A New Era

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A New Era Page 11

by Chris Red

  - But who cannot venture too much near the surface Ahmed, resumed Aaron.

  - It is true. "

  Ilhâm, Farah and Natan listened with big attention to their passionate exchange. We felt love of the nature at both men.Sparks of passion shone in the eyes of Ahmed. And this curiosity contaminated the younger junior of the group. Farah was not able to refrain from intervening:

  " Aaron, you had spoken to us about animals which repopulated the planet the day of your arrival. Tell us more! Please! "

  All turned to the old man and implored him of the look. All were united by this friendly curiosity towards animals. Aaron had suggested a lot up to there, but revealed so little. Natan had been favored up to there. If Jalalah had known how to contain their jealousy, unwanted, but necessarily present, against the link between Natan and Aaron, what leads a small estrangement of Yizrah’s nephew towards them, and in particular towards Ahmed, they could not hold no longer their desire to see Aaron sharing his few knowledge with them. They did not wish to keep taken away any more and would like to be also in the confidence. They understood all about this link between the young man and the oldest. Natan had used to travel, explore, discover while on the other side they proposed him a certainly pleasant life, but more sedentary. Furthermore, they also fed desires for exoticism and for journey, of the dream. That is what Aaron had to offer for them. From his part, the old man preferred to reveal his knowledge sparingly. But in front of his hosts who begged him with the look, he couldn’t resist no longer. Before reacting, he noticed that Ahmed had about

  just abandoned his fish and seemed in the grip of the doubt. In priori, Farah and Ilhâm also underwent the same difficulty finishing their plate.

  " Good. You didn’t leave me the choice we would say. "

  Farah shook the head to him,With a big roguish smile. She was proud of her. Aaron had fun with her victorious appearance, he let escape a small laughter.

  " Listen, I am not exactly sure of all what I ‘ve through. My trip began there is thousands of kilometers from here. In the East . Originally, I was there, before the Apocalypse, I lived in Damascus In Syria. I would not know how to say if you lived this tragic event in the same way as me. I am not going to enter all the details. As you owe the knowledge, the situation in the Middle-Eastern countries was disastrous. The Arab League had taken control most of the Muslim countries, but the Israeli-Palestinian conflict had reached its peak. There were also splinter groups which saw things differently. The Americans bombarded cities. The Chinese, who reunited by the strength of the various Asian regimes one after the other, were from now on near Turkey. All the main Arabic capitals lived a chronic instability. The Arabic strengths had hit so hard in Europe, or was the Old Continent which had alone collapsed to think about it well ... The fragility of the European States had not escaped the Arab League, nor the Jewish League moreover. The moment to strike a big blow for which they waited certainly for decades had finally come. The economic crisis which raged in France, in the United Kingdom or in Germany was unprecedented. But if the western world knew a period of rough and new fragility, the oriental world had not still extricated itself from its historic instability. Damascus, Amman, Riyadh, Cairo, ex cetera ... No Arabic big city was not trembled from the inside. Internal conflicts, demonstrations, increasing offences ... As you suspect it, at that time, the conservation of animals was the last thing of the leaders concerns. Furthermore, the disasters beat down more and more in our regions, sandstorms were legion. To leave the city became very

  Complicated. In earth’s way, quite at least. In a way under - ground, it was not impossible. Numerous cities of the Arabic peninsula possessed galleries under - grounds built there is of it centuries. Of course, some had collapsed, the erosion had weakened of the others, but the consequent quantity of galleries had remained feasible. And the property, in Damascus, a few days before the Apocalypse, a curious phenomenon occurred. The cats of the city left their homes. In the general frenzy; it had escaped in the eyes of most of the inhabitants. Not in mine. When I saw it,not some cats, but ALL the cats of the city rush in stretchers, as if they tried to leave the city, I understood that something was about to take place. A grave event. I could not follow cats they are too lively, too fast, too quick. They are big cats ... And I am an old man who hardly stands... Although at that time, I was a little more dashing, I have to admit it. But all the same ... I had a kind of intuition. I went to appear at the entrance of a tunnel kept sub-ground secret of the local population. Near the Big Mosque, the irony of fate . And there, my surprise was not as big as that. As I had anticipated it, cats would run to be in hiding, to hide. So, was born in my spirit an idea to evacuate my family. I would never thank enough the cats. After several days of darkness, when we went out, I separated from my close relatives’ .And it is from this moment that my solo journey began. I had gathered beforehand some business and beguin the adventure. It was difficult to leave them, they did not understand at all. except my granddaughter, Salina. She even wanted to accompany me. Quickly, I noticed that the desert had never been so vast. Cities had been lined from the map and the climate had been altered. it had become softer and the vegetation almost non-existent, as if it had burned. Survivors were scattered by small groups during what was always, according to me, the Arabic peninsula. What allowed me to resupply regularly in water and in food, essentially fruits, and rests of the former civilization. MeanWhile I had decided to leave in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, after days of

  Walking, I did not find the sea. On the other hand, I met on my road survivors who came western informing me that they had walked in the daytime lasting without seeing only a small area of water. Quickly, I understood that the geography of the planet had been upset. what a shock ... I remember having regretted, this day, having abandoned mine. I cursed ... In my affairs, I was provided with a pencil, I possessed some paper, I decided to note landmarks. With great difficulty. I had armed myself with a compass, but it did not work anymore, the needle was in the fog permanently, it ran around. As if it did not know any more in which direction was the North. During these wanderings, these grips of marks, this fight also to leave this dry and desert region, I do not see animals. No one. Moreover, I had not dreamed of it at once. It is not only that at the end of a few weeks which it occurred me. I did not manage anymore to remember myself if I had perceived birds or not. I turned from then on, without compass, in the intuition. I closed eyes, I thought of a direction, I reopened them and I left in the direction. In sum, I was allowed to be carry by the wind. And I enjoy an impertinent, but happy success. Little by little, I found signs of vegetation. Blades of grass here and there ... Until I arrive at the edge of an oasis. It was the first real village where I put the feet. The village was quite recent, wandering survivors had found a small area of water, a little of vegetation and they had decided to settle down there. Most slept in tents. They were under construction to build houses. But I did not want to return to the meanders of a sedentary life. It did not interest me. What drew my attention first of all in this village was the vision of a camel drinking peacefully at the water's edge. I rubbed my eyes at first. Before approaching me and of noticing that it was not a mirage. it was made by flesh and by bone.

  Aaron stopped one moment in the story of his personal narrative, he took time to take some mouthfuls of water, while everybody had eyes riveted on him, including

  Natan, half made limp on the table, the head on the hand. He seemed to savor this moment and took all his time before resuming his story. before ,He took care of drying well the mouth. He raised eyes in their direction and his movements of hand accompanying the narrative started again at the same time as his story:

  " My first reflex was to question premises, to know to whom was up this camel, from where it came, if it they got wind that other animals had survived. Nothing. They had other fish to fry ... Without bad play on words ... In priori, this camel belonged to nobody. At that time, I was already late in life, but more in legs t
han when we speak. maybe It was not correct for him, but I saw in him a means of transportation, I have to confess to you. Then I approached it, I tried to cajole it. Successfully.it was susceptible in my contact. We were bound one to another during a few months, even one year or two, I would not know how to say. My journey became at once more convenient. However, it was always long and boring. But the vegetation became increasing. I met more and more groups of survivors, but every time, they were more numerous, more united and more close. Small communities formed on all this continent which I measured. And I met other animals. Cats, dogs, And even cattle. I multiplied the questions everywhere where I passed. Many of them stayed without answer. But an identical answer arose on some occasions. According to some, numerous animals had taken refuge underground. And were reappeared when outside, the situation had calmed down. In fact, I do not know how they survived, but I have the intuition that numerous men and women survived hidden, animals did the same there. Numerous species certainly died, definitively. But to tell the truth, many survived, some members of every species just have to survive to be able to protect the fauna. It is what occurred. It is what I discovered. Since then, years flowed , they were able to develop and to bloom again. That's the way it goes. Certain species crossed difficult climates for them to find their natural circles of origin. The most fascinating,

  For me, it is to notice that they are endowed with an instinct which guides them spontaneously in the right direction. They do not need a compass. I would not know how to assess you of all those whom I was able to meet.

  - And still, you do not tell us all isn't it? Ahmed joked.

  - You would fall asleep well before, answered Aaron. Now, so you do not hold it against me, I am tired, I am going to rest. Thank you, Ahmed, for this meal, and thank you, Ilhâm, you know how to cook well. "Ilhâm reddens, Ahmed thanked Aaron, and they wished all a good night. Natan waited that they all go to bed. Then he took advantage of it to take a walk. Observe stars, think. During the meal, while everybody listened fervently to Aaron, his heart had suddenly begun pounding. His stomach had been formed. A faintness had invaded him. A bad presentiment. He had thought at once of his uncle. He was afraid that he does not find him in an awkward situation. He went in the direction of the cliff to meditate and calm down. He liked settling near the edge, listening to the sea, making the space. He was sitting cross-legged, blindly. He looked for the good pace to breathe. He took his time to inspire and expire. Calmly. Small itches began to travel his legs. He began to feel the space around him. Unconsciously, he looked for a landmark in the root of his eyebrows. He felt a heat rising inward of his thighs. Then he felt a hand settling on his shoulder: " Natan go to rest. It is not the moment. We shall start again tomorrow.

  - All right, all right ... The young man "sighed.

  they left to sleep, what he made is not difficult. He felt more and more the prana, in particular at night, his body bubbled inside. In spite of the pendant, deafening tinnitus invaded his skull until they exhaust him of fatigue and until he eventually sleep. His nights were shaken, spiced more and more frequently by rather epic dreams, than he kept secrets. He did not even share them with Aaron. At the time of feeling leaving in the arms of Morpheus, he

  Asked in which universe for the imagination of its subconscious was going to take him. When he jumped suddenly!

  " Nat ...an! "

  His titinnus had disappeared suddenly. He heard a distorted, mechanical and hesitating voice to stammer what seemed to be its first name.

  " Nat ....an "

  He wondered if he was not a victim of a hallucination. Nevertheless, he did not recognize this voice and was certain to have heard it clearly in the head. Everybody was asleep. " It has to be the fatigue ... Calm down ... " Then, tired, he collapsed, the eyes closed alone, To reopen them the following morning.

  Having lunched, Natan and Aaron left in the direction of the cliff that has become their new habit. They settled down in the same conditions as the day before .

  " Before beginning to meditate Natan, I am going to explain you a little more in depth the various doors. So, I give you the key to awaken your cosmic consciousness, but only you can unbolt the locks which you are going to meet on your path. You are ready? "

  Natan shook the head to answer the question, without being of sure of it.

  " Good. To start, I am going to evoke the capacities which the spiritual awakening allows to reach. It is necessary to know that an average human being uses approximately 10 in 13 % of his potential. You get ready to annihilate this limit. The perfect control of the doors of chakra holds very specific powers. Control jointly Muladhara and Svadisthana and you will master the levitation. You opened this door Natan, but attention, you do not exploit it completely. Your spirit is going to have to acclimatize to what it ignored and it thought of impossible. When it will be the case, you will be transformed there. For ever.

  - I need more training then ...

  - Of course my young friend, you thought everything was going to fall straight into the lap ... But do not worry, when we followed this path, go back

  Is impossible. You have already felt intensely the first two doors. Both are closely linked, they channel the sexual energy. When the time comes, when you will be capable of making freely circulate the prana between these two doors, you will reach the levitation. The third door is called Manipura. It is situated at the level of the stomach, it is the solar plexus. When it is active, you may be feel as a sun born illuminated inside your body. Manipura corresponds to bellyache when you feel shameful. At the emotional level, it is situated in the narrow continuity of Svadisthana.

  - Ah ... I understand better then ...

  - What do you understand better?

  - What I felt yesterday, when I felt Svadisthana, I felt my intestines trembling, then it continued higher, he says in affecting the top of his stomach to indicate to Aaron.

  - It looks like you opened these two doors at the same time then. It is not surprising.

  - But I did not feel sun.

  - There is nothing strange in that, you simply unbolted the access to a part of your body. When you will meditate, and when you will feel in agreement with yourself, you will feel this sun, symbol of plenitude. Then, there is Anahata. It is the chakra of the heart. A very important chakra. The purpose is to face its punishments, its sufferings, and to live without feeling of anger, hatred either vengeance. Otherwise ... Otherwise, you will follow another path, too irreversible. But a way rather sinks. Anahata is the symbol of love, your next one, animals, nature. You will probably feel your heart beating very fast the first time; the next times, it will be more pleasant. it will open for you rather unusual faculties, The telekinesis and the pyrokinésie for certain particular beings. When you are telekinetic, you have the capacity to make float objects, to make them levitate in sum. The pyrokinésie, it is the agility to master the fire, to create a flame by snapping the fingers for example. Even to the most evolved beings, the pyrokinésie is a very complex art to be tamed. I to tell you, felt it, I trained for it, but the results were rather disastrous ...

  - You burned wings? Natan made fun.

  - You are cunning young. But do not take it in the mockery. The pyrokinésie can turn out very dangerous, for you, as for the others.

  - Leader, yes leader ", he answered in saluting with his left hand." This kid, he takes seriously only what arranges him ... "Thought Aaron." Let us continue with the fifth door, you are willing. It is Vishuddha. It is situated at the level of the throat. It is the door of the communication. It is closely connected with your hearing sense. There I want to say, in ears. It is blocked by the lies which you were able to say, in the others, but especially to yourself! Impossible it will be for you to feel her if your words, your thoughts and your acts are not in perfect harmony. If you arrive at such a degree of peace of mind, your extra-sensory capacities will be vaster. You can possibly be aware of previous events, only because of affecting an object for example. You will be capable o
f reading his history if you prefer. It is called the rear-view. And you will have feelings of precognition, flashes of lightning. Not predictions. You will not read the future. Understand me, please, you will feel coming short moments, it is your instinct in reality that guesses simply the continuation of the events. Every action pulls a consequence, and your spirit will enough be awakened to analyze unconsciously the consequences of each of the actions to come. But sometimes, precognitions can be disrupted. You should not act according to the precognitions. It would be a serious mistake. You could increase the chances to see occurring what you wish to avoid.

  - It makes a lot of information, I am not a machine, sighed Natan.

  - You will understand quite enough early. Anyway, I am done with the theoretical part, it up to you make the space at the bottom of you now. I have no more help to you.

  - And what about last two doors?

  Ah yes, Ajna and Sahasrara. I would not want to waste the suspense for you. All that I can tell you, it is that you will be capable of communicate by telepathy. "

  Aaron stiffens his legs, then got up, slowly but surely. He felt exhausted, he knew that the end was close for him. He had had time to teach what he could to Natan, who had allowed him to recover hope in a better world. Furthermore, his crises had evaporated since his successive meetings with Natan and Yizrah. Before leaving Jalalah, he had not more than a small confidence to be made. it concerned Yizrah.

  " Where are you going? wondered Natan.

  - Gather my things.

  - You seem to forget a detail. You still didn’texplain to me how you know Eyal. I did not forget ", he says in frowning.

  Aaron felt suddenly an enormous wave of energy covering him, intense, but not hostile. A little impulsive energy, but filled with positive waves.

  "We shall speak about it before my departure, don’t worry. I need rest. "

  Natan put a knee on the ground and leaned on the ground to get up:


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