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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 9

by McKinley, Diana

  “Emily,” Noah breathed, and she looked up to see that both men’s eyes were moist with unshed tears. Something she’d rarely, if ever, seen before. Not even when Gabriel had endured day after day of painful rehabilitation for his leg, had he come close to shedding a tear. He’d simply gritted his teeth and bore it.

  “You have always been ours, baby. Always,” Noah reiterated in a hoarse voice, thick with emotion. “I won’t lie to you and tell you we’ve lived as monks, because Gabriel and I have dated other girls before. There were only a couple, and we knew right away that they weren’t the one, because they weren’t you.”

  “But we’ve never loved another lady as we do you. Never given our heart and soul to a woman on a platter, as we have with you. We’ve never wanted forever with anyone else but you, Emily. Nor have we ever shared a woman as we will you. If there is such a thing as a soulmate – then you’re it, baby. Today, tomorrow, and every other day until we can’t draw breath.”

  Emily reached out and laced her right hand through his, smiling and nodding at him as her own tears began to trial lightly over her skin. Noah pulled her forward and swept his lips across hers, gently and tenderly, as if he didn’t want to push too far in the moment.

  “I love you,” she whispered and then deepened their kiss. She’d wanted this for so long, and now that they were here, Emily wanted to take it all in. Revel in them, and drown in everything they offered. And maybe, she hoped, their love and acceptance would take away the fear she’d lived with for the last two months as well.

  Noah pulled back and glanced at Gabriel, causing Emily’s eyes to turn towards Gabe too. He cupped her face and took her lips in a heated rush of passion and want. She could feel Gabriel’s hand trembling slightly as he poured his heart and soul into their kiss, his lips and tongue lapping her up as though she was the very air he needed to exist.

  When at last he came up for breath, Gabriel rested his forehead on hers, their eyes so close that she could see the true depth of his devotion without a single word uttered between them. If the eyes truly were the windows to the soul, Emily thought, then she knew his belonged to her now and no other. It was there for her to see: plain, true, and unwavering.

  And in that one moment, Emily acknowledged that it had always been there. They were opening their hearts to her at long last, but the look of love she saw in both men’s eyes was the same well of trust and affection they’d always held for her. But now, somehow, it was so much more. More because they weren’t hiding from one another anymore.

  “I love you, too, Emily,” Gabriel rasped. “With everything I have. I’m ashamed to say it took me this long to man up and let you know that I love you. Because I always have. And the thought of you hurting over my hesitation, or worrying needlessly that I’d put some other woman before you, tears my heart out. Know that Noah’s right when he says you’ve always been the one. No one compares to you, honey.”

  “And no one will ever doubt how we feel about you or our level of commitment to you. Ever,” Gabriel swore. “I’m gonna hold you in public, kiss and touch you so much that you’re gonna tell me to stop, because I’m getting carried away. Hell, I don’t even care. I’ll just embarrass you and hold you anyway.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she chuckled. Emily ran her hand over Gabriel’s cheek and felt his evening stubble abrading her fingers. His beard always grew faster than Noah’s, but it gave him a rugged look that she’d always found so sexy.

  Gabriel lifted his forehead from hers and kissed her temple and then her lips lightly before pulling back again. “You asked us in the kitchen if we would date for a while and still live separately. We need to know if that’s what you want, Em. Because in my mind, we’ve already dated for years. All of the nights we went out to eat or to the movies… Well, you were the only woman with us. The nights we camped out in front of our TV or yours and gorged on pizza or popcorn, laughing at cheesy B-movies, that was just us – you, me, and Noah.”

  “We’ve gone to the beach and mountains on vacation together. Yeah, we stayed in separate rooms, but it was just the three of us. We’ve put up Christmas trees together, given out Halloween candy to the neighborhood rugrats, and sat under the stars in our backyard for years, talking and dreaming with each other. And in all those moments, it was you, Emily, with us. No other.”

  “For me, all of those moments add up to one hell of a date and a relationship that means everything to me, and to Noah. If they mean that much to you too, then I’d say we’re past the dating stage and we all need to be under the same roof.”

  Gabriel swallowed and watched Emily’s eyes completely flood with tears. He knew they were happy tears, but he was still gutted by her confession that she’d feared losing them for so long. And that their hesitation to move forward had brought her such worry and anxiety, when all he’d had to do was realize she was more than ready for what they were offering her at long last.

  “Em, stop crying, baby,” Noah pleaded, looking slightly in pain from her emotions on full display. “I can’t take much more. I’m with Gabriel now. I’m ready to take you back to bed, lay you out between us, and give you something to smile about.”

  She laughed through her tears and nodded. Emily looked from Noah back to Gabriel and kissed his chin. “All those moments felt like dates to me too, Gabe, though I never said so aloud. I’ve felt our bond steadily growing over the years, becoming something meaningful and permanent. And I don’t want to be without either of you, now that I know what it feels like to really be with you. But that leads me to the other horrible reality we face. How can we go home, if home is a deathtrap?”

  “Home is this, Emily - you in our arms. Not a structure,” Gabriel said firmly. “I could give less than a fuck where we bed down for the night. As long as you’re between us, I’m at peace. But we will have to decide in the short-term where you will be most safe. Honestly, that’s not your house. It’s the primary place this perp is casing and watching, and you’re not going back there until he or she is caught.”

  “No, you’re not,” Noah stated in the same authoritative tone. “If we decide to go back to Whitford Falls anytime soon, you’re moving in with us. That’s already set in stone, Em. Your safety is our top priority, and we won’t risk you in any way. If that makes me a pushy, bossy ass, I don’t care. You come first.”

  “But you both come first with me, too, and I won’t risk you, either,” she countered. “I don’t think we should go back. If this person sees you with me, it’s sure to enrage them. They’ll think someone else has moved in on their territory, and that’ll make the two of you the primary target and not me. So, no,” Emily said, her voice growing louder as she became more agitated, “we’re not going to your house either.”

  Gabriel arched an eyebrow and pressed his lips together, trying hard not to laugh at her burst of fire. But Emily caught his look and she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Gabriel Shaun McPherson, if you laugh at me, I will hurt you,” she warned. She heard Noah’s low chuckle and Emily turned to glare at him. “That goes for you too, Noah Michael Johnston. And I have full rein over your bodies now, so I can do some damage.”

  A gleam came into Noah’s eyes, and he lifted her legs from his lap and then stood beside the couch. Without another word, he bent and snagged Emily from Gabriel’s lap, hoisting her up against his chest. He cast one quick glance at Gabriel and then turned towards the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?!” Emily demanded, while he walked through the small cabin with long, purposeful strides.

  “You said you had free rein over my body, and I want to see what you’ll do with it.” He winked, and then gave her a quick, hard kiss on her lips.


  This time when they entered the bedroom, Noah playfully tossed Emily on the bed. She bounced twice before she came to rest at its center. He stood at its side and began to peel off his clothes, one garment at a time, teasing her as he stripped himself bare. Emily couldn’t help but laugh at his
mischievous behavior, and she got up on her knees and walked across the mattress towards him.

  “I love that sound,” Noah said approvingly, glad to hear Emily’s laughter. He leaned down to kiss her again before stepping back. “And I’ll do anything to keep hearing it.”

  Gabriel was beside him then, and he took the silent challenge, grabbing the back of his t-shirt and pulling it over his head. He gave it a quick toss towards the end of the bed and then reached for the button on his jeans.

  “Let me,” Emily said, her voice a husky whisper that she didn’t recognize in the moment. Her fingers trembled slightly as she worked the button free and then slowly watched his zipper lower under her fingers’ direction. Gabriel reached out and threaded his hands into her hair, lightly massaging as she pushed the denim down his legs. He kicked off his shoes and then stepped out of the material.

  “Is anything off limits?” she asked, looking from Gabriel to Noah.

  “Nothing is off limits, Emily,” Noah answered for them both. “We are completely yours, and you can do anything you want. Explore us, touch us, taste us… Whatever makes you happy, baby, is what we want.”

  “But I’d love it if you’d taste me, the same way we tasted you,” Gabriel murmured, as he leaned down to kiss her ear and nibble a trail along her neck. He gave her a quick nip on her shoulder and Emily squirmed under his mouth.

  “I want that too,” she confessed. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of Gabriel’s boxer briefs and peeled that last layer of clothing away, watching his cock spring free, already hard and ready for her exploration.

  Emily rose up higher on her knees and began to run a palm over each man’s chest, just as she had in the hot tub. Only now, she could really see them and she smiled as she watched their muscles contract from her featherlight touch. She skimmed lower and touched their hips, feeling how flat and taut their stomachs were. They were amazingly beautiful, Emily thought, like a Grecian or Roman statue depicting a warrior or god of old. And they were so strong, yet so gentle with her.

  Then she encircled each man’s cock and gave them a light squeeze that made them groan.

  “The skin is so soft here, like silk over stone,” she marveled aloud. “I never knew.”

  “It has to go inside you, baby. It’s gotta be smooth,” Noah breathed. One of his hands joined Gabriel’s in her hair, and Gabe let his right hand fall away so Noah had room to touch her.

  “I want to taste you now,” she said and looked up into their eyes. Eyes that looked ready to devour her in return.

  “Yes,” Gabriel nodded, urging her on.

  Emily kept her hand around Noah’s shaft while she lowered her lips to Gabriel’s cock. She licked over the head and ran her tongue through the seam there, catching a tiny drop of his desire. She closed her lips around the broad head and tasted more of his essence, marveling over the saltiness and hint of musky flavor she detected. He hissed as she slid more of his cock into her mouth, and she drew away, worried that she had hurt him.

  “No, honey, that was perfect,” Gabriel panted, clearly reading the worry in her eyes. “Do it again.”

  “Tell me what you like, Gabe. I’ve never done this before.”

  “God, Em, you have no idea what you’re doing to us,” Noah managed to say in a strangled voice. “I’m about to come again, and you haven’t even gotten your lips around me yet.”

  “Well, we can’t have that,” she said in a saucy tone.

  “You little tease.” Noah grinned and reached forward to smack her butt lightly.

  “You like to swat me now, I’ve noticed. You both do,” she chuckled and then leaned forward to take Noah into her mouth.

  “’Cause I can finally touch your ass now,” Noah said, flashing a wicked smile her way. “And what a lovely ass it is,” he sighed, as she blew over the head of his cock.

  “Does it bother you?” Gabriel asked.

  “Surprisingly, no,” Emily grinned and cut her eyes his way. “It’s fun, and honestly it feels good.”

  “Don’t talk to him right now. Take me inside you, Emily,” Noah chided, desperate to feel her lips around his cock.

  She hummed and then closed her lips around the purple, straining head of his shaft. Emily tasted the pearly drop that leaked from Noah’s erection, learning the difference in their flavors. She moved further down and swirled her tongue around the ridge she felt, and smiled when he grasped her head tighter and moaned.

  She sat back and let the long, thick length of Noah’s cock pop from her mouth and then she turned to Gabriel. Emily massaged Noah with her hand as she stretched her mouth wide and tried to take as much of Gabe as she could. His hand did the same, tightening and then flattening against her head to guide her movements.

  “Relax your jaw, honey, and breathe through your nose. Try to keep your teeth back if you can. There you go,” Gabriel sighed and angled his head to see her better. God there was nothing like watching her lips move over him again and again, he thought. She moved down until he felt the head of his cock brush the back of her throat and then Emily pulled away abruptly and coughed as she fought her reflex to gag.

  “Careful,” he murmured and brushed her hair back. “Work up to taking that much of me. The key is to relax as much as you can, and then swallow when you feel the urge to gag. Try again if you want,” he said and smiled at her.

  “Oh, I want,” she smiled back, and then leaned forward again. This time Emily closed her eyes and concentrated on letting go, just as she had when they’d made love to her with their mouths. Her hand left Noah briefly and she clasped one hand around the base of Gabriel’s thick shaft and with her other, she cupped his balls. She began a slow massage of the warm sack, rolling them gently between her fingers while she took his entire length into her mouth and swallowed.

  “Em, I won’t last long like this. If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, then pull back when I tell you,” Gabe warned her.

  She shook her head in denial, determined to give them as much as they’d given her. Gabriel’s hands flew to her head and he began to move her in tandem with his thrusts, slowly at first and then with a rhythm that signaled his impending release. He grasped her face just as he moved up on the balls of his feet and lodged himself fully at the back of her throat.

  Emily felt him erupt and then the warm slide of his release coated her there. She swallowed again and again, but still some of his come seeped from the edges of her lips. When she slowly sat back and looked up at him, she saw a feral, almost predatory look in Gabriel’s eyes. He moved in quickly and matched his lips to hers, shocking her as his tongue thrust inside. He growled, a sound of pure, male satisfaction, as his tongue plumbed the depths of her mouth. When he drew back, he used his thumbs to wipe the last of his release from her lips.

  Noah cupped her face before Emily could utter a single word and he brought her to his rigid cock. In one swift push, he was at the back of her throat and then he began to move. He was tender, but forceful at the same time, and Emily had never imagined that a man could be both with a woman as he claimed her mouth.

  For that was what they had both done. Claimed her. Marked her. Made her theirs forevermore. And she loved every second of it.

  She moaned around Noah’s thick cock, and set about teasing his length with her tongue as he glided over it again and again. He bit out a rough curse, and his fingers tightened in her hair. She remembered to cup his balls, and felt him quake under her tender assault on his senses.

  “I’m coming, Em,” he managed to say as he cried out, in a sound that almost bordered on pain.

  Emily felt him swell within her mouth and then the head of his cock butted against the back of her throat. He yelled hoarsely as he let go, giving her everything he had. She managed to keep all of his release, losing none of it as she had Gabriel’s. After several swallows against his length, Noah slowly pulled from the warm clasp of her mouth. He cupped Emily’s face and leaned down to rest his forehead against hers.

r Lord,” he whispered. “You have no idea how good that felt.”

  “If it felt as good as what you both gave me tonight, then yes, I do,” she grinned.

  “Lie down, Emily,” Noah murmured as he gently pushed her back on the bed. “I need to hold you, and I think Gabe does too.”

  She curled into the sheets and watched as they each took a side, placing her firmly between them. Gabriel was the first to turn off his bedside lamp, but Noah’s was switched off seconds later. Only a sliver of light from the bathroom illuminated the room.

  Two sets of hands caressed her, slipping her garments off as they went along. Emily moved over to lay her head against Gabriel’s shoulder once she was bare, just as they were. Noah spooned his body behind hers, making her feel safe and cherished.

  Minutes passed in comfortable silence while their hands skated over exposed skin. Noah slowly rubbed his palm over her belly and up to her breasts. Gabriel lightly trailed his fingers along the arm Emily had draped over his waist, and he smiled over the goosebumps he could feel erupting under the path his fingers traversed.

  “I haven’t done this in so long,” she whispered.

  Gabriel’s hand stilled and he listened to see if Emily would say anything more. When she remained silent, he asked, “What do you mean, Em?”

  “Just lay in the bed in the dark. I don’t know how to feel with the lights off. It’s foreign to me now.”

  Gabriel ground his teeth together, and he heard Noah blow out a heavy sigh, so he knew his friend was feeling the exact same anger and frustration that he was. No matter how long he lived, Gabe knew he’d never understand why some humans stalked others. It was a sick mystery that he doubted mankind would ever solve. And now someone had directed that sickness at the sweetest of souls. It was beyond his scope of comprehension.

  “Our guns are on the bedside tables, as is yours, and we have excellent hearing, Emily,” Gabriel reassured her. “No one is coming inside without us knowing it. You’re safe now, honey, so let yourself really rest. You need it after all you’ve been through.”


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