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The Return of the Watchers (Armageddon Rising Book 1)

Page 11

by Denny Bennett

  “If anything happens to me I want you to promise that you’ll leave this all alone and go back to the University. I don’t want your life getting ruined for no reason. You have my permission to use my blood to research whatever it is you want, just don’t go looking into my longevity. Believe me, it would end up being far more trouble than it’s worth.” “Hai,” was all she could say. “One more thing,” he said, drawing her body close for a passionate kiss. She held him in her arms and pulled closer, absorbing every ounce of the moment. He ended with a smile and gently brushed aside her hair from her face. She smiled in return, feeling somewhat dizzy from the whole event. He opened the door to the room. “Mamma, take Yuki out so she can try and get this paper scanned. Have some lunch while you are at it.” He felt it was best for them not to be there for what he was about to do, in the event that something went wrong.


  Shortly after Yuki and his mother left Dorian finished dressing and closed the door to his room. Retrieving the email he had jotted down back in his office, he sat down on the bed and looked it over. “I can’t believe I’m going to follow this nonsense,” he said letting out a sigh. “Ok. It says to trace my hand like this and say ‘PETA BABKAMA LURUBA ANAKU?’” As soon as the words left his lips the objects in the room stretched and he felt a tremendous rush of force pulling him through what looked like a tunnel in space. It did not appear to be outer space in the way that he was familiar with; this was altogether different. It was as if he was riding along a river or stream of consciousness that ebbed and flowed with thought, memory, and understanding. With a thunderclap he arrived at his destination, quite disoriented, feeling incredibly alive. It was like being awakened from a very long slumber; everything was more real here than in the world from which he had come. There was an inner peace he had never experienced before, along with a feeling of weightlessness. Above was what looked like a view from an otherworldly planetarium, somewhat similar to the outer space he was familiar with. Colorful lights flashed and flickered across the expanse, their silhouettes resembling some of the Hubble Telescope images of gaseous clouds he had seen in the past. Below, on the ground (if you could even call it that) was a solid surface, flat, shimmering with different colors and adorned with symbols and markings along a routed pathway. Several towers, each about the height of a standard skyscraper, loomed in the distance. There were no plants, trees, birds, animals or insects of any kind. Before him stood a tall figure, roughly fourteen feet in height with a body glowing like molten metal, dressed in a white robe. He appeared humanoid and male; his face was somewhat androgynous, with snow-white hair and deep blue eyes that had what appeared to be lightning flashing inside of them. In the distance Dorian could discern the shapes of other beings similar to the one before him.

  “Welcome, Dorian, welcome. I see that you have chosen to come here out of necessity, as it appears you have been afflicted. We shall address that later. I am known as Amprodias, the guardian of the eleventh gate, from which you traveled to be here with us. I sense that you have many questions, so I will indulge your desire for knowledge. What would you wish to know?”

  Dorian was in a state of shock and awe from the sensations he was experiencing and the sights around him. Indeed, even his own visage had changed, as evidenced by the reflection from the shimmering surface below. His hands were translucent, unlike those of the stranger before him, and his eyes seemed to be like those of a marble statue, devoid of life. His hair was similar to his Earthly hair, just translucent. He stood approximately eleven feet in height, floating above the surface below. The clothing he had on in Norway was reproduced in a silhouette that resembled a negative photograph. “Yes, your appearance,” Amprodias said. “What you are looking at is your Baltu spirit form; different from that of a human and one of the two spirit forms ones such as we possess, the other being the Melammu form.” He stared at Dorian for a moment and muttered softly, “Yours would undoubtedly be very unique, given your heritage. You will have to wait until your Shi is awakened before you can progress towards your higher form.” Dorian’s eyes opened wider. “Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?” Amprodias smiled, “No, your flesh remains intact. I have placed a protective spell around you for the time being, as a result of the Shemzol.” Dorian looked puzzled. “Shemzol? I seem to recall hearing that word somewhere. What exactly is it?” he asked. “A Shemzol is a device used to follow energies in both spirit and flesh form. It may be something small that joins to the flesh and with the spirit. It is a sigil marked upon the light form. In your particular case, I will leave it for another to explain.” “I think I understand. It’s that object that is on the back of my neck,” Dorian said. To his surprise he discovered the object was nowhere to be found on his head. “Where are we? How did I get here? What is going on?” Amprodius smiled. “We are in another dimension of reality; you traveled through a black hole in space to get here. The area about and outside of us belongs to what you may refer to as a fourth dimension, which as you can observe has meaning and significance here, but is impossible to equate to the world in which you are accustomed to.

  “This plain on which we stand is known as Verdes Seventeen, and is known by this sigil,” he said. He gestured with his hand at the surface below and an enormous pattern that looked like three intersecting triangles placed at their ends within several concentric circles in a turning pattern brightly emerged on the ground.

  “You arrived here via an opening in a space time continuum, created via a spin-wave-controlled neutron tunnel. The tunnel was sealed to your voice pitch frequency and a semi rough approximation of your hand gesture in the shape of a circle with three wavy lines. In other words, when you said the phrase and motioned in the way that you did, a gateway was opened and attached to your spirit, your light being, much like a lock and key. In this plane you and I are composed of dense particles of light that are tangible matter. Ah, I see he approaches. I will turn you over to Matthias for further instruction.” Amprodias nodded towards Dorian before turning to depart. In the far distance a figure was approaching rapidly. It was difficult for Dorian to determine how far away the figure was, but it was moving at tremendous velocity. Dorian was still captivated by the amazing surroundings and his sense of heightened perception. He could feel the surface below without touching it and it was as if every molecule around him was sharing information in some unique way. Breathing was not required, yet he noticed his light form still possessed a nose; for what purpose he could not ascertain. Perhaps it was involved in the extra-sensory perception he was experiencing. “The fourth dimension is an amazing thing is it not?” the figure approaching asked. “Hello there,” Dorian said with a small wave. What is this place?” “It would be rude of me if I didn’t introduce myself first. Greetings to you, I am Matthias,” the being standing before him said. His appearance was similar to Dorian's with a few minor differences. Of note, he had a slightly shorter stature, about nine or so feet in height. His general countenance was similar to that of an ordinary human with regular hair and clothing, but with a translucence to his whole being. He extended his hand in a familiar way of greeting on Earth. Dorian took his hand and information was shared between them. Matthias presented a sensation of goodwill towards him. “Yes, it is quite different from a normal handshake. I recall the first time I came here, also; I was very much like you, totally taken in by the whole experience. The reality of Earth just doesn’t seem to compare in any meaningful way. Don’t misunderstand me; the Earth certainly has some beautiful places; however, the fourth dimension adds many different elements not found there. Come, we have much to discuss,” he said gesturing as he began to move towards one of the towers in the distance. Dorian attempted to follow by walking as he would on Earth, which felt like he was walking in place. “I don’t seem to be moving,” he said with a laugh. “This is your first lesson, how to walk. You need to imagine your being advancing and will it to be so. Slowly.” Dorian began to focus on willing his body to move; however, the instinct to move his le
gs was still present, resulting in him float-walking. “Well, it may look awkward, but you’re moving. You do not need to move your legs,” Matthias said, observing Dorian struggling with his movement. “You’ll learn to control it. Anyway, as Amprodias indicated, this space we are in is Verdes Seventeen. The best way for me to describe it that makes sense to you would be to say it is like an airport that consists of various facilities for conferences, a sort of exposition center where beings gather. There are thousands of such places in this dimension, and each one is different from the other in various ways. This particular breece, as we call it, is specially designed for training light beings in their use of Shi. It is an ancient word meaning or referring to the soul, similar to Chi, or Chakra, words you may have heard before on Earth. For now, we don’t need to give it much attention; suffice it to say that we train our spirit energy here,” he said as Dorian was trying to keep up with Matthias. “The fourth dimension is actually connected to the third dimension via Pilsu, or what you would call a black hole.”

  At that moment a group of about seven beings, very thin and tall with elongated heads, were passing by. They were unlike Matthias or Dorian in that they seemed to be composed of something resembling solid matter. Dorian was startled by their appearance. Matthias uttered something in a strange language to the beings that were fixing their attention on the one staring at them. Whatever it was Matthias said, they went back to communicating amongst themselves.

  “You will see many types of beings here as these facilities are for more than just ones such as us. In truth, you happen to be considerably different from me. In fact, I would say you are one-of-a kind, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.”

  Dorian was bursting with questions, overwhelmed by his newfound sensory stimulus almost to the point of having a panic attack. Matthias touched his arm and Dorian calmed down a bit.

  “Be at ease, we will address all of your questions in time.”

  Dorian felt better at his touch and was surprised that someone else shared his ability. Matthias noticed his astonished look. “You took my hand earlier, we exchanged information and I could sense your Shi fluctuating towards dalhu, which prompted me to draw off and release a portion to maintain a balance,” Matthias said with a smile. “Oh, is that all?” Matthias chuckled. “Patience, my friend. We will allay your concerns.” “Are you the one that we saw in Hawaii who-” Dorian began. “No, that was not I. You are referring to another whom you will undoubtedly meet. We will head to the Pessipone. There we can discuss additional details in private. Come, let’s see if you can gather some speed,” he said, moving far ahead of Dorian. It took a bit of concentration on Dorian's part, but once he was able to command his spirit form to move he was able to catch up and keep pace with Matthias. They approached a very large tower that appeared to be constructed of many different types of materials and construction styles. Some parts resembled a modern skyscraper with glass, and other parts were very alien in appearance; liquid metallic surfaces with unusual symbols everywhere. Beings of various types were coming and going in a constant steady stream. It seemed that the effect of gravity was not the same as it was on Earth, so that they simply floated along the surface of the side of the tower effortlessly. Matthias reached his desired location and said a few words, motioning with his hand in a pattern not unlike the one Dorian was had been required to use to get to his present location. The surface of the tower began to glow brightly with a bluish light and suddenly they were in a large open space with a blue sky similar to the one found on Earth. Several familiar-looking trees were embedded into sectioned areas of soil. The ground was similar of the area they had just left, appearing almost plastic with a pearl-like translucent sheen. Towards the back of the room were four expansive sitting areas that resembled something you would find in a well-to-do lodge or clubhouse, as well as a large pit that had several steps leading down to the lower level, as if it were an area for a speaker or for demonstrations. The whole area was slightly larger than a modern-day earth-built stadium for a sports team. Matthias moved to the back and settled in one of the sitting areas. He gestured for Dorian to sit opposite him. “Now we will talk for a while. You have many questions and I think this has been quite an ordeal for you, so we should start at the very beginning. Why are you here? I should explain some basic things first, and then we will address that question. You are different from the normal humans on Earth; undoubtedly you are aware of that fact, correct?” Dorian nodded. “It would seem you are still unaware of your heritage, however. Since you have made it here, I believe my convincing you will be a bit easier than if we were on Earth. You are the result of a union between a Dumuzi, that is a son who is life, and an Anunnaki or Angel as they are known on Earth.” Dorian's eyes narrowed. Matthias continued speaking. “The Dumuzi were the progeny of Celestial Spirits and human females and are of Earth, immaculately conceived, whereas the Angels are not of Earth and are not a hybrid race. From the beginning of time itself, the Angels have overseen the inhabitants of countless planets and galaxies formed ages ago by The Creator, The Ancient of Days. Benevolent in nature, they were created with a purpose and a higher function than any other being in all the cosmos. It was this way up until almost ten thousand years ago when the unthinkable occurred. One of their kind, The Bringer of Light, conceived a plan to overthrow the Ancient of Days and set up his throne above all. He did not wish to be subservient to mankind; he desired their adoration and worship. You may have heard this account from various religious texts found on Earth. A great war was fought, leading to his expulsion from the upper dimensions, along with many of his followers. This was the largest of several insurrections that changed the course of human history.

  “Humans, as they exist on Earth, are avatars: flesh forms that house their true selves, their spirits. Human spirits are immortal, everlasting entities; some created from the beginning of the universe, some after, and others currently coming into existence. Each of them has a bit of The Creator inside them, The Source of everything; yet they still are in their infancy, even the ones created from the beginning of time. They are all inextricably connected to each other in a spiritual web or fabric, yet while they wear their human avatars the majority of them are unaware of this fact. In the spiritual dimension, there is no hatred, anger, jealousy, or malice. There are no negative emotions, and so a separate dimension, the physical dimension, was created containing countless galaxies and worlds for all of the spiritual beings to grow and develop; a school for spiritual growth where one could experience both positive and negative emotions. The Earth school is just one of many like it.

  “As the Earth had been formed many years prior to the arrival of humans, it served as a proper test environment for human life, with lower human life forms thriving in many areas. Different beings across different galaxies have been made to allow for different amounts of spiritual growth; some beings have much higher growth and development and therefore they have been reborn into bodies capable of expanding their potential.

  “A proper analogy would be the sport of racing. One who is a complete novice might begin with the most basic devices for locomotion, perhaps a skateboard or a bicycle, eventually moving to a motorized kart. From there perhaps they get a faster kart, then an automobile. When their skills have progressed over time with the automobile they may attempt a beginner race car, gradually moving up in speed and complexity. It is the same with spirits and avatars: As they advance in development they reincarnate into higher life forms.

  “Yes, all sentient beings re-incarnate. It is an integral and fundamental component of existence. The human spirit has to undergo sufficient trial and tribulations to give it strength, much the way human athletes use weights to strengthen their muscles; so it is with the soul. For some, they are born and live for a time to give sufficient strength to others, as a gift to bring them towards the light. This is decided beforehand; the spirit that is strong may be born again to help train the spirit forms of others. Some who pass before their spirit has been t
rained will undergo a rebirthing to give them an opportunity to advance towards the light. Also, a spirit in need of further training may be re-born with a new set of difficulties, such as a disease or birth defect to strengthen and help them achieve the light.

  “To assist them along the way, humans have spirit guides assigned to them. These are what some refer to as Angels, performing functions similar to what is done for other sentient beings. The spirit guides help humans with their tribulations in a variety of ways; they can bring their petitions to higher powers of the Angels, they can prevent a mishap from occurring, and they can assist with fending off many of the corrupted spirits inhabiting the Earth.” “Evil spirits? Really?” Dorian asked incredulously. “I shall explain,” Matthias said. “When a human being dies their spirit travels through the light gate to one of the planes of Heaven for a determination, or judgment. If they have a sufficient vibration, a positive energy trait, they may stay or be re-birthed to help other human spirits attain a higher vibration state. Once re-born, their memory of any previous life is removed, but their life begins with a stronger spirit. Just as there have been some terrible humans among Earth’s inhabitants, so too have there been great ones.

  “If a human spirit is found to be towards darkness or a lower vibration they may be given another re-birthing to strengthen it. If they have been corrupted beyond a human re-birthing they may be sent back as a lower life form for more basic spiritual growth. In some cases they are sent to the place the fallen Angels inhabit as their spirit condemns itself. They will still be able to redeem themselves, should they accept the light which is always available to them.


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