Book Read Free

The Cleansing

Page 15

by Shane Crosby

  I know he’s getting on his soap-box. I need to divert the topic of this conversation and quick.

  “We’ll have to agree to disagree.”

  “You ought to be agreeing.”

  “I think that’s the street the club is on.”

  “Didn’t they teach you better diversion techniques than that when you were a SEAL?”

  I laughed. I was caught. “Okay, you got me, but I do think we’re getting close.”

  “Yeah, closer and closer to damnation if you keep allowing liberals to change the way God says a family should be.”

  We arrived at Club Hedonist and I had to fight myself from skipping up to the door. I came equipped with more than just questions. I didn’t have to make small talk this time. I can walk right in and do my thing. I’m still learning all the policies and procedures of the job, but I’m an expert when it comes to diplomacy and this is one time I might need to tap into that skill. I get the feeling this could become a bad scene quickly.

  When we walked through the door a different well-dressed gentleman approached us than when we were here before. He was big; taller than my brother Dub who is six feet five. He’s wide, too. He’s so large he almost looks uncomfortable in the suit he’s wearing. It fits him, but you can tell he’d be more comfortable in a the attire of a sumo wrestler.

  He walked to us and we exchanged pleasantries.

  “Good afternoon.”

  “Hello how are you doing today?”

  Another immaculately dressed gentlemen walked up and joined the conversation.

  “Doing well thank you. Is there something we can do for you?”

  “Well yes, actually you can. You can get the owner or manager.”

  I pulled out the warrant and gave them a copy.

  “We have a warrant to search the premises.”

  By the time I served him with the warrant our backup was coming through the door, positioning themselves at the exits making themselves visible. Officers secured the back to make certain they couldn’t destroy any potential evidence.

  I could see the manager approaching us and he had more lines in his face than a ninety year old woman who used to sun bathed regularly. I remembered him from the last visit. One of the bodyguards hurriedly walks toward him and starts to whisper in his ear. In the interim, the rest of the police officers on scene were securing the remaining bodyguards. They were instructed to sit against the wall and their hands and feet were secured with zip ties. The manager walks past the bodyguards to address us.

  “Hello detective. May I help you with something?”

  “Yes, as I told your employees standing here, we have a warrant to search the premises.”

  He gives me a syrupy sweet smile accompanied with a we’re not doing anything wrong look.

  “Officer what’s the problem? I thought we were all friends here. What’s changed?”

  I reciprocated a fake smile of my own.

  “We are friends and since we’ve established our friendship I’m sure you won’t mind showing us around your offices and sharing some of your files so we can look at them later.”

  He’s nervous.

  “I’d hoped it wouldn’t come to this but since you’re here and you’ve obviously brought some of your friends how can I say no?”

  “Thank you.”

  “Please come this way.”

  We walked to the back where our officers were already collecting everything that resembled paper. I was getting ready to join the search when I hear Jack call my name. When I walked into the room, he pointed to a door within the office. It wasn’t a door, it was a section of the wall that hid another room.

  Jack comes over to me and starts to whisper.

  “Kid, I think you’re onto something here. Who has a hidden room if they don’t have anything to hide?”

  “Let’s pack up all of this stuff ourselves. Make sure you don’t miss anything.”

  While we were packing up the room, the owner arrived with his attorney in tow. He approached us with an anger that you’d only see if you encountered a mama grizzly bear and her cubs.

  “What is the meaning of this? What the hell are you doing? We run a legitimate business here!”

  “Please give this to your attorney. He’ll explain everything is on the up and up here.”

  “I see your English has improved. ”

  In his face, I saw a rage that would surely have led to Jack and I being murdered had we walked in here alone. The manager looked at the owner and the owner very slightly gave him a sign; then the manger left. Out of the side window, I saw him making a call. I wish I could listen to that call. Getting the warrant was pushing it. A wiretap would probably be the end of my career.

  The owner’s attorney asked us to stop collecting anything until he was able to look it over. Just to keep the peace, we agreed. When he finished reading over the warrant, he had the difficult tasks of informing his client everything was in order and we had a legal right to be there.

  “Damn it! What am I paying you for?”

  “Listen. Calm down. We can beat this, okay. As long as you’re running a legitimate business there’s nothing they can do.”

  “Detectives your boss will be hearing from us today. My client fully intends to exercise his rights in this country to get justice for being harassed. If he were American you wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “Thank you counselor. We look forward to your call.”

  “Detectives you’re making a mistake.”

  “No. The mistake was your client’s. All he had to be was be honest and we wouldn’t be here today.”

  It took us hours to collect all of the files and computers. These guys have helped to kill a lot of trees. Green peace should be here arresting them, not us.

  “Hey man. Have you ever given any thought to becoming a green company?”

  Jack shoved me.

  “Stop harassing them. I want to get out of here walking upright.” He said in a hushed voice.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  “Right behind you.”

  “Let’s load everything up.”

  We got in the car and started back to the station.

  “Way to go, Kid.”

  We were giving each other high fives at every stop light. With the computers and dinosaur files I knew we were going to find something. Even if I don’t find anything linked to my victims I know some of those girls were under age. It’s a win win either way. I enjoyed seeing the look on his fat face when we were taking out computers and cleaning out everything in that hidden room. I thought for sure he was going to have a heart attack. I’m glad he didn’t because I couldn’t see myself given his fat ass mouth to mouth. It almost makes me sick to think about it.

  “Hey Jack. How long do you think it’ll take them to try and get these files returned?”

  “I’m betting first thing in the morning we’ll be getting called into the Captain’s office. We better find a smoking gun tonight. We got to cover our ass on this one.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It’s another all nighter for us.”

  “I’ll call the wife and disappoint her. No loving tonight.”

  “Damn man! I’ve asked you to stop scarring my mind like that!”

  Jack starts laughing, “Kid you’re too easy.”



  Trevor & Jack

  In the car...

  “Hey kid, what do you think about the case?”

  “I know we’ve pissed off them off. From the look in the owner’s eyes, if he could’ve killed us and gotten away with it, he would’ve done so right there.”

  “Yeah, I got the same feeling. They’re Russian. I’ m wondering if they have ties to the Russian mob.”

  “I wondering the same thing, but the manager was American and so were all the boy guards. Usually, they only keep the company of Russians.”

  “That’s true. I didn’t think of that. Did you see the manager go outside?”

“I did. I wonder who he called?”

  “Same thoughts over here. I know the Russian mob doesn’t play around. They feel disrespected, they’re not coming to converse with you about it.”

  “I know. Too late now and we’re not sure who these guys are. Interpol hasn’t gotten back to me yet.”

  “The name of the owner could be fictitious.”

  “We’ll have to keep waiting to see.”

  “I hope it won’t be too much longer.”

  “I’d like to arrest his fat ass as soon as possible.”

  “You and me both kid.”

  As Jack turned back to face forward, at that moment a speeding van hit our car on the driver’s side causing the car to spin out of control. A car comes from the right and we’re hit again on the passenger’s side. The passenger side window shatters and the door caves in onto Jack. The windshield shatters the car continues to spin around and ended up facing the opposite direction causing a head on collision with another vehicle. The force of the accident spins the car into another vehicle on the opposite side of the road. Another driver sees the wreckage tries to swerve to avoid the impending accident, but was unsuccessful, causing our car to flip over and land into a home. Semi conscience with a strong will to live, I managed to push on the door until it opened ejecting me out onto the pavement.

  Another van pulls up, the door opens and the passengers get out with automatic weapons draped over their shoulder. I know they’re looking for me and Jack. If I stay here, I’m going to leave this accident in a body bag. I finally get the chance to check on Jack. He’s not responding. I have a choice. Get my partner out of the car, which will result in both our deaths. Escape, leaving him behind to face whatever these mean have in store for him. He’s already unconscious, maybe they’ll think he’s dead. I’m making the decision that as a SEAL, I’d never do, I’m leaving my partner behind.

  My vision is blurry. I’m fighting to stay coherent. I refuse to die out here today. I searched for a place to shield myself from view. With all of the remnants of war strewn across the road, yet another car becomes a part of the graveyard of twisted metal, blood and body parts. He runs the car into another vehicle pushing it in my direction. As the car slides across the road, even with my injuries, adrenaline gives me what I need to flail my body out of the way. The car was so close I felt the wind and heat against my bare skin.

  The men looking for us, are focused. They’re taking their time to complete a thorough search and kill mission.

  I crawled, more like slide on my belly to hide behind some wreckage. There were so many people hurt, screaming, lying there bloody, with broken bones sticking through skin, skin sloughing off from being pressed against hot metal helped create a chaotic enough environment in which I could easily melt into and become invisible. Lights from cars are blinding me but I can see shapes approaching. They’re searching between the cars; wreckage and the bodies sprawled all over the street. My hearts pounding. It’s beating so loudly I’m afraid they can hear it. I can’t panic. I realized I wasn’t going to be able to make it out of this alive if I didn’t think of something and quick. I crawled through, smoke, burnt rubber, blood and dead bodies to a car with three people in it. The woman on the passenger’s side still had her eyes open. She was clinging to life or trying to. She was moaning. She was taking quick breaths in and out. I could hear her in a faint weak voice saying, “help me.” Her pleases and moans were creating unwanted attention. Through the cars widow, I saw one of our pursuers turn and start to listen. He started walking towards our direction. It was about survival, mine. I put my hand over her nose and mouth. The will to live is stronger than anything God blew into humans when He created us. As close to death as she was, she still wanted to live. She started to flail about the car, fighting the inevitable. It was a contest between whose will was stronger, mine or hers. It was mine. She soon stopped moving, she’d succumbed to the inevitable. The people in the car with her were covered with blood. I smeared the blood over my face and chest more than it already was and laid there as if I was a passenger in that vehicle. Their footsteps were getting closer. I held my breath and prayed. He walked around the car and tripped over my foot. I didn’t move. I felt him kneeling over me, but before he could do anything the voice of his partners.

  “Hey! We have to hurry. Police are coming.”

  “One second.”

  Police sirens, I think I’m going to hug those guys when they get here. It’s weird being in this position. Usually, I’m part of the cavalry rushing into save everyone. Now, I’m lying here praying to be saved.

  “The other police officer. Where is he?”

  “I don’t see him.”

  “Keep looking!”

  “We can’t. We have to go, police are coming.”

  “No, we have to find him.”

  “No time for! Let’s go now!”

  “You cocksucker! I’m going to kill you. You better have eyes on your back that’s the only way you’ll see me coming!”

  “Let’s go! Come on!”

  “Burn it and let’s go, now!”

  I heard something like whoosh and then heat. Fire is indistinguishable. No matter what’s going on around you, it has a way of getting your attention. I thought, great, I’ve killed someone to live, and now I’m going to be burned alive. I didn’t think God handed down retribution this quickly.

  Suddenly, I heard them run back to their van. The door slammed shut and they sped off.

  There was so much debris on the roads, the patrol cars and ambulance couldn’t make it to the area where we were. My fellow officers had to walk to the accident area. When they arrived on scene, no one could believe what they were seeing. Bodies all over the place, wrecked vehicles, smoke, active fires burning all around them. On the road, in some areas, there was so much blood it looked like a small pond. Gasoline ran freely onto the road so much so the fire department covered the area with a solvent to prevent additional explosions. Although, my vision was still impaired, I could see more fuzzy shapes coming closer to me. I so hoped it was the men in blue coming to assist.

  In a faint and barely audible voice, I called out to them.

  “Help, help me, please someone help me. Help.”

  “Alvarez! Hey over here!”

  “Alvarez can you hear me?”

  “He needs an ambulance.”

  “Over here now!”

  “Let’s pick him up.”

  “Good deal, you grab his feet, and I’ll take his upper body.”

  “They carried me over to a waiting ambulance. Immediately, they started to administer aid. I still couldn’t see so I closed my eyes and hoped that what I saw tomorrow wouldn’t be the pearly gates. I haven’t solved my case yet, Lord.






  I woke up in the hospital two weeks later. I’ve been home for a week. When I awakened, I was bandaged from head to toe. As a matter of fact, I do have a broken toe. It looked like every bone God use to put the human body together was in need of repair. I had several broken ribs, broken collar bone ankle and that’s just the short list of broken bones. I have a gash in my head that required thirty-five stitches. I have vertigo which will keep me off the streets for a while. The doctors said this would go away, but it’ll take several more weeks. I know it sounds like a lot but bones will heal and so will external scars. The internal scar from losing my partner Jack, well now, that’s a different matter altogether, that’ll never heal.

  I think about the lengths I went through to survive only to lie in that bed and wish it was men instead of him. The image of that lady, moaning, crying out for help will never leave me. Her eyes, the way they were pleading for me to help her burned deep into my soul. When I try to sleep I can see her face. It’s like he and Jack are haunting me for leaving the to die.

  The bad guys got away with the evidence. They eliminated every person who was
alive except me. I’m back to where I was before I found the first body.

  Dub calling.


  “Hey Mummy, how you doin’?”

  “How are things with you?”

  “Don’t worry about me. You’re the one that’s all taped up looking like the Mummy.”

  “I can’t even argue. My entire body is wrapped up. They left me an opening to eat and drink.”

  Dub’s laughter, just for a few moments, took me away from here and back to a happier time and place. When we were kids, our mom loved to laugh. Although our early years didn’t find us living in the best neighborhoods, my mom believed there was always room for laughter. And, laugh we did, every chance we got she encourage it. Hearing my brother on the other side of this phone made me do something I didn’t think possibly right now, I laughed.

  “I’m serious man that’s about all I can do and when I say drink, I mean through a straw, bro. Yeah, your boy is doing bad over here.”

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad, come on.”

  “My description isn’t far off, I’m telling you.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Bring my partner back to life, Dub. It’s killing me that he’s gone. I feel like it’s my fault.”

  “Trevor, Jack was doing a job, just like you were. He knew the risks.”

  “It’s easy for everyone to say that, but he wouldn’t have been there if I hadn’t been so focused on getting those pricks.”

  “If it wasn’t there, it would’ve been somewhere else. He was a homicide detective. If he could talk to you now he’d tell you it wasn’t your fault. We couldn’t blame him if it were you.”

  “I know. It’s just he had a family, married over thirty years. Had I just left him at the station, I’d be talking to him now.”

  “Trev, you’re going to have to decide if you’re cut out for the job. It’s not like being a SEAL. You know there’s a possibility you may lose someone. You go out and come back into home base with the same people mission after mission. As a police officer, you may encounter anyone or any situation. As a SEAL you’ve studied your enemy probably for years before you hit them. You’re ready. You can almost anticipate their next move because you’ve gone over them repeatedly. You know their personality, their families, their favorite food anything to help you successfully complete that mission. As a police officer, you have to wait for a team to arrive. As a SEAL you bring your team with you. In the job you have now, anyone you encounter could be your enemy and you know nothing about them. You’re going out there on the defensive. You’re not all the way prepared for who you encounter because you don’t know them. How could you be? You don’t know what they’re going to say or do. You’re going to have to get used to that or get used to doing something else. Those SEAL days are over.”


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