A New Era

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A New Era Page 22

by Chris Red

  Chapter 13: Ayame and Umberto

  The outlines of the exchange had been drawn more concretely. It could be unusual to notice that the term "exchanges" was used in both camps while none of them really wished to respect it. Each from their side, Temba and general Ribardielli got dug brains to take the pot. The survival of their mutual stakes depended on it. It was about their first opposition. The one who would take away this first duel would inevitably get the upper hand over his opponent. With difficulty , the general may allow himself such a disappointment. At least, everything depended on the discretion of this one. It had more to gain than to lose there. It was not the case of Phoenix. To lose Jérémy and Umberto would establish a resounding failure. A lot of time would be necessary to them to recover from such a defeat, supposing that carrots are not completely cooked. Temba thought ceaselessly at this moment. He dreaded him. You should not absolutely leave them to Jérémy. Anyway, it was one of theirs, there was even no strategic calculation to be developed concerning him.It was necessary to implement everything to return him.The calculation was simple.

  Besides, they had also become used to Umberto's presence. Certainly, he had not specially estimated the way he had been held. Strength was to recognize that it was understandable. To spend several days locked into the black was not specially an enriching experience which we wish to live again and again. But, when he reopened eyes and when he lives Ayame in background, hidden behind Temba, he almost realized his infantile naivety. He had succumbed as a teenager to his oriental charms. This mixture of ardor and sweetness which characterized colorful Ayame had hypnotized him. And even when he had seen himself lashed, attached, and surrounded himself with a part of the strip, the charm was not broken. He did not look at the others. The eyes had remained fixed to it. He thought again at all the moments spent in its company. He regretted none of these shared moments. He just hoped

  That she had not cheated the line over all. Umberto had short hair and the eyes seemed to cross you when he looked at you. He often shows a communicative smile. Up to there, he had often used the women in his advantage. It was a good seducer. He had a certain confidence in him and did not hesitate to give them for what they wished. He was not used that we deceive him and could not refrain from staring at her, the one who had upset the established order, the one who had made of him a bashful lover losing any objectivity. However, she did not seem to remove any pride from it. She hid herself awkwardly behind the thick stature of Temba and avoided voluntarily carefully exposing herself. When she saw him, prisoner, and realizing that she had deceived him, her heart filled by punishment suffocated him deep inside. The guilt ate away at her as some sulfur acid. She thought again about their meeting, their emotions. The plan had not taken place really as expected. She was not supposed to fall in love. She should have kept the situation under control.

  Everything had begun two months ago. They had spotted this militiaman rather solitary who did not see frequently the other soldiers during his permission days, his only concern consisting in going to try to pick up women. Jérémy had realized certain work of observation in what concerned its personal habits. He was the perfect candidate. There was not more than to place exotic Ayame on the path. For this operation seduction, it had known how to put all the assets from her part. Usually, she put clothes of diverse and varied colors, but especially very clairvoyants, that defined her, it was her extravagance. However, when it was a question of seducing, she knew how to find this happy medium between madness and elegance. The skin-tight dress that she had dressed this evening could leave no insensible man, especially not Umberto Regazzi. She had opted for a dress of purple color, sticking well on the body, emphasizing well her feminine forms. If she did not possess Salina's breast, she knew how to roll buttocks. But it was only about one of her numerous assets. Her main thing lay in her look. The eyes restrained, made up with subtlety, were simply irresistible. She had also looked her

  Hairstyle, she had raised a bun, typical of the Japanese women. She was at the same time provocative and classy.

  She ignored it, but in her youth, before the Apocalypse, Umberto Regazzi had lived during several years in Asia and he had confided in her an ardent passion for the Asian women. When he decided to go out to the Pasha, one of the fashionable bars of the oriental district, he did not suspect what waited for him. He had left in the idea, as it was the case during his permissions, to find a company for the night, And only for the night. Ayame had arrived early. She waited for him, sat near the bar, and consuming at his pace. Certain males in lack of love had tried well to come to court her, but she had remained totally indifferent to their approaches. Not only his objective was, but she was better than what we had to propose him. She cleared the arrogance of a woman of royal blood, until the fateful moment occurs. She saw him at the threshold of the entrance. He was motionless and observed the room. He seemed to take the temperature of the club. Ayame waited, the crossed legs, her short dress letting glimpse the curve of her legs well. She looked away not to be surprised. However, she spied on him furtively. He was a simple militiaman; he stood out from the prize in the box. He had certain charisma. And also a certain confidence in himself in view of the way he had got ready to go out. His hair shinned, His shirt was disheveled. He walked in a very relaxed way, while looking almost everywhere. He was certainly in searching for preys. The predator was in location. On whom was he going to set his heart?

  The answer was not a long time coming for a long time. Ayame waited in the bar since some time already. Before leaving hunting there, he was always used to stop at the counter, the time to savor an alcoholic drink. It allowed him to put in the mood and to decide which file to approach. The women were used to coming in a group , it was rare that a woman goes out in such a place alone. Thus he always tried to spot those who could be tried to go away from his friends. He savored his full first one. His eyes waltzed in all directions ... When his eyes suddenly stopped

  The unthinkable occurred under his eyes. A single woman turned the back on him. She sat, Maybe she had come with a company. Her friend danced or was maybe in toilet. She nevertheless seemed to wait for somebody. But there was no other glass put near her. Seats were empty. She seemed desperately alone. His look had settled on his hair, it had surreptitiously slid along his nape of the neck to go downhill on his back and finish at the level of his buttocks. He was literally blocked above. When he recovered, she had turned her head, as if she went and looked in her direction. She crossed his hand behind her bun to replace him delicately. Then she threw a brief one, but an intense look behind her. His left hand had left his hair to go to rub itself sensually on his thigh. Umberto slide his index around the glass, as if he thought about the behavior to be adopted. Then, he brought his chalice as high as his lips and the purpose of a line. He rested so quickly as he had finished then went to her .Definitely He should have seen his face. He had not met a woman of Asian origin for ages. The simple view of his restrained eyes had exhilarated him. He had quite simply forgotten the presence of the other women and had more eyes than for this young woman.

  He arrived as high as his prey. She turned to him. They looked eyes in eyes. He was literally open-mouthed. A ball seizes him in the stomach. His face had been as touched by grace divine. He had never seen a face so wonderful, the curves of his cheeks, the depth of its look. She was completed. He was stoical in front of her. He had become pale so he felt any young in front of so much beauty. Feeling her embarrassment, she sketched a light smile, to try to put him in confidence. Then, she looked at him of an inquiring way.

  "Yes, you wish?"

  Her voice had caressed his ears with a splendid sensual. His legs trembled, he felt leaving the head in stars. Then, he recovered. She was all smiles; he felt gaining some confidence. Anyway, he could not move back anymore. He answered her in a good way sloppy:

  "Yes ... In fact ... I saw you alone. It is unusual to see ... a woman like you an alone in such a place ... maybe you are waiting for somebody?"
  He had taken the plunge, he had difficulty in holding his glass without trembling, and thus he decided to put it near him while she was searching for an answer. He took advantage of it to look in deeply. At this very precise moment, she felt destabilizing. She had the feeling that he could penetrate and read in her by the only strength of his look. Furthermore, his behavior even though hesitating and his sentence also commonplace had hit the bull's eye. She found him rather cute. She had got ready to have to pretend, to become infatuated with a boorish man, with a shameless soldier. His first impression was so different from the negative scenario that she had seen parading ceaselessly in his head while she waited for him. His restlessness gave him some charm. He seemed vulnerable. But also He did not hesitate to look to her straight in the eyes. She appreciated and felt more of heat waves turning in the stomach. She was not able to refrain from blushing and from looking down before answering.

  "No, I wait for nobody. You look no more accompanied than me.

  - No, actually ... Today, I am in rest, I came to have a drink to relax.

  - Obviously, you came in such a place without any ulterior motives, just to have a drink, she says in smiling.

  - Even though, It is considered as a crime if I had dreams of feminine conquest in the head?

  - Not of course ... she answered with an unusual lightness from him. But it would be dumped a single man who comes to pick up from the Pasha searching for one-night stand. It would be of the already seen, what do you think about it?"

  He put his hand on his breast:

  "slowly ... there are no way to sugarcoat this,especially as if I refer to your dress and to the fact that you are in the same place at the same moment, maybe that you have intentions similar to mine."

  She played the comedy and acts as if she was offended.

  "What is wrong with the way I dress?

  - Nothing, he said to catch up the situation with a stalk of clumsiness. It looks wonderful on you. Maybe it is a bit too attractive.

  - You never can tell, if a gentleman came to cross my way, so much to put all the assets on my side.

  - Any way, I don’t know what you are thinking, but I see no gentleman in the surroundings. Do you allow me to settle down near you? He asked her indicating to present seat next to her.

  - Allow yourselves. "

  And they spent a long part of the evening in the same place discussing, to get acquainted and to turn all around as two lions in an arena. At least, she pretended. Finally, she believed, but she had really got hooked. He could not imagine the disappointment that he would feel lasting days if he had to leave the Pasha without this beautiful Asian. And he was not disappointed. They eventually left the place of their meeting together. She was not still completely collided on the arm. She had only agreed to let him take her back to her home in exchange that he protects her although there was no real danger in the streets of Stambouli. Temba had found a small apartment to Ayame so that she can take the one who was going to be of use to them as Trojan horse. This is the way they found themselves in the entrance of this one. He did not hesitate for a long time before taking action. She looked at him with an unconcealed restlessness; as if she waited for something ... She did not desire to abandon him there. He threw himself on her and kissed her full on the lips. She slid the hands in the back. He pushed her against the wall, the hands traveled his hips. Her tongue got lost in the meanders of his mouth. They stopped only their exchange of saliva to open the door and pursue their lovemaking inside. They went tirelessly to her room. They stuck one to another on the bed. By catching firmly the buttocks, Umberto had felt well over the tissue that she did not wear at bottom. He had become as madman and he undressed her with an brimming passion. Their bodies burned with desire, Ayame had also taken care with picking the leaves off Umberto, clothes had been scattered in

  the various hidden recesses of her room. They were snuggled up the one against the other one under sheets. Their passionate bodies had given in completely to their instinctive bodily needs and they embraced one other in a wild fight accompanied with wild groans. Their first night was hectic. Umberto had an insatiable appetite and he exhausted Ayame. It was for her the first time that she found herself so fatigued. Her legs trembled ceaselessly when Umberto was willing to let her rest. She felt as emptied of any strength.

  Their relation was not short-lived. Umberto was quickly fallen madly in love, and she, she was in mission ... They quickly trained(formed) a very close, very close couple. When Ayame was not in the den, she was with him. However She did not hesitate to carry out her task, to spy on him, be invited in the barracks in soft. Days passed, their links strengthened. But Temba waited only for the good moment so that Jérémy takes his place. Ayame was very aware that their relation was only a delusion and that sooner or later, he would discover the truth, and besides his expense. She fed the mad hope that once between their hands, they could convince him to abandon the militia, as a matter of fact, to betray his employer. Persuaded by the positivity of their action, she was convinced that they could open his eyes and show him that he had been on the wrong track. Anyway, it could manage at everybody to make a mistake. Didn’t we say that the error was human?To him to lift the veil and to them to forgive him for the misdeeds in which he had participated.

  When the bandana which masked Umberto's eyes had been removed, this one had been attracted thus immediately by the presence of Ayame. He did not really understand. The movie of moments shared together turned in a loop. Temba made a sign to Ayame that she could leave them. She took the door, shameful head down of the situation that she made to this man. Temba had understood well that she had been bound more than a reason, but he knew very well that we could not fight against the feelings which can tie a man and a woman. Thus he stayed together with Carlos and with Dario in the face of Umberto. This one stared at them alternately.

  " what the Hell, what do you want from me? "

  He floundered and tried to loosen the links. He was hopeless. He was powerless in the in front of these three men who watched him. Temba moved in his direction :

  " We were only interested in the militia of which you are a member, and we simply wished to take your place.

  - To take my place? Are you serious?

  - So serious.

  - A man is usurping my identity within the militia?

  - Exactly, said Temba by smiling and posting showing an absolute serenity.

  - You sent him to suicide ... He has no chance to return living.

  - It is what we shall see. But you should rather care about your chances.

  - I am going to put in you a big shaken when I would have loosened these links.

  - I would be curious to see that. We coated the links of the component which Ayame found in your room. In that case, you cannot use your powers. "

  Umberto stayed without answer. He champed at the bit.

  " What do you expect from me now? You did not bring me here then not removing the headband so that I can admire my kidnappers.

  - Actually, it is not only for this purpose that we made you come. We hope to obtain from you further information about the militia, the information which the swayed hips of Ayame were not enough to acquire, but which maybe the delicate hands of Carlos and Dario will succeed in obtaining, he says in indicating to two giants. "

  He moved back to attack affect better.

  " As you can notice , I am a little bit old school. It is the moment to speak otherwise ...

  - I have nothing more tell you, Umberto interrupted him, who was not intimidated, far from there. "

  Temba raised hands in the air and invited Carlos and Dario to start the interrogation in their way. Temba took a seat close by

  Of a table moved back to see the show and wait that Umberto gives in. Carlos and Dario did not open the mouth, they did not bother to appear. The only contact which Umberto had with them was the one of their well squeezed fists crashing on his face. They knocked alternately. Umberto suffered martyr. He had bee
n delivered in feed to two forces of Nature.

  Carlos and Dario were two twin brothers. Temba had taken them under his cup, they felt indebted towards him. During their arrival to Stambouli, they possessed nothing, they were discouraged. They spent their time to beg in the streets of the afroLatin district. When Temba met, they carried disheveled, half torn clothes, they really had a sorry look. At this moment, Phoenix were not even still in project. Everything really began for Temba when he met Aaron a few weeks later. In the meantime, he had found himself alone in the world. He had nobody anymore, no more family, no more friends. He had lost all those whom he loved. But he had been at the right place at the right time during the construction of Stambouli there. Temba had been a member of those who had built the first buildings. He had even seen Lazarus Stambouli closely. It was before this one does not obtain a total influence on the city and transforms it into futuristic megalopolis. The fact remains that Temba had duly been rewarded for his participation. A rather expensive salary for life was proposed to him, than he refused. He had spotted a small ground in the center of the city, he wished to have a roof and saw good going up his small affair. Thus he demanded simply the property of this place, as well as a salary, but more modest than first of all, the one that we had subjected him at. His proposal was fair and honest. Thus he inherited from the restaurant which finally became their den. However, if he was not needy and that he occupied most of his time to the decoration of new sound at his home, he didn’t alone anymore. So, when he saw Carlos and seated Dario, carrying rags, hollow cheeks, identified eyes, it did not happen asked, he went to offer them the holiday cottage and invited them to delight free of charge. And they never left from his home. Their company was very


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