A New Era

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A New Era Page 15

by Chris Red

  In fact, governor Lazarus Stambouli would not been able to choose the worse scraping to lead the one who was unofficially his personal army. A choice which could cause his loss however; indeed, Ribardielli would not at the appropriate moment hesitate to dislodge the governor. An army represented all which Ribardielli needed. Lazarus Stambouli had committed most

  Rough error of all his life, he had been of use on a tray to his best friend, but also his worst enemy, the weapon of war so desired since his early childhood. Furthermore, Michele Ribardielli was not a fool. He had studied the geopolitics for years. He knew an incalculable number of military strategies, he had known of the most unreliability’s means which the man was able to commit. He would know how to wait for the good time to take the place of the caliph. Knock down a man such as Stambouli required not only an extreme patience, but also a nameless deceit. However, he did not have to develop a very sophisticated plan. Sometimes, the simplicity is the best ally who can be. The governor was manipulator, but a little bit boorish intelligent, cunning, very good man, he hid too badly his unreliability. He would eventually cause certainly his own fall. When the population would be dissatisfied, he would have more than to make a coup d'état. If Lazarus had managed to establish certain order in a city bearing his name, Ribardielli would install the terror there. At least, it was for what he hoped. The problem at the moment, it was that they needed one of the other one. Then the native of Naples took his time, he behaved generally exemplary and completely devoted to his master. What was worth than one of its numerous nicknames within the militia, "the Doberman". The nicknames, it was not what was lacking him. Regrettably! Really denoted. The Doberman was the one which became the most to him. But there was a nickname which irritated him more than of reason: "the kabyle". He had been born from rumors running within the strengths women serving in the militia. Supposedly that it would not be a pure one Silicien, his parents as well as all his ancestors would be kabyles. For reasons which everybody ignored within the army, the evocation of this supposed origin infuriated him. It was certainly one of his rare weak points. Although nobody has really bare other faults at this really tortured character.

  The fact remains that a problem settled to him. For some time already, he had got wind by means of one of his best informants of the existence of an organization which seemed to be very closely interested in the affairs of the governor. It

  Was clear that at the moment, their activity positioned them on the list of the enemies and to neutralize them should be a priority. The file was lying, under his nose, on hi desk there. He was written on it " Confidential: Phoenix ". He fiddled on it with the fingertips. Technically, he should present the report according to some information collected by his superiors. Normally, the management board which consisted around the governor must be always informed about everything at the same time as his highest representative. But it happened exceptionally that both despots don’t prefer to bother the management board, and especially not to reveal certain information. Stambouli would not see his general acting differently in this kind of very specific circumstance. Nevertheless, in this very precise case, Ribardielli simply hesitated to keep that for him. It would moreover be good for the first time when he would make a little secret to the one who had set up on the top of his men. But now a golden opportunity appeared to him. Disorders-parties that operated in total autonomy and on their own initiative,If they could create a movement of discord of a certain scale, he would not have more than to put an end to their actions, to isolate the governor who would have been questioned and to take the power by putting on the role of the upholder of the law. He would take advantage of possible riots to put them in prison and according to the content of the dissatisfaction of the population, he would not have more than to join them in unit of this good mediocre dictator to his taste. After all, he had always been loyal towards the population. He was simply the leader of the militia, he operated under the command of the governor, he executed quite simply his orders. Nobody would be right to oppose his succession. He considered that all the members of the militia were devoted to him. Certainly, he managed with an iron hand, but he respected them. He did not handle them with injustice according to him. The militia was divided into several factions. Every faction was led by a captain. The latter returned their accounts to their general, and this one knew how to treat his captains. They would die for him, he never doubted his eyes, In particular Captain Fernando Allegro.

  " My general,do you hear me? "

  " Yes, I can hear you. "

  " Here captain Allegro. "

  " I listen to you. "

  " I have new information. "

  " It has something to do with the nosey parkers? "

  " Yes, my general. "

  " Well, come to my office, As soon as possible. "

  " Received my General. "

  And the telepathic contact came to an end. They favored short sentences, because too long sentences provoked headaches. The telepathy offered incredible advantages, in particular in terms of discretion, but it arranged nevertheless some inconveniences. Contacts with too much distance could turn out vague and if they lasted too long, they caused violent migraines. An uninitiated spirit got tired fast when it devoted to it. The habit of this practice made it less binding. It is there that the subtlety of the governor lay to forbid his inhabitants of such practices. So, they were more weaker , their potential remained calmed, to napped and to wake it would need numerous efforts. Facing a entailed militia was that was used to communicate by telepathy, using the telekinesis or still gliding, they had no chance if they came to wake up and to rebel. General Ribardielli massaged the right temple by thinking again about the binding aspects of the telepathy. For two weeks, he had become recurring that after every telepathic contact, he feels a violent pain at the level of his right temple. Of course, he preferred that it remains confidential. Nobody had to conceive that the general can have the slightest Achilles' heel. He did not forget at all that the file which embarrassed him. He waited with the biggest impatience for his most faithful captain. According to what the latter would have to tell him, the fate of this file would be scattered in ashes or would be shared to his favorite governor. He ignored when such an opportunity would reproduce, but you should not make anything and to avoid acting in the haste, jumping into the lion's den like a premature ejaculator could cause him a heavy disappointment and lose him for good. But how to be totally convinced

  That the taken decision would be the good one? If there was something that exasperated Ribardielli, they were the uncertainties. If he praised the telepathy, he also cursed the precognition. The possibility of flashes on future events was certainly very considerable when we stirred up the projects which were his, but the impossibility to read its own future made it not less frustrating. When, suddenly, he heard to knock at the door.

  "Come in!"

  Captain Allegro opened the door. The first blow of eye that the General threw it in direction was not sent to the face, but was in reality intended to inspect her dress. There were details with which Ribardielli did not make fun. His elements had to respect carefully their costumes. We could not count on somebody on the ground if this one was not even capable of ironing the linen correctly. It was a member of principles which meant a lot to him. And he had the merit not to think about as a thankless because he personally took care of his personal household. He did not need domestics. Unlike the one to whom he had to give an explanation. How can you be credible to govern individuals if you put back everything to your own domestics? Nothing annoyed him more when it was urged in the personal apartments of the governor to see him appealing ceaselessly to his domestics for trifles. Besides, the uniform of Captain Fernando Allegro was always impeccable. There was nothing to add on that.

  It is necessary to know that there were four factions. Each of them distinguished itself very particularly from others. There was a faction of the Fire, managed by captain Oliveira. The militiamen of the Fire wore orange boots a bl
ack pants and a shirt made up of three oblique strips firing of the yellow towards the red via the orange. A flame was embroidered as high as the heart. Captain Kharkov took care of the faction of the Air. Their costume consisted of a pair of yellow boots, a white pants and a yellow shirt with shoulder straps and white sleeves. Finally, the symbol of a grey tornado was sewn on the breast. Then, captain Pat Khan managed

  Faction of the Earth; A pair of black boots, a yellow pants and a green shirt dressed his militiamen. A yellowish sheet differentiated them from other factions. To finish, Allegro was the faction captain of the Water. His men wore boots and purple pants associated with a shirt made up of three oblique strips marked by a gradation going of the sky blue to the navy blue. A drop of white water represented them. The dress of the captain of every faction benefited from some additions. A military cap of golden color throne on the skull and buttons of the same color were also sewn on their jacket. Their boots were not an exception to the rule, colored with a golden color which reminded the beading of a golden ingot, these clearing a certain class. But it became hardly to captain Allegro. He( had the matt complexion, the rough look, his nose formed a right angle, as if it had been broken. The water means the life. This man inhaled the violence, But also the disproportionate ambition to become general one day. Dream is more surrealist in spite of all what Ribardielli exhaled of nauseating, it did not reach the little toe at the level of the charisma.it did not clearly support the comparison. In the meantime, he filled friendly the role of the officer well subjected to his favorite general who did not suspect in the least that he had in front of him a traitor in power.

  " What did you know, captain?

  - We put the hand on a member of the group Phoenix, my general. "

  This capture made without consulting him made it go out of its hinges. However, heknew how to channel his anger, he contented with sticking the hands on the office and with sputtering with the face of his subordinate.

  " Didn’t I told you to let them to act as they want my dear Captain?! For whom take yourselves for heaven sake!

  - Do not get excited my general. "

  This replica did not leave Ribardielli insensible. He made a tour around the desk and raised himself a few centimeters away from Allegro.

  " Captain Allegro, you tell him from my part, general don’t irritate me, is it clear?

  - My general, you didn’t...

  - Silence! Ribardielli Interrupted him. I don’t allow you any more to address me with this tone, otherwise I will let you imagine the terms of reprisals. Is it clear my captain?

  - Yes, my General. It is very clearly my general. "

  Fernando Allegro submitted himself, but he did not tremble. He had to bear the weight of the hierarchy. Ribardielli was untouchable. But good God, he had wished never so much to see a man rotting between four walls. Ribardielli went to sit down on his chair, he took a few moments to calm down, massaging fervently his right thigh, just like that, before inviting Allegro to evoke more exactly about the arrest of the outlaw:

  " Let us forget this small inconvenience if you allow me. What happened?

  - A patrol of four men made its usual round in the sector A my general Jesus Gutierrez, the soldier in question who spotted our man, rather has exceptional telepathist's powers. He felt his thoughts, and he intercepted a discussion between Jérémy, the individual who was arrested(dreaded), and one was called Temba. He gave the alert, the arrest was inevitable. "

  Ribardielli tapped the right thigh:

  " Actually, if this moron comes to jump into the lion's den, he muttered to himself in a inaudible way for Allegro. Captain, whom made this Jérémy in the sector A?

  - He wore militiaman's dress. Apparently, he had infiltrated to spy on us from the inside.

  - Well, it seems annoying. "

  Ribardielli moved the brains, quietly settled on his seat while Allegro watched, stoically, standing to attention, the slightest reaction of his immediate superior. It was necessary to think fast, but no matter how. After all, the intrusion of this man did not necessarily annihilate his hopes of coup d'état. Apparently, he had had time to inform his partners about what he had seen. It meant that they were not going to to give up right away Lazarus Stambouli file.

  But did they had time to collect proofs? Make this Jérémy escape would be an act of very high treason. Useless to say that this kind of act would be unforgivable coming from the one who manages personally the militia. And he would need men of a reliability absolved to carry out this kind of mission. This idea had touched upon his spirit, but entailed so many risks. On the other hand, this capture should not become known too much. It was necessary to suppress him as fast as possible. This Jérémy must never get existed. He would never been arrested.

  "How many people know about this arrest captain?

  - The mobile patrol of supervision in service department at this moment, as well as some second-rate militiamen in function, but no officer, my general.

  - Good. you have to make him disappear my captain. Establish a patrol of very commonplace and make as you want, you have carte blanche, I would cover you. Showed of the biggest possible discretion, it is all that I ask you. He shouldn’t stay alive to see Stambouli again, and he does not either have to become rot in our cells.

  - Received my general.

  - Something else, you see this file, on the nosey parkers. Look at what I make. "

  Ribardelli slammed the fingers, a flame appeared and consumed slowly the file dedicated to the Eagles of Fire.

  " You have never announced me their existence. Received, Captain?

  - Received, my General.

  - Something else in this report which I have just burned was stipulated that the militiaman Umberto Regazzi had been seduced by one of theirs. You supposed captain, and rightly I presume, that this man was their source. Nothing allows us to know if he informed them with own free will. In the doubt, remove this Regazzi. But please show subtlety. Make me cross that as the most tragic of the accidents, do whatever you want, but that devil, of the subtlety. Is it clear, captain?

  It is crystal clear my general.

  - I give you and your team 48 hours at the most to adjust these two at least thorny cases. "

  Ribardielli, too worried about this story of which he felt good that he had no total influence on the situation, had allowed to pass this flash of wit coming on behalf of the captain and had sent it back to his act occupations. There was there a blow to be played to reach the purpose, but he was afraid that he depends on too many unknowns at the same time. It was maybe too rickety to bet on an external element to scatter the disorder. It was maybe necessary to wait that the people rebel by themselves. But how long would it take? It is necessary to say that they did not look to find the switch. Ribardielli was very worried, the right hand slid under the table and looked by groping with the fingertips the thigh. He thought again about Allegro. Was he right to trust him? There was something which limped at his in him, but he did not know what. He had always held his tongue, filled the darkest lowness’s without showing the slightest scruple. He was not the finest, but he was effective. And especially, he knew how to surround himself, he seems to have some men who were dedicated to him body and soul. This loyalty on behalf of certain men, it could represent a threat. Allegro was not an isolated man. He was even decked out by many nickname. The Spaniard. certainly It was less intimidating than the Doberman, but that produced its small effect within the militia. The guy was not underestimated.

  From his part after he had left the General offices, Allegro did not dawdle, he contacted by telepathy four of his best elements so that they join him as quickly as possible in the office. He was anxious to act as quickly as possible. He did not like this Ribardielli. He wished his skin more than anything else on Earth. But he had carried out acts for him, he had cooperated, if Ribardielli fell, he would risk to be taken in his fall. It turned out willy-nilly inescapable to cover his terrible immediate superior. He did not have to wait for a
long time. Four men arrived alternately. Four were of Iberian origin. To tell the truth, Allegro had participate in certain illegal activities at the time of the Apocalypse, he had managed numerous

  Gangsters in the little elegant customs. After the Apocalypse, he was saved by the governor and became one of his close friends. He found numerous ex-comrades-in-arms, if we could name them so. They protected their intimate circle among the militia. The Apocalypse as it seems did not freed the borders and the nationalities for everybody. The Spaniards appreciated particularly to be between fellow countrymen. Their language gathered them. Thus they were very welded within the militia and represented a potential danger idea of which had neither Ribardielli nor Stambouli. But for the moment, they had to keep a low profile. This is the way Allegro welcomed four of his best elements: Pedro Almeria, Jesus Gutierrez, Alfonso Navarro and Pablo Farina. Their uniforms were ironed , they did not really have the profile to enforce the order and the justice. Their respective uniforms did not mask their lack of morality and their strong attraction for the violence. But it was a member of reasons why Allegro appreciated them.

  "Thank you for coming quickly guys. I return from this b-buggering of Ribardielli. I should still cover him. There is a guy who was taken by your patrol Jesus in the noon. One infiltrated. He is in cell at this early moment. In brief, it is necessary to liquidate him. You and Pedro, you go to take care of his case.Wait, here is all the necessary information to locate the target. No smudges the guys, right? he asked them while tightening a file."


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