A New Era

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A New Era Page 23

by Chris Red

  Pleasant and this helping hand towards them were unhoped-for. They had also lost all their close friends. One thing had not changed after the Apocalypse, they were bound again and again more than ever. Their childhood in Argentina had not still been a picnic. The life made them few presents. In their misfortune, they had had the happiness of not being alone. They were two, and as well for Carlos as for Dario, knowing that his brother was there, partner of the same bad adventure, and it is true in the life, in the death, it was just what they needed to overcome the most painful obstacles. But you know, in life, when we make things well, and it was the case since their birth, one day, the wheel turns. Some people call that; the karma, others the wheel of the fate. In the meantime, when the time comes, the wheel turns and either it rewards you for your good deeds, or it charges you the bad. Their life had fallen over when Temba had put the eyes on them.

  They took no pleasure to impose this ill-treatment, let us shall say ourselves, to Umberto. But Temba had saved them, and causes that they defended were noble. With a little luck, due to being banged the head, maybe that Umberto would open eyes. In spite of their impressive muscle structure, they had never been of violent nature, Under their voluminous brown mop hair slept dark eyes taken on an aura a well tanned skin. They were sturdy, but their look released a certain kindness. It was as if nature, is aware of their sensibility, had offered them a body to be able to defend itself against those who would want to take advantage of their fragility, even simply not to tempt that we come to tickle them. But they did not like fighting, no, they did not like that. Every time that they concerned Umberto's face, in every explosion that the face underwent, they felt at the bottom of them the punishment, They struck him automatically, without feeling the slightest resentment towards this lashed man, And in spite of the fact that this man had participated in shameful acts for the militia.

  The interrogation began to last when Carlos and Dario stopped by mutual agreement. Umberto had the nose in blood, apparently he was broken. Cheeks raised a mixture of

  red Bruise and, purple blisters appeared under his eyelids and he apparently had difficulty in keeping eyes open. His arches were covered with blood, the face was tilted behind, he had no more strength to lift it. His vertebras had maybe been broken further to the impact of the knocks. Temba took the opportunity to get closer to Umberto , he studied him very closely, put the hands on the face and turned the head in all directions. He noticed the damages.

  " We have things to be told about? "

  Umberto looked at his haggard face. He had understood well the question, but he had even no more strength to open the mouth. He realized suddenly that his jaw also had to be smithereens.

  " You bashed up well the guys. I do not even know if he understands me. Well, we are going to settle that. "

  Temba rolled up the sleeves. Carlos and Dario moved back to leave him the space so that he can concentrate in complete peace. Temba was an element of the water. So, he put the hands on Umberto's temples and began to look after him. He slides the hands on every zone of the deformed face by the militiaman to bandage wounds. Umberto quite slowly felt getting better, taking back life. He put a few moments to realize that his kidnapper was revitalizing him.To finish, Temba put the hands on his nape of the neck, and Umberto was able to recover. Temba moved back, keeping hands well in the air like an artist who contemplates his work having brought it the final touch.

  " Then, we feel better Umberto? We are going to be able to resume?

  - I beg your pardon?

  - Yes, we are going to put back that, he says on a sarcastic tone. You are going to charge a lot my boy as long as you will not want to make an effort there. I would always be there to put back of your wounds. You will still suffer and still and still ... "

  Umberto had a worried look in the direction of Carlos and Dario. He looked for the comfort with those who had just ravaged him the face. It had not often managed at him to feel such a feeling, but he was suddenly invaded by

  the fear. Suddenly Temba show sick intentions, as if he was allowing to be invaded by his darkest devils. Carlos and Dario were not indifferent also to this sensation, they exchanged a brief look to know if the other one shared this feeling. Temba went too far. Then suddenly, Temba put the hands with violence on Umberto's thighs. At the same time, he looked to him straight in eyes. His eyeballs almost went out from its orbits, nerves swelled on the forehead. Umberto felt suddenly that something stirred in him. He did not understand. He was afraid of looking down and to see. Temba showed himself threatening.

  " I can also go into high gear ... If I can cure, I can also control your blood ... "

  Umberto was panic-stricken ... He did not feel his legs any more. Temba seemed as hypnotized and to be a victim of an insanity crisis. Carlos and Dario faced up their responsibilities. Carlos was an element of fire, but Dario was also an element of the water. He had no sharp control as that of Temba, but he did not hesitate to seize the shoulder of Temba and to impose him the same fate. This one released immediately the embrace. He lost control of his left hand and turned around in the direction of Dario.

  " For God's sake! What are you playing ?

  - You go too far, Temba, answered Dario.

  - He is right, outbid Carlos. We do not have to be as them. "

  Temba felt as his eyes to turned, then he lost consciousness, Dario got back him in the arms and, with the help of his twin, he went to sit him. They put him so that he keep in the form of sitting on his chair, then they went to Umberto. His legs still trembled. He did not manage to calm them.

  " Calm down, nothing will happen to you worse than we can impose you ,me and my brother, Dario assured him on a more or less reassuring tone.

  - I am willing to believe in you, he answered. But my legs do not answer any more. "

  Dario kneeled down and applied the hands to the thighs and concentrated. The Umberto’s frightened face started smiling as

  that the care of Dario carried their fruits. Once task accomplished, Dario got up.

  " We apologize for our boss. It is the first time we see him in such a state. Know that we want you no harm. On the other hand, we nevertheless wish to neutralize the activities of the militia. Such are our intentions. This is why you found yourself lashed here. And nothing will make us give up. Especially now, thanks to Ayame, we have concrete proofs. The actions of the militia and this dictator are nauseating. They play with human lives. Are not you ashamed of you? Doesn’t it prevent you from sleeping in the evening?”

  Umberto was stunned by the composed and pacifist speech of this strapping lad. A giant who had just hurled terrible punches to him was giving him a lesson of morality. But he did not have much to answer him. He bit his lips. He eventually opens the mouth while both giants observed him and watched for his reaction:

  " I make only my work ... I have never raised the hand to somebody ... I am only watching ... I need to live ...

  - You need to live, but you can you do that without the detriment of your fellow man? The militia kidnaps men and uses them as slaves. What tells us that you did not participate in these kidnappings?

  - I assure you that I have never participated in such a thing ...

  - Any way, it is finished. You will not see the militia again. You belong to us from now on.

  - You plan to keep me locked into your sub-ground?

  - In the worst case, I think that it is what waits for you, is not a brother?

  - I confirm.

  - But, if you allow me, you have no air as bad as that. It is shown on your face. I know how to recognize a bad man when I see one. When I look at you, I see simply a lost man.

  -You think of understanding me simply by observing me? Umberto sighed. You take yourselves for whom both big persons,there? You beat me then you play Dalai Lama, it is isn’t it?

  - Leave your ego aside for a while, you will see things with more clarity.

  - This advice is valid for your boss. "

  Carlos and Dario exc
hanged a smile.

  " He scores a point, confessed Carlos. But, it does not prevent that what it is true for him is the same for you ", he pursued.

  Dario took over.

  " So tell me if I am wrong, but later, when we restored the view, your first reflex was to set your heart on Ayame. You did not took your eyes from her. You love her, right? "

  Umberto took offence.

  " Anything! She betrayed me, that's it! If I could hold the neck between my hands ...

  - What it would bring you if it is not suffering and the regrets? "

  Umberto remained dumb. Carlos succeeded Dario:

  " My friend, listen to me, I would not even tell you that for us, but for you. If Ayame crossed your road, it is for nothing. Her simple presence brings you an opportunity to leave the militia and to become a better man. She allowed you to have the choice. You have the privilege not to be enslaved any more as the other militiamen.

  - The choice, it is fast said " he murmured.

  Dario bent towards him.

  " We always have the choice. It is enough not to be afraid. If you want to evolve as man, you have to surpass yourself, go beyond what you have already carried out. Do you think, sincerely, you can evolve within the militia? "

  Umberto remained dumb. Carlos pursued:

  " Stop being afraid. Behave as a man. "

  Umberto looked down. They were very convincing. He noticed that i had underestimated them because he had taken them for

  simple brainless brutes. They were giving him a beautiful life lesson, undoubtedly the most memorable of his existence. Their arguments were more hard-hitting than their blows with later staggering blows, When we hammer you the face, it is rather annoying it is necessary to recognize, but when we affect you in full heart with simple words, this is the way we can bring down a man. Anyway, the militia, he laughed at it ... He began, little by little, to be born in a different light ... Ayame, the anonymity, Phoenix ... no one knows where he is ... Carlos and Dario were right. Ayame had got for him an inestimable luck. He had the possibility of not being subjected any more to this army which had no real sense for him. It seemed obvious that with them, he could live in his ease ... And especially, he would be beside the one that he loves, although he dared to claim the opposite. Suddenly, he raised the head. A light had appeared in the eyes, a sort of mad enjoyment had monopolized the cheeks, and he suddenly say:

  " You are right the brothers Ikea ... I would be very stupid to pass next to such an opportunity. Ayame offered me an exit. "

  Carlos and Dario looked again, as they are used there. It seemed very easy, excess for them ... Umberto had changed completely in a fraction of a second. He seemed sincere even if both cupboards doubted and were afraid that he plays a trick on them and takes advantage of their obvious condolence.

  " You have a change of mind so easily?

  - Yes. The militia was for me a way to survive. I was never in agreement with the acts of the high-ranking officers. I make fun of their researches ... Unfortunately, I would have not much to learn that you do not already know ... For the most part of time, I was only allocated to the patrols in appearances.I have never seen general Ribardielli closely. All that I can tell you, is that if you want to hit hard, it is necessary to affect this chap .It is him who holds the army. If Ribardielli collapses everything will collapse as a house of cards ...

  - The intentions of the militia do not interest you, but nevertheless you have your small opinion on the situation.

  - No, it is only common knowledge in our rows.This general seems to be everywhere, he really manages with an iron hand and he has absolute trust on behalf of the governor. This one really delegated every power to this general. The soldiers obey Ribardielli. For two reasons: the salary and the fear. This chap knows how to be afraid from. They do strictly not give a damn there of the governor. He never comes to see them. If Ribardielli lost control, it would be the anarchy and the governor would be defenseless.

  - But the population would also have to wake up. "

  A grin expressing the doubt appeared on Umberto's face.

  " That's where the shoe pinches if you want my opinion...

  - They will wake up, believe me “expressed a tired voice at the back.

  Temba had just regained consciousness, he got up, stretching. He walked slowly in the direction of three men who were discussing.

  " Allow me to interrupt you, I allowed to listen to you recently. At first I would want to make you my excuses for my behavior.to all three. I lost it. I assure you that will not happen again. "

  Then he put the hands on the shoulders of Carlos and Dario.

  " any way, thank you children from the bottom of the heart. "

  He had a break then pursued:

  " As for Umberto, I think that we can untie him... just know that if you we rotten trick my friend, we shall not show any mercy. Is it clear?

  - It is very clear.

  - Good. We did not make the presentations, I am Temba, and here is Carlos and Dario. I think that you are not ready to forget them. "

  Meanwhile Carlos and Dario freed Umberto. Once work finished, they moved back with precaution. Temba was also on his guard. Umberto was so relaxed , he stretched, taking advantage of his new freedom, after several days of detention. all three observed him as one

  Watch the water on the fire. He remained seated, then he addressed Temba:

  " Otherwise, Ayame when she returns?”

  Temba smiles, then he put a finger on the temple and he answered:

  " Soon Umberto ... Soon ...”

  Chapter 14: Edwin and Kerian

  The beams of the sun leaked out between the bushy foliages of the forest sheltering the small village of Edwin and the others. Edwin meditated quietly in his compartment. He sat on the floor, the mixed hands, among which his thumbs and his little fingers formed a diamond. For some time, Yizrah needed him no more, the latter trained alone. The life being rather quiet in the village, he took advantage of these moments of respite to make the space. When, suddenly, he was disturbed. He had felt steps approaching from his home again and again until they eventually reach his cave. He had taken care of half-opening the eyes at the last moment. As he suspected it, the small committee consisted of Yizrah, Natan, Ieleana and Salina. He observed them a short moment, he saw on the determination of his eyes. The inevitable moment of their departure had come. Their coming had nothing mysterious. Thus he decided to take the initiative.

  " You came to announce me your departure, I presume?

  - It is exact Edwin, answered Yizrah.

  - Good. If you allow me, I would like to celebrate your departure in a proper way.

  - How ? Asked for Yizrah.

  - By gathering all the village around a good meal. It was an honor and a pleasure for our community to receive you. Certainly, our meeting had not begun under the best auspices, but your presence was very beneficial for the general atmosphere. Nobody will forget your passage. "

  Four travelers considered disturbed by the behavior of Edwin, and Yizrah was not asked for acceptance.

  " I allow to speak on behalh of everybody. It is with an excessive enjoyment that we accept this celebration. We shall not forget you either. Thank you for everything Edwin. I hope that we shall see each other again in a near future.

  I also hope so. Go, take off ... That it does not prevent you from continuing to entail while waiting for this evening. "

  Having announced their departure to Edwin, the small troop continue the training, but the heart was not there as usual. Certain feeling of sadness invaded them all one by one. Ieleana had been bound to Joana, and both friends shared their last moments of complicity. Yizrah, Natan and Salina did not escape it either. Natan had been bound in particular time with Kerian. They had got used to living with the inhabitants, dressing and eating as them, worth knowing food consisted essentially of fruits. They had found a community which corresponded to them completely and they were about to leave it to join a city shelteri
ng strengths being set against them in every respect. Yizrah dreaded in particular this moment. How Natan was going to react when he would find his brother? He had no slightest idea of it. It was especially necessary to concentrate on the fight to led and helps them to bring him to Phoenix. Salina, was sad to leave the village, but she also delayed her finding Temba, Jérémy, Ayame, Carlos and Dario ... Same Ayame missed her ... Natan remembered less to his brother that previously, even if this one was always present in a corner of its heart. He had found a place and a lifestyle which pleased him. He had discovered his ideal of life and would be popular to live here with Ieleana, Edwin, Kerian and the others ... In any case, the day was long for them and none of them really wanted to train. Even the Natan will of fire was not there.

  All this time, the villagers organized the preparations for the meal, under the aegis of Kerian, who was extremely meticulous and watched the slightest actions of everybody: everything must be completed. Edwin had delegated the organization of the meal to his faithful right hand, he knew that Kerian would take this task very seriously and that the party would be successful. Furthermore, he had preferred to isolate himself to meditate in his corner. Moreover, his strange attitude had not escaped Kerian, but the celebration of the departure of their guests owed be completed, thus he totally concentrated his efforts on this

  Objective and slightly forgot his old friend. Edwin, in spite of the fact that he acted in a solitary way what was unusual from him; never stop thinking of his best friend. More than ever, Edwin had left isolating himself in the forest ... He thought again about the Apocalypse, this fateful day ... That where he had almost lose him ... To understand well what Edwin felt, it would be necessary to make a return in past.


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