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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 2

by Andie Lea

  Before I answered her question, I decided to tease her a little.

  I angled my body to face her. “What do you do for a living, Olivia Johnson?”

  She blinked at me, her eyes wide as if she were a deer caught in a pair of headlights. .

  She took a deep breath in and released it.

  “I graduated from college last year at the top of my class. I have degrees in both Culinary and Pastry Arts. I spent six years in college, so I finished every course offered. My dad would have preferred me to be a doctor of some sort, but wearing scrubs and treating the ill just wasn’t what I wanted.” She smiled. “My main goal is to own and run a restaurant, and, in order to fulfill that dream, I started working full-time at a local restaurant in Aspen.”

  “A woman who cooks and bakes for a living… I couldn’t get much luckier even if I tried,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “Do you want to open up your restaurant in Aspen?”

  “Not actually. I want to move somewhere else and start my business there sooner or later. The lack of money is in the way, but I’m getting there, bit by bit.”

  She rose up as if to say she had been proud of herself for coming a long way.

  I wanted to offer what she needed, but I knew her stubbornness would force her to reject me.

  “To answer your earlier question, I am a full-time lawyer in Seattle, but I do own and run other businesses as well. I don’t want to talk about myself. I would prefer to talk about you. We can chat about me later.”

  Matthew had pulled into the hotel before she opened her mouth to speak.

  She stared out the window and her jaw almost hit my leg. “Whoa… We’re having dinner here, at the MGM? What? How is this even possible?”

  Realizing she had her hand positioned on my knee, she rapidly removed it to glare at me.

  I saw the hunger for knowledge overwhelming her eyes.

  I had to smirk as Matthew opened the door on my side. “I wanted this to be something you would remember. I wasn’t about to allow our first date to be lounging on my couch and eating take-out. Besides, a woman like you needs to be taken out every so often so a guy can show her off.”

  I observed as her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.

  Holding my hand out to her, I assisted her out of the car.

  I didn’t release my grip on her until we were escorted to our table by the overly friendly hostess.

  Like a proper gentleman, I did not take my seat until Via sat.

  “This is pretty fancy. Something I am not used to.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I politely smiled at her.

  “You will get used to it, trust me.”

  She stared at me, appearing to be intrigued and contemplating what to ask first.

  “You mean to tell me you have grown accustomed to this—the constant staring and the faker-than-silicone-boobs smiling from strangers? I’m not certain if I would be able to… With a straight face that is.”

  Chapter Two

  I just about choked on my Sauvignon Blanc once I processed the words silicone and boobs in the same sentence. “You display unique ways of wording everything, don’t you?”

  She shrugged as she picked at her salad, looking up at me.

  “You will grow accustomed to it, trust me,” imitating my voice in a mocking tone.

  “Are you mimicking me now, Miss Johnson?” I couldn’t help but smile a bit.

  Her eyes fluttered up at me as a sly smile formed on her appetizing lips. “I would never, Mister Rayner.”

  She released the grip of her fork, not moving her gaze from mine.

  “Since I told you about my educational history, you have to tell me yours. It’s only fair.”

  “I graduated from New York University with a terminal degree in law, which is why I own a small apartment there. I spent over six years there doing nothing but working and studying like a mad man.” I was entertained by her interest in my life.

  “After graduation, I didn’t slow down and start working right away. Instead, I decided to take a couple of years to de-stress myself from all the time I put in to furthering my education.”

  As she took a sip of wine, she nodded.

  “I understand. This is where the Hawaii apartment comes into play, isn’t it?” she wondered, placing her glass back on the table.

  I nodded with a hint of a smile.

  My mind couldn’t help but ponder what was going through her head—all the questions she had in store for me.

  However, tonight, I wanted to be more familiar with her.

  “What was your childhood like?”

  Her eyes widened, somewhat in fear as if someone had just knocked the wind out of her.

  It stung a bit, seeing this question bring so much pain to her.

  After a few seconds, her face returned to its original shade.

  “It was as normal as anybody else’s, I guess. My mother wasn’t around, so it was just me and my dad, but I still turned out pretty decent.”

  Intuitively, I wanted to question why her mother had not been in her life.

  I wasn’t going to push the subject. She would tell me on her own when she was ready.

  She downed the rest of her wine, set the glass aside, and shrugged.

  “Soon after she had given birth to me, my mother decided she had made the biggest mistake of her life. To be happy again, she divorced my father and left soon after the divorce became final. I was an infant when she left. I don’t remember her. My dad tried to create excuses for her, but even then I sensed she didn’t want us.”

  She stared at me with tears pressing against the rims of her eyes, shaking her head as if to fend them away.

  “It doesn’t bother me much anymore. Honestly, it’s her loss. She missed out on having an incredible daughter in her life. That is what my dad tells me, of course.”

  I reached out and touched her hand, giving it a light squeeze.

  “What your mother did, leaving you and your father—there is no way I would ever hurt you,” I assured as I gazed at her. “I am well aware about this being the first date and I shouldn’t say this, but I hold unexplainable strong feelings for you. The second I laid eyes on you last night, I had to look twice because it was as if I had previously met you. Am I freaking you out yet?”

  “You are in luck. I don’t freak out so easily,” she confessed, smirking at me.

  * * * *

  The rest of the evening sailed by effortlessly.

  After dinner, we went to the casino.

  I gambled until she was too drunk to stand.

  “I am an idiot. Trust me, I typically do not do this. I barely ever drink, let alone get drunk.” Her words slurred as I carried her into the elevator.

  She gazed up at me. “You know what? You are cute. I didn’t pay much attention to this fine detail until now. Whoa! Your eyes… They are stellar! Handsome sea-blue eyes. I bet you devour the girls pining over you!”

  I managed to open the door to the suite.

  Strolling inside, I placed her on the king-sized bed.

  She snuggled against one of the freshly laundered pillows and passed out.

  My thoughts swirled as I stood there, watching her sleep.

  She looked breathtaking even though she was unconscious. The way she hugged a pillow was even endearing.

  What in the world is this woman doing to me?

  I never in my years met anyone similar to her.

  I haven’t known this woman very long and she already seems to be manipulating my mind. Everything about her lures me in. If curiosity truly kills the cat, mine would have spent all nine lives the moment I saw her.

  Before last night, I never assumed what the future had in store for me.

  Now I found myself pondering of the possibilities. Every idea involved her.

  * * * *

  I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone, reminding me of my conference call with a few colleagues of mine in Seattle.

  We were prepping for a trial next month a
nd I was representing one of the victims.

  As much as I hated to, I had to get up and get motivated.

  I played the gentleman card last night and allowed Via to sleep on the over-sized bed.

  I moseyed my way into the bathroom to get my shower in before the office called. I walked past the bed to see her still sound asleep.

  Ten minutes later, I strolled out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel to cover my waistline.

  Via was now sitting up, running her fingers through her hair.

  She glared at me with confusion plastered in her eyes. “What happened last night?” she wondered in a pit of panic, quickly staring down to reassure herself that she had not been naked.

  “After dinner, we went to the casino and you had a bit too much to drink. I didn’t want you passing out or suffering from motion sickness in the car, so I went ahead and booked a room for the night. I hope you don’t mind.”

  The expression on her face went from confused to horrified in zero to sixty. “We didn’t, you know… Did we?”

  Skimming my fingers through my damp hair, I shook my head.

  “No, we did not. I for one refuse to take advantage of women… Unless they beg for it, of course,” I informed her with a smirk. “Besides, I like my women awake and alert when we are fucking.”

  “Could you tell me how I ended up with your shirt on?”

  Walking over to my suitcase, I pulled out a few articles of clothing. “I assumed you did not want to sleep in your dress, so I placed one of my T-shirts on you so you would feel more comfortable.”

  To my surprise, she didn’t make a disgusted face or even try to argue with me over it.

  I had been expecting at least a lecture about how wrong it was of me to undress a girl when she was knocked out and unaware of what was going on, since the woman happened to be someone I had not known long.

  Instead, I got a shy smile with a nod as she wandered into the bathroom.

  As she closed the door, I took the opportunity to throw on my clothes.

  My phone rang just as I pulled my shirt over my head. I answered, making my way out of the room.

  * * * *

  Olivia was dead silent when I finished my conference call and joined her for breakfast.

  “Is everything alright? I didn’t upset you, did I?”

  She looked up at me and shook her head. “No, it’s not you. I’m just a bit embarrassed at myself for acting the way I did last night. Our first date and I get drunk. There is something to put in the scrapbook.”

  “Envision it as an amazing story we will be able to tell our grandchildren.”

  It took a few seconds for my brain to realize what flew out of my mouth.

  My cheeks became scalding hot. “I’m sorry. Wow. I’m an idiot…”

  “Oh stop it! You are not an idiot. A bit ahead of yourself.” She smiled with a bit of a smirk.

  Not sure where to carry on this conversation, I felt the need to say something, anything, and fast.

  “Matthew will be able to take you anywhere you need to go.”

  Shit! Now she is going to assume I want her to leave.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear. “I should get back to my friends. We are flying back home this afternoon.”

  The thought of her going back home felt like a hit to the stomach.

  I was just getting to be acquainted with the woman.

  After one date we were supposed to what—go back to our lives as if we never met each other?

  There was absolutely no way in hell I was allowing that to happen!

  “I would appreciate it if you stayed for a while longer. We still need to finish the rest of our date.” I couldn’t help but flash a smile at her.

  “I can’t, Ryan. My friends and I have to be at the airport by three.”

  Snatching my suit-jacket from the back of the chair, I shook my head.

  “Not to worry, I have no problem rescheduling your flight.”

  She stood there, glaring at me.

  From the way she looked at me, I could sense a part of her wanted to stay, as the other was begging her to leave the room.

  “I’m not too certain about this…”

  “Look, I understand we haven’t known each other very long. I get it, trust me,” I assured her.

  “Call me selfish, but I’m not ready to let you go yet. You fascinate me, Olivia Johnson.”

  The sound of my words surprised her.

  Her eyes blinked more than necessary, as if she were trying to find the right words to say.

  “So…I fascinate you? Oh Ryan, you have done nothing but mesmerize me since the night we danced.”

  My eyes widened a bit. “Does this mean that you will stay?”

  She smiled, nodding her head in response.

  My first instinct was to hold her in my arms, but I did not want to scare her half to death.

  “Just let me text one of my friends to let them know that I am going to stay here for a couple of more hours.”

  “After your friends are aware of your whereabouts, please get dressed. There are clothes laid out on the bed for you. We are running behind as of the moment.” I strolled out of the room, leaving her to wonder.

  * * * *

  “Why can’t you just tell me where we are going?” She was becoming more agitated as Matthew pulled out of the hotel parking lot.

  I looked over at her, a small grin upon my lips.

  “Must you need to know every little detail?”

  She looked down at her ensemble. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know if I should feel ridiculously over or under dressed.”

  “How many times do I need to tell you? You look beautiful,” I assured her, taking a hold of one of her hands.

  “If you say so…”

  Matthew pulled up in front of a small bistro.

  I opened my door before he ascended out of the car. “Don’t stress over this one, Matthew. I have it.”

  “We are having lunch?” was the first thing she asked as soon as she stepped out of the car.

  I held my hand out for her to take, respectfully smiling.

  “There is somebody you should meet. If you don’t mind…”

  Before she protested to back out, I escorted her closer to the front door.

  Matthew held one of them open for us.

  Sweat formed in Via’s palm as we followed the hostess to our table. I couldn’t help but smile a little at the feel of her nervous perspiration. As amusing as this is, I know she is going to ream my ass later.

  “Ryan! I am so glad you made it.” The middle-aged woman beamed the moment I strolled into view.

  Her smile grew wider once she noticed that I had a hold of a young lady’s hand. “Are you going to introduce us to your friend, dear?”

  Ignoring my mother’s persistence, I focused my attention on my date.

  “Via, this is my mother and father, William and Sarah Rayner.”

  My eyes flowed over to them sitting side-by-side. “Mom, Dad, this is Olivia Johnson.”

  My mother’s eyes twinkled like the Northern star. “Olivia, such a beautiful name.”

  I held out a chair for Via.

  She sat, not removing her eyes from my parents with a small smile.

  Her gaze appeared to have the same effect on them as it did me. They seemed captivated and intrigued, since both were now staring at her. My intuitive mother scanned her eyes over Via with the expression on her face she always wore when attempting to read someone. A small smile appeared on her face.

  “It is so great to meet you. Ryan couldn’t stop talking about how much he adored his parents over dinner last night. Please, call me Via.”

  She had them eating out of the palm of her hand.

  Is there anyone this woman couldn’t charm?

  My mother looked from Via and over to me. “So, how did the two of you meet?”

  “We were at a bar and he refused stop staring at me…” Via’s eyes met mine for a second.

came over to me, introduced himself, and insisted that I meet his brother.”

  “Sounds like something Jason would do. Let’s not bombard the kids with too many questions, dear,” my father chirped in, taking a quick sip of his coffee.

  Via smirked at them. “Mister I-Want-to Know-Everything-About-You has sent me through the wringer with question upon question. A few more won’t kill me.”

  My father pursed his lips together, hiding a grin.

  “Are you from around here, Via?”

  She shook her head. “I live in Aspen. I graduated a few months ago with a degree in Culinary and Pastry Arts. I am saving up money to start a restaurant. When I have enough put back, that is when I will be deciding on where I want my business.”

  “Why not Seattle? I heard the business here is fantastic.” My mother smiled, giving me a small wink.

  It didn’t take long for Via to gather what my mom was hinting towards.

  She smiled. “You are absolutely right, but I heard the men here can be intimidating.”

  My father was no longer hiding his grin. “You may need to look out for this one, son. She is definitely going to give you a run for your money.”

  “Oh stop it. Quit embarrassing the poor girl,” my mother told us with an eye roll.

  “Don’t pay any attention to them. This is why we limit their going out in public,” my mother stated, winking in Via’s general direction.

  Via shook her head with a cunning smile. “It takes a bit more than a few cracks to embarrass me. Besides, I am the one mortifying people. When I’m not getting plastered and passing out on a first date that is…”

  I choked on my coffee, inhaling it.

  Her shimmering eyes met mine.

  Chapter Three

  “Similar to that, huh?” My father went back to pursing his lips.

  Her grin grew wider. “Precisely. I have always believed that if you can’t make fun of yourself every once in awhile, you are not truly living.”

  My mother smiled at her. “Well spoken, Olivia. Would you like some more tea, dear?”

  I shook my head. “We should be going. Via has to fly back to Aspen this evening. She has yet to pack her belongings.”

  Via then stood up from her seat, smiling as she held a hand out to my parents.


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