farthest one down, just like you specified.”

  She handed him a key, and he took it, thanking her and walking back toward the door.

  “If you want to come on over later, honey, I’ll be watching the I Love Lucy marathon. You’re more than welcome to join me.”

  He smiled. “Maybe another time.” He exited and walked to the SUV, getting in and seeing Neeka’s wide smile as she shifted to stare at him.

  “Did you get a discount on the room? You should have seen the way she was eyeing you when your back was turned.”

  He growled low in his throat and backed up, casting sideways glances toward Neeka as she grinned and stared out the window. It was nice to see her relaxing and making jokes. It warmed something inside of him.

  He pulled the SUV in front of the room, pulling up sideways so that the passenger side door was facing the door. He left the vehicle idling and hopped out. He grabbed the duffle bag he packed earlier and unlocked the door. He threw the bag on the floor, checking the room and making sure it was secure before going to the passenger side door and helping Neeka out. He glanced at the front office, not noticing anyone behind the front desk, and quickly ushered her inside. He shut the door and got back in the car, pulling it around to the back of the building and shutting it off. There was no dumpster to hide the vehicle behind, but there was also no access road where vehicles could easily see the SUV.

  He examined the back of the building, noticing that small windows were placed in perfect intervals running alongside the brick wall, bathroom windows he surmised. He walked around to the front and entered the room. Neeka lay on the bed, the television on, her eyes half lidded. She glanced up at him and gave him a sleepy smile. He set his keys and gun on the bedside table and went over to the window air conditioner. He cranked it on full blast and shut the blinds. It was over ninety degrees outside and even hotter in the cramped room.

  “I’m so tired all of a sudden.”

  “Car rides and the heat will do that to a person.”

  “I wasn’t even driving, though.” She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes, stretching her arms out.

  He swallowed, letting his eyes roam over her exposed flesh, her shirt riding up so her tiny belly button showed. She looked like an offering, like a feast for a king. He started to sweat, definitely not from the heat. “I need to take a shower.” His dick was pressed uncomfortably against the zipper of his pants, pulsing and seeping with the need to be buried inside of her.

  “Okay. I’l
l be here.” She spoke with her eyes closed.

  He went into the bathroom and turned on the water, more cold than hot. He needed to cool off, and he needed to take care of this erection, which had been plaguing him since the moment he saw her. He shut the door slightly, open enough for him to hear any kind of disturbances, but closed enough to make it so she wouldn’t see what he was about to do. He looked into the bedroom, Neeka’s eyes still shut, her breathing even. He stripped out of his clothes, stepping into the shower and nearly groaning at how good the chilled water felt.

  He washed his body and hair quickly, rinsing off and moving his hand down to his straining erection. He really shouldn’t while she was just in the next room, but his arousal for her was unbearable, and if he didn’t take care of his hard-on, he wouldn’t be able to keep his head in the game.

  He gripped his shaft, squeezing his hand tight around it and clenching his jaw at the pleasure that coursed through him. He started a slow stroke, up and down, root to tip, running his palm over the engorged head and feeling his own pre-cum slip out. He was breathing heavily, his arm working faster, pumping harder as his climax neared. The one person that fueled his desire was only a few short feet away, lying on the bed, her glorious body laid out like a treasure. She maddened him, inflamed him, and drove him crazy.

  * * * *

  Neeka breathed out as she rolled over and turned off the television. She had hoped to get a nap in, but the sound of the shower running wasn’t allowing that. She rolled onto her side and stared at the half-closed door, letting her lids close and breathing deeply. Just as her body started to relax, she was jarred awake by a low, male groan. She opened her eyes, sitting up slowly, straining to hear. A minute ticked by, and she brushed it off as her imagination, but no sooner had she thought that then she heard the noise again. Her body instantly reacted, her nipples beading up, her clit tingling with arousal. She slowly stood and walked toward the bathroom, not trusting what she was hearing.


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