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Broken Wings (The Broken Series Book 3)

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by Ruff, K. S.

  I sighed dejectedly. “Michael once worked for an investment firm where he discovered the general partners were investing and washing money for a terrorist group. He turned them in. The funds were frozen, and a number of people were prosecuted, but two of the partners escaped before they were arrested. One of them came to Michael’s house in Paris, the day that Michael and Rafael were being fitted for their wedding tuxes. The guy attacked Jean, the bodyguard who was watching over me at the time. Then he tried to drown me. Michael and Rafael arrived just in time. Rafael killed the guy when he pulled him off of me. I lost the baby that same day, and Michael never recovered. He ordered me to leave. He said he didn’t want me in his life anymore because he couldn’t keep me safe.”

  Shae looked completely horrified. “God, Kristine, I’m so sorry.”

  I tried to laugh it off. “Now you know why I’m in the conflict resolution program.”

  She just shook her head. “What happened with Kadyn when you got back?”

  “Kadyn was really hurt when he learned I had fallen in love with Michael, willingly had sex with him, and agreed to marry him. He told me he couldn’t just pick up where we left off. He doesn’t want to date me anymore. He just wants to be friends.”

  Shae looked surprised. “But… you were kidnapped, and that guy totally manipulated you.”

  I nodded. “Like Michael, I think Kadyn was struggling with the fact that he couldn’t keep me safe. I’d been kidnapped once before, two and a half months after Kadyn and I began dating. Maybe he’s just sick of having to rescue me.”

  Shae grabbed my arm. “Hold up, Kri. You’ve been kidnapped twice?”

  The coffee nearly slipped from my hand. I quickly recovered. “A co-worker from Montana. I was pretty beat up, but Kadyn got there before the guy could rape me.” I guzzled the remaining coffee.

  Shae shook her head. “You were right, Kri. I wouldn’t want to be you, not even for one day… not with all the crap you’ve been through.”

  I tossed my coffee cup into a recycling bin and pulled the door to our building open. “Maybe I’ve gotten all of the bad stuff out of the way. Maybe it will be smooth sailing from here on out,” I suggested optimistically.

  “If I were you, I’d enroll in the hostage negotiation class just in case,” Shae responded drily.

  I laughed as we stepped inside Dr. Sandstrom’s classroom. “No. I think my days of being kidnapped are over. I doubt anyone’s going to mess with me when Rafael is around.”

  Shae shook her head again. “You were dating Kadyn when you were kidnapped, and that guy is seriously ripped.”

  A chill ran down my spine as we settled into our chairs. Shae made a compelling argument. It didn’t matter who I was dating. Michael and Justin had proven that if someone wanted to kidnap or hurt me, they could find a way. The chill settled deep inside my bones as I watched my professor and classmates stream into class. All of a sudden, the hostage negotiation course didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

  * * * * * *

  When I pulled my jeep into the garage, I discovered a long stemmed rose lying on the floor just in front of the door that led from the garage into my house. I smiled as I picked up the rose. I discovered another rose half way up the stairs that ran from the garage to the main floor. Another rose was lying on the counter next to a piece of paper. I set my books on the counter and picked up the note.

  I wanted to give you some time to process things, so I’m making myself scarce tonight. I’m next door if you need me, and I programmed my new cell phone number into your phone this morning. I left something in the refrigerator for you, in case you haven’t eaten. I’d like to take you out for dinner tomorrow night if you’re available. I hope you have only good dreams tonight. Love, Rafael.

  I cracked open the refrigerator and smiled. A tomato, basil, and mozzarella sandwich was sitting on the top shelf. The sandwich was speared with a toothpick and a yellow sticky note that read “eat me.” Rafael had drawn a big smiley face on the note, with the tongue hanging out. I shook my head and laughed.

  I went to nab a vase from under the buffet in the formal dining room and discovered the trail of red roses resumed in the hallway. I found twelve roses by the time I made it to my bedroom. A soft light was flickering from the master bath, so I went to check it out.

  I gasped. He had lit at least fifty votives and scattered them throughout the bathroom. The bathtub had been filled. Rose petals were scattered across the top of the water, which was still steaming. I couldn’t believe Rafael’s timing.

  I placed the roses in the vase, filled it with water, and set it on my nightstand. I returned to the bathroom with my iPod and quickly stripped down so I could sink into the enticing tub. Soaking in the rose petals by candlelight was heavenly.

  I reached for my cell phone as the water began to cool. It was shortly before eleven o’clock. I scrolled through my list of contacts so I could send Rafael a text. Wow. You don’t mess around. The bath and the flowers are lovely. Thank you. I’d love to join you for dinner tomorrow night. My classes end at six on Tuesdays. I should be home by six-thirty. See you then?

  Rafael texted back just as I reached for a towel. If not sooner... I’m imagining you in that bath.

  I couldn’t help but smile. I tried to think of something witty to write back as I toweled off. Nearly everything I came up with was likely to entice Rafael to come back over to my place, especially since he was living right next door. My thumbs flew over the screen as I settled on a response. Maybe next time you can join me in the bath, that way your brain won’t have to work so hard trying to picture me in the tub.

  I patted myself on the back for coming up with a retort that could be perceived as both an invitation and an insult. I ran a comb through my hair, brushed my teeth, and blew out the candles. I eyed the bottle of sleeping pills near the sink, but given everything that had happened with Rafael, I thought maybe this time I wouldn’t need them. Maybe this time I’d dream happy dreams.

  Chapter 2 - Counting stars

  I stretched out and savored the sun spilling across my bed. It had been a glorious night… one of those rare times when I hadn’t needed a sleeping pill and didn’t wake from a nightmare. It looked beautiful outside, so I decided to take my yoga mat down to the edge of the river to work out before class.

  I wasn’t sure whether it was Rafael’s affections, the full night of sleep, or the yoga, but I felt completely at peace by the time I finished working through my yoga poses. I wandered back into the house and snagged a cup of coffee before settling in at the desk in the library. I savored the dark, spicy notes of the Italian roast coffee while I waited for my laptop to boot. I sifted through a few news headlines before checking my e-mail.

  I quickly scanned my inbox. Shae had responded to the e-mail I sent with my resume. I clicked on her message. The days you get to sleep in are numbered my friend. My boss looked over your resume, and he’s interested. Can you come in for an interview at ten o’clock Wednesday morning?

  Excitement buzzed through me as I typed my response. I’ll be there. Thanks, Shae! I owe you one!!!

  I practically skipped up the stairs. I grabbed my iPod and portable speaker from my nightstand and quickly scrolled through the play list until I found Pink. I turned the speaker up as loud as it would go, then jumped into the shower. Pink always inspired me to sing. She made me feel like I could conquer the world. I was still singing when I toweled off, but I came to a screeching halt when I entered my closet. I have a date with Rafael.

  I raked through my wardrobe. Would this be considered a first date, even though we’d already had sex? I cringed. When did I become that girl? I began to panic as the closet pressed in on me. I couldn’t think or breathe. I snatched a teal dress and fled the closet.

  As I began pulling the dress over my head, it hit me. I was holding the very same dress I had worn the first time I met Rafael. I yanked the dress off and slunk back to my closet.

  My thoughts turned to Rafael as I reevaluated
my clothing options. I doubted a relationship between us would resemble anything even close to normal, not after everything we had been through together. He had been my bodyguard for crying out loud. He saved my life when he resuscitated me after the drowning. He helped me mourn the loss of my child. We had already faced so many difficult experiences, things most couples never had to face. Was it any wonder the steps in our relationship were all jumbled up?

  I sifted through the dresses. There were at least fifteen dresses, and I didn’t want to wear a single one. I snatched a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, suddenly intent on shopping for something new. I had just enough time before class.

  * * * * * *

  I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and eyed my new dress. The black cocktail dress felt a bit more snug than it had at the store, but I liked how the wide neckline made the ruched sleeves look like a bolero jacket. The dress hit a couple of inches above my knees, although it appeared shorter with four inch heels. I had decided to pair the dress with glossy red heels and a red, black, and silver beaded bracelet that was held together by a thick black bow. I swiped on some tinted lip gloss and a bit more mascara. Then I quickly curled my hair so that it fell down my back in long blond waves.

  Excitement zipped through me when the doorbell rang. I smiled. It’s nice to know the guy can use a door. My pulse quickened as I made my way down the stairs and opened the door. My breath caught when I saw Rafael. I had never seen the man in a suit before. He typically wore black cargo pants or jeans and a Dri-fit shirt that left little doubt as to how cut the guy really was.

  Rafael’s eyes trailed down and then back up my ensemble. “How the hell are we supposed to make it through dinner?”

  I shook my head and laughed. “I have no idea.”

  He yanked me against his chest. His hands tangled in my hair as his lips coaxed mine into a heated kiss. My hands lingered on his chest before easing over his shoulders and settling at the base of his neck. My entire body pinged with desire.

  I reached for his arm and steadied myself as he broke away. “Shall we?” I asked shakily.

  Rafael tucked me under his arm. “My car is in the garage out back. Do you want to cut through the house?”

  I was a little concerned that cutting through the house might involve a detour to the bedroom, but I conceded. Thankfully, Rafael didn’t take any detours. We wound through my kitchen and down to my garage, since his garage was right next door.

  Rafael keyed the code to his garage, and the door slid open, revealing a sleek black motorcycle and a Ferrari. My eyes grew wide. “Is that the bat mobile?”

  Rafael grinned. “That’s an Enzo F70. The bike is a Vyrus.”

  “Of course it is,” I mumbled, thinking virus not Vyrus. “So which one are we driving to dinner?”

  Rafael laughed. “In that dress? The Enzo.”

  I nearly wet myself when the doors to the car rose.

  Rafael’s eyes crinkled in amusement. “Do you want to drive?” The look on his face was a dare if I ever saw one.

  I peeked inside the car. “Is it an automatic?”

  Rafael roared with laughter. “No. It’s a manual.”

  I looked at him thoroughly confused. “Where’s the clutch?”

  He smiled. “The shifting paddles are on the steering wheel.”

  I examined the steering wheel more closely. “I wouldn’t know where to begin. What if I break something?”

  Rafael pulled my back against his chest as he nuzzled my neck. “I’ll drive to the restaurant so you can see how it works. Then you can drive home.”

  My head fell back against his shoulder as his lips demanded more access to my neck. “God, Rafael, how am I supposed to maintain self-control when everything about you screams sex?”

  Rafael’s hands burned a trail from my hips to my breasts. His voice was low and seductive as his thumbs teased the tips of my breasts into hard pebbles. “The fact that you’re trying to maintain control tells me you’re afraid and you don’t trust me. I’m not going to hurt you, Kristine. I want you to trust me enough to let go… to surrender that control you cling to in fear.”

  My voice trembled as my heart bolted from my chest to parts unknown. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  Rafael turned me in his arms. A determined look settled over his face. “You can, Kristine. Once you’ve decided you can trust me, you’ll long to let go.” His eyes darkened as he pressed me up against the car. Our breath mingled as his lips hovered over mine. He searched my eyes until a smug look settled over his face. He smiled as he slowly backed away. “Let’s go eat.”

  My emotions scattered as I tried to sort through why he hadn’t kissed me. I stared at him, thoroughly perplexed, as we walked toward the passenger side of the car.

  Rafael chuckled as he helped me into the car. “Don’t worry. I fully intend to collect on that kiss.” He eyed my legs appreciatively as my dress inched up, but there was no graceful way to fold myself into the low slung car. Rafael slid into the driver’s seat. The doors hummed as they slid back into place. The Ferrari suddenly roared to life.

  I wondered whether it was possible for a car to cause an orgasm. I turned to face Rafael as he backed out of the garage. “What do you drive when it snows?”

  He smiled. “I have a Lincoln Navigator parked down the street.”

  I figured as much. Rafael didn’t seem like the kind of guy to be caught unprepared. “So, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you…”

  He shot me a knowing look. “The rental property?”

  “Yes. Do you own my townhouse?”

  Rafael had enough class to look embarrassed. “Yes. When I saw the places you were considering, I made the guy next door to me an offer he couldn’t refuse. I’m sorry, Kristine. I know that’s manipulative, but I wanted to ensure you were safe, and there’s only one place safer than where you currently reside.”

  “And where’s that?” I asked suspiciously.

  He turned onto King Street. The trees on either side of the street were wrapped in thousands of white lights. The cobblestone sidewalks literally glowed. Rafael smiled. “You’d be safer if you were living with me.”

  I tore my eyes from the beautifully lit trees so I could look at Rafael. “You’re not suggesting we live together?” I asked with a nervous laugh.

  Rafael shifted his attention to me as he pulled up to a red light. “I’m satisfied with our current arrangement… for now.”

  I nodded before gazing back out the window. All along the street, people were gawking at Rafael’s car. “Did you furnish the place?”

  Rafael eased through the intersection as the light turned green. “Yes. I furnished it with items I thought you might like.”

  “So that’s why it feels like home,” I murmured.

  He glanced at me. “You’re welcome to change anything you don’t like.”

  I shook my head. “I wouldn’t change a single thing about the place, but it’s a bit unnerving how well you captured my taste in décor.”

  Rafael shrugged. “I’ve had years of training and experience observing people. There are some areas where you remain a mystery, though.”

  I glanced at him in surprise. “Really? Like what?”

  He chuckled. “Like why you’re enrolled in school.”

  It was my turn to shrug. “I don’t know. I guess I felt like a bachelor’s degree wasn’t enough.”

  He nodded. “Tell me about your program.”

  “I’m working toward a master’s in conflict analysis and resolution,” I responded distractedly. I was trying to pinpoint how Rafael was shifting gears on the steering wheel.

  He glanced at me as he merged onto the exit ramp for I-395. “Is that like international peacekeeping?”

  I tore my eyes from the steering wheel so I could respond. “Well, there are a million different directions you can take this degree. You can work as a mediator, negotiator, facilitator, or a trainer at the individual, organizational, national, or internatio
nal levels. Some people work to resolve conflicts between gangs. Some serve as mediators for the courts. Some work to improve employee relations in businesses, some resolve conflicts between governments, and others engage in peace-building at the grassroots level.”

  Rafael gave me a curious look. “What do you want to do with the degree?”

  I smiled. “If everything goes well tomorrow, I’ll be going into peace-building.”

  He looked surprised. “What’s going on tomorrow?”

  “I have a job interview with an organization called Seeds for Peace. If I get the job, I’ll be working with my friend Shae. She’s in my degree program and was recently hired on there.”

  Rafael didn’t bother hiding his concern. “What exactly would you be doing for this organization?”

  “I’d be going into universities in conflict-ridden countries to train college students how to resolve conflict without violence. The goal is to empower a subset of university students to help resolve conflicts in their communities and to build conflict resolution programs in high schools and middle schools.”

  Rafael’s eyebrows inched up his forehead. There was an edge to his voice that I’d never heard before. “Conflict-ridden countries… where?”

  I glanced at him nervously. “Africa, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union.”

  Rafael slammed on the brakes as he swerved to the shoulder of the road. His eyes narrowed as he turned to face me. “Kristine, you cannot be serious.”

  My heart sped. I pressed my hand against my chest as I tried to catch my breath. “Why are you so upset?”

  Rafael’s left arm was draped casually over the steering wheel, but the look on his face was anything but casual. His voice took on a sarcastic tone. “Oh, I don’t know. The woman I love wants to work in violent, war-torn countries. Kristine, you’re talking about really dangerous places… places where people get killed just for looking the wrong way.”

  I sighed. “I know it’s dangerous, but I seriously doubt we’ll be waltzing into any war zones. There would have to be some level of stability, or the universities wouldn’t be open.”


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