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A New Era

Page 4

by Chris Red

  Into the reserve where he is stocking his harvest, we must say It is a warehouse with an impressive was the master supplier for Jameston. He took him downward into the reserve in a very dark side. Away from indiscreet looks, He pulled back a barrel. There was under it a wooden trapdoor that Alec took time to open, he made a sign for Yizrah to come down:

  “may you have the honor.”

  Yizrah didn’t excuse. Fascinated by Alec ingenuity, he comes down entering an underground gallery. Torches fixed on the wall lightening this piece of the tunnel.

  “continue to the right. Don’t give any care to the other galleries. “

  In fact he found himself in a straight corridor which has many openings on its sides. In its bottom he saw a wooden door . arriving by it, Alec passed in the front and knocked two times. a shaky voice invited them to enter. He opened the door , they entered a huge piece, well lighten, its habitant was sum of rudimentary, there was a bed , a wooden table and a chair where Aaron was sitting, the man that Yizrah wants to meet. A few gray hair garnishing his Aaron’s skull, dark circled staining his eyes, proved by his advanced age. His body seem fragile , but his look don’t conceal a certain vivacity of mind.

  “ Aaron , I introduce to you Yizrah, he came to speak to me.its a trustful person. Yizrah this is Aaron . may I excuse , I will go up. I will leave the lock open up, find me when you finish.

  - Good Alec, thank you for everything.”

  - Alec went out from the piece , closing the door leaving the two men in total intimacy.

  “good morning Aaron, excuse my interference, but I looked for you , cause I have some questions that I need to ask you.

  - Very good, remind me again of your name please.

  - Yizrah.

  - Well, it is rare name. a very nice name. what can I do for you Yizrah?

  - You know the inn run by Jacko, here in Jameston.

  - Yes, of course I know it.

  - I saw you there once, in a good moment. You mentioned your trip to a mysterious village, reaching a number of incredible technologies.

  In some point no one took it serious.

  - What this village you are talking about is so interested to you young man?

  Yizrah smiled before answering, he doesn’t remember the time when he was called young man.

  “ I am going around the lands looking for a close relative of mine, it is obvious that finding him in a desert places is quit complicated.

  If there is a village as you are describing, that would be an interesting place to start my researches on.

  - Who is this relative, Yizrah?

  - It is my nephew, his name is Turdan, EYal Turadan. I can imagine that this name won’t mean anything to you?”

  Aaron think a while , a glimmer sparkle in his eyes when yizrah pronounced his name, which made born in him a glimmer of hope. Although, Aaron confirmed that this name doesn’t evoke anything at all.

  “No, that doesn’t remind me of anything, I am sorry. On the other hand, I may give you instructions regarding this village that named Stambouli city. But searching for your nephew there is like looking for a needle in bunch of hay.

  - I totally realize that, but it is my best chance and my only tack.

  - Yizrah you must be prepared to see the incredible. You may not imagine how develop this city is.

  - I know very well. I have nothing to lose you know.

  - Well, you seem determined, I won’t let you wait more.”

  Aaron extirpate a small paper from his pocket. He unfold it and put it toward Yizrah:

  “here is a map that can help you to find your road , take good care of it, cause I lent it to you.”

  Yizrah show up dazzled mine and pick up from his pocket another map:

  “but maybe you accept that I complete mine?”

  The astonishment appeared at Aaron’s face. He never knew such a wise person as him. He made a sign of approval with his head. Yizrah put the two map beside each other on the table and study them.

  “your map has more details and instructed than mine. I rather not stop travelling. No offence but with a man in your age, it is fascinating.”

  He took up a pencil from his pocket and rewrite all the info that he need. He took advantage also to note down part of lands that he didn’t know, just curiosity.

  “I don’t know how I can thank you Aaron. You give me a great gift that is more precious that I can imagine. Yizrah said with extreme enthusiasm while giving back the map to the owner.

  - It is nothing, you came to me from your proper land to find me without any doubt that you will meet, I think that you deserve that my confidence. Tell me more about your journey, you stimulate my curiosity.”

  Yizrah talked to him about Natan, and their long tour, from Jalalah until their separation. He let himself submerge by the emotion that didn’t tooch the speaker feeling’s. Besides, when Yizarh took a vacation from his guest, and continue his road , Aaron went to visit Alec. The unexpected visit brought back the hopes the change the face of the globe. He should renew his contact with his little daughter very soon and prepare his departure next. Even more he felt a special feelings in Yizrah’s presence, above all, he lied to his visitor . he remembered perfectly Eyal Turdan. But he couldn’t talk about this subject., he should see with his own eyes what his lost nephew became. On the other hand, the fate of his other nephew in highly interesting to him. If he is from the same type....he seem to have more or less certain fantastic details with Yizrah. The grown uos has the mind less opened than the young ones. They were little inclined to accept certain facts. Meeting Natan may reveal fascinating. With a bit of chance. Any way, Aaaron leave space for chance and coincidences, since the destiny of life brought Yizrah from his journey into his road, then he should definitely help them in his own way.

  Chapter 3: Aaron

  “ here I am finaly arrived !” said the old man.he is in front of a small village. He observed a wooden sign planted on the ground. Engraved with a knife “jalalah”. The relief seem to followed the exhaustion that it is shown on his face. The black circles around his eyes are blooming, without covering the endured efforts to walk to this little community. It is about a discoverer wandering more about the Jalalh community that has evolved since Yizrah’s departure. Few travellers came from south came fatigue. Ahmed , Ilham , Farah and Natan show the most generous hospitality ever. Some of them decided to stay here and to establish a small village. When it came the moment to choose a name for it, the name Jalalah seemed evidence for all of them. Ahmed Jalalah was known by his sense of welcoming and generosityeven though that he doesn’t like to receive much attention. In fact he was so humble; too much attention makes him uncomfortable. Although, he get used to it, after all, it’s nothing more a name on a sign , that doesn’t affect his life at all in a community characterized by incredible solidarity and osmosis.

  Behind this sign, the old man noticed few cases with salmon trout color from each spread a peaceful atmosphere. He continue to walk in confident step after taking few moments to rest. Advancing into the village he looked to the right and to the left ...he recognize some lemon trees, he walked until he reached a sort of small place. It was in the middle of a circle bordered by small cases. A road continue between two houses facing him. In it, there are two benches, surrounded with trees, definitely to create some shade to anyone who would like to relax. He didn’t meet anyone till now. Not even a hay stack dragnet on the ground. “ I thought it would be like a nice old western “ he said

  Take advantage to sit under the shade. He deserves it after all. He put his two hands on the bench beside his thigh lifting his eye in the air, breathing the small breeze that came to rise. He closed hiseyes and think with loud voice:

  “Ahhh , air, it make me feel good. I am used to walk that much at all. I should have taken one day to rest.”

  Then, suddenly he heard noises with speed steps coming toward him. A small girl appeared suddenly in the road between the two houses moving like an her way , she looked at her left side, and met the of the old man eyes. This man was stranger to her. When she stopped suddenly to skid to stop one’s momentum . She stopped facing the old man, a few metes way from him, stoic. She approshed slowly before welcoming:

  “good day, you I don’t know you.”

  - It’s normal young lady, I just arrived, I came from far away. The chance brought me here.

  She observed him, rather old, he doesn’t seem to have big body, his eyes were small, and cheeks are deep, his skin barely covering his bones. Putting used sandal, dressing short pants that doesn’t reach to conceal his stunned calf. He was also dressing an old chemise dirty and full of holes. It needs courage to travel and get up in his age she think. After few moments, noting that the young girl has dark skin starring at him for long time, at great length ,he decided to know more:

  “what’s your name young girl?”

  - Farah, she replied in sharp tone , you Mr?

  - Aaron.

  - It is the first time I hear that name, I like it! She said smiling.”

  - Seeing that marvelous youthful smile, Aaron felt the warm in him and send her back a smile.

  “Farah, right?

  - Yes sir.

  - If you want to be nice, call me Aaron as a start not Mr . then tell me is it possible to bring me water. I have the throat dry.

  - Yes, sure. Come with me ...Aaron.”

  Aaron stood up her in hesitating way, pushing up with his right arm, then he followed the little Farah, who is full of energy. She guided him to her house. Inside there was only the mother sleeping in her bed, taking advantage of the nap joy. When Aaron was out closing the door, the small energy battery went to wake up her mother.

  “Mom! Mom!wake up !

  - Hum.... Farah ! I am resting...

  - There is a new visitor, we should take care of him!

  - You can take care of him, you are big now.

  - Ah ! you see that I am big ! you should say this to Natan and dad, they are always treating as a child !”

  Aaron listen with curiosity to the conversation between the mother and her girl. Undoubtedly, Farah was a sacred phenomenon. She will definitely turn out into a difficult woman to tame. She remind him in strange way of his little girl.

  “Excuse me Aaron. My mother is a big lazy ...” she said in a hard way enough to let her mother hear it.

  Then Farah seem to move in all directions, he failed to follow the music rhythm. “all this for water” he said.

  “sit down on the table Aaron.”

  He looked at the table that is decorating the middle of the salon. Around it, there are seats made up from earth clay. All the furniture was also from earth clay anyway. When Ilham doesn’t sleep she enjoy conceiving all sorts of objects the pottery became her passion. Behind the table a pink wall covering what seem to be Farah’s room. He settled than Farah bring him water in a tailed wooden cup.

  “here you are , she gave him with a big smile, prodding from herself.

  - Thank you , Farah, you are my angel.”

  Then Frah’s mother show up, the eyes slightly circled in black, the young girl woke her up from deep sleep. Aaron had drunk slowly his cup of water. She was a beautiful lady, with nice body, rounded hips and maternal figure .

  “Good day sir.

  - Good day, madam, thank you for your hospitality, especially from your daughter who is adorable.”

  Ilham looked to the girl smiling , sit up in front of Aaron, Farah was at her right.

  “ yes, she is our big proud, if you allow me, in your age, walking in the desert is not wise.

  - Yes, Madam....”

  she interrupted him:

  “call me Ilham.

  - Good, I am Aaron, I am used to travel a a lot, I take a rest in a place for some time, then I leave, I cross the lands. At my age, as you said, take advantage of the time that rest to see what our planet became. I also made a map during my pilgrimage, you know, it seem that I will add to it the name Jalalah. He said sketching a smile.

  - Don’t mention this to my husband Aaron, he will become red as a tomato, wouldn’t he Farah?

  - Oh yes! Replied Farah laughing.

  - Why is that? Asked Aaron.

  - In fact, Jalalah is the name of our family, she replied in embarrass way, the villagersdecided to give the village that name cause we were the first to install here, then others arrived, and the village has developed after our house. But he is so modest and to know this is also making him uncomfortable.

  - I haste to mention it.

  - He should arrive pretty soon , he went to work with Natan, it is been too long since they left.

  - You have another son? He asked in inquisitive tone.

  - Ah no, Natan is not my son, he is a young man who is living with us. He help Ahmed a lot, you will see him later. Anyway, for how long you are planning to stay?

  - I don’t know Ilham, he said in calm while putting the empty cup and pondering.”

  Farah and Ilham observed him, Aaron stay silent suddenly in front of his calyx that he is holding slightly with his fingers, before find his spirits:

  “I travelled a lot, I would like to rest for some time, I like this atmosphere so mucha bit arid. Do you think my presence in the village won’t be too much?

  - No, replied Ilham with welcoming, don’t you worry regarding this, anyone is welcome here as long as he wants.

  - Tell me, I think I saw lemon trees by the village enterance. I wasn’t dreaming?

  - Yes, yes, it is lemon trees , she confirmed with proudness.

  - You may be astonished , but it is been long time that I didn’t see lemon trees, during my traveling, I noticed orange trees , even olive trees you know flora is reconstructed in its rhythm since...the apocalypse ...there are also forests in every region but lemon trees are so rare. The climat is not always convenient as they say.”

  Ilham smiled:

  “You are passionate by the nature Aaron.

  - There is nothing more beautiful in this planet. None of human creation reach the ankle that can burst from the land grow and flower.”

  Farah put his two hands on his cheeks and listens with great attention, she wondered what Aaron may see, the marvelous that was shown in front of his eyes, but didn’t dare to ask what an olive trees is like, she who never had the chance to perceive it. For a moment he remembered Yizrah, he would love to get reunited

  And listen to discussions about things that they definitely don’t understand, but feeding their dreams. He feels also suspicious than him. She said that with a bit of chance, Aaron and Yizrah was met. She decided to interfere:

  “Aaron, you traveled all around the planet, then you saw other villages?

  - Yes Farah, replied Aaron, a bit surprised by the suddenness of the question.”

  She continued:

  “you must meet persons?

  - Yes, plenty, he laughed and answered.

  - You may met up with a person with a hat named Yizrah, you remember such a person?

  - It is a real interrogation . unfortunately no, I don’t remember that I met this man, such a name I should remember, but sometime my memory deceive. Who is he?

  - He is Natan’s uncle.

  - But he is not here if I understand well?

  - No, answered Farah , he went to travel but he said that he will return for Natan.

  - That was from a long time?

  - It’s been a while... I am longing to see him, I like him so much. But when he will return he will leave with Natan, you think Mom? She said and look to her mother in worry.

  - I don’t know Farah, we will see...”

  Aaron realize that he mention a sensitive subject so he cut it in elegant fashion:

  “anyway, thank you for your hospitality. You are both adorable.”

  But Farh’s enfant innocence stimulate him by asking more questions:

  “ you have your mape with you Aaron?

  - Yes, Farah.

  - Can you show i
t to me?

  - I mean , I don’t like it to be touched, answered Aaron uncomfortably.

  - Come on please , she made her eyes gentle and beged him.”

  Aaron was disrupted, he slightly tremble...he regretted that he evoke that subject. For the moment , he was himself a victim of his own sin of pride. To tell the truth, his feelings was regularly in doubt I the community he pass by, why he act differently regarding this map? But he can’t refuse the child demand.

  “all right, but be careful, I took care of it as my eyes pupil.”

  The old man hesitating got out an old voluminous handwritten, put it on the table and unfold it. The map was totally impuissant , more detailed than Yizrah’s, Ilham was also surprised and fascinated by the documents characteristics. A lot of continents seem to be drawn, seas well represented , forests, mountains, deserts, many villages. Farah stared wide eyed filled with wonder and looked to the map , she was full of wonder. Suddenly, her look changed, her eyebrow gathered , she became so serious and concentrated. Aaron worryingly observed her, he is eager to take back his map, Ilham and Farah didn’t give much attention to the strange attitude, and undergo the dinner guest.

  Suddenly, their look changed its direction, attached by noise at the door that was opened, and noise of foot that rubbed at the entrance to dry it. Ahmed and Natan are back. Aaron took advantage to return back the map discreetly in his pocket. Then, once they are in, Ahmed saw him and greet him, fast imitated by Natan,. The young man and the traveller looked to each other for a moment, respectively stared at each other before? Farah jumped for joy from her chair to hug her father. Natan and Ahmed are back charged with provisions, that they put beside their wealthy kitchen. Then they joined Ilham and Aaron. They followed a long discussion evoked by Ilham about Aaron’s arrival who told them in his turn about his arrival to Jalalah. That was before a long diner similar to the one celebrating Yizrah and Natan encounter. Farah was the first to go bed, followed by


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