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A New Era

Page 32

by Chris Red

  Kharkov does not seem to me reliable. And Oliveira ... I have nothing against the fire, but they burn with a burning home which urges them sooner or later to want to put aside the established order if they have for what they wish.

  - Actually, Allegro is the most moldable, he is the one who comes from most bottom of the ladder, supported him the earth.

  - If the air does not see inconvenience there, I think that we are going to be able to contact the captains, and announce them that a new general was appointed. On the other hand, we shall leave the care with Allegro to choose his successor. After all, he is the best placed ", concludes the fire.

  While being at it, they summoned Eyal Turdan to announce him his new position from the next day. The young boy seemed first of all taken by the emotion. He considered the governor as a foster father, they were very close, to the point that Lazarus Stambouli had shared with him certain confidential files. However, he was not asked for accepting the post, as well as all the responsibilities which went with. The members of the Management Board had thought of informing him about certain secret subjects, ignoring that the governor had already informed his successor without knowing it, but their instinct had incited them to put it back that the next day. They invited him to take advantage of this day to prepare his moving to his new residence. He would be from now on the new master of the place.

  The day unusually livened up by the management board did not end there. The whole militia was gathered under a blazing sun in the main path, in the entrance of the governmental district. Every faction was held in columns, standing to attention. Nobody stumbled in rows. Every captain was also held to the guard, some steps in front of their faction. Kharkiv and the air occupied the Left, allegro part and the water were situated in his right, then, there was Oliveira and the fire; and finally, Khan and the earth. Each of the captains was held the right bust and with the head up. They raised proudly their suit. None of them ignored what brewed. A new general was going to be nominated. It could be only a captain. Each of them thus thought that his tour had come. Having said that, he

  Also had an even more tempting place to be occupied: that of governor. Suddenly, the door opened. The members of the Management Board appeared, they advanced slowly in the direction of the procession. They had decided to leave the responsibility to the fire to take care of this appointment. None of them liked to step up. So, the fire decided, too, to delegate its mission and he asked Pat Khan to advance him. He put him back a paper and invited him to read it to the present assembly.

  "First of all, thanks to you to be proudly held in front of us in these difficult times and to rise with dignity your colors. The situation is serious as you know. Unexpected events came to disrupt the balance of our strengths. We are going to make everything possible so the balance of the city is not affected. A new governor will be named by us tomorrow to the park Lazarus Stambouli. Besides, for reasons of respect for the law and order, we shall not incriminate officially general Ribardielli, although this one will be also judged in the days to come. For the population, the governor died after a mild heart attack. This information strictly has to remain confidential within the militia. To finish, as you suspect it, the militia needs a new general. The captain of the water, Fernando Allegro, recently showed determination and efficiency. His service records plead in his favor, he is an irreproachable captain. He takes office today. I ask you to applaud him.

  Pat Khan kept silent. The frustration invaded him. This hooligan of Allegro was going to succeed Ribardielli. A new governor was also going to be announced. It could not be him, he had not been summoned by the management board. It had to be either Kharkiv, that is Oliveira. He did not return there. His hands trembled by holding the paper which was given to him. Khan had the sensation that the members of the Management Board took a malicious pleasure in humbling him. They were so close to him. He could certainly kill one before whoever any of them react. Even two, the sweatiness of his hands returned him to the reality. He noticed that the clamor stopped. He read the last sentence:

  "His first mission will be to indicate his successor within the faction of the water. Break."

  Khan did not walk anymore arrogantly; he roamed, as if he was distorted. The disappointment was terrible. Kharkiv and Oliveira had not been exposed in the front row as him. However, their disappointment was not less big there. The captain of the air was an accurate man, just like Ribardielli. But he also had a screw lose. He did not support the error and could sometimes become uncontrollable. Kharkiv had not fed the disproportionate ambitions in the past. The appetite had come by eating concerning him. The desire to become the number one had taken him by surprise. He simply wanted to rise over the others. His skull exempt from any hair and his blue eyes marked with a big coolness did not mask his temperament. His cheeks were hollow and his firm look, seeming to get lost far off, testified of its intransigence. Having said that, he would recover from it. He had always been wary from Pat Khan. Apparently, he had made a mistake about target. Allegro, was considered an extremely noisy man, had nevertheless known how to keep his cards hidden with a big discretion.

  "We are never wary enough water which sleeps", thought Oliveira at the same moment when Kharkiv thought of this at least unexpected upheaval. He either would not have given the slightest chance with Allegro. He saw him losing beforehand, he was also afraid of attending the coronation of Pat Khan, which had appeared to be the most sneaky of all. After all, maybe that his hypocrisy was too visible. Having said that, Oliveira was the quickest three captains undone to question herself. He wondered what he had hurt, that he would have been able to do best. He analyzed his service records, he saw nothing which was able to compromise him. His hazel eyes, his brown and rippling hair, his wide front; nothing in its physical expression hid its thirst of conquest. Maybe it was the problem there. The members of the Management Board had to be afraid of seeing in him the second one Ribardielli. Kharkiv and Oliveira left the premises, with their factions, the low head, but without showing their disappointment. They knew how to diligently lose. Khan did not make

  No scene, but his unusual nervousness betrays his feelings. He was clearly the most disrupted by all. But the management board had anticipated him. That is why they had confided him a mission while holding it, that to verify the statements of Ribardielli.

  Jérémy had hardly been freed from prison that we had meant looking for him to put him back to it. He stamped in his cell. His nerves was firm during his first stay, but there, they were about to jump. Furthermore, he had no piece of news of his companions, they had been all separated and accommodated in cells certainly distant from each others. Suddenly, the door opened. A man, rather young, in spite of his hierarchical status, appeared in the opening door. He had understood well that was a row in the army in the view of his suit. Pat Khan advanced in the cell, followed by two of his men, and addressed the prisoner:

  "hello, very dear prisoner. We came to suggest you making a small outing. To tell the truth, we need you and you don’t have any choice. You are going to receive a small injection of orgone denial. But feel reassured, just what is needed to deprive you of your faculties, we are not going to make of you a vegetable."

  Jérémy did not answer, he just tightened his arm. Pat Khan made a sign to the men to run. Then, he was closely escorted by a patrol led by the captain of the earth. This one led them personally to the Tree of life. Another patrol holding the ex-general waited for them. On the other hand, Ribardielli had not been entitled to the same treatment, we had injected him enough of orgone so that his neurons are reduced to the state of purée for a good time. Arrived on the spot, Jérémy did not really understand for what we expected from him. He recognized the general. His presence as prisoner escaped him completely. Pat Khan ordered to his men to move back, he put knee on the ground, and affected the ground. He closed his eyes, concentrated then put back a species of bowl of clay to Jérémy and invited him to use it: "go to drink this water."

  Jérémy was stun
ned, there was stunned to feel for few seconds, he give a try to small bowl, then he went to the area of water. He fell and fills the bowl of water. Jérémy put it on his lips while noticing that the captain didn’t take off his eyes from him. Once he swallowed water, he returned the bowl to the captain feeling meanwhile a deep energy invading him. The captain asked him:

  " Then, what taste has this water?

  - The same that any other one, answered Jérémy.

  - didn’t you feel something in particular?

  - No ", he says in shrugging.

  Jérémy felt suddenly as invulnerable. He even had the impression as the orgone did not have effect anymore on him and as he could use again his capacities. He decided to show nothing, you definitely should not waste such an opportunity. Jérémy simply hoped that the benefactions of this water are not short-lived.

  " Let us wait for a few minutes. To be sure. "

  They looked straight in the face for a few minutes. Khan observed him attentively, then he resumed the interrogation.

  " No heartburn?

  - No, I feel nothing particular. Sorry to disappoint you.

  - But you didn’t disappoint me at all, retorted Khan with a jubilant smile. It is time for us to put you back in cell. "

  Jérémy and Ribardielli were, each from their part(on their side), taken back in their apartments. Unfortunately for Ribardielli, Jérémy had just sealed their fate. Definitively He was not a general any more. The death or the perpetuity waited for him. When Jérémy crosses the doorstep and when the reinforced door closed behind him. He rushed on the ground, put the hands and closed eyes. He felt everything. He saw the whole complex prisoner.didn’t miss any room. He also located Temba, Carlos, Dario and Ayame. The hope had seized his body. He did not have more than to finalize the plan.

  Chapter 19: an explosive speech

  Shortly after the lunch, The crowd had gathered around the park Lazarus Stambouli. A stage had been organized near the statue of the deceased governor. Black banners had been arranged in every corner of the stage, as well as in every entrance of the park. The population still doesn’t know about the death of their governor. The management board had used the means of communication of the city to inform them that an announcement of an extreme importance would be made after the meal in this day. Exceptionally, four members would show themselves in public. The security was of course the responsibility of the militia, and in particular, the quite new general, Fernando Allegro. He was in his biggest interest that the ceremony takes place without the slightest tear. Most of the militiamen were ready(in position), splitting the crowd into two and making a path quite indicated not only to the members of the Management Board, but also to the new general, and especially, to the successor of Lazarus Stambouli.

  Eyal Turdan waited with the leaders of the city. He had accepted without hesitating governor's post. Nevertheless, he had not hidden his effort as for the loss of the one that he considered as a father. He had completely forgotten his real family. To tell the truth, he had kept only fuzzy memories of the Apocalypse. When he tried to remind himself of this period, it occurred only as a succession of inconsistent images. The only fact which came to his mind was the destruction of the Eiffel Tower. Then one day, a man dealt with him, and took him under his cup. Under his aegis, he joined the Academy of flyball. Afterward, Lazarus Stambouli was his confidant and his adviser. During all these years, he had suspected that the governor led activities in secret. He had always hoped to be in the confidence, but had always imagined that by desire of protection, the governor would never say a word to him. He had made a mistake, but he would know how to keep his secrets for him. By pursuing his work, he had inherited from his office,

  from his personal files, and information which the high-ranking should supply him. He had never been a real nourishing of ambitious dreams. To play the flyball had been enough for him to amply up there. Even if the fact of being the star of the championship was not to displease him, he did not look unfavorably on the possibility of change his professional career. He did not pay no attention to his past, a future splendor tightened him arms.

  When the crowd saw him going out and walking in the steps of masters of the city, the incomprehension traveled the citizens, and the information of his presence spread everywhere. Those who were in the front row quickly spread the word to those who were behind. General Allegro paraded at the rear of the field. He used for the first time his new suit. His look was lively and proud. He observed from the top the frail player of flyball. He had only a level to be climbed. Allegro also instigated the curiosity of the spectators, but to tell the truth, the citizens gave not much importance for the general of the militia. All the looks were thrown on Eyal Turdan. His stomach was knotted, his heart pounded and his legs quivered. However, he tried hard to let nothing show through his increasing nervousness. His look was determined at the same time and deprived of feelings, he avoided any eye contact with the crowd. The way which led them to the stage seemed to last an eternity for him. He was held in contact with Allegro when they were in obvious fact in the eyes of the entire crowd, on the stage. He did not ignore that big screens spread in the city broadcast saw this present moment, but the view of all this population had helped him forget this fact. Thus he remained first of all set back with the new general. He had difficulty in concentrating on the speech which held the element of the water among the members of the Management Board. When, finally, he eventually makes a success to disregard this entire world and to focus only on the water.

  "That's why we decided to name the captain of the water Fernando Allegro at the post of general of the militia. I am going to ask him to join us. Please applaud him properly."

  The general, who had stood back by his side up to there, bothered to advance and to greet the crowd under him

  Applauses to this one . When the deaf noise of the hands slamming some against the others stopped, the water invited him to speak, he did it without jibbing. Eyal observed it to be inspired by the way it proceeds. The Spaniard thus spoke:

  " Ladies and Gentlemen, hello. First of all I am anxious to thank you for your warm welcome. I am not endowed by the eloquence and with the sense of the conversation of my dear predecessor, I would thus get straight to the point. Know that I always assumed my responsibilities as captain. It is not certain pride that I led personally the arrest of the troublemakers who plundered the statue of the Stambouli park. Nothing is important more for me than the well-being of the population. My predecessor unfortunately made certain errors, Certainly by sin of pride. But he always maintained the order in our expensive city. The criminality is non-existent. We are in a city where life is enjoyable. And I plan to keep the same line of conduct as him as regards the policy of the militia. Feel reassured, there will be no major change due to my appointment. As I told you, my first concern is and will always be the well-being of the population. Thank you for your attention. "

  He finished his speech and turned to the water so that this one takes back the management of the operations. However, the applauses sprang again, greeting his speech, certainly in brief, but effective, which had hit the bull's eye in the heart of the citizens. Eyal, which scrutinized them behind, was amazed by the looseness which Allegro showed. On the other hand, he doubted that his words were the fruit of a work of preparation coming from himself. He was not foolish, far from there, but it did not correspond to him. He who had well known him being younger was placed well to know that it was not someone of civilized. except maybe when there is an interest for him. When the new thick cloud of applauses stopped, the water went back on the word:

  " Thank you for this intervention dear general. We do not doubt that you will be up to the trust which we place in you. However, know, dear citizens, the fate did not save us. At the same time, another misfortune

  Arrived. It is the explanation of these black banners, because we are going to be in mourning, and it is true for indefinite duration. Nobody knows when the punishment will fade of our heart
s. I am not longer going to beat around the bush. Our governor left us there two nights ago. A mild heart attack took him. Of course, everything was implemented to save him, but our efforts have proved vain. I ask you to believe that the sorrow seized us all. "

  He stopped for a moment. The face was pale, it let emanate certain sadness. His voice quivered. He had a break, because he needed to recover before ending it. In the eyes of the crowd, he seemed very moving. During this moment of respite, the peace had seized places. The citizens seemed in grip to the torpor. They had never imagined that their governor can succumb to any disease or faintness and go away. The fact of having somebody who managed the city with an iron hand and a velvet glove suited them. They did not need a change. They had the one that they needed, it was completed. From their part, even if Eyal was sincerely saddened, he saw clearly in the game of the spokesman. This one feigned the emotion with a disconcerting ease. Eyal was shared. Somewhere at the bottom of him, this man in front of him who was talking gave the impression to him that he was betraying the one who had always protected him. The doubt submerged him. Meanwhile, the water started again:

  " Please forgive me. It is not an easy moment. The loss of a dear being is a part of these rare events which return us all profoundly vulnerable. Unfortunately, in spite of what we felt for the man and for the leader, the well-being of the city owes dominate before anything else. We cannot leave the city without anybody to manage it, otherwise the chaos and the anarchy would come to tap in our door. We thus met to appoint a successor. And in spite of these shady moments, a name appeared to us as an obvious fact. Certainly, he is young, he does not possess a big experience in this domain, but he likes the city. He will care about us all undoubtedly. He was also very close to the illustrious Lazarus Stambouli. He will be

  Obviously our ardent supporter. I would ask you to greet properly our new governor, Eyal Turdan. "The crowd was stunned. A splendid silence struck the assembly. Eyal was as dazed . He put a few moments before going to the center stage. Certainly, he was used to showing himself in public, but there was a light nuance entering to make acrobatics in an arena and to display as managing the city in front of thousands of people who would certainly hold him responsible for what does not work at best. He raised his hand by trembling by way of safety. He looked nervously at his right then at his left, and perceived briefly looks which expected from him that he speaks and that he answers their desires." Hello all. Know first of all that governor Lazarus Stambouli was not only the governor for me. He represented much more that for me, it was a dearest friend. Do not believe that the sorrow is short-lived, he is always present. My heart is painful. However, we cannot stop living. He does not enough one thousand manners to pay him tribute. He is not there, it is only me. We have to pursue his work and protect the sustainability of our city. Know that out of friendship for this man, I am going to dedicate myself body and soul to my new function. I care of course on the support of the management board and thank them profoundly for the support which they showed towards me by nominating me. But it is especially of your support which I would need. On the other hand, it will be necessary to forget the player of flyball. My new vocation puts an end to the previous one. Having said that, you can attend my presence in every match. See it as an illustration of my personal commitment in the life of the city. Thank you for your attention.


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