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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair

Page 12

by Mz. Lady P

  “You talking to me?” I asked, as I pointed my index finger at myself. He gave me a crazy look and I just rolled my eyes at his ass. At the same time I got up and headed towards the back bedroom to get Prince and Princess ready. The last place I wanted to be was in a room with Nita, Mo, and King all staring at me with those judgmental ass eyes.

  “You and King are getting on my last nerves with this bullshit. I know shit is bad with ya’ll and I hate to see ya’ll fighting each other like this. Right now ya’ll ass need to get over this and become a united front to fuck that nigga Gutta up. I’m thinking about going over to his momma house and whooping her ass just for giving birth to that deranged little motherfucker. I know King been being real fucked up towards you and you don’t deserve that shit. I’m going to have a long ass talk with his ass. You can believe that shit. I love King, but you’re my baby and I know this shit is hurting you. At the same time I need you to get these kids and head home with King. I need to calm your daddy down before he goes out and does something stupid.

  “He wouldn’t want to do something stupid had you not told him. I knew he was going to go crazy. Just let me handle it, Ma.” I kissed her on the jaw and picked up Princess. Prince had already headed out front and was waiting with King.

  “Are you sure that you’re okay baby girl?” I thought long and hard before I answered.

  “No Daddy, I’m not fine, but I’ll be okay. Just please let me handle this and I promise if I need you or Ma I’ll let you know. Just trust me Daddy. You and Nita have been shielding me and trying to protect me my entire life. It’s time for me to handle things my way for a change. I love you and I’ll call you tomorrow.” I kissed my daddy on the cheek and I left out of the house. My heart rate sped up just a little faster as I approached King’s car. I placed Princess inside of her car seat and strapped her in. I exhaled deeply as I got inside of the car. Before I could close the car door good King was pulling off. I pulled my phone out of my purse and tried to focus on something else besides the aura he was giving off. I could feel the anger radiating of him. I was so irritated because if he was going to act like this he could have left me where the fuck I was at. At the same time I didn’t have time to sit and worry about King and him being in his fucking feelings. Last time I checked I was the one of who was drugged and raped. My main focus is getting back at this nigga Gutta. King could miss with all these good bullshit he was on. If he didn’t want me he could leave me the fuck alone. I’m not begging, pleading, or kissing his ass anymore. Fuck him and I mean that shit from the bottom of my heart.

  I sat up in King’s bed at his condo smoking a blunt. I swear I needed it to calm me down. King hadn’t said anything to me since we made it to his condo. As a matter of fact he was avoiding me altogether. I hated what we had become. Just last month we were the happiest we’ve ever been and planning our future. That saying ‘life can change in the blink of an eye’ is so true. As I sit and I wonder about the future of my family I can’t help but think will King ever look at me the same. He used to look at me with such adoring and passionate eyes. Now they seem to be permanently dark and cold. Somewhere inside of him, beneath all of those layers of anger, is the man I fell in love with, and I know still loves me. I have two choices I can fight for my relationship or sit back and let everything we’ve built diminish to nothing. One thing for sure, and two for certain, I’m not about to lose everything that I’ve invested in this relationship. I intend to do what I have to do to get my revenge against Gutta and make things right with King. I could give up and walk away from King, but everything I endured to be with him would be in vain.

  After I finished my blunt I went and checked on the kids. They were fast asleep so I headed to see where King was. I got to the living room and he was knocked out on the couch in a sitting up position. I wanted to wake him up so badly, but he looked like he was sleeping so good. I grabbed a throw blanket and snuggled under him. I melted into him. I felt so secure as I laid my head on his chest. I rubbed my hand across his bare chest. I placed a soft kiss close on his chest. That was a habit I had developed since the first time I laid on his chest. There was something about the jolts of electricity I feel that go through my body when my soft lips touch his chest. It’s like I said before there something about this man that exudes power and I can’t explain it. Abruptly, King sat up and removed my head from his chest. He walked to the back of the house and I lay there waiting for him to return. Unfortunately, he never came back. That was a pivotal moment for me because at that moment I knew I couldn’t take any more rejection from him. I put my clothes back on and went home to my house.


  “Siyah!” I jumped up in bed at the sound of King’s voice roaring my name. He had scared the fuck out of me. I know for a fact I pissed a little.”

  “Why are you calling my name like that?” I rubbed my eyes and observed him standing up against the door frame with a mad look on his face. I do not have time for this man’s shit today. I got some shit to handle and I need to be focused. At the same time I couldn’t help but to take in how good he looked rocking his all black jogging suit along with his black and white Retro Jordans. His beard was on point of course not to mention his baldhead was shining like new money, just the way that I liked it. He wasn’t one of my favorite people in the world right now, but I would be lying if I said he wasn’t one of my favorite things to look at.

  “Why the fuck would you leave like that without telling me? You know I hate that shit Siyah. It’s like you keep trying to piss me off more than I already am.” He walked over to the bed and sat down. I immediately got up and headed into the bathroom to handle my personal hygiene.

  “You hate everything I do Kingston and I’m definitely not trying to piss you off anymore than you already are. The last thing I want is for you to shoot me again. After all the next time you won’t miss. Right?” I removed my clothes and stepped in the shower. Seconds later the shower curtain was being pulled back.

  “Aye man! I’m sorry for that shit. I was wrong Siyah. That shit wasn’t cool at all. You don’t ever have to worry about me doing no shit like that again. I was pissed about you and that nigga Gutta, but that’s no excuse for what I did. Hurry up and shower because we need to talk.” Kingston closed the curtain and walked out of the bathroom. As I continued to shower I thought of Kingston and the words he had just spoke. I knew that he was indeed sorry for his actions. I also know if he really wanted to shoot me he would have.

  After showering I wrapped the towel around my body and headed back into my bedroom. Kingston was sitting on his throne that was caddy-corner on his side of the room.

  “Come here Siyah.” He said as he flamed up a blunt and blew the smoke in the air. He looked so fucking good to me. My pussy was doing cartwheels, somersaults, and backbends. I had to squeeze my legs tight just to keep my juices from flowing down my legs. I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Kingston to say whatever he had to say.

  “Tell me what happened the night you ended up in that nigga Gutta’s bed and don’t leave shit out.” My eyes widened because that was the last thing I expected for him to say. At the same time I was glad because he was finally giving me a chance to tell what the hell happened.

  “That night I left my momma house and went to the bar just to have a couple of drinks. I was getting ready to leave when Gutta came into the bar. We exchanged words about the shit he pulled back in Vegas. At first I was thinking he was doing that shit just because he still wanted me, but apparently there’s more to it. He’s mad about not being able to get put on and hustle the way he wants to because you run shit. I tried leaving, but he asked me to have a drink with him. I know I should have declined, but I didn’t. I got a Long Island Iced Tea and he got a double shot of Remy. I remember him going to the bathroom and coming back. I had already started drinking my drink when he came back. Once I was finished with my drink I got up and got ready to leave and that’s when I first felt lightheaded, but I shook it off and continued to walk out to
my car. I remember starting it up and that’s the last thing I can remember from that night. I woke up the next morning and I was naked in his bed. I’m so sorry King. You have to believe that I didn’t have sex with him, willingly. I would never betray you like that. Please tell me you believe me Kingston!” I didn’t even know I was crying until I felt my cheeks wet. I got up from the bed and stood over him stroking his face. He pulled me in closer and roughly removed my towel letting it drop to the floor. I stared at him as his eyes roamed all over my body as if it was his first time seeing it. He stood up from his throne and lifted me up on his waist. I wrapped my legs around him and we engaged in a passionate kiss. The kush taste on his tongue accompanied with the taste of the cherry Chap Stick he had on his lips made him taste so damn good. He carried me over to the bed and laid my body down. My legs were still wrapped around him. I reached up to pull his pants down, but he knocked my hands away. I began to breathe hard as he began to roughly kiss and bite me all over my neck and breasts.

  “Ahhhhh!” I screamed out in pain, as he roughly entered me. I tired wrapping my arms around his neck, but he roughly pushed them away. He placed one hand around my throat and with his other he placed both of my hands above my head, making sure to hold them in tightly. I had no other choice but to lock my legs tighter around his waste and match his thrusts. The pain that I was once feeling was now becoming pleasurable. King was like an animal in heat as he roughly pounded in and out of me. After a couple of minutes of him fucking the shit out of me we both came at the same time. He stood up and headed towards the bathroom. I sat up in the bed and watched as he cleaned himself off. Once he was finished he started heading towards the door getting ready to leave.

  “So that’s it? You’re just going to come here and ask me what happened and I tell you? Then you turn around and fuck the shit out of me and leave?”

  “Yeah that’s it.”

  “That’s it motherfucker!” Before I knew it I had picked up the lamp off of the nightstand and launched at his ass. After the lamp I started throwing any and every fucking thing that wasn’t nailed down. He was ducking and dodging, making me miss, and that only made me madder. I jumped up and attacked his ass. Titties and ass was everywhere as I tried to fuck him up, but he was so fucking big and strong over me that he was able to rush and pin me to the bed.

  “Don’t you ever in your fucking life put your hands on me Siyah. You brought all this shit on yourself when you accepted a fucking drink from that nigga. You were never supposed to entertain that motherfucker. I don’t blame you for what the fuck he did, but I blame your dumb ass for never seeing the fucking obvious shit that’s right in front of you. That nigga been on bullshit from the jump. The moment he walked his bitch ass in that bar you were supposed to walk your Dizzy Dora ass out and hit me up if that nigga jumped stupid. I should break your fucking neck for fucking playing with me like I’m some lame ass nigga. I’m going to handle that nigga accordingly, don’t worry about that. However, like you said I love you, but I don’t know how to love you. You love me, but you ain’t ready for a nigga like me. So right here and now we can agree things are over between us. My Princess will never want for anything in this motherfucking world and neither will you. Clean this motherfucking room up and you better replace each and every fucking thing in it!” He got off of me and he walked out of the room. I wanted to run after him, but my heart was hurting so bad. I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. So I just lay there and screamed until I became hoarse.

  “Get the fuck out! I hate you King! I hate you!” I repeated over and over again, until heard him drive out of the driveway.

  Chapter 22- Kingston

  I turned my music up loud as I peeled out of the driveway. The sound of Siyah screaming and crying about how much she hated me was ringing in my ears. My intentions weren’t to go over there and lay this dick on her, but she was just looking too fucking good, in nothing but that towel. It wasn’t shit wrong with feeling the inside of the softest place on earth for what might be the last time. I hated to actually admit it and say that Siyah was right when she said I loved her, but didn’t know how to love her. She was too good of a woman for that. I thought I had been doing right by her, but she felt differently. My rough around the edges approach was too much for her. So it was also true that she, without a doubt loved a nigga, but she couldn’t handle me. In order to save the both of us the trouble we were both better off not being together. Don’t get it twisted because that didn’t mean I didn’t love Siyah. I actually love that girl more than life itself, but the shit going on with me is not fair to her. She deserves better. At the same time she gone make me kill her ass acting dumb and shit. I know for a fact she’s not. Her ass grew up in the streets, so she knows how this shit goes. It’s like she was the only one who couldn’t see that the nigga Gutta couldn’t be trusted. Each and every time I think about him violating her I become even more pissed. I admit that from the jump I probably should have gotten to the bottom of it, but what the fuck was I suppose to think. Any motherfucker in my position would have thought the same fucked up thing. Seeing that shit all over social media sent me over the fucking edge. I know motherfuckers all in their feelings about the way I’ve been handling Siyah, but as you know I’m different type of animal. I’m a king and I handle shit my way and that’s the only way I’ll get results. At any rate I can’t change the shit that has happened between Siyah and I. Going forward I just need to do what’s needed so that our daughter is not caught in the middle of our bullshit. The last thing I want is to make Siyah a bitter ass baby momma. I might have to kill her ass for real. Especially since she just went from zero to one hundred real quick on my ass. Siyah got my damn back hurting trying to stop her punches from landing.

  Now that I have the story on what transpired between her and Gutta it’s time I handle that situation. Ain’t no fucking time for planning what the fuck I’m going to do to his ass. I’m going make his bitch ass wish he never fucked with Siyah or talked slick about me in these streets.


  “If Gutta didn’t spike Siyah’s drink then who did?” Santana asked. The both of us and Legs were parked outside of the lounge where Siyah was at the night her drink was spiked. He had been hiding out since the shit with Siyah. That nigga knew I was coming full force. Just like a bitch ass nigga to go into hiding after doing some fucked nigga shit like spiking a female’s drink. That was a snake ass move. In this game snake ass actions bring forth snake ass consequences.

  “The bartender.”

  “Wait a minute how do you know that?” Legs asked.

  “Siyah said that when the bartender gave her the drink Gutta was gone to the bathroom. When he came back he drank his shots and she continued to drink her Long Island. Gutta never touched her drink, so either the bartender did it at her own free will, or Gutta paid her to do it. I’ll go with the latter, especially since she woke up in his bed. Let’s head inside.” We all headed inside of the lounge and took our places at the bar. I was already aware of who the bartender was because she had been the same one for years.

  “What’s happening King? Would you guys like the usual?”

  “We good. I hear customers getting their drinks spiked around this bitch. Do you know anything about that?” I placed my nine on the counter and her eyes bulged out of her head.

  “I don’t know nothing about that.” When those words left her mouth Legs and Santana placed their guns on the bar as well.

  “I’m going to ask you one time and one time only. If you lie to me I’m gone shoot this bitch up. Don’t stand here acting like you don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. Everybody in these city knows who the fuck my girl is and what the fuck that nigga Gutta did to her. My question to you is what part did you play in that?”

  “I’m sorry King. I had no other choice because Gutta was threatening to expose me. When he first got out of jail I kicked it with him. I had no idea he was taping the shit until he sent the entire sexual encounter to my phone. He
knew that she was in here because some of his crew were in the back playing pool when they spotted her at the bar. Not to mention his uncle owns this place. He called me and that’s when I slowly started to put the Visine in her drinks. I knew to do it that way because they’ve been spiking girl’s drinks here since he got out of jail. Please King don’t kill me! I just didn’t want him to put my business out there like that.

  “You didn’t want him to put you there so you put the mother of my daughter in jeopardy to save your own ass. I have the right mind to put a bullet in your fucking head, but since it’s Black History Month I’ll spare you. Grab your shit and get the fuck out of here before I change my mind. I didn’t even wait until she was good out of the door before we started airing the fucking bar out. I made sure to hit each and every bottle of liquor I could find. The bar was full of people and I didn’t give a fuck. That’s actually what the fuck I wanted. I wasn’t aiming for any innocent bystanders. I was trying to send a fucking message. Trust and believe me I know I proved my point.

  “Tell that bitch ass nigga Gutta that King is looking for him. I got fifty bands on that nigga head for whoever can tell me where the fuck I can find him at! Ya’ll already know where to find me at.” With that being said we left just as smooth as we walked in.

  Chapter 23-Na-Na

  I had been trying my best to keep calm and not whoop Santana’s baby momma ass. This dirty ass bitch done hit the wrong nerve for the last and final time. I’ve told Santana that this bitch has been slicing my tires and playing on my phone. I don’t have no time to be playing with this bed bug having hoe. He wants to keep downplaying the situation acting as if he done handled some shit. Obviously, he hasn’t handled anything because this bitch done called my job talking about I kidnapped her damn daughter. Mind you I work for Chicago Public Schools. Them people don’t play about shit like that when you work around kids, and now my ass is suspended until there is a full investigation into her accusations. I’m gone put my foot in this bitch ass for every dollar that I miss. The worst part of all this is that she don’t even want Lexus, this is all about Santana being with me. This nigga don’t pay her a lick of attention yet she insists on acting a damn fool and embarrassing herself. That’s okay because after I whoop her ass she will come back down to reality real quick.


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