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Snow, Jenika - The Assassin [Alpha One Assassins] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  “Take off the shorts, Neeka. Let me see that pretty pussy.”

  With shaky fingers she did just that, letting the material slide down her hips and pool around her feet. The underwear had gone with them, and the chill from the air brushed along her pussy lips. His fingers went back to work on her cleft, spreading her moisture around until she was so slick her juices were dripping down her thigh.

  He dropped to his knees, looking up at her as he took his thumb and forefinger and spread the skin away from her clit. She watched him, the small bud red swollen from his ministrations. While still watching her, he ran his tongue along it, sucking the engorged pearl in his mouth until she was shaking. He slowly moved his head back, his tongue still touching her clit as he stared up at her. That was all she needed, that visual stimulus, to let her orgasm explode out of her. She thrust her breasts out, her ass digging into the counter as pleasure after agonizing pleasure coursed through her.

  “Watch me, Neeka.”

  She looked down, her eyes wide from the intense arousal. He spread her pussy lips wide, her clit still tingling as he ran his tongue up and down her cleft, dipping it into her clenching vagina and then sucking the hard little bud in his mouth. The warmth and wetness, the friction and motions set off another orgasm within her that she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from crying out. He lapped up her juices that were slipping out of her, humming his approval as his eyes glinted with dark desires.

  Before her climax had even waned, Gage had her turned around, her chest flat against the counter, her shirt hiked over her breasts. His fingers pulled at her bra, her breasts spilling out of the thin material to lie against the chilled tile. Her nipples beaded up more as he massaged the mounds, his fingers tweaking the tips. His hips pumped into her ass as one of his hands moved between their bodies and undid his pants. She heard the sound of his zipper sliding down, and a chill of anticipation spiked through her.

  She lifted her ass, hoping he wouldn’t keep her waiting. She moaned at the feel of his hot cock pressing against her ass cheeks, the skin scorching her and drawing out more moisture from her body.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good, baby. I’m going to fill you up until you can’t stretch anymore.”

  His mouth was right by her ear, his words erotic and sending lust to every cell in her body. His hand went between her thighs and pressed them more open, his big body sliding between them. She looked over her shoulder to see him lean slightly back so he could gaze at her cunt, his eyes glazed over with lust, his breathing fast. His fingers spread her moisture around, sliding up until he was pressing those wet digits against her asshole. She gasped, never before having had a man touch her there.

  “One of these days, I’m going to fuck this sweet ass of yours, baby.” She felt the tip of his cock nudge at the entrance of her pussy as he spoke the low, deep words.

  She swallowed roughly, her throat so dry it felt like she had been eating cotton. He kept his fingers on her anus as he pushed more of his erection into her, his girth and length stretching her to the point where pleasure mixed with pain. It felt so good. More and more he pushed into her, his fingers teasing her asshole and driving her higher and higher. His hand gripped her waist as sweat started to trickle between her breasts.

  When he was seated to the hilt within her, they both groaned in unison, his fingers on her asshole pressing slightly in and then withdrawing. He did this over and over again, her pussy walls contracting along his shaft, his cock head pressing against her cervix. He started to move in and out of her, her juices making his way slick so that the sound of wet skin slapping together was loud in the room.

  His rhythm increased, his balls slapping against her clit and sending shocks of pleasure through her. She rested her forehead on the counter, fog coating the tile from her exhalations. Every time he slammed his hips into her, he would slip his finger into her ass a little more. It was erotic and torturous at the same time. The dual pleasure was almost too much to handle.

  His hand moved back to her breast, cupping it in his palm as he lifted her slightly back toward him. Her back was arched, her breasts bouncing from his pumping hips. “I’m so close, Neeka. Oh fuck, I’m so close.” His fingers weren’t at her ass any longer, and she felt slightly empty.

  His guttural words were all it took to send her over the edge. Her pussy contracted around his shaft and drew deep groans from him. She gasped and cried out as she rode out the pleasure, pumping her hips up and down and trying to get as much of his cock into her as possible.

  He turned her around, his hands cupping her bottom as he lifted her onto the counter. Her legs were spread wide, his palms holding them open as he thrust into her still convulsing cunt. He pulled out of her quickly, grabbed his glistening cock in his fist, and started pumping it as his other hand played with her clit. The pleasure started to build inside of her again as she watched him masturbate. His body was tense, the muscle and sinew that lay just beneath the skin standing out fiercely. He groaned loudly, never taking his eyes from her as he started to ejaculate. The sight of his cum erupting from him had her body shaking, her climax small but substantial.

  Jet after jet of milky white seed shot out of him, landing on her exposed pussy. It was hot and slick, an aphrodisiac all on its own. When he was done, he let his softening cock go, leaned in, and kissed her deeply. Their sweat-slicked chests rubbed sensuously together, her nipples beading up more from the friction. As they were cleaning up, the doorbell chimed. She finished righting her clothing and left Gage in the kitchen to finish straightening up as she made her way toward the front door. She reached for the handle and wasn’t surprised when Gage’s heavy palm landed on her shoulder. He was so protective of her, but she was thankful because she needed that kind of security in her life.

  She could see a large shape on the other side of the frosted, etched glass of the door and wondered if it was another one of her father’s friends or business partners. It had been almost two months since her father had passed, and still people came to pay their respects. She opened the door, her heart stopping at who stood on the other side.

  “Oh my God, Adaym?”




  Jenika is just your average woman. She lives in the too hot northeast with her husband and their young daughter. Thankfully, he shares her unusual sense of humor and naughty nature.

  Along with taking care of their daughter, they have to keep an eye on Milo and Otis, their spunky cats. When not writing, Jenika works at a hospital and attends school. Writing is Jenika's number one passion, but since life gets in the way, she isn't able to write full-time (at least not yet.)

  Jenika writes erotic paranormal, contemporary and sci-fi romances. Jenika started writing at a very young age. Her first story consisted of a young girl who traveled to an exotic island and found a magical doll. That story as long since disappeared, but her passion for writing has stayed strong.

  Jenika loves to hear from readers, and encourages them to contact her and give their feedback.

  Also by Jenika Snow

  Dimi of the Seven Moons 1: Deliciously Wicked

  Dimi of the Seven Moons 2: Temptation Unveiled

  The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed

  Blush: A Story of Dominance and Submission

  Ménage Amour: Lilly’s Surrender

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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