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A New Era

Page 29

by Chris Red

  A rocky way came down by the left, it took a bent trajectory by coming down. A long bend took them gradually towards the objective. They had only to measure this descent and to sneak inside this mysterious cavity. They consulted all to make sure that everybody was ready. Yizrah meditated a few moments and penetrated without too many difficulties in mind of the first two guards. He took care to alter their perception. All their senses were modified without they make themselves account. They did not see anymore and did not hear anymore as previously. Yizrah made a sign to Ieleana of whom she had made a success from her part. So, the girlfriend of Natan did the same. It set him a little more time, but she arrived also easy there, the militiamen seemed to possess an all in all basic control of their element. When Edwin confirmed to them that he had acted on the spirit of the last two guards, they undertook their walking in a group, in the order meadow established by Ieleana. Yizrah moved forward frankly to them, as of if nothing was. He saw the guards, they considered right in front of them, but saw nobody. Others behind did not walk with so much insurance, all of them felt a great moment of shiver at the time of coming to light and of perceiving them apparently. Beads of sweat pearled on their

  Respective fronts, hearts pounded, the legs of Ieleana were sagging at the knees, Salina's hands quivered, and Natan smelt a hot flash seizing him.

  They quickly arrived at their height, the guards discussed between them, they did not suspect least of the world what was taking place. Nevertheless One of them felt a strange sensation when Yizrah sneaked between them, as if a ghost had just touched him. However, he was quickly persuaded that it was nothing and kept guarding his strange faintness . They do not even transfer the small pebbles swept by their feet. None of their movements was perceptible. So, they plunged in into darkness of the tunnel with a disconcerting ease. They did not communicate between them during several minutes, they continued to come down gropingly, trying to make a way in the twilight. If they did not exchange between them, it was because they were all still stunned by their own boldness. However, it would certainly be necessary to apply again the same tactics to extricate themselves from this dark and sinuous tunnel. After a while, the complete black seized them, what obliged Salina and Natan to emphasize. They created both a flame in the palm of the hand to enlighten everybody.

  After several hours of walking, Ieleana made a sign to tell them to stop.

  " We arrive. I still feel four guards. They are to approximately one kilometer of us. He is going to need to begin again, you are ready?

  - More than ever, answered Edwin. Go, we go there.

  the uprising

  Chapter 17: the Tree of life

  Lazarus Stambouli waited patiently in his armchair in the last floor of his personal residence. Fernando Allegro had moved heaven and earth to secure an interview with him. It was very rare that he meets one of his captains in private. Generally, when a captain had ascents to be made with the governor, he had to make it through the leader of the militia, In other words, by Ribardielli. But Allegro had insisted in a violent way to see the governor personally. The history of his vandalized statue had made the tour of the city, and it had reached of course the ears of the governor. Moreover He hoped for the coming of his general in the same day to announce him that an investigation was in progress. Having said that, the attitude of his captain intrigued him. This one wished to meet him after such events occur. The governor was not a man who believed in coincidences. Something limped. The situation bothered him. Furthermore, his image had been made a dent, somebody had dared to touch one of the key symbols of his greatness. If there was numerous monuments dedicated in the honor within the city, it was good to make understand that he was the Lord of this earth and that you should not forget him. He could not leave this act unpunished, and especially without culprit, if he wanted to protect his authority. If he had no scruple to treat hypocritically the inhabitants of Stambouli, he was not enchanted at the idea of making certain men of the martyrs. He imagined various scenarios, when he felt Allegro approaching the front door. And while the latter raised the hand to tap, he tells him in a loud voice to enter, and of a frank gesture of both hands, he made both fighters of the door open himself through the telekinesis. Then, he got up, and went to Allegro. Suddenly, he relaxed his tension, his veins became less swollen, and he showed a very empathic smile towards his guest. He indicated for him to sit down near the window, where from we could contemplate a big part of the city. Four seats were arranged in diamond, Stambouli

  Showed of the hand a seat with Allegro and bothered to sit down in front of him, while greeting him:

  "hello my captain. You wished ardently to see me, without knowing that my time is precious. What happens to you?

  - several things governor. I am sorry if the taken order upset you, but I had to see you personally.

  - I am listening to you. Start from the beginning if you please.

  - Thank you governor. You were informed maybe about actions of the last night in the park?

  - Actually, it did not escape me. Moreover I hope to have the visit of your general to know where the investigation is. But I have the impression that you have your theory, captain.

  - I have more than a theory. I witnessed the scene."

  The governor, who had up to there, posted an absolute serenity, had suddenly felt submerged by a new emotion. He had known how to not show to his interlocutor that he was completely upset. Seemingly, he was perfectly relaxed. Moreover He invited Allegro to give some explanation.

  "You are telling me that you attended the scene?

  - yes. Unfortunately, I was not able to do anything, they were too much.

  - Yourselves, that did you do on site at this hour? asked for Stambouli, intrigued by the behavior more than suspicious of his captain.

  - I had shadowed four of our men, who had aroused my suspicions. But, before saying about it more, I have files to show you to be well aware of the situation. I was not able to intervene before, because I was not certain of the nature of the treason."

  Treason! Allegro used a very heavy word of sense in the eyes of the governor. He should rather justify his charges, and fact of following militiamen. Having said that, he awakened his curiosity and he preferred to know the area of his theory before determine.

  Allegro observed opening a shirt where he held, up to there, in the hand. He extirpated several files.

  " Hold, here is a file concerning four men in question. Then, I have the second of it on a terrorist organization called "Phoenix", and finally, the last one, but not the slightest, on our general. "

  The governor was not able to, this time, hold on opening wide eyes when the captain evoked his immediate superior. He hold the files,and while beginning by going through the first one, he looked to Allegro straight in eyes.

  " You know that you are going far, captain. What I have between hands should rather be solid, otherwise that would be the end of your career. I consider at you as captain and as man, but acts of defamation would be of the most deplorable, you are very aware there?

  - I am there very aware governor. You have between your hands a number of oppressive proofs. You supported me and protected when I found myself in the difficulty, and I even became a captain. I am one of pillars of the militia. It was impossible to me to notice that we got ready to betray you and to make nothing. Consider my initiative as the proof of my loyalty, governor.

  - Well, you seem sincere to me. Allow me to examine your files.

  - Please. "

  Lazarus Stambouli put two files on the seat situated in his right and began the reading of documents incriminating the team of Gutierrez. He peeled with a lot of concentration the information which were delivered to him. All this time, Allegro waited, he had managed to obtain the attention of the governor. Elements were oppressive. He had no chance there that Ribardielli resists it. His loyalty to him could not be questioned. And too bad for Gutierrez, Navarro, Almería and Floured, they had all denied it without the slightest scrupl
e. He already imagined the men going to call out to the general. Nothing would offer him more enjoyment than to see being named at the head of the patrol which would come to arrest him. The bewilderment and the confusion which would seize him

  Already made exult. And it was inevitable that the governor does not reward him. He would become general Fernando Allegro. He pressed him to see the governor finishing it. This one remained impassive. He frowned the smiles permanently, he escaped at times from faint sighs. The fingers quivered when he turned pages. Even was capable of feeling a certain tension.

  When the governor finished his reading, he maintained his downcast eyes to protect a few moments before coming to light to his captain. He tidied up minutely the files which had been entrusted to him. Everything was pushed aside in the head, he tried to sort out among all this information. This affair required of the tact, you should not either scatter or to rush. It had, up to there, been amazed not to have been confronted with this kind of situation yet. Everything had taken place exactly according to the plans. It was too easy. He did not ignore credit note of the enemies, but these had remained in him unknown. They were in hiding in the shade. It did not worry him more, because as long as they protected their mystery, it is that they were not dangerous enough so that we pay it attention. From now on, it was necessary to bring down masks. Furthermore, he possessed various types of opponents. There were on one side the members of the organization Phoenix. These were motivated by convictions of moral order, the passion had lived in them, they would not certainly give up. They were clearly the most dangerous. Then, there was general Ribardielli, no more and no less that his right hand. The vanity and the collection of the power probably established its leitmotiv. His case seemed to him more thorny. It was necessary to destroy it. However ... He benefited from a certain fame. It was the man the most known of the city after him. He could not discharge him officially for treason. And, finally, he had in front of him captain Allegro. The governor was far from being foolish. He did not come to deliver him Ribardielli and the members of Phoenix only by loyalty. He did not hesitate to walk on the others to set off the height. Furthermore, a disagreement between both men had had to be the reason which had incited him to denounce his general. In view of the brought reported information, he would have been able to come to see him much earlier. However, he could be useful, and he

  Would crush him as a fly at the convenient moment. So, he went back on the word:

  " That is what was very instructive captain. You displayed me the facts, and I dedicate thanks it profoundly. I am honored with your loyalty. Everybody does not seem to be provided with the same values as you. But ... I would like to linger a little over your opinion. Do you know what incited the general not to mention the existence of this terrorist organization?

  - Well, governor, I would not know how to assert it. He is not in cahoots with them. He tried to destroy them unless nobody knows it, Maybe simply that the general wishes to be a caliph instead of the caliph, dared to answer Allegro. "

  Stambouli was surprised at the same time and seduced by this small flash of humor. He started smiling and his lower lip came loose delicately of the upper lip, the eyes sparkled. The governor smiled. Allegro realized fast that he was scoring points. Nevertheless, he was going to have to use trickery when the governor resumed , what was going to look like an interrogation.

  " According to what you report to me, he would have burned all the papers telling the existence of the terrorists and ordered the execution of a spy and a militiaman and, all this, in front of you?

  - It is exact. I have to admit you that his management of this file resulted in a profound disagreement. I made my opinion known to him, which diverged from his. He burned the file under my eyes, and ruled out the affair. But, as I knew his hired men, I was able to follow by far his actions. I preferred to see them at work before deciding to come towards you, confessed the captain, who had got ready in advance for this question.

  - Well. But, if he burned these famous documents, how did you manage to get them to me?

  - I make regularly copies of all my reports. I reported you all the information which were in my knowledge and his.But it is not impossible that he burned elements which escape us.

  - Very well. I don’t hide you that under normal circumstances, I would have shown myself skeptical. Unfortunately for Ribardielli,

  The stamp of exit of prison of the concerned spy does not plead in its favor.

  - And do not forget that it used its authority to allow his hired men to leave the army, added the captain, wishing to be the hammer which would push Ribardielli.

  - Actually, the proofs seem irrefutable and oppressive. However, what I would like to know, that is why? Understand, please, captain, that even if he broke, he acted to protect our institution. He did not collaborate with the terrorists. You tell to have even attended the scene setting the rebels to the soldiers in his pay.

  - Certainly, but he lied governor. He diverted information! He put the militia in danger. It is the behavior of selfish child, who considers quite allowed! The captain exclaimed, who had lost his temper, forgetting whom he addressed.

  - Calm down captain. Do not forget whom you address. You think maybe that you would make a better general? Thus asked him the governor who had understood what motivated Fernando Allegro, worth knowing the vanity, the jealousy and the thirst of power.

  - It would be presumptuous from me, because he always managed the militia with a big control. I worry about the way which he borrows. That he takes this direction, he, that's his business, but it is a matter of the militia, it is a matter of you governor, and especially, of the population, cried out the captain with a hypocrisy which congealed on the spot the governor.

  - I have to admit you that I did not think of you so involved by the fate of our city captain. The fact remains that the fate of the general remains to think. You will be the first one informed when my decision will be taken. But, understand, please, that I have to act with caution. His solitary behavior should not remain unpunished. However, all this should not be disclosed and remain strictly confidential, isn't it my dear captain?

  - It goes without saying governor.

  - Good. Let us leave aside the general, pursued the governor while getting up and by walking stealthily in his office. It is necessary to occupy us first and foremost of Phoenix. In priori, they did not come to light in broad daylight. It is necessary to eliminate them fast

  That their influence remains non-existent. You would not should give enough time to them to disturb the law and order.

  - As reported in files, I know where is their mark.

  - Well, train three patrols as quickly as possible and go to dislodge them. Act rather in the daytime, in the view of all, stop them for vandalism, make so that it comes out, they are going to exemplify. After the arrest, we shall spread an official statement to rule of their fate.

  - It is so intelligent from you governor.

  - Thank you captain. But moreover, do your best with capturing them. To question them could show themselves interesting, let us avoid a public killing at the same time, and as it is never known, they could have other accomplices. Let us try to know them in a little more intimate way before putting an end in their days, ordered the governor by raising a perverse smile.

  - All right. I am going to do what's necessary.

  - In that case, I am going to thank you dear captain. Naturally, you will have the authorization to come to see me as soon as you will have any news, and I would know how to refer to you when it’s needed.

  - It is me who thank you for having listened to me. Goodbye governor, made the captain for his superior while going to the door.

  - Goodbye captain ", answered him the latter quite there the accompanying person.

  Once closed door, the governor turned around in the direction of files left unsettled, took them and went to tidy them up carefully in a drawer of his desk. He would review them a little later. For the moment, he preferred
to go to the window and to contemplate down from his base the small ant-hill which was devoted to him. Certain ants seemed more dangerous than others. When suddenly, his secretary contacted him.

  " Sir governor , general Ribardielli would like to see you. "

  " Good. Make Him come in. "

  The governor smiles to the idea that the general and the captain met in the entrance hall, what seemed very likely.

  He stayed in the same place to take advantage of the view until his general arrives.

  The general knocked then entered without expecting answer, as he was used there. He knew anyway that the governor was warned and waiting.

  " Hello governor says while walking a decided step to go to meet him.

  - Hello, my dear general, answered the governor while turning around towards him. What is worth to me the honor of your visit?

  - I came to announce you some news, good ones and the bad ones.

  - Begin with the bad in that case. Let us keep the best for the end.

  - Your statue situated at the heart of the park Stambouli was damaged. We do not still know by which way it occurred nor in which purpose. Is it of the vandalism? Any way, there was no message on the scene of the misdeed. Two patrols collect, at this very moment my dear governor, every indication allowing us to have a track.

  - Well, I count on you my general to settle this affair as soon as possible. It is very annoying. Also make your best to have the statue repaired as soon as possible.

  - I have already sent a team to clean up the monument.

  - Perfect. You Had other bad news to bring me?

  - Not. I had other information about the searches that we lead my governor. "

  Suddenly, Lazarus Stambouli's face was illuminated. He invited his general to give some explanation while sitting down:

  " Take a seat. Tell me all about it. "


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