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Hell's Chapel (Shapeshifter Urban Fantasy) (Caith Morningstar Book 1)

Page 10

by Celia Kyle

  “I’ve got this.” Edzard’s voice had dropped the evil growl of his inner-dem and she slowed. Fine, let the puppy get his ass handed to him because if she wasn’t mistaken, the grumbles that reached her belonged to one currently cranky witch.

  He yanked down the curtain that shielded the back rooms from the common area and Caith glared at his back. She’d hung that curtain all by herself and he just tossed it aside like—

  A bellowing roar was followed by a high-pitched screech that said Puppy scared Jezze and then a wave of glimmering, glittering power flew through the doorway. That was immediately followed by a flying Edzard. She ducked as he sped past and wasn’t surprised when he hit the opposite wall with a sickening thud.

  Poor kid was always getting thrown.

  She almost went to his side but then she remembered his chest puffery and attempt at taking care of her. He’d be fine.

  Jezebeth padded from the back room, shaking her head and brushing her hands as she came forward. The remnants of her blossoming magic were twined with her hair and fine dust covered her skin.

  “What the hell?” Her best friend ran her palms over her jeans. “A girl comes in to help out and some big assed demon comes charging in and—” Jezze grinned. “Hey. Did you see?” Jezze pointed at Edzard. “He’s still breathing. I’m totally getting better.”

  “True.” In the past, a throw like that meant it was a permanent lights out for her target. “Good job. High-five!”

  She raised her hand for Jezze and what they did… didn’t resemble a high-five by any definition. Two immensely powerful women who could destroy a city block—or more in Caith’s case—couldn’t manage to slap their palms together. Coordinated they were not.

  A painful groan had them focusing on a dazed Edzard, and Jezebeth sighed. “So, you brought him back.”

  “Yup, he’s like a little duck. I think he imprinted on me. Like I’m his helpless mother.” She shuddered. Motherhood to a thelac. Jezebeth nibbled her lower lip, attention flitting from Caith to Edzard and back again. “What?”

  “Nothing.” Jezze shook her head and went back to brushing the pale powder from her clothing. “Nothing at all.”

  Caith mirrored her friend’s movements from moments before. “No.” She spied Jezze’s pale blush. “No.” She gasped. “You want Puppy? Really? What was with the throwing then?”

  Jezebeth glared at her. “Don’t call him that,” she snapped. “And he just surprised me. I’ll be sure to check him over for injuries later.”

  Caith raised her hands, palms out to placate her best friend. She also resolved not to tell Jezze about Edzard’s minor sexual control issue when it came to Caith. Once the puppy got his hands on Jezebeth, he wouldn’t look twice at her.

  “I’m sorry. Chill out. I’m just surprised, that’s all. Your mom is usually…”

  Protective as hell.

  “Well, she’s not the one who’s gonna fuck him, is she?”

  Shock struck her and she stared at Jezebeth, completely floored. “Okay then. You have fun with that. Go patch him up or whatever and keep your rage-y magic to yourself, m’kay?”

  Surprise coated her friend’s face and it was as if Jezebeth hadn’t even realized she’d called her power forward, but Caith definitely saw the twinkling glow. Could she survive an attack from Jezze? No doubt. Did she want to get into it with her best friend and then face Momma R when she wanted her boo-boos kissed? Fuck. No.

  Jezebeth frowned at her arms and then turned her attention to Caith. “I—”

  Caith shook her head. “It’s fine. He’s got you hot and bothered-slash-sparkly. We’re good.” She looked toward the back entry. “You were checking in our order?”

  Jezze nodded. “Yeah, but—”

  “I got it, go see to Edzard.”


  “Go before he fully regains consciousness and you don’t have an excuse to dab his forehead or whatever.” Caith wasn’t really sure what a person did when taking care of another, but she’d seen a few movies.


  “Go.” She risked a little shock from Jezze and nudged her friend toward Edzard. “I’m good.”

  With that, she made her way toward the back, ignoring her best friend’s continued protests. It wasn’t like Caith had never checked in an order. Hell, she’d done it on her own yesterday hadn’t she? Kicked a wolf’s ass first, too.

  She totally had this.

  Except when she waded her way through the dust and realized that today’s delivery guy was none other than the local pack’s Alpha, Justin Abbott.


  Also, On High hated her.

  Chapter Ten

  Justin stood in the doorway, shoulder pressed to the doorframe as he leaned against it, pretending he hadn’t just watched Jezze destroy the back room. He was a perfect blend of bad boy danger and innocent boy next door and a part of her hated him for it. He was beautiful and deadly with his dirty blond hair and jade green eyes. They glittered and slithered to amber when the man’s wolf was on the edge and ready to pounce on his enemies. On High save the man who pissed off the local alpha.

  Good thing she was a woman since she had the habit of annoying him. Often.

  “Justin,” Caith stepped over a downed shelf, ignoring the crunch of glass and the way the alcohol stung her nose. “What brings you by?”

  Another crack and another wave of scotch invaded her. She fought the urge to sneeze and banished the stench. Her wolf whined and begged her to get the smell out. But she was stronger than the animal and she sure as hell was stronger than Justin.

  Justin crossed his arms over his chest, flexing with the movement as if to remind her of his strength. As if she could forget. It might have been a few decades (nine but who was counting) since they’d dated, but his power and pure masculinity weren’t something that could be purged from her mind. Even now, her body recalled the way he held her, cradled her and pinned her when she fought for dominance.

  That one time in the forest by the river… Caith shuddered with the memory, the way she’d sobbed for him and shattered in his arms.

  “You’re remembering how good it was, aren’t you?” His low voice sliced through the air and pierced her heart. “That last time? Out by the riv—”

  Annoyance sprinted forward. “I’m not remembering anything. Why are you here, Justin?”

  His grin was pure sex and seduction and her body weakened beneath the power of that smoky expression. That was a panty-wetting smile.

  Da. Yum.

  Maybe just one more time…

  Caith’s wolf snarled at her, snapping and biting at her mind and she twitched beneath the mental onslaught. It growled low, making its fury known.

  What the—

  Not mine.

  Not hers. Dammit, was the animal still hung up on the angel. Granted, it had been fewer than twelve hours since she saw him, but still. He didn’t want her, want them. Wasn’t that enough? The wolf bared its fangs at her. Okay, apparently not.

  She cleared her throat and fought to push her scrambled emotions down. She needed to think of something other than sex with him around.

  “Can’t a guy stop by and visit a friend?” Pure sin filled his voice and she squashed the hint of desire that threatened to snake up her spine.

  “If we were friends, of course. But since we’re not. Then no.”

  “Aw, Caith.” He pushed away from the doorway and stepped forward.

  The second he even hinted at closing in on her, she held out her hand to halt his progress. She could have burned him to a crisp with a whisper of thought, but she only wanted him outside her space. He could walk through the front door for all she cared, but this area was hers.

  “Keep it out there, Justin.”

  He held up his hands, palms out as he eased from the building and into the alley. “Okay, okay. I’m backing off. I see you still need to work on your trust issues.”


  “I don’t have trust issues. I have you issues.”

  Justin sighed. “Not this again. Caith, I—”

  “You were fucking me while looking for someone better.”

  He growled, eyes flashing yellow. “It wasn’t someone. I was looking for my mate.”

  “While fucking me.” It didn’t hurt like it had. Her heart had long ago patched itself against Justin Abbott. Her vagina however…

  “We were good together. You can’t deny that,” he snarled.

  “No, I can’t. But I obviously wasn’t enough as evidenced by the small detail you were fucking me while looking for something better.” She ignored the fact that her voice rose with each word until the ground trembled beneath her feet.

  All right, maybe she still had a little residual anger.

  Justin ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I was looking for my fated mate!”

  Caith smirked. “And did you find her? Tell me, Justin.” She stepped forward and he backed away, nearly tripping over himself to give her space.

  A flicker of orange caught her eye and she glanced at her hands. Huh, she’d called up a bit of hellfire. Damn. That meant Uncle Luc would know she was pissed. How long did she have before he showed up? She couldn’t think about that now. She’d deal with him when he appeared. She had a bigger wolf to fry.

  “Tell me, in the thirty-six years we were together and the ninety we’ve been apart, have you found her?”

  He narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together until they formed a white slash across his face. “You know I haven’t.”

  “You haven’t.” She nodded and decided to be a little bitchy because, hey, she was the devil’s niece. Might as well use what the devil gave her. “You think that could be because On High thinks you’re a dick?” She ignored his warning growl. What was he gonna do? Attack her? “Because despite the fact I’m his enemy’s niece, I’m still a breathing being and you, Justin Abbott, Orlando Alpha, are still an asshole without a heart.”

  Justin’s fur pushed through his pores, turning his tanned skin gray. His eyes that’d been fluttering between green and yellow settled on yellow and his teeth lengthened and sharpened to his wolf’s fangs. Which, in general, violated her “be fucking discreet” rule, but she admitted she’d goaded him a tiny bit. How many times had he snarled at her and said she’d never drive him to drink, but she’d always drive him to fur?

  Except, unlike all the other times she’d donned her uber bitch cape and pushed him until he broke and he actually came after her. He leapt toward her, arms outstretched and claws reaching for her throat.

  “Shit,” she whispered and ducked, allowing her own beast to come forward while fighting her hellfire to chill the fuck out.

  She dove to the right, boots skidding over the pebbled asphalt, as she allowed her nails to sharpen and grow. The last thing she wanted to do was harm him, but if it came down to her neck or his… yeah, she was all for continuing to live.

  Justin spun and snarled, baring those wicked fangs. His muscles tightened, coiling as he prepared to pounce once again.

  “Now, Justin, you don’t wanna do this.” She tried for calm, but wasn’t sure she succeeded. When he took a step toward her, she realized she hadn’t. “C’mon, man. You know I’m a bitch. It’s what you used to love about me.”

  Love. The word was cold ash on her tongue.

  Another rolling growl came toward her and she cursed herself. This was why she never wanted to see the alpha. She couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Even if he deserved every word she flung at him, she needed to stay quiet. A battle between her and Justin only had one end and it wasn’t one she’d savor.

  She knew he was going to leap a split-second before his feet left the road, his massive muscular body flying toward her in a powerful rush of fur and fang. Caith prepped herself for the coming bouts of pain. Running wasn’t going to end this confrontation. Standing and fighting would bring it to a conclusion and she only prayed he’d submit before she damaged him too much.

  She flexed her hands and released the beast, allowing her skin to be consumed by her midnight fur and eyes to glow red.

  A werewolf she may be, but there was no way Satan’s niece was gonna look like a normal gray wolf. Her uncle, apparently, had standards.

  Caith adjusted her stance, prepared to accept the male’s weight and use his momentum to flip them over. If she could land on top, get the dominant position…

  But she didn’t need any position because a rushing wave of white stole her vision, the light blinding in its intensity and a cool, rolling power enveloped her in a breath of calm. It ebbed and flowed with her pulse until her heart no longer raced. Even her wolf was soothed, whimpering and whining as it hunted for more of that scent…

  Scent. Sweetness and sulfur.

  And who else’s strength would manifest as pure white?


  Justin’s whimper reached her and then the heavy thump of a body striking asphalt—a sound she was way too familiar with—pierced the pale veil. As quickly as the rush appeared, it evaporated and gave her full view of the alley once again.

  A familiar back blocked her view, the wide shoulders, trim waist, and gorgeous ass combined with the man’s aromas told her exactly who had come to her rescue.

  Sam. Samkiel. Angel who wouldn’t fuck her because…

  All righty then. Not a place for her mind to go at the moment. Especially when she peered around Sam and spied a furious Justin prone at the gel’s feet.

  The half-shifted werewolf rolled to his feet. He cracked his neck and shook his arms, proof he was attempting to banish his beast. The animal retreated in slow steps and she knew exactly how her ex was feeling at the moment. His blood was heated and the wolf was craving a nice hunk of Caith’s ass. And not in a yummy, come lots of times way.

  The second Justin’s fur was gone, Sam went on the offensive, cutting off Caith before she could get a word in. Like, get the fuck off my land or leave before I shove that vodka bottle so far up your ass…

  “You need to leave.” Sam crossed his arms over his chest, stretching his thin shirt. “Now.”

  Justin snorted. “Why? Because you said so? Caith and I have a few things to talk about.” Those eyes flashed yellow once again. “Don’t we, baby?”

  That had her animal bristling. Sure, it’d panted after Justin only moments ago, but that was before he tried to rip her throat out. It didn’t want him any longer. Even if their pups would be adorable.

  Stupid wolf’s biological clock.

  “No,” Sam took a step forward, “you really don’t.”

  Oh, this could only end badly. She scooted around Sam and placed herself between them, keeping both males within sight. “You know what, let’s stop here, huh?” Before Sam ended up the new Orlando Alpha. A gel leading a bunch of werewolves. So, so not fun. “Justin, say what you gotta say and then you should leave.”

  The wolf narrowed his eyes, attention flicking from Caith to Sam and then returning to her. He jerked his chin toward the gel. “Is this my replacement?”

  She sighed. “Justin, what do you—”

  A mocking, cocky expression coated his features and he curled his lip. “Don’t you love the way she screams when—”


  “What?” He feigned innocence. “I wanna make sure the new guy knows you love it when you’re licked right—”

  Justin reached for her, fingers curled and prepared to touch that spot.

  “Enough.” Caith smacked his hand away. “I said enough.”

  That derisive smile returned. “I’m just trying to save lover boy some time, Caith.”

  Through the whole sordid encounter, Sam remained a quiet, unmoving presence to her left. His muscles didn’t tense, he didn’t shift his weight, he didn’t even twitch. And yet she knew Sam was looking for an excuse to pummel Justin.

  She had half a mind to encourage him.

nbsp; “Samkiel isn’t—”

  “Samkiel?” Justin’s expression transformed from contemptuous to joyful. “Then he doesn’t need pointers at all, does he? Your pretty angel isn’t going to fuck you is he?” The wolf eased closer and Caith held her ground. “You always go after the ones who won’t give you forever, don’t you, sweetheart? I wasn’t willing to give up a mate, and this one,” Justin shook his head, “won’t dirty his pretty wings with Hell’s Bitch.”

  Hearing the words shouldn’t have hurt. Not anymore. Ninety years, right? Sure, it hurt a lot that first decade, but she was over it. She was over him and the only reason her tears stung was because Jezze’s magic got in her eye. Right.

  “What do you want, Justin? Say your piece before I send you to Uncle Luc.” It was a standard threat, one he always answered the same way.

  “If I thought you wanted to be Alpha, I’d take you up on that offer. Then again, what wolf would follow the daughter of a hellborn whore?”

  Caith’s hand itched to punch him, to send her fist flying through Justin’s skull and out the other side so her skin was painted a pretty red. Fire burned her palm, sliding over her flesh until her fist was covered in the swirling red.

  Yes, she wanted to hit him.

  Fortunately for him, Sam sated her desire. In a blink, Justin went from standing beside her to flying through the air until he collided with the side of the building. He struck the bricks with a sickening thud and slowly slid to the ground. He hadn’t lost consciousness, his glazing gaze still filled with fury. But now it was focused on Sam.

  “Gels don’t…” Justin spat and she was satisfied to see blood dribbling from his lips. “They don’t…”

  Sam’s attention was fixed on his hand and the small, red indentations on his knuckles. He shrugged. “The angel of destruction does.”

  She’d forgotten that part about him. He was a violent angel. Still good and pure at heart, but that didn’t make him a pussy.

  Sam left her side and slowly moved toward Justin. Her body yearned to keep pace and follow in his wake, but she resisted. It was between the two men now. Her getting in the way wouldn’t solve anything and considering her frayed thoughts, she was bound to piss Justin off even more.


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