A New Era

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A New Era Page 33

by Chris Red

  His speech was ended, his heart beats almost break everything, he felt his veins quivering, he waited from now on for the reaction of the public. Had he made a good impression? This short moment before the crowd does not express seemed to him incredibly long. Applauses made their appearance by places. Then they were quickly made more numerous and seeming to come from any directions at the same time. He was relieved. He was not moreover

  the only one to the being. The water, the fire, the air and the earth could blow a good blow. They had chosen sensibly.

  Having said that, he did not take totally the unanimity. Only opponents' very thin minority for the moment anonymous had not fallen under the charm. One in particular seemed even very disappointed. It was no more no less about his brother. He had attended the scene in a corner moved back. The face had decomposed according to the speech. His confusion had escaped nobody, but neither Ieleana, nor Salina, nor even his uncle knew what to tell him. On the other hand, Edwin wanted to try his luck, he got closer to him and murmured to his attention in the hollow of ear:

  " Do not judge it too severely, you ignore everything of what he lived since you separated. He probably is manipulated. "

  Natan considered with attention the words of his friend, but informed him a fact that he ignored. And what only Natan could know.

  " The problem Edwin, it is because I would stake my life on it that this new general is other than the man who murdered our mother in front of our eyes and who kidnapped him. "

  Edwin felt taken aback and did not know how to answer . He wanted to calm Natan that he felt going out of depth and seizes him the arm, but he released him immediately. The contact was ardent. Then Natan put knee on the ground. He was held the forehead. All were gathered around him, anxious for him and also just a little worried at the idea of drawing the attention on them. Suddenly, Natan opened the mouth and whispered some words:

  " He goes ... Have an explosion there. You should not stay there. "

  Salina, who was not afraid of the fire, bent and helped him to get up. She gave him a look filled with fascination and with condolence.

  " Fast, let us go away from the crowd ", indicated them Yizrah by pulling them in a very precise direction.

  Jérémy was in suit in the middle of his cell floating some centimeters above ground level. Suddenly, he opened eyes. He had in mind perfectly all the area of the complex

  As well as the number of guards protecting the surrounding wall . Much to his surprise, they seemed to be in number very limited to watch such a building. He could not know him, but it was quite simply exceptional, certain guards had been requisitioned for the law and order. It was also the case of the captains. In fact, the ideal moment to escape appeared. Having said that, he ignored it, but he felt that it was necessary to act. So, he was not asked. He put hands on the right wall. A hole was made, he crosses it and closed the wall behind him. A prisoner in the state of vegetable was in the nearby cell and saw him passing without understanding anything. Jérémy visited numerous cells to find his friends. He freed Ayame and freed her from the influence of the orgone, he took him. Then, they found Temba. Then Dario. And finally Carlos. The troop was whole. Jérémy confided them the plan which had occurred to him. Temba recognized that he was ingenious, but he was anxious to improve it a little. His instinct told him that it was the moment to put a little of animation in Stambouli City. Jérémy had explained them his walk together with captain Khan and with ex-general Ribardielli. The chance of a lifetime was too beautiful to not being seized according to Temba. So, he questioned Jérémy:

  " You have of course that Ribardielli detained in a cell, here?

  - If I tell you that yes. Trust me. He will cause us no more troubles, answered Jérémy.

  - For sure, he will not cause us trouble anymore. Better, he is going to serve our cause.

  - What do you want to say?

  - Let us take Him with us, let us show to the people the general of their militia in the state of vegetable. It should help us to free some spirits.

  - He is right, added Ayame. I doubt that the citizens are informed about the state of captivity of Ribardielli. "

  Carlos and Dario joined his cause. The traumas which had lived Jérémy in these places had suggested to show discretion and not to take risks. But the fate of all required to go out of the shade.

  " All right. We fetch this fertilizer. "

  They did not waste time. Jérémy guided them straight ahead towards Michele Ribardielli's cage. it was in accordance with what they waited. He was lying, dribbling mouth, lashed arms, the hanging head behind on a seat in the middle of the cell. He had benefited from no privilege in spite of his status. They hurried undo his ropes. Then, they had planned to use the power of illusion of the water to hypnotize the guards and go out by the entrance just like that. Unfortunately, their luck stopped there.

  In spite of appearances, Pat Khan was everything but a clement being. After the appointment of Allegro at the post of general then that of Turdan to the rank of governor, the mustard had risen to him to the nose. He needed to let off steam. Ribardielli was alive for too long according to him. He grew tired of his execution and left the ceremony of enthronement of the new governor in a premature way. He was allowed carry by his murderous instinct. Khan wished to see somebody being dying. To see somebody suffering would allow himto put in perspective his misfortune. He had never been able to see Ribardielli in paint, him who was an element of the earth lost the reason which was supposed to be his main asset. He turned darker as an irrational animal. However, he did not lose any sense of reality and surrounded himself with an established patrol, of course, with four elements.

  Jérémy opened the door of Ribardielli’s cell. Temba took out the first one. A guard appeared in front of him. Then,Immediately, Temba hypnotized him. He approached to him, fixing brutally his eyes to him, right hand managed towards the face. Then, he released the pressure and the guard collapsed on the ground, plunged into the arms of Morpheus. Jérémy and Ayame went out in their turn. Carlos and Dario, carrying the captive, enclosed the walking. By moving forward, Temba concentrated on the guards and plunged them all into the same lethargic state. They considered saved while they got closer to the exit of the penitentiary. Suddenly, they felt all without exception a man endowed with a powerful energy get closer. Pat Khan had just opened doors, followed by his four henchmen. Temba approached the last bend and is faced him. Without losing time, he tried to exercise his mental control over him. But unsuccessfully, his opponent realized that he

  Tried to carry out and he resisted as best as he could. Temba perspired. He was about to give up. Jérémy and Ayame, situated set back from him had understood that they would have no choice. They had to fight. Pat Khan quickly observed the surroundings, he saw guards calmed in the reception of the prison.

  " It looks like I arrive at the wrong time.

  - How right you are, answered Temba.

  - It has been a long time since I made exercise. But at first, let us see if you deserve the punishment that I leave the hands of my pockets, says Khan on a rare tone, before turning around towards his personal guard and inviting them to attack. "

  Jérémy jumps up and moved away Temba. He put the two hands on every wall. So, a new wall appeared and intervened between them and their patrols.

  " He has a too high level for us. It is too risky to face him Temba.

  - I know, but unfortunately, we have hardly the choice.

  - They blow up the wall, move back! " Shouted Jérémy.

  They all went away, and a light explosion destroyed the wall. They were thrown in their moose. Carlos and Dario released Ribardielli of their embrace. This one collided on the ground head first before being allowed to slide. Then they heard Pat Khan begining to laugh like a madman.

  " Cowards' strip! You flee! Don’t be afraid! We shall not hurt you! "

  Finally, he began laughing without being able to stop. Even his soldiers had stood still, stunned by such a behavio
r. He took an undisguised pleasure to show the real face. Pat Khan was tired to have to always be computer, discreet, sneaky ... For what he wished, he, it was being able to leave. He went out of depth. His militiamen had stopped. He got closer to them. He fixed them, eyes as persons possessed.

  " Sorts of cowards! You are of no use! It is not me at whom it is necessary to look! "

  He hardly had time to stop roaring that he put the hands against walls and well united stony blocks sprang on all sides from both wall partitions and knocked in an unrestrained

  Rythym his own militiamen. After a few seconds of doggedness, he stopped. The men fell on the ground as flies. If they were still lucky enough to be alive, the death watched for them probably. Temba and the others were frightened in front of such a show.

  " Oh dear ... It is always necessary to make oneself. All incapable ... Do not look at me like that, you make me feel guilty” he slid for the attention of the captives.

  A devilish smile was as engraved on the face. Suddenly, he turns pale. His wrath does not faint, but his confidence seemed to evaporate a bit. Nobody among the members of Phoenix understood. Then Carlos and Dario felt somebody moving them away them. They transfer him to advance. Ribardielli moved forward without caring other prisoners. He was obsessed by Pat Khan. Both men settled silently. Ribardielli waited to be as high as Temba to open the ball.

  " I am going to make you discover the summits of the agony, pecie of shit. "

  Pat Khan had never seen previously this face at Ribardielli, he seemed as transcent. He did not dare him to admit, but he was suddenly discovering the meaning of the word "fear". He had stopped boasting in the great surprise of Temba and his troop, which had taken care of moving few steps back behind to let them kill each other and put itself shielded from the possible damages that he would cause.

  Jérémy entered telepathic communication with Temba.

  " Temba, we have to leave. "

  " I know. They are going to kill each other. "

  " And we are going to be with them, if we stay there. "

  " They won’t let us leave. "

  " Let us withdraw behind. Discreetly. "

  " All right. "

  Ribardielli fixed in a wild intensity his opponent. Temba sneaked behind him stealthily to join his companions. The ex-general felt well their presence, but he had nothing to do with it. Khan, from his part, had seen him well crawling such a larva, but he would not pursue it. He considered them as slugs. They were not up to his ego.

  Discharged general, whom he had humbled, him, was of this quality. The earth against the fire. Pat Khan, just like his element, felt powerful, irresistible. He was not usually afraid of the others. But the fire was capable of provoking weaknesses to the earth. He felt it a little, and in spite of the excitement which he felt, the fear began slowly to seize him. The fire, him, was determined. Ribardielli had always felt that he held an immense power, but he had over the years learnt to control it, not to let this strength get the upper hand over him. Not by leniency towards the others, but by fear of losing control. Today, he did not care about it anymore. He even wanted to see the extent of his capacities. He was about to step up. He fixed his opponent, letting go the pressure. He thought again about the ordeal which this man had made him undergo, in his unreliability. Nerves warmed. Flames appeared around him. Khan might be with difficulty impressionable, Ribardielli was offering him a show(entertainment) which he would not forget.

  The captain of the earth wiped out the forehead, Ribardielli was so much in trance that he had managed to make rise the temperature around him. The air can almost hardly breath. He was going to have to get straight to the point. Having said that, he did not dare to take the initiative. When, suddenly, Ribardielli ignited. An orangey red aura surrounded him. Flames crackled around him. But curiously, he seemed to be protected by them. It was as if they emanated from his own body. Khan had too much dithered. He concentrated on walls, ceilings and grounds around him. Ribardielli felt him coming. Suddenly, he raised a wall of flames in front of him. Khan did not see any more his opponent. He remained paralyzed for a few seconds. The wall seemed to progress towards him. The presence of Ribardielli was smelt behind him. He turned around. Another wall of flames surrounded him. Walls established around him. The heat had reached such a degree. Pat Khan was trapped, his pride had failed him.

  Jérémy had guided Temba, Carlos, Dario and Ayame except the prison. It was necessary to recognize that to make holes in walls could turn out useful. When they were enough

  taken away from the prison surrounding wall, they stopped to observe it. They wondered about the result of the confrontation between Ribardielli and Khan. When, suddenly, windows burst, some smoke springs and spread in the air. The fire propagated at a brisk pace.

  " It looks like the fire set on the top on the earth, noticed Temba.

  - Ribardielli is not going to stop there, murmured Jérémy.

  - It is not like that that I saw things, but I believe that he is going to take out this city of his lethargy.

  - It should not put the city in fire neither in blood ", reacts Ayame.

  The situation had overtaken them. The chaos seemed to knock near the city. They worked relentlessly for months to find the sufficient proofs to end this masquerade; and finally, this system seemed to be about to self-destruct. Suddenly, they withdrew on themselves surprised by the shock. Various sectors of the prison had just exploded. It was necessary to leave places as quickly as possible. The militia already had to be along the way.

  The ceremony had just ended, Eyal, accompanied with the new general, followed the members of the Management Board, and went to its new place of residence. The crowd chanted his name and applauded it. The militiamen, situated between the crowd and the governor, stayed stone-faced. They did not show the slightest emotion. Eyal began to become used to his new post and to the fame which went hand in hand. Moreover, he was already quite devoted to them, he did not release the inhabitants of the look, greeting them, sometimes on his left-hand side, sometimes on his right-hand side. He did not worry about what walked past him. It was the attitude of the crowd that made him understand. Suddenly, the citizens had turned the faces. They did not pay him attention any more. Then, he looked in front of him. Some black smoke rose in the blue sky of Stambouli. Then, explosions resounded. There were waves of panic. The militiamen, who did not expect so much jostling, were surprised, and some found themselves quickly surrounded by frantic inhabitants

  The disorder seized suddenly the park Stambouli. People ran away in all directions, and crowded in the others.

  Natan, Yizrah, Edwin, Ielana and Salina, had stayed behind. They observed with surprise the scene. They suddenly lost visual contact with the main protagonists of the day. At the bottom of his heart, a part of him worried about Eyal. Natan wondered how his brother had been able to interfere in such a bad adventure. He had gone out of depth apparently. Edwin worried about explosions and inquired with Salina:

  " Salina, you, who is the one who knows best the city, where these explosions come from?

  - In my opinion, it comes from the governmental district. Maybe from the prison ...

  - Your friends maybe tried to escape.

  - If it is the case, they did not opt for the discretion, objected Yizrah.

  - Try to get in touch with the one two, suggested Edwin to Salina.

  - All right, you never can tell ", Salina accepted.

  " Temba, you hear me? "

  " Salina? Is it you? "

  " You are safe and sound! "

  " Yes, and the others also. "

  " We arrived just after your arrest. "

  " We went out of prison. "

  " We saw that. It is you the explosion? "

  " No, it is general Ribardielli. "

  " We have to find each other as quickly as possible. "

  " We are going to be looked for. "

  " I do not know. It is the widespread panic here. "

  " Is that so? "r />
  " Let us find each other in the arena, in the exit of the north bend. "

  " All right. "

  suddenly The smile that enameled Salina's face reassured her companions, whom understood that she manages to knot contact. She had kept blindly during the conversation. When she reopened them, they all watched for her with curiosity.

  " We have a date in Stambouli Arena. They are safe and sound. But they are not responsible for this noise. Follow me, there is no time to lose. "

  Chapter 20: revelations

  Ribardielli moved forward mechanically, like a zombie. His rabies had shut down, his burning aura had lost his vigor, but it had not saved Pat Khan. He had fainted in smoke just like governor Stambouli. The ruling elite of Stambouli City was established of traitors and barkers. The Doberman got ready to solve the problem once and for all, it would eliminate them all, finished the management board. He would monopolize the discoveries which were realized under his direction, he would see by himself what hides behind this famous door. But it would be necessary to channel its ardor this time. Pat Khan had allowed he to exult, to delight in all the area of his rabies, but lose a total control of him could turn out self-destructive. He knew it at the bottom of him, and tried to become again the slightly despotic general who managed the militia with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Furthermore, he wished at first to discredit them, he was not going to content with bringing them down coolly, he was going to make them fall of their base first of all. It would be fun. He exactly knew how to take himself there.


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