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From the Deep

Page 30

by Michael Bray

  “Mr. Joossens, you will take the place of the robot operator and Captain Polzin will take the place of the standing captain,” Alkaev continued. “The rest of the salvage crew will remain onboard. Mr. Domashevich will keep an eye on things. Mr. Savin, you will provide technical assistance for the recovery. If the vessel is found in shallow water, recover any cargo. If the engines can be recovered quickly, do so. After it is dismantled or if nothing can be recovered, you need to find a way to tow the ship to deep water where it will not be found. This is a very sensitive matter and we cannot spend a great deal of time carrying this out.”

  Mike nodded and headed for the salvage ship with his suitcase. Valeri trudged onboard looking as if he was going to boot camp. Savin was one of those guys who didn’t fight and he was getting on the ship with Fyodor Domashevich. A huge, barrel-chested figure that was incapable of feeling pain and whose favorite pastime was picking on everyone smaller than himself. Mike had nicknamed him Fido and had run-ins with him even before the sub voyages. On the submarines, he seemed to have to fight him daily. Domashevich seemed to fight everyone daily. Mike was destroyed in the beginning, but he never gave up. He took it personally for a while and did everything he could to beat him. When that failed, he took him head on, knowing he was going to lose, and did the best he could. After learning a few things from the Spetsnaz guys, he eventually won a couple of rounds. Domashevich was teased mercilessly. Fido was the one who gave him the gun. Having him on the ship was a mistake in Mike’s eyes. These were legitimate sailors, working people, not gangsters bucking for position and power, and Domashevich was going to exhaust them with harassment. When all was said and done, they would probably lose a few good crewmembers, but Mike was not in power and he wasn’t going to question Alkaev’s judgment. “Shut up, do your job, and mind your own business,” he thought.

  After he unpacked, Mike went to help load and secure the remotely operated submersibles (ROS’s). Then he went to the control center to make sure all of the video and scanning equipment was loaded and functioning properly. When everything was to his satisfaction, he gave word, the ship was released from its moorings and headed into the Sea of Japan. He went to the galley and ate alone, and then headed up to the bridge. Fido punched him in the shoulder when he came through the door. “Good to see you,” he laughed, “just like old times.”

  “Ow, good to see you too,” Mike answered. “Where are we headed?”

  “South,” Polzin answered. “We will intercept its path and go backwards. Once we round the island, we head one hundred kilometers southeast of Katsuura and travel south along the ridge to the ships last known location. The yacht will head west through the Luzon Strait. The robot operator from this ship is over there. Their capabilities are limited, but it will give us a head start.”

  “So we are going to see the Karakatitsa,” Domashevich said.

  “What?” Mike asked.

  “The Karakatitsa, the morskoye chudovishche.”

  “A Devilfish, a sea monster,” Polzin translated in English.

  “Yes, it is eating all of the fishing boats. It was found floating in the sea yesterday. Maybe it ate our boat too,” Fido laughed.

  “What are you talking about?” Mike asked again.

  Domashevich grabbed a tablet and gave it to Mike. A blurry aerial photograph of a ship was floating ahead of a light, multicolored oblong shape. From the photographs, he guessed it was about 150 meters long. “You see, the Karakatitsa. Here, look.”

  “It’s a bigfoot picture.” Joossens said handing it back to him. Polzin laughed.

  “No, it is real.” Fido thumbed through several news sights from different countries showing the same photographs, and then read through one of the Russian pages. “The creature was spotted floating four hundred kilometers off the coast of Japan and is being towed to Tokyo for study. At least sixteen fishing boats from Sapporo to Kochi have vanished or have been found destroyed over the last ten weeks. Other vessels report having nets torn from their riggings. Many villagers of the fishing communities believe the giant beast is responsible. Right where we are going. Ha, ha! I know you are looking forward to it Valeri,” he said, pounding Savin on the back at the same time.

  “More people,” Mike speculated.

  Polzin nodded.

  “I sure hope this is not real.”

  “We can use it to our advantage. It gives us an excuse for being there. We have lost a ship of our own. If this thing gets to Tokyo, we will be ignored. The attention will be there. ”

  “I suppose. Do you need me up here?” Joossens looked at the men who shook their heads. “I’m going below.” Joossens said before going to his cabin and sprawling out on the small bed. It wasn’t long before the motion of the sea rocked him off to sleep.


  Hiroshi Kojima was standing at the railing of the coast guard ship, staring at the creature just below the surface. Someone had spotted the light colored mass from the air and a coast guard helicopter was deployed for a closer look. When it was determined that it was some sort of animal, Kojima’s vessel was the first to arrive. When he first saw it, he thought it was a huge chunk of a coral reef. It was an enormous mass of flesh, light pink with splotches of grey, yellow, and black. Odd horns and growths covered the thing. It had tentacles that were webbed and huge, heavily browed eyes that made it look permanently angry. Someone said it looked like some sort of devil or demon and the name stuck. Another coast guard ship joined them and a large trawler was commissioned to tow the “Devil Fish” to shore.

  Hiroshi couldn’t take his eyes off it. He, like many of the sailors on board, had to be reminded to do his duties, but everyone gathered to stare at the creature on their breaks or after their shifts. Luckily, the captain was understanding. He travelled the length of the ship, staring at the monster when his shift was over until darkness made it impossible to see any detail. He was about to go to his bunk when it disappeared into the depths.

  There was no sound, it just vanished. He was looking for it over the side when he heard a loud bang from the towing vessel and saw its stern sit heavily in the water. He ran along the port side of his own ship when it listed heavily starboard. Kojima grabbed the rail and prevented himself from being catapulted into the sea. A large tentacle grasped the ship less than a meter away from him and pulled the ship upside down. He took a deep breath as he headed toward the surface of the ocean, but the railing caught him along the midsection and knocked the wind out of him. A deep empty hollow pain seemed to collapse his chest inward as he swam in the black water. Straining metal, pops and cracking mixed with the roar of churning water and filled his ears as he attempted to get out from under the ship. He swam in the lightless ocean, struggling against his airless lungs through the cacophony that was all around him. Something hit him and red lights flashed in his head. The pain in his ears was increasing from pressure, it was the only orientation he had, so he changed direction to lessen it. His strokes became more frantic as the desire to breathe intensified as red lights flashed in his eyes. Finally, he broke the surface, opened his mouth, and tried to draw air, but his diaphragm was still locked in spasm. He paddled wildly to keep his head above water and tried again, but no breath would come. A wave hit him in the face, filling his mouth and nose with salted water as the contraction was released, initiating a coughing fit hard enough to make him vomit.

  The noise was tremendous. Hiroshi looked over to see the capsized ship bob up and down, being pulled from the bow. Screams now mixed with the sounds of twisting metal. After a few breaths, he began swimming to the opposite cutter when something floated up underneath him. Kojima grabbed onto it and tilted his head back to catch his breath then looked down into a large, angry looking eye.


  Mike slept soundly so he didn’t hear Savin enter the room. He awoke before dawn and went to the galley for some coffee. Then he wandered onto the deck to smell the cold salt air. He looked at the lights in the distance, watching them blink and flicker, looked
at the stars, and tried to remember the constellations. They would be at the ridge around daybreak, so after finishing his coffee, he went below decks and readied the computer equipment. The crew was roused as the ship began to slow and get into position. When the ROS was in position, a final check was made, and it was pushed overboard to lead the ship. The small submersible descended into the dark waters driven by small propellers. A rough three dimensional image of the ocean floor came into a kind of focus that would identify very large objects and contours. Joossens played with the size of the area and resolution and started the craft north, hovering about a hundred and fifty meters above the floor. The speed and direction of the ROS was relayed to the bridge where the Dafna followed its course.

  The sea floor showed on the screens in various blurred and colored images. The going was slow and monotonous, so he was grateful when Domashevich came in. “Mikey, look, there is another sea monster.” Fido showed him a picture of several ships along the still blurry mass making its way to Tokyo. “It says that something grabbed the creature last night breaking the rigging of the ship that was towing it. Another ship was capsized and sank. Crewmembers believed that the Karakatitsa had come back to life and attacked the ship, but it was there floating, dead in the water. They think it’s another monster that attacked them. What do you think of that?”

  “I am glad it is nowhere near us.”

  “I can’t wait to tell Valeri. He looks like he’s about to shit himself as it is.” Domashevich laughed. “Think we’ll see it?”

  “The monster? I don’t think so.” Mike didn’t believe it existed, but he wasn’t so sure about his compatriot.

  “What about the submarine?”

  “There is a lot of sea to cover. I think if we make a thorough look over the shallow waters and don’t find it, we can assume it won’t be found.”

  “Have you seen this?” Fido showed him a picture of a squid like creature.

  “It is a cuttlefish, I think.”

  “They are calling it a Karakatitsa, a Devilfish.”

  “Some people call them Devilfish.”

  “Oh, the translation is different. Maybe it looks like one.”

  “Maybe. Do you see anything?”

  “No, no metal.”

  “If you see a sea monster, you let me know.”

  Mike laughed, “So you can terrorize Valeri? I will let you tell him.”

  “You are much more fun to work with,” Fido laughed. “Do they cut the balls off scientists in college?”

  “Not in America.”

  “Ah, good one, I think they do here. You let me know before anyone else,” he said as he walked out of the room.

  “Can you bring me some coffee?”

  “Valeri is the devka , I will send him.”

  After a while, Savin brought him the coffee and sat next to him and looked around. “Do you think you could help me get to America?”

  “No,” Mike answered. “Don’t ask anyone to help you. You put them and yourself in danger. Trust no one.”

  Savin sighed and looked down, “They know where my family lives. I swear, I’m going to kill every one of them when I get the chance.”

  “Finish the contract you have and leave.”

  “If they want to replace this submarine, I’m telling them to fuck themselves?”

  “You do anything and they will kill you and your family. If they want another one, we will build another one. The ships are sturdy. There is no problem with them. You did a good job. Doing a bad job or, trying something to get out will get you killed. If they ask you to do something, you do it. If you plan to disappear, do not tell me or anyone.” He was going to ask what a devka was, but thought he should probably consult someone else.

  They scanned the surface of the ridge throughout the day finding nothing. Food was brought to him in the control room so the progress wouldn’t be uninterrupted. He stood, stretched, walked around, and sat, all the while watching the screens for some sign of the vessel. After fourteen hours, the robot was pulled to the surface so the crew could look it over before beginning again in the morning. Joossens wondered how long he was going to be able to do this before going absolutely insane.

  He was wandering around the deck when he heard Domashevich taunting the crew. Not wanting to witness it, he reversed his direction and made his way to the front of the ship trying to get the stiffness from immobility out his legs when he was called back. “I thought sailors were tough. You all have pizdy . You couldn’t even beat an American scientist.” Mike was in no mood to fight. He was exhausted and stiff, but there was no way out of it. “Who wants to kick the shit out of the American?” Pyotr, a big crew member who was part of the robotics team stood up. His face was already bruised and swollen. “Oh, get to beat up your boss. Don’t get to many opportunities like this do you?” Mike took his holster off and handed his gun to Domashevich, and stepped in the circle of cheering men. Pyotr stood across from him in a left handed boxing stance with his arms held high. He came forward wearing a wry smile. Joossens kicked him in the liver with his right foot and dropped him immediately. The crowd fell silent. Fyodor helped the man to his feet. “Who’s next?” He shouted. The men looked at each other and stepped back. “No one? You are afraid of a scientist?”

  Mike went to get the holster when Domashevich stopped him. “That was too easy Mikey, you know better.” Both men stood facing each other and the crowd started to cheer again. Fido egged him on, drawing him forward. Mike jabbed a couple of times and missed. The large Russian tried to grab his hand but Joossens was too quick. Mike knew he was being set up, so he threw a quick jab and came across with a right hook as the gangster rushed in. It caught him off-guard but he was still able to get Joossens in his grasp. Mike hit him in the back and kneed him in the gut, but Fyodor was too strong and worked his arm up and around the American’s head. Mike knew he’d pass out in a few seconds, so he hit him in the crotch and clawed at his face. The Russian let go for a second then came across Joossens’ jaw with a cross of his own, dazing him. Mike kicked the Russian in the stomach but got his foot caught. Mike bent his knee, bringing him closer and landed a couple of weak blows to the face before Domashevich twisted his leg, spinning him to the floor, and then stomped on his crotch. The fight was over. Mike coughed and rolled on the ground for a couple of minutes before standing. Fido handed him his holster, “Here, it looks like you still need this.” Then he looked around the small crowd, “Who’s next?”

  Mike limped out of the group, went to the galley to get some food and made his way up to the bridge. “Is there a particular reason you participate in the fights?” Polzin asked.

  “I do not know the Russian word. In America, I would say, ‘I don’t want to be his bitch.’ I am not sure if that translates.”

  “Suka would be the closest thing. It’s a good strategy. He likes you.”

  “Yeah, he’s stepping on my balls much softer now.”

  Polzin laughed. “Tomorrow we start where we left off.”

  “How far are we going?” Mike asked.

  “We are about where it crosses the ridge. Its last shipment was off of Iwaki, and then it goes to deeper water and heads west. We’ll search to about seven hundred and fifty kilometers south of the island. It shouldn’t have gone farther than that. Then we’ll search the shelf off the east coast. Too bad we aren’t on the Ivonne.”

  “It makes no difference to me. I would still be stuck in a room with cameras.”

  “This is true. Are you going back to America when your obligation is finished?”

  “Yeah, if they want to build another ship, they have the plans. They don’t need me.”

  “You won’t stay?”

  “This isn’t my home. I miss it.”

  The captain considered this and nodded. “What do you think of the Karakatitsa?”

  “Is it real. It seems like an obman. Is that the right word? Like a joke?”

  “Domashevich is very excited about it. He thinks it’s real. Or at leas
t wants to. It is being covered by many countries, there may be something to it.”

  “What do you think about it?” Mike asked.

  “If they are excited about sea monsters, they will leave us alone. I think it’s good. We can spend as much time as we need without drawing suspicion. Japan has excellent anti-sub capabilities, so the more they are distracted, the better off we are.”

  “Do you think the Japanese sank it?”

  “It’s possible. If they did, it’s in deep water and was never confirmed or reported. A shallow water sinking would have been investigated and we would have heard about it through our contacts in the intelligence community.”

  “I guess that’s good news,” Mike said finishing his dinner. He sat for another hour or so before turning in for the night.

  Karakatitsa is available from Amazon here




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