A New Era

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A New Era Page 10

by Chris Red

  Back to contaminate us once again. In a short time, and in a very cramped place in view of the unlimitedness of the Earth, Lazarus Stambouli republished the same errors as we had committed for twenty centuries. And with a sacred mastery, it is necessary to grant it! The company(society) is hypnotized. His(her,its) lifestyle is also effective as that of the consumer society in twenty-first century. No, much more! He(it) exercises a control completed on the inhabitants. He(it) holds them in the hollow of the hand.

  - It is terrible for the inhabitants, but why do you remain here Temba? The planet is vast. Nobody needs to get tangled up(to be impaled) here.

  - Regrettably, for the most part of the inhabitants, they have their comfort, their cosy nest, they are hypnotized. Concerning me, as well as my close collaborators, to leave Stambouli would be(be a matter) of the flight(leak), the cowardice. We did not meet Salina, Jérémy, Ayame, Carlos, Dario and I to play the belote every evening my friend.

  - I suspect well, but that are you afraid? Lazarus Stambouli wishes to spread(widen) his domination? Would sir dream about an empire?

  - Not, he(it) is not megalomaniacal so, but he(it) lies, he(it) hides, he(it) uses human lives. We cannot tolerate that. And I think that it will affect(allocate) sooner or later the rest of the humanity.

  - He(It) uses human lives, you say?

  - Yes, in mountains, there are several mining sites. They are protected by militiamen, their existence is known only of a certain part(party) of the militia, and the members making up(composing) the management board. We are closely interested in it. To tell the truth, Ayame and Jérémy did not leave going shopping today.

  - You managed to infiltrate the militia?

  - Not directly. Ayame seduced a militiaman, they have a relation, she spies on him(it) for months. And Jérémy accompanies him(it) as for shadowings(spinnings), locations. Regrettably, this militiaman is not rather graded to be a sufficient(self-important) information source. Nevertheless, we discovered that Stambouli makes extract an ore to these men(people). Finally, when I

  Say these men(people) ... It is about slaves. We do not know exactly where they find them, what we know, it is that they are cut by the outside world. They are prisoners of the militia and work for them.

  - And what is this ore?

  - According to Ayame, it would be about orgone. Aaron had informed us about the existence of this ore, but he can be used by many manners. It would be better to avoid than it falls in bad hands.

  - When a man acts that way Temba, when he treats(manipulates) men(people), when there is himself an army, when he hides things ... That feels(smells) the singed ... Years pass, the dictators live(remain), he(it) seems.

  - This dictator is very powerful Yizrah.

  - Temba, a question taps me, how come that nobody uses the faculties(powers) which you evoked?

  - Their use is banned, only the militiamen and the players of flyball are authorized. For safety reasons public.

  - Law and order? My buttocks ...

  - The worst, it is because everybody is fooled there.

  - You amaze me. It is an intelligent man. They touched the worst with the Apocalypse. He(it) got them a roof, he(it) offered to them of the dream. All this is only a vast golden prison.

  - Watch out, Yizrah, continues to speak like that and you are soon going to get involved personally, pointed out Temba who felt(smelt) his(her) guest failing in his cause.

  - It is not me the problem. It is to imply(involve) Natan and Eyal in all this which disturbs me.

  - Eyal is already involved although you make, answered Temba by shrugging.

  - It is true ... Anyway, I have to join Natan, I found Eyal. You are going to have to wait if you wish our help(assistant).

  - It was obvious. On the other hand, that would you say if Salina accompanied you? "

  This question which was not there really one was followed by an association, but very virile pat in the back. Yizrah made for him(her)

  Know that he would travel gladly together with Salina and that to present it to his nephew could be a source of amusement.

  Chapter 7 : the meditation

  Natan was sitting cross-legged, near the cliff. The sea was rather quiet below, the wind blew slightly. He was so in the biggest peace. Aaron sat next to him in the same position. Both men maintained their closed eyes and breathed calmly. Only the noise of their respective breaths was perceptible. Natan was bare-chested and used for the first time the pendant that had offered by Aaron. Both men remained dumb. Natan's initiation by Aaron progressed with a rhythm faster than had master planned for him. The young apprentice was endowed, susceptible and of a big sensibility. Furthermore, he had a healthy diet, consisted essentially of fruits and vegetables. Aaron had given him a small course of science and history a few days ago. According to the statements of the latter, before the Apocalypse, the man was a member with the monkey and the guinea pig of the present only species on the planet incapable to synthesize themselves with the vitamin C. Aaron had explained to Natan his searches, the origin of these. As a child, he did not understand why he had to brush his teeth while dogs always had their fangs in good condition and while they had a lifestyle of the most deplorable, even simply non-existent. Many years later, the answer appeared to him as an obvious fact: the vitamin C. He discovered that almost all the animal species synthesized their own vitamin C which had very positive effects on their immune system: it would allow to fight against the ageing, to heal and to cure more quickly wounds, it would stimulate the intellectual faculties, it would improve the physical performances and would possess an ant inanimate effect. But it is not everything, it would also play an important role in the training of the collagen and consequently, it would also help the body regenerate the damaged cells, the bones and the teeth. She would also offer advantages on the psychic plan: the vitamin C would increase considerably

  Level of tolerance in the stress and this fact would have beneficial effects on the humor.it would relax and would help an individual to feel center. The speech would become easier and the more clear spirit, the fears would become blurred.

  But his researches had not stopped there. Another detail concerning the functioning of the human being had drawn his attention: the pineal gland, nicknamed by some “the third eye "; at the Indians, it was named " gyana chakshu ", worth knowing, the eye of the knowledge. Aaron was fascinated by the fact that if this gland, situated approximately in the middle of the forehead remained a mystery for the modern scientists, due to its calcification from the birth in particular, it was not foreign to numerous civilizations nor in numerous periods. Descartes, a French philosopher of the XVIIth century, had qualified it as “seat of the soul ". its)reflection guided Aaron in the conclusion that it was not impossible that there is thousands of years, civilizations populating the Earth are capable of synthesizing the vitamin C and also of exploiting the faculties offered by the pineal gland, and it is true from their birth. Afterward, it manages to awaken his third eye, and its hypotheses were transformed into certainties. Natan was captivated by the rich explanations of the one that he considered as his spiritual guide. So, it was allowed introduce by Aaron to one of the most effective waysto feel his third eye: the meditation.

  In view of the open-mindedness of his young apprentice and his will to evolve, he was not able to hold on for a long time before introducing him to the meditation and explaining him the ins and outs. When Aaron was interested in the pineal gland, in the vitamin C either still in the prana, he also discovered seven doors of chakra situated during the vertebral column of every man and woman. The third eye would be in fact the sixth door. Doors would open one after the other leading to the illumination when these would be quite opened at the same time. To start with, it would be necessary to open the first door, Muladhara, situated at the level of the perineum. It would be about the door of the genital region.

  " Natan, we are going to begin. Now that you made the space around you, do you feel an energy travel each of the cell
s of your body?

  - Yes Aaron. It is very intense, I feel a strong heat, in particular in my legs.

  - Good. Feel this energy, imagine it circulate, and visualizes a ball of energy on the base of your vertebral column, it is a sure way to feel the chakra. You should feel itches in the bottom of your back.

  - Good. "

  Aaron let Natan concentrate during a few moments. Before continuing:

  “Do you feel a blocking?

  - Not completely, I feel that that comes, it is very intense, I feel itches almost everywhere ... And finally, and it is rather annoying ...

  - You have any hampers.

  - I feel as the beginning of erection, while I have no uncalled-for thoughts, but that stops there.

  - It is normal Natan, it is what occurs generally when we try to open Muladhara for the first time. But every door possesses an emotional bolt. As regards Muladhara, you have to think of your fears, evacuate them, get ready to face them, to feel you capable of overcoming them, then Muladhara will open to you. "

  Natan listened carefully to Aaron. “My fears? " He searched his past. And the answer was spontaneous. He thought at once of her mother Aaliyah and Yizrah. Hehad lost her mother, his father, his brother, he was afraid of losing Yizrah. Not him. Before, he was a child, he had undergone the events. Now, he will not undergo them anymore, he will be there to protect those who he loves. Nobody will cause the evil to Yizrah ... He thought again about the close atmosphere of the ruins of the field of Mars in Paris, the smell of death which infested these places ... Which soaked the spirit ... He saw Ahmed, Ilhâm and Farah gathered in front of him, the Eiffel Tower behind them ... He does not see either Eyal or hismother ... Behind, deep flames fired the pale landscape, the sky darkened ... The darkness invaded them, , him, the city ... The Parisian decoration had disappeared, it did not stay any more

  That darkness and destructive flames ... In front of him, the Jalalah family cleared a deep light. Natan focused on them ... Their presence symbolized the hope. And then everything became crystal clear. Yizrah arrived in turn behind them, followed by the new inhabitants of Jalalah, by Aaron ... The blue sky quickly took a seat, the light crushed the flames of all its intensity and he lives an oasis form around them ... A peaceful, warm space ... And then suddenly, a smothering heat. He felt the ball of chakra swirling at the heart of his sexual region. His sexual energy increased brutally, he did not seem to check anymore his body. He felt transcend.

  "Aaron ... I managed to open Muladhara, I feel it perfectly ... It is almost fun ... he says with a suspicion of modesty. - Muladhara is not the door the most difficult to open, but it is one of more intense and of the most important. Relax, channel your energy. Breathe slowly. Feel the prana crossing Muladhara. Try to inhale it slowly by breathing. Guide it."

  Natan relaxed, he maintained open Muladhara. His lips and his dimples relaxed, sketching an uncontrolled smile. He felt of the well-being. His sexual excitement disappeared slowly. He did not feel anymore his legs, as if they were cotton. He was somewhere else. Aaron let him relax during long seconds before starting again: "now that you feel vibrating Muladhara, you are going to try to work your second door, Svadhisthana. Think of your senses of guilt, of jealousy, pride. Exorcise them."

  It seemed at once fuzzier in the eyes of Natan. He did not see too much what he wanted to say to Aaron. He occasionally remembered only having felt such negative feelings. He remembered some childhood memories. In vain, He thought again about the vision of the family Jalalah during their meeting. He had seen this day the portrait of a close, united family which had stood in the face of numerous dangers. A family that was happy. He had felt a light feeling of jealousy and desire. His family had fallen to pieces, only remained the company of his uncle. Although very close one to another, they roamed for years in his

  Search for a ghost. He had known this link which united Ahmed, Ilhâm and Farah. This one had violently fallen to pieces. That was void of Eyal? Why Yizrah had arrived too late? Why he did not have accompanied them to see this smuggler? He might have saved him.A part of him was nourishing of the resentment towards his uncle. Things would have differently passed if he had been present with them. How he did not be able to perceive the unreliability of this man who murdered coolly his mother and who seized him from his brother? No, he could not be jealous of the happiness of Ahmed and his familty, it was a model to follow. He should rather be delighted than the sad fate which had struck his family cocoon did not affect other families. He did not have to blame Yizrah. His uncle had sacrificed his life for him, he would also have made him if he had been there for Aaliyah and Eyal without hesitating a single second. His heart slightly soiled by shadow zones clears up. A wave of serenity springs in him. A hot flash fills him and went back up in the hollow of the stomach. He could feel each of his coast vibrating, followed by his intestines, then by the stomach. His body began trembling, since its pubis up to its trunk. His breath aimed to be more chaotic suddenly. An excess full of energy rose in him, in a abrupt and sudden way. He totally lost control. His heart began to pound. He gave up.He reopened eyes.

  " Désolé Aaron, I was not able to continue, it was too intense ", he confessed on a defeatist tone.

  Aaron aimed to be reassuring:

  "It doesn't matter Natan, don’t worry you. You did a lot for first time. You are going to tell me all what you felt after a good meal. Ilhâm and Farah had prepare us delicious dishes. And they also need your presence. "

  Arrived inside, the sweetness of Ilhâm welcomed them. The table was served. Some fish was on the menu as usual for the non-vegetarians, small sardines roasted in entry accompanied with a home-made sauce by Ilhâm had put down with love in the plate of each. As for Aaron and Natan, a beautiful salad of fruits and vegetables waited for them. In

  The Middle of the table was a big dish of terra-cotta where had been prepared the nets of a fish flesh of which was red. These had been watered with a lemon peel and decorated with herbs. Everything had been implemented to make that the dish seems tasty. And it is true in particular in the eyes of Farah, who began to feel a certain tiredness to feed daily on fresh flesh come from the sea. Ahmed observed everybody with curiosity. He seemed very proud of him, and waited for a reaction from them. Quite at least, he hoped for it. Finally, he came with Aaron.

  " We would say of the Bluefin tuna Ahmed. I do not dream?

  - It is good Aaron, he says on a triumphant tone.

  - Sorry Ahmed, but I do not share your enthusiasm. I do not see any more things in the same way now, I think that the place of fishes, whatever they are, is in their aquatic element. "

  However, if Aaron shared this opinion, he was intrigued by the ingenuity which showed Ahmed.

  " But Ahmed, I do not believe that we meet this kind of fishes near the coast, right?

  - No, we ventured a little farther than usually. The boat which we built seems to hold the road. We wanted to explore a little, and the luck smiled to us, she says in urging Aaron and Natan to sit down to eat. I regret little that you were not one of us Natan ... I do not speak for the fishing of course.

  - I am sorry Ahmed, Aaron ...

  - It's nothing, Ahmed interrupted him. I know that Aaron is a very beneficial company for you. He teaches you things that I cannot teach you, he added with a slight look in Aaron’s direction. I just hope that one day you will accompany us, At least once. It is really worth it.

  - Betrothed Ahmed, it would be a pleasure to discover the enjoyments of the navigation in open sea. I am still not lucky there.

  - I know Natan... And Aaron, if you still feel in good shape to navigate on the horizon, you are welcome on board.

  It is very kind, but I believe that I would stay on dry land from my part. I would gladly remain to help Farah and Ilhâm ". Both women of the house who were very discreet up there smiled and appreciated the old man proposal." All the same, Ahmed, if you allow me, you will have pleasure to go fishing?

  - There was a time when I felt it , I k
eep happy memories of this time. Today, it is different , it is only feed us. In fact, I begin to question the legitimacy of this practice. I wonder if all this is very necessary. The more I see you both, and the more I wonder.

  - Each acts in all honesty Ahmed. In spite of your food, you respect living beings , you do not kill to kill. However, maybe that one day, you will know how to go without the need to remove the life of another living being to protect yours.

  - Maybe, indeed, I think of it. On the other hand, what seems to me also interesting, Aaron, it is to notice that the marine wildlife seems survived well the Apocalypse. I do not have the feeling that there was genocide in the depths of the oceans.

  - That, I would not know how to confirm or deny it. I crossed more time on the lands than sea. It is obvious that the ground fauna was reduced massively. As regards fishes and other marine mammals, my knowledge are so limited.

  - I am going to tell you what I believe. The marine wildlife was able to survive more easily , and maybe even to live in bigger abundance than previously. Formerly, numerous marine species were endangered because of the overfishing. This period post-apocalypse where the human activities were stopped brutally was beneficial for all these species. They knew a period convenient to their conservation and to their blooming. More peach, more industrial activities, more pollution. The peace .

  - Your reasoning is held Ahmed, but it would be necessary to study seas and oceans to be able to prove your statements.

  It is very true, sighed Ahmed. All this is only suppositions. Prevent only when we were at sea, I had this feeling, this intuition that the life had found its way back under the surface of the sea. I felt a positive energy Aaron, it is indescribable. And then, sea bed is so vast. It is impossible to imagine that numerous species did not survive, in particular those who live at the bottom of gaps.


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