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1. Earth Pack Rules: Her Alpha Lovers Part One

Page 3

by Michele Bardsley

  He was starving—and they’d moved past breakfast and right into lunch.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  He strode across the room and flung open the door.

  Roxie. Beautiful, curvaceous, luscious Roxie. She wore a pair of tight jeans and a glitzy halter top. Her feet were clasped in zebra-print high heels. Big gold hoops dangled from her lobes.

  “Hi. I thought you’d like to see what I looked like dressed.”

  “You look amazing,” he said. “But nothing beats naked. I like naked a lot.”

  “Yeah? Me, too. Can I come in?”

  He moved out of the way, and she sashayed inside.

  He watched Roxie wander around the room.

  Decorated in dark blue and silver, from the navy carpet to the striped couch, the room, like the entire suite, was both luxurious and comfortable. Cherry wood end tables, each with a thin silver lamp, graced both sides of the huge, circular bed.

  She walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and pushed aside the black-out curtains. Jack joined her, and they stood side-by-side and stared at the Las Vegas Strip. It looked less glitzy during the day when the desert sun beat down on the buildings and the people like a Mafia enforcer. In daylight, you could see the grit, the dirt, the underbelly. It was hot and ugly out there without the cover of night and bright, shiny lights to hide the truth of the inhospitable land.

  Jack felt Roxie’s gaze on him, so he turned to face her.

  Her eyes flared with desire and his blood stirred. Jack grasped her arms and pulled her into his embrace. She looked at him, wide-eyed, anticipation and lust colliding in the depths of her gaze. He wanted her. She wanted him. It could be just that simple, if they let it.

  He kissed her.

  She responded passionately, her lips melting against his as her tongue dipped into his mouth.

  He quivered. God, she made him hot, she made him want. One taste of Roxie would never be enough.

  Her hands dove into his robe. Her palms coasted down his stomach, seeking the evidence of his desire. She gripped his cock and stroked.

  “I want you,” she said in a husky voice. “Desperately.”

  “Then you better get out of those clothes.”

  She smiled, her eyes glittering with excitement. “That’s exactly what I plan to do.”

  ROXIE’S HEART THUDDED from both exertion and sexual need. Ever since she met Jack, and then Grant, she couldn’t stop thinking about them naked. With her. She knew there was a whole big thing involved with being the mate of two alphas—and the responsibilities involved with running an Earth Pack. She loved the idea of joining a community that focused on contributing to society meaningfully. Being a member of the Blood Pack had made her wary of trusting anyone, even her own family. You either survived or you didn’t. If she and Derek hadn’t had each other growing up—well, they might not have made it past puberty.

  Jack took her hand and pulled her onto the bed. His lips captured hers, his tongue slipping inside to ratchet up the heat. She melted into his arms and deepened their contact. He tasted like peppermint. She could smell the light scent of soap and the musky scent of sex.

  Desire and need streaked through her, pooling wet and hot between her thighs. Reaching between them, she stroked his cock through the robe.

  Roxie kissed his jaw, dragging her lips down his neck then back up again. Her fingers curled under the edges of the robe, which she opened to revealed his delicious body.

  He sure was built. The man had nice abs. Brown hair lightly furred his pectorals and stomach. With lips and tongue, Roxie worked her way to his chest, taking a detour to one coin-sized areola and its tiny, hard peak. She tugged it between her teeth, flicking the tip rapidly. He groaned, his hands wrapping in her hair as she attacked his other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

  “Roxie,” he murmured. “You feel so good.”

  She moved further down his chest, exploring the muscled ridges of his stomach with hands and mouth.

  Slipping to the floor, she knelt between his legs. She grasped his thick, hard shaft, loving the feel of it against her palm.

  Cupping his balls, she squeezed lightly as she licked his mushroomed head, sucking it into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the rim, flicking the tiny bumps on the underside. Her wolf growled in approval. What would it be like to run with him and Grant? To take their true forms and actually frolic in nature without worrying about being attacked by other pack members?

  She couldn’t be that lucky, could she?

  Jack’s breathing went ragged and his thighs tensed.

  Roxie’s heart pounded frantically as lust thickened in her belly. She wanted Jack desperately. Her body hummed with need, with heat. The musky scent of his sex excited her. She went down on him all the way, sucking his manhood to the base as she fondled his sac.

  Roxie was too impatient to mess around with pretty seduction. She was a born and bred werewolf—and she wasn’t shy, damn it. She gave her gorgeous alpha a down and dirty blow job, lubing his cock with her tongue as she went down on him again and again. He pumped into her mouth, his cock banging against the back of her throat, but she took him, took him all.

  When he grabbed her hair, and growled … she let go and stood up.

  He moaned in protest. His chest heaving, his cock thick and hard and glistening from her saliva. She could smell how much he wanted her, nearly taste it if she lapped at the air.

  She’d rather lap at him.

  Roxie got out of her clothes as fast as she could. He watched her with half-lidded eyes, his hand rubbing his shaft as she removed shoes, pants, shirt, and underwear.

  Then she crawled onto his lap, and he helped guide his swollen member into her pussy. For a moment, she simply sat there and enjoyed the feel of his penetration as he stretched her, as he filled her.

  Jack cupped her breasts, brushing the hard peaks with his thumbs. He sucked one into his mouth, licking it rapidly with his tongue.

  Pleasure sparked through her.

  “Oh, yeah,” she moaned. “I like that. Mmm.”

  He switched nipples, sucking one and twisting the other. Fire raced from her breasts to her very core. Awash in sensations, she seemed to lose the ability to breathe, to think.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  Jack didn’t need a second invitation. He cupped her buttocks, his gaze on hers as he thrust upward. Her knees dug into the mattress as she rode him.

  He fell backwards onto the bed and she adjusted her position. He held onto her hips, thrusting, and she moved, too, taking him deep, hard, fast.

  Oh, God! Her bliss erupted and shot her into the stars. Vaguely, she felt Jack’s deep thrust, his groan intertwining with her low cries, and then he came, too.

  She floated back to earth and found herself in the embrace of an alpha. Whoa.

  “You’re amazing,” murmured Jack.

  “Yeah, and you’re crazy.” She snuggled against him. “Will Grant mind?”

  “Mind what?”

  “That we had sex without him.”

  Jack laughed. “Not as long as he gets a turn with you.” He kissed her forehead. “When we mate, we’ll both take you. You’ll be our wife then, body, soul, mind.”

  “I can’t believe I’m even considering this.” She sighed. “I mean, how do you guys share a mate? I think I’m getting the better end of the deal.”

  Jack smoothed her hair. “Three is a very powerful number in the Earth Pack. It’s sacred. It goes way back to when the various packs broke away from the main tribe. We’ve had a triad leading our pack since … well, forever. It’s the natural order. I promise, Roxie, Grant and I won’t fight over you. We’re already a team. We’ve been co-alphas of the Earth Pack for a couple of years—and we were raised together.”

  “Brothers?” She turned onto her side and looked at him, her eyes wide.

  “Yes … and no. My fathers and my mother were the triad alphas. Grant was a foundling. He was four, I think, when someone dropped him off at t
he gates of the pack’s farm. We don’t know anything about his past—who abandoned him or why. I had just turned six years old when my parents adopted him. So, we were raised as brothers, and we were raised to be the alphas.”

  “What happened to your parents—to the three of them?”

  “Oh. They retired. They bought a private island in the Caribbean and live happily together. Mom says they spend most of their days naked on the beach.” He shuddered. “She loves telling me and Grant about things we don’t want to know about our parents.”

  Roxie laughed. “She sounds awesome.”

  “She’ll like you,” said Jack.

  “Maybe.” Roxie still wasn’t convinced mating the Earth Pack alphas was the right thing to do—for any of them. She liked Jack. They had serious sparks together. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Grant, but she suspected bedding him would be spectacular. And having the two of them together? God, a werewolf could melt from that kind of ecstasy.


  Bing. Bing. Bing.

  “What’s that?” asked Roxie.

  “Phone,” said Jack. He rolled into a sitting position, got up, and went to the bathroom. He returned with his cell. “It’s Grant,” he said, placing the device to his ear. “Hey, dude.”

  Roxie watched Jack’s face go from relaxed to furious. “Where is he?” He listened for a few seconds. “Fine. We’ll see you in ten minutes.”

  Her heart started to pound. She sat up; her worried gaze snagged Jack’s. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “That was Sara from the Blood Pack. They’ve got Grant.” Jack tossed the phone onto the night stand and stomped to the closet. “I told him to gather information, not to engage with them. He’s so goddamned stubborn.”

  Roxie got dressed, matching Jack’s speed. Oh, crap. Crap! She knew something like this was going to happen. Nothing she touched—no one she cared about—could escape the taint of her Blood Pack heritage.

  “We need to go.” Jack grabbed her hand, and they hurried to the suite’s door. She tugged on him, and he paused. The muscle in his jaw ticked as he stared at her.

  She swallowed the sudden knot in her throat. “What are we doing?” she asked. “What’s the plan?”

  “Oh, it’s pretty fucking simple.” He pulled her close, keeping her wrist snared in his hand. “The only way to make sure Grant stays alive is to give them … you.”

  Read Part Two Now!


  Enjoy all the stories set in the Pack Rules world! The titles listed below are free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.


  Her Billionaire Alpha --- ASIN: B00KOS9U18

  Her Billionaire Beta --- ASIN: B00NULZP6K


  She’s in danger … and only her werewolf bodyguard can save her.

  Part One --- ASIN: B00Q2GNUCQ

  THE PACK RULES (Completed Serial)

  It’s time for alpha of the Shadow Pack to choose his human mate…

  1. Chosen by the Alpha --- ASIN: B00K23MG7U

  2. Taken by the Alpha --- ASIN: B00KFOQHM6

  3. Ruled by the Alpha --- ASIN: B00KOVUXAW

  4. Rescued by the Alpha --- ASIN: B00KZ4JFRU

  5. Loved by the Alpha --- ASIN: B00LU6MZXI

  EARTH PACK RULES (Completed Serial)

  The co-alphas of the Earth Pack must convince a curvy beauty to be their mate…

  Part One --- ASIN: B00LCM71SO

  Part Two --- ASIN: B00MATGOKE

  Part Three --- ASIN: B00NN6005S

  Part Four --- ASIN: B00P8FQASI


  Michele Bardsley is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of paranormal romance. Writing makes her happy. So does her husband (The Viking) and their fur babies. She loves watching “Supernatural,” consuming chocolate, crocheting hats, reading books, and spending time with her awesome hubby.

  Michele’s Website

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