A New Era

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A New Era Page 34

by Chris Red

  Dario, Carlos, Ayame and Jérémy had hidden behind the columns which supported the forums of Stambouli Arena. Places were deserted, it was not a day of match. And two, the militia had far too much activity in other places. But it was better to show themselves careful, they remained fugitives. Temba set, only, risks him to wait openly. His heart warmed him when he saw Salina going to them at the head of a small group. He recognized without a shadow of doubt Yizrah. But apparently, they had returned more company than planned. "The more, the merrier", he said to himself.

  "You cannot imagine how much I am delighted to see you again Salina, declared Temba with his biggest smile, what threw her a little, because she was not used to such an unpacking of feelings from him.

  And so do I! She answered. I present you Natan, the nephew of Yizrah, Ieleana, his partner, and Edwin, who was added to our cause.

  - Well, seen the fight which waits for us, we are not excess. I am enchanted, I appear, my name is Temba. " He paused, turned slightly behind, the look was screwed in the direction of a column.

  " You, you can go out. "And, the members of the organization Phoenix went out of their hiding place. Phoenix was finally all here." Here is Carlos, Dario, Ayame and Jérémy. "After the presentations had taken place in good terms, Temba made a report of their situation, and what had passed since the departure of Salina and Yizrah. In return, Yizrah told their trip, in particular to meets them with Edwin Peters.

  " The chaos seems close, underlined Temba. The governor died. Ribardielli left for vendetta. It is not exactly like that we had planned things. But it is the moment to act, the moment to wake the population.

  - I understand your feeling Temba, but this Ribardielli is going to put any second now the fire in powders. If he convinces militiamen to be on his side, the city is going to live a civil war. He is going to have deaths there, reacts Edwin.

  - Unfortunately, I am not afraid whether it is not the price to pay to free Stambouli.

  - Do you plan to make deaths among the militiamen? Edwin questioned him.

  - No, we want that the people wake up, that the majority get over it and stops being checked by a minority. They kidnapped men, they made them work in appearances. All this for that? For the power! The vanity! The ambition! We have to put an end to this comedy. But we also have to stop Ribardielli.

  - Temba is right Edwin. It is not like that they wished to awaken people. Sometimes, it is necessary to know how to adapt, granted Yizrah reluctantly.

  I understand, but it is necessary to be very watchful. A step of fault, and you become what you wish to annihilate. The violence that you wish to annul is ready to tide you up from his side without realizing it.

  - We have no choice, intervened Jérémy. But we would be very interested in a peaceful solution if you know one. "

  Edwin did not answer. He only wished to warn them, he worried about them and did not doubt the legitimacy of their intentions. However, Natan redirect suddenly the discussion in another direction.

  " Sorry, but there is something else that intrigues me. Jérémy, you tell you have drunk the water in which this tree in the purplish leaves soaked, and you felt revived. It even annihilated the effects of the orgone. It is good that?

  - It is exact, Natan.

  - But the governor drank it, and he died from it, didn’t he?

  - It is what Ribardielli said. He certainly lied to mask his crime.

  - Such A lie would have no sense. He would know that he would have been unmasked.

  - He tried to save time, he maybe hoped to have an opportunity to escape.

  - I am sorry, but that does not seem to me logical to me either Jérémy, interfered Ieleana in the conversation. This general loses interest totally in your fate. He delivered you in feed to save the skin, he had to expect that you succumb. He would have bet his life on a throw of the dice? No, he had to have certainties. "

  Jérémy kept silent, he thought again at this moment, in the direction, in what he had felt when he had tasted this famous water.

  " I would well allow to move forward a small theory, resumed Edwin. If we are good in the presence of the Tree of life, it is necessary to expect everything. This one would have virtues which overtake us. According to an ancestral legend, the Tree of life would consist of three fundamental pillars: the generosity, the justice and

  Condolence. If a being in the pure heart appears in front of the Tree of life, he will be rewarded for the kindness that he will have showed during his life. The eternal life will be offered to him. On the other hand, if he is ill-intentioned ... He will get what he deserves in a way. The Tree of life would be connected to chakras. He would feel our spiritual energy. Governor Stambouli not only died if you want my opinion. It would be possible that his soul was destroyed. Unfortunately, all this is only supposition. We have to go on site. You would know how to guide us Jérémy? "

  The latter analyzed Edwin's reflection and tried to sort out the truth of the forgery. He contented with shaking the head to indicate him that not. Then their attention was diverted. They heard far off a voice that sizzled. They tried instinctively by mutual agreement to get closer. The voice came from the big screen of Arena. The face of Ribardielli appeared. He was in full speech, the eyes seemed as persons possessed.

  " ... I was betrayed! It is time for you dear Stambouliotes to know the truth of the men who manage the affairs of the city. It's not all roses as they like letting you to believe. If you imagined the secrets which they hide on you ... They certainly had to announce you the death of Lazarus Stambouli, but they spoke bluntly about this matter? Allow me to doubt it. He wasted away under my eyes, in front of a cursed tree,a tree which was discovered in a cave in the mountain. While we persuaded you that to leave the city would be dangerous, excavations are led at the request of the members of the Management Board. Discoveries were realized, but they do not wish to announce it to you. They want to keep everything for them and to keep you in the dark. So, they can control you. However, do not blame these poor militiamen! They are manipulated for the greater part, just like you! Do not deceive yourselves about Lazarus Stambouli, he was of the same caliber as these men, and his successor whose identity I ignore will not escape the rule. For two days, I was given drugs with a substance which they discovered during their searches, a substance which makes you completely apathetic. They use it regularly. before

  executing you. What do you think they planned for the men who were arrested for vandalism? They were in nearby cells. They were about to be liquidated. Do you think that their offence deserved such a handling? Now, thanks to me, they are free. You have no idea of all the secrets which remain locked into cupboards. You have to know the truth! I would say even more, you are entitled to demand it! It's time to restore a new, certainly imperfect order, but just. Without little secrets! Without confidential decision-making! An order where we pull all in the same direction! I ask you all to join me and to make the management board fall! Release yourselves from your chains! Why the players of flyball can levitate and not you?! Have you ever questioned on this matter? To all the militiamen who hear me, I implore you to contact me. Let us stop obeying a tyrannical governor who is not interested in us. Let us not be any more the instrument of death of a deceptive dictator. Let us be the police of a democracy, as in the good old days. Let us end this imposture! All those who wish to reunite my cause, come to join me! I wait for you right now in the entrance of the governmental district! As for you the vile puppeteers, I have only a single advice to give you: run away as long as there is still time! Run so fast as you can and so far as it is allowed you to go! "

  The speaking ended. Useless to say that they had all the opened wide eyes. Edwin understood that in spite of his dreams of nonviolence, it was going to be necessary to prevent Ribardielli from implementing his projects. He had no idea of the extent of his influence on the militiamen and the citizens, but it did not smell good. They were going to need reinforcements. Ieleana had noticed it too.

  " Edwin,
I know that is not going to please you, but we cannot content with raising the white flag. Most of the citizens did not free their capacities. Maybe all this noise is going to establish a psychological shock for some of them, but in spite of their numeric superiority, if Ribardielli has militiamen's sufficient amount with him, he will be

  Difficult to stop him. We have to call Kerian and the others. They represent our best option. And in addition to that, it offers us an element-surprise which this general power seeker does not suspect.

  "They had all listened to the girlfriend of Natan with an attentive ear and seemed all give a lot of credit to these words. Including Edwin.

  " Actually, I also think that we do not have the choice. I would not have believed that we need their services immediately. If I had known, we would have come all together.

  - Your men live far from the city? Asked Temba.

  - No, not very far. If they come without stopping, they can be there at night.

  - Most earlier, they will be underway, best it will be, added Jérémy.

  - I am going to contact Kerian immediately ", concludes Edwin.

  Allegro, Eyal and the members of the Management Board had attended the famous speech of Ribardielli in the most total bustle. None of them was expected in such a reversal of situation. Apparently, they had very badly chosen their moment to go out publicly. They were completely at the mercy of the population. Eyal had difficulty in realizing what took place, but he suspected that his popularity risked to fall vertiginously. There was more than to hope that the citizens do not swallow the soup which was of use to them the new pretender in the power. While the latter expressed himself via big screens arranged everywhere in the city, the silence got back to the crowd. They listened to him very carefully.

  Eyal quickly understood that Ribardielli was putting an end to his reign, and tried to get back a support on behalf of the people to realize a kind of coup d'état. It was necessary to him to wait for the reaction of his walk-ons, but he got ready to run away. He began extricating himself discreetly from the crowd, eyes of which were riveted on the big screen. The former general monopolized all the attention. He was a star of flyball, the fact of being bound to the members of the Management Board sealed his future to Stambouli if it stayed here. While he went away stealthily from the mass, him

  Wondered about the direction to be taken. The city was surrounded by mountains, he was surrounded. Suddenly, a bright idea occurred to him. The door of stars, She must be certainly bound with another point. Whether it is on this planet or somewhere else, it has hardly importance. He did not see better emergency exit. Unfortunately, if he had got wind this, he ignored where she was. But more problematic still, he was not sure that is functional. In breaking news, she was about to happen. The answers to these unknowns lay in the office of fire Lazarus Stambouli, worth knowing his new office. He had no time to lose.

  Ribardielli completed his speech, he fulminated. The face disappeared suddenly from the screen. There was suddenly a moment of respite. The silence reigned. Each seemed to be thinking, a decision was imperative for the good of the city. To question their government? To trust Ribardielli? Was their happiness imaginary? All eyes turned with an astonishing synchronization towards the members of the Management Board, general Allegro and towards him ... One of them was missing. The absence of Eyal Turdan did not escape big world. All looked for him. The general, him, transpired under his beautiful suit. The one that he held in contempt for months had again confused him. In spite of the inextricable situation in which he found himself, he did not stop thinking of Ribardielli, he cursed him. More than ever, he wished to see him dead, but this time, he wished to cross the hands around the neck and to finish him personally, to see him leaving in a groan and acquiring the certainty that he would not be one of them anymore For good. However, it was necessary to extricate himself at first from the cobweb in which he was stuck such a poor harmless fly. First of all, he had to divide members of the Management Board. While the inhabitants always seemed to be in the grip of the doubt, he decided to take the initiative. He raised arms in the air and spoke:

  " People de Stambouli, I assure you that as for me, I ignore totally what brews. Apparently, I was never in the confidence. If somebody has

  Accounts to be returned with you, I think that it is necessary to see it with them, he says in indicating the government.

  - You clear of responsibility yourself very fast of those who named you general, friend!

  "Threw a man in the crowd." Look at him! We always had what we needed, but this man has the face of a guilty man! I do not know you, but I want to know what these men hide to us! "Outbids another one, Allegro had the faculty to read the spirits, he had not used it. If exactly the spirits of people were muddled up before they express themselves and seemed divided, his simple intervention is enough to put him in back a big part of the population. He found himself brutally surrounded." You, Spanish which has a ready tongue! What do you have to hide us? "Released another voice.

  Allegro tried with great difficulty to spot those who spoke, but the voices resounded in all directions. Ribardielli went away from his thoughts and the citizens got closer to him with an increasing hatred. However, an event temporarily saved the day. While he was taken to task and while the hour of his judgment seemed it sounded, the members of the Management Board seized the opportunity to try to escape. Ribardielli had indicated them to run away. They had immediately understood that it was necessary to jump on this opportunity to leave living. The problem was not to want to run away from, but being able to. Only, they were not really discreet. The panic having invaded them, they rushed in an awkward way in all directions. The earth went out of depth, stumbled and fell heavily on the ground, not without having collided in the passage a woman and her child. The fire, the water and the air did not turn around to help him, all the more now that the attention was focused on them. So by running away and by being incapable to show solidarity between them, they had just made it officially in the view of all their guilt. Ribardielli was not gone into detail, because it was not in his interest, he had simply accused them without bringing of proofs. The panic is a human feeling which, when it submerges you, makes you reveal your real face. These men came of

  Reveal theirs. Strength was to recognize that general Allegro was the least the cowardly of them. Stambouliens got loose completely at the bottom of their heart of these characters, but they still hesitated to act. None among the crowd dared to make a decision. They watched them taking their legs in the neck and wondered of their incapacity to face. What was it necessary to make? Take revenge? To imprison them? Or simply let them run away? Why not let them banish simply? What tapped them, it was to discover the truth. They all fixed general Allegro, the one who seemed the only one to be capable of a confrontation although he was the first one to divide of his superiors. Was it really better? Allegro felt encircled. His legs were paralyzed, but especially, he had of the pride and some pride, he could not dash off as mean one wood louse. In spite of his deceitful character, he preferred to surrender honorably by hoping to survive to recover.

  Suddenly, a new face appeared on screens spread in the city and he invited the crowd to grant him their attention. Allegro recognized immediately this color face ebony. It was about Temba, the leader of Phoenix.

  " Definitely, it is a parade ", he says himself. He observed the crowd, they were all riveted towards him. They seemed surprised and stared between them, questioning mutually on the identity of this chap.

  " Hello, populate with Stambouli. You have to wonder who I am. All the more, a day as today. My name is Temba and I am an ex-prisoner of the prison of Stambouli. At first, I could evoke you the particular conditions which are reserved for prisoners, but it would be long and boring. Know simply that officially, I was locked for vandalism, me, as well as my men. But we are not vandals. We are men who doubted the integrity of our government, and our good governor. So, we were closely interested in the activities of the latter, wha
t was worth to us in particular a night-confrontation in the Stambouli park. What was considered as of the vandalism was only the consequence of this fight. They had not come for

  Stop us, but to kill us. Previously, before getting to this point, we were unmasked when one of my men infiltrated the militia. He went on a site where the investigations take place. The militiamen extract a substance in secret, which they call the orgone. They use it, and transform it so to prevent other people from using their capacities. Natural faculties which they forbid you to use, when they use it constantly! They are thirsty of power , they want to dominate their next one. Do you know who works on these sites? Not the militiamen. They just watch. It is men, as you and me, men who are held and who are made slaves. We persuaded you that access roads had been filled by collapses. But that's not the case. I have by my side men who come from the outside. Other survivors are spread everywhere on the planet. Stambouli is not the only holiday resort. And the militiamen kidnapped men in other parts of the country to enslave them.Whatever he says about it, Ribardielli knew, he managed these onvestigations. Allegro also, all the high-ranking officers of the militia just ignored few details. However, those who knew about it most were the governor and the members of the Management Board. They would have also made the other discoveries around, in particular the very particular tree, but there, I have some more of safe information to be formal. All that I can tell you is that we were deceived by of vile manipulators. I am going to implore you to trust me and I am going to ask you at the same time to unite, you, the citizens of Stambouli City, and especially, to divide you of the militia, the general, the governor and all these arrant liars. Free your spirits ... Become autonomous ... Regain control over your lives, and over your bodies! Do not let abuse anymore! Do not live anymore in the illusion! But do not give in to the desire of vengeance! We simply have to try to find our freedom, and to you the militiamen, the instruments of suffering of some of your congeners. A choice is imperative upon you today. You have the possibility of winning your redemption. Abandon those who use you to treat the others. Release yourselves from your chains!


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