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Broken Wings (The Broken Series Book 3)

Page 24

by Ruff, K. S.

  Cory decided to sit by me at dinner. He thought it might deter dark and sinister men from approaching me. I questioned the strategy since I wasn’t the only woman in our group targeted by the mafia. Shae had been targeted too, and she looked breathtaking in a red wrap dress with strappy red heels. She had worn her hair up last night, but tonight it hung down her back in beautiful brown waves. Sammi was no eyesore, either. Her glossy black hair contrasted nicely with her white sheath dress. She paired the dress with long white boots that were decorated with chrome buckles and heels. Cory definitely had his work cut out for him.

  We ate dinner while Oni and Igor argued over which dance club they should take us to. I wanted to go someplace that would fall under the radar, someplace Maxim and Konstantin weren’t likely to go. Oni thought we’d be safer in a more upscale place. Igor thought we should ditch the club scene entirely. His preferred course of action was to pick up some vodka and party in our hotel room. Oni won out in the end. I marveled at her powers of persuasion, which really were quite impressive considering her young age.

  We sang happy birthday to Shae when the dessert torte arrived. Cory settled the bill. Igor flagged another van, and we left for the dance club.

  There was a long line to get into the club, but Oni spoke to the bouncer, who then waved us through the red velvet rope. The guy practically drooled on Shae. He reached out to touch her hair, but Cory didn’t miss a beat. He wrapped his arm around Shae and escorted her through the door. Oni linked her arm with Sammi, and Igor did the same for me.

  The dance club boasted a contemporary vibe with white booths circling chrome tables. An eclectic assortment of neon, black, and strobe lights were scattered all across the ceiling. The entire bar glowed.

  We were greeted by a hostess, who looked entirely too young to be in a bar. She was wearing a low cut blouse, a micro-mini skirt with ruffles, and insanely high heels. She escorted us to a booth near the dance floor, which was tucked against a mirrored wall.

  We ordered sparkling water and one round of shots so we could toast Shae. I eyed the people on the dance floor while we waited for the waitress to return with our drinks. The music was pulsing. It really wasn’t all that different from the erotic techno music played at dance clubs in the United States. I leaned toward Shae. “Notice anything odd about the people on the dance floor?”

  Shae nodded. “They’re all women.”

  I glanced curiously at the other booths and the tall bar tables that were interspersed throughout the club. The vast majority of them were filled with men.

  Sammi folded her elbows on the table as she studied the dance floor. “Every single woman is dancing alone and preening in the mirror.”

  I looked at Oni. “Why are all the women dancing alone?”

  She looked confused. “Men don’t dance. They come here to watch the women dance.”

  Cory looked at Igor. “Are all your dance clubs like this?”

  Igor nodded. “What can I say? We like to watch women dance.”

  A slow smile slid acoss Cory’s face. “You have no idea what you’re missing.” He got a mischievous look in his eyes as his attention shifted to Sammi, Shae, and me. “Let’s show them what they’re missing.”

  The waitress arrived with our vodka shots. Cory paid her, then lifted his shot glass. “To Shae!”

  “To Shae!” we cheered before knocking back the shots. Shae reached for my hand as the four of us filed onto the dance floor. Oni and Igor remained seated with dubious looks on their faces.

  My heart began to race. I had seen Cory dance in Germany. Every move he made smacked of sex. I had no doubt this was going to land us in some serious trouble, maybe even get us kicked out of the club.

  The other women on the dance floor eyed us curiously as Cory reached for my hips. He settled his leg between mine as Shae began to dance with Sammi. Cory held one hand in the air as he began to grind in time to the beat. He stayed a respectable two inches from my body, which didn’t do much to temper the erotic moves he made with his hips.

  I closed my eyes and tried to relax into the music while he loosened up my hips.

  Shae wedged in between us as we rolled into the next song. Sammi sidled up behind Cory. She circled around him as she dragged her hand provocatively around his back and chest. Cory flipped her around so she was facing us, then held her in place as he began grinding against her bottom.

  That’s when I noticed the other women on the dance floor had stopped dancing entirely. They stood gaping at us instead.

  Shae motioned one of the women over. She smiled nervously as she began dancing with the two of us.

  Cory grabbed Shae when the DJ slid into the next song. Sammi danced with me and the new girl. Two other women joined us. I tried to pull Igor to the dance floor. He shook his head, then relented as Oni joined me in tugging on his arms. Oni and I took turns showing Igor how to move his hips as we danced with him.

  Cory reached for my hips as he began dancing behind me, so Sammi joined Igor and Oni. Shae danced with the new girls. I was breathless and ready to return to my seat when the music finally slowed, but an unfamiliar arm wrapped possessively around my waist. I was yanked back against a well-muscled chest.

  I closed my eyes as Maxim pressed his body into mine and slowly began to move. He kept my back pinned to his chest as his right hand moved just below my breast. The other hand wound through my hair until he reached the nape of my neck. He tugged my head to the side and slowly licked my neck. “You enjoy sex,” he whispered into my ear. “I can tell by the way you dance.” He kissed me just behind the ear, then latched onto my neck. He consumed my neck with open mouthed kisses, then sucked in long hard pulls.

  I whimpered as I felt him harden against me. I tried to put some distance between us, but he tightened his hold. I couldn’t move an inch. What’s worse is the guy was actually turning me on. My eyes flitted nervously around the room. Cory was slow dancing with Sammi. They both had their eyes closed, and neither appeared to notice that Maxim was holding me. Oni and Igor were making out in the booth, and Konstantin had Shae pressed against the mirrored wall. A number of the men who had attended the dinner with Maxim last night were now slow dancing with the girls who had been dancing with us. “I… I didn’t think Russian men liked to dance,” I whispered hoarsely.

  Maxim chuckled as he turned me in his arms. His hands slid down to my bottom as he fit my body to his. There was no stopping the desire that shot through my body. Maxim’s eyes darkened as my nipples hardened against his chest. “We prefer to dance in bed,” he murmured as he lowered his lips to mine. His tongue swept through my mouth. He teased and prodded my tongue as he laid claim to my mouth.

  Maxim deepened the kiss as he backed me up against the mirrored wall. My eyes flew open when I felt the cold glass against my back. Three men in black stood between Maxim and the rest of the room. I couldn’t see over them to determine where everyone else was.

  Maxim’s hand slid over my breast. He pinched my nipple hard, clearly aware of my distraction. His hips ground against mine as the kiss turned more consuming. My heart stalled as my dress inched higher. I was certain he’d be buried inside of me if it rose any higher, especially considering the thong I was wearing underneath. “Maxim,” I rasped. “You… you have to stop.”

  He growled in warning. “I could take you right here. There’s not a single person who could stop me.” He immediately began ravishing my neck.

  “I… I could stop you,” I suggested. I knew the thought was ludicrous, but I couldn’t think of any other way to distract him.

  Maxim stopped kissing my neck. His hand remained possessively on my breast. He shifted his weight to hold me in place while he pinned my hands above my head. “I’d love to see you try,” he taunted as he ground his hips into mine.

  His next kiss took me by storm. Desire pooled in my lower abdomen, then pulsed between my legs. I was mortified to find myself suspended on the edge of an orgasm, when the guy wasn’t even supposed to be touching me
. My mind scrambled for some way to break free. I couldn’t hit him because my hands were pinned above my head, and my thighs were pressed so firmly against the wall that I couldn’t even lift my foot.

  Maxim shifted his hands so a single hand held my wrists above my head. His fingers swept teasingly between my legs. He groaned when he felt the thong. “You’re so wet, kotyonok. You want this just as much as I do.” He reached for his zipper.

  I opened my mouth in protest, but his lips crashed violently against mine. I slammed my eyes shut, knowing it was only a matter of seconds before he was buried deep inside of me.

  I gasped when Maxim was suddenly pulled off of me. I pulled my dress down, then stood trembling against the wall. The three men who had been serving as a protective barrier between us and the room were now conferring with Maxim. They were motioning toward the other side of the bar where a fight had broken out. Some man was attempting to drag a woman by the hair as another man flung a bar stool at him. I slowly slid from behind Maxim and made a run for the bathroom. I could only hope that one of my friends had seen me.

  My hands shook as I splashed cold water on my face, neck, and chest. “This is bad… very, very bad,” I muttered to no one but myself. The other women in the bathroom eyed me warily.

  Sammi suddenly pushed through the door. “We have to go!”

  I grabbed the sink. “I know! How are we going to get out of here?”

  She grabbed my arm. “Come on! The rest of the group is meeting us out back.”

  “How do you know where to go?” I asked breathlessly.

  “I’ve been trying to find a way out of this place ever since I saw Maxim pin you against that wall. I hope that felt as good as it looked… because it looked really, really good.”

  I yanked my arm from her hand. “God, Sammi. I have a boyfriend!”

  She shot me an annoyed look as we pushed through the exit door. “If screwing that guy becomes a matter of survival, then you might as well enjoy it.”

  I scowled at her. “Somehow, I don’t think Rafael is going to see this quite the same way.”

  * * * * * *

  I had barely gotten my silk camisole and pajama shorts pulled on when someone began beating on our door. “Kristine, are you in there?”

  My eyes widened as Shae brought her finger to her lips.

  The pounding continued. “Kristine, open up! I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  I backed against the desk. “He sounds really upset,” I whispered anxiously.

  Shae quickly pulled her pajamas on.

  The pounding stopped.

  I glanced questioningly at Shae.

  She shrugged.

  I took a step toward her, and the door exploded.

  Shae ducked as bits and pieces of wood sprayed across the room.

  I braced myself against the desk as Maxim and Konstantin stormed into the room. Maxim stopped just short of me. He looked livid. “You have got to stop running away from me. I was worried someone had gotten a hold of you. I wasn’t even sure you were alive.” He reached for my arm and yanked me from the desk. His eyes softened as he pulled me in for an awkward hug.

  My eyes were still wide as he released me. “What did you do to that door?”

  “Don’t worry about the door. I’ll have it replaced,” he growled irritably.

  I stepped around Maxim and peered toward the door. Cory and Sammi stood gaping in the hallway. Another guy pushed between them as he entered the room.

  Maxim reached for my arm. “We need to talk… alone.”

  My eyes flitted toward the bed. “Okay, but not in here.”

  His eyes searched mine questioningly. He huffed out a breath. “Fine. We’ll talk in the lobby.” He immediately pulled me toward the splintered door.

  I dug my heels in. “I can’t go downstairs like this. I need to put clothes on.”

  His eyes swept over my black camisole and shorts. “You look fine. Besides, no one will be allowed to enter the lobby while we’re down there.” He looked at the guy who had just entered the room. “Kill the bugs.”

  I stared at Maxim. “Bugs? What bugs?” I asked thoroughly confused.

  Maxim ignored me as he nodded toward Cory and Sammi. “In their room too.”

  Cory widened his stance as he attempted to block the doorway. “I’m going downstairs with you or she doesn’t go.”

  Maxim raised an eyebrow. He glanced from Cory to me.

  I nodded.

  Maxim narrowed his eyes at Cory. “Suit yourself, but stay out of my way.”

  Cory squeezed Sammi’s hand. “Stay with Shae until I get back.” He stepped back as Maxim pulled me into the hallway.

  I stepped gingerly over the bits and pieces of wood that used to be our door.

  Maxim turned his attention to another man, who stood just outside the door. “Get their door fixed. Rip a door off one of the other rooms if you have to.”

  The guy nodded.

  Maxim, Cory, and I walked down to the lobby. I was still in my bare feet, so I was shivering by the time we made it down the cold cement stairs.

  Maxim narrowed his eyes at the guy behind the desk. “Prinesi yey odeyalo… Go get her a blanket… a clean one!” He nodded his acknowledgement to two men in black who stood with their arms folded just inside the entrance to the hotel. There was a man standing near the stairwell we had just exited. Another man stood in the entrance to the far hallway. Each one had a gun strapped to his chest.

  Cory eyed the guns nervously as Maxim steered me toward the couch.

  Maxim motioned toward the man standing near the hallway. “Move one of these chairs to that far corner.” He nodded toward Cory. “He can sit over there.”

  The guy nodded. He easily lifted the massive chair to the far corner of the lobby.

  Cory trailed after him. He glared at Maxim as he dropped into the chair.

  Maxim reached for my hand as we sat on the couch. “Look. We aren’t the bad guys here. Believe it or not we are trying to keep you safe.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh. So that’s what you were trying to do when you had me pressed up against the wall. And here I thought you were trying to have sex with me.”

  A small smile teased at the corner of his lips. “I was…” He paused as he searched for the right word, “… multitasking.”

  I tugged my hand from his.

  The desk clerk scrambled over and handed me a thick blanket.

  I offered him an apologetic smile. “Spasibo.”

  Maxim wrapped the blanket around my shoulders as he dismissed the clerk. “Ostav'te nas byt'.”

  The guy practically sprinted from the room.

  Maxim rested his knee on the couch as he turned to face me. “Look, there are a number of people following you. I haven’t been able to figure out who all of these men are yet, but you are not safe in this country unless you align with me. If people see you with me, they will leave you alone. If you continue to go it alone, then you will be considered fair game.”

  I turned to face him. “Fair game? For what?”

  He shrugged. “Rape, kidnapping, human trafficking, criminal accusations, you name it.”

  I silently considered him.

  He waited patiently for it to sink in.

  Finally, I spoke. “You’re serious? This isn’t an attempt to get me into your bed?”

  He shook his head. “I want you in my bed, but I could not be more serious.”

  I stared at the darkened window. I couldn’t help but wonder who might be lurking outside. “I take it you weren’t referring to insects when you told that man to kill the bugs.”

  Maxim waited to speak until my eyes returned to his. “The Ukrainian government regularly plants listening devices in hotel rooms housing Americans.”

  “Why?” I breathed.

  He shrugged. “They presume all Americans are spies.”

  A chill slid down my spine. “I’m not a spy. None of us are.”

  Maxim nodded. “I know you’re not a spy. Th
ey know you’re not a spy. It doesn’t mean they won’t accuse you of being one to achieve other objectives.” He sighed heavily. “When you live in a country where government officials are corrupt… where they repress poor people, violate human rights, and restrict civil liberties… you need non-government organizations with enough power and strength to keep the government in check.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to tell me the Russian mafia isn’t an international crime organization? You’re what… a regional NGO that seeks to keep corrupt governments in check?”

  He tried not to smile. “Yes. We aren’t all fortunate enough to be born in the United States. Some of us still have to fight for civil liberties. There are people in this country and others who need our help accessing medical care, education, and employment opportunities. And, yes, we do sometimes engage in criminal activities so we can obtain the funds necessary to achieve these objectives.”

  I shook my head. “Education and medical care are supposed to be free here.”

  He reached for my hand again. “The government would like you to believe those things are free and available to everyone. But go to any emergency room and you will see that the only way you get in is with a bribe. The same applies to our universities. Only those with money can afford to pay the bribes that are required for education and health care. Worse yet, people are regularly accused of crimes simply so they will be forced to pay a bribe. Most people in this country are too poor to pay those bribes. The Russian mafia levels the playing field for those people.”

  I eyed him skeptically. “With brute force and intimidation?”

  He nodded. “Sometimes… if necessary. We also pressure the government to do the right thing. We offer enticements that will encourage them to take the right course of action. We also employ a number of economic strategies.”

  “Like what?” I asked curiously.

  He studied me. “Who do you think is responsible for managing our shadow economy? The Ukraine’s shadow economy is nearly as strong as the legitimate economy, and those jobs put food on the table for a lot of Ukrainians who wouldn’t otherwise have jobs.”


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