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Julia and Mr. Page

Page 14

by Serafina Conti

  “Amanda whined and bucked under me. Emily shoved my head and said, ‘Harder, cunt: she’s not a Barbie doll.’ My tongue flicked at her clitoris and Amanda cried ‘Ah! ah!’ in her whispery voice, writhing with the stimulation we were giving her.

  “Emily was kneeling beside us, right hand still behind my head, and with her left she lifted Amanda’s thigh way up. ‘Eat her ass, cunt,’ she said, and Amanda moaned ‘Oooh!’ as Emily shoved my face into her crack, and my lips closed over her small pink anus.

  “I was moaning too, so humiliated and aroused as I kissed Amanda’s ass and wetted her crack with my saliva, emotions and sensations so intense that I didn’t notice Emily’s hand was gone—not until I felt her fingers in my pussy, fucking me hard, heard the wet sucking noises and Emily saying, ‘Yes, of course, Karen: the bitch needs a fuck.’

  “Amanda lowered her leg, and there was her pussy again, even wetter now, labia and clitoris swollen, slick wetness trickling from her slit. I lapped it up as Karen’s dildo entered me—oh, it must have been a big one, it hurt! But then that’s the kind Karen would have, isn’t it?

  “Karen fucked me slowly at first; Emily had one hand on my back, another massaging my nipple. As Karen gained force and speed, exclaiming, ‘Dear, sweet cunt!’ my body jerked with her thrusts, jamming my mouth into Amanda’s pussy. I let my tongue work with Karen’s rhythm, battering Amanda, who was crying, ‘Oh! Oh!’ near coming, and nearer, and finally biting her hand and emitting a thin high scream, pussy so hot—I could feel her passion on my lips.

  “I lifted my head, not wanting to stop but knowing Amanda would be too sensitive now; but Emily pushed my head down and said, ‘Keep eating, cunt!’ So I did—I let Karen pound my face into Amanda, who writhed and cried ‘No!’ but didn’t try to get away.

  “Karen’s breathing was heavy with exertion, and my pussy was so full of her dildo, and Emily was massaging my clitoris now—oh, it was too much! Amanda drew her feet back, raised her knees, rolled her pelvis upwards, and I gave her long licks, anus to clitoris and down again, over and over, lingering on each end.

  “Karen came noisily behind me; her rhythm slowed; the stimulation was less, despite Emily’s hand, which was rubbing my whole pussy now. I seized Amanda’s thighs and tongue-fucked her clitoris as hard as I could, digging at her as I thrust, willing her to come again.

  “By the time Amanda came, my body was numb with arousal, my mind fogged with yearning—I’d have given anything for you to be face-fucking me and massaging my pussy till I came with violent spasms. But it was Amanda coming, not me; and Emily took her hand away.

  “I lay on the bed, unsatisfied. ‘I didn’t come,’ I complained.

  “‘Be a good slut,’ said Emily, ‘and maybe you’ll get an orgasm tonight.’

  “‘What’s happening tonight, Emily?’ I asked.

  “‘Patience,’ she said.”

  7. A wild ride

  Julia had been masturbating vigorously; now she slowed down as she continued her story. “Karen went off to do something or other, and Emily and I relaxed with some wine before dinner while Amanda sat watching us, as usual. We weren’t exactly easy with each other: I was still miffed that she didn’t want me for herself, but made me play with Amanda and Karen. But we got better acquainted. We figured out that we graduated from the same university in the same year. We know a few of the same people, but not many. We moved in different circles, and I doubt we would have liked each other if we’d met. She was a small town girl on a merit scholarship, and I was from Greenwich, a legacy admit and a rich bitch—”

  “Till you weren’t,” said Mr. Page.

  “Yes, Sir. And I learned more about Frederick—a handsome sadist. He left her for another woman last winter, and now he says that’s the worst and stupidest thing he’s ever done. She’s seeing a little of him, and she can’t decide whether to take him back.

  “Anyway, Sir, eventually they called us to dinner, and it was just like last week: plates and silverware for Emily, Daniel and Karen and dog bowls for Amanda and me. I wasn’t even sure what exactly was in the bowls: meat, vegetables, and potatoes all jumbled together, but different from before.

  “Amanda dug right in the way she did last week and ate fast. I picked at my dinner again, trying not to muss my face. Don’t you think I should try to be less vain, Sir?”

  “No,” said Mr. Page. “You always look perfect, a flawless gem. I love showing you off to the world—and then when I get you home, I love making a mess of you. It’s beautiful what a well-aimed jet of semen will do to a careful application of mascara.”

  Mr. Page’s words gave Julia a twinge down below, and so did remembering what happened next.

  “Amanda was done with her dinner in just a few minutes—she eats fast, but not a lot. I had taken only a few bites. I was just trying to pick up a green bean when I felt a light hand on my back, touching, then petting me. After a few moments of this, the hand left me, and Amanda’s face appeared next to me. As I looked sideways, she moved in, gently nudging me aside, lowered her face to my bowl, and took some food in her mouth. She sat up, put a hand on my shoulder, and raised me to a sitting position.

  “Amanda’s face was damp: there were flecks of meat and vegetable around her mouth. She leaned forward as if for a kiss. I was kind of sicked out, and I wanted to pull away, but then all at once I understood what she was going to do, and I was overwhelmed by a sense of being given a great gift that it would be unthinkable to refuse.

  “So I held still. Amanda’s soft lips touched mine—it was like a kiss. I opened my mouth—just a little, but that was all she needed. She opened her own lips and with her tongue pushed a cube of beef into my mouth. She straightened up then and watched with dark, somber eyes as I slowly chewed my mouthful of food and swallowed it. All the time I was looking back at her and hardly believing what we were doing.

  “Conversation at the table had stopped. Amanda bent down for another bite—a bit of potato, which she gave me in the same way. Then a green bean; then some meat again. Patiently and with great care, she fed me, and my heart felt like it was swelling to fill my whole body—I was so overcome with the sensation of Amanda’s lips, the food’s flavor, and my own gratitude.

  “When I had finally had enough, I kissed Amanda and said, ‘Thank you.’ She didn’t reply with words, but sat back on her heels and stared at me with that solemn gaze of hers.

  “Over at the table, Daniel breathed ‘Fuck,’ and Karen said, ‘Has there ever been such a dear creature?’ with rhetorical grandeur. Emily didn’t say anything.

  “Karen took Amanda away after dinner—I really hope no one will ever tell me what they were up to—and Emily and Daniel took me to the playroom, where a frame had been set up in the middle of the floor. It was about five feet wide and five feet high. A collar dangled from a rope attached to the top beam, and there were cuffs attached to both of the side beams. The frame was bolted to a plywood platform, and attached to the platform was a Sybian machine—do you know what those are, Sir?”

  “I’ve seen them, but I don’t know much about them.”

  “It’s like a saddle with a machine inside. You can mount a dildo on the top, and that moves inside you and vibrates. They had put it in the frame to turn it into a bondage device.

  “Emily lubricated the dildo, which was short and bulbous, and said, ‘Sit.’ I did, easing down on the dildo slowly because it was so wide at the top, and she put the collar around my neck and the cuffs on my wrists. She tightened everything so my arms were spread wide, and I couldn’t move much side to side. The collar’s rope was tight enough that I couldn’t move more than a few inches forward or backward without serious discomfort. There were also cuffs on the platform, on either side of the machine: these went around my calves so I couldn’t stand and free myself that way.

  “I was feeling vulnerable, exposed, and scared of what the Sybian machine would be like. It didn’t help much that Daniel was saying, ‘Last time I put Karen in that frame, she s
pent the whole night screaming.’

  “Emily was holding a control box on a long cord. She said, ‘Let’s start slowly,’ and turned on the moving dildo, which doesn’t go in and out, but sort of back and forth and round and round. It’s supposed to stimulate the G-spot. At first, it gave me some mild and pleasurable stimulation.

  “She turned on the vibrator. Even on low, the stimulation was intense—and of course I was pretty turned on from Amanda feeding me at dinner. I liked it, and I squirmed on the saddle to enhance the feeling.

  “Emily and Daniel sat watching while my arousal built, and waves of pleasure washed through my body. I thought it probably wouldn’t take me very long to come.

  “Daniel said, ‘Wish it was my cock in her instead of that dildo.’

  “‘You can fuck her face, if you can reach it,’ said Emily.

  “‘I don’t think I can, though,’ he said. ‘We’ll have to rethink the way the cuffs work, so the victim has to lean forward.’

  “‘Well, you can have a turn with the controls, anyway,’ said Emily, and handed him the box.

  “Daniel sat with the box in his lap for a minute, gazing at me while I returned his look nervously. Then all at once he turned the vibrator way up.

  “I screamed with the sudden stimulation, the vibrations were so intense, and the whole world was narrowing so nothing existed but my clitoris and Daniel’s hand on the control box. I struggled to get myself under control and managed to stop screaming, but I couldn’t stay quiet—I said, in a sort of squeak, ‘Oh God Oh God Oh God,’ over and over. This went on for maybe five minutes, with Daniel and Emily just looking on, enjoying my agony.

  “And then he turned it up more, and I screamed again. I tried to wriggle away from it, but I couldn’t move my lower body at all, and it made my collar pull painfully, so I gave it up. I couldn’t say ‘Oh God’ anymore either, but just made this continuous high whine—like a cross between a police siren and a scalded cat. I’m pretty sure I could have safeworded if I’d wanted to, but I couldn’t have put together a coherent sentence. Tears were streaming from my eyes—”

  “Your mascara was running,” Mr. Page observed with obvious pleasure.

  “Yes, Sir, since you don’t let me buy the waterproof kind.”

  “Waterproof makeup is no fun,” he said.

  “I just wish you’d let me wear it in public, Sir.”

  “Maybe in restaurants and the like, but never at play parties.”

  “I could live with that, Sir.”

  “So was the Sybian going full tilt yet?”

  “No, Sir. But I came then, a huge violent orgasm that made me pull at my collar so hard it hurt. Daniel turned down the vibrator, and I relaxed, but he didn’t turn it off, and I was really sensitive just then.

  “I moaned, ‘Please, Daniel, no more!’ but still he didn’t turn it off. He didn’t have to, since I hadn’t used a safeword—and I guess that means I really did want more. He turned it way up again, past where it had been before—I couldn’t believe how intense it could get. It was making a loud buzz now—you could even hear it over my screams. My body was trembling, I was sweating all over, and wetness was pouring down the insides of my thighs.

  “I was dimly aware of Karen and Amanda coming into the playroom, Karen saying ‘Oh, my!’ and sitting to watch. Things were coming in and out of focus, and I really didn’t care about anything much besides my pussy, but I noticed at some point that Karen had hiked her dress up and was holding Amanda’s head to her crotch. It occurred to me that she uses her the way other women use vibrators.

  “The stimulation was impossible, it was painful, I couldn’t believe it could go on and get more intense, but Daniel turned it up again, and I came again a few seconds later with a huge rush and an unfamiliar sensation below. ‘She squirted!’ Karen cried, and Daniel turned down the machine again.

  “I was starting to cry—”

  “But you weren’t near safewording,” said Mr. Page.

  “No, Sir. I wanted the stimulation, even if there was pain along with it. And then I imagined it was you holding the controls, Sir—maybe I even thought it was you, I was in such a fog—and I realized it was a thing I wanted to do with you.”

  “Shall we buy a Sybian and put it in a frame?”

  “I’d like that, Sir. Anyway, I was still crying when Daniel turned up the vibrator again, and the dildo’s movement too, and my body tensed, I twisted, pulling against my cuffs, not caring about the pain, and my continuous shriek was deafening even to me. I seemed to be sitting in a puddle—I wasn’t really, moisture runs off the Sybian, but I really had squirted and the machine and my thighs were all wet. My body was jerking and spasming, and when I came for the third time, screaming ‘Oh, God, Oh, fuck!’ I felt like my pussy and nipples would explode. Then I went numb. I was completely exhausted, and I just hung limp in the frame.

  “‘That’s enough, Daniel,’ said Emily, and took the control away from him. They all started to come back into focus. Daniel’s eyes shone with pleasure. Karen was looking a bit wilted—I guess Amanda had given her an orgasm.

  “Daniel came over to release me from the frame. He helped me get up. It felt strange not to have the Sybian moving inside me and buzzing against my clitoris. My legs were wobbly, and I was shaking all over. Holding me upright with an arm around my waist, he guided me to a sofa by the wall, where he sat with me.

  “‘I’ll take care of her,’ he said.

  “Emily looked dubious. She said, ‘Is that all right, Julia?’

  “‘Okay,’ I said, not really caring as long as I got some rest.

  “We sat for a long time as my strength slowly returned. After a while Karen got up and left. Nodding, I thought I’d lay my head on Daniel’s shoulder for just a minute.

  “When I woke up, I was alone with him, my head still on his shoulder. I caught some movement and looked down: he had his hand round his cock, and he was stroking himself.

  “I made a startled movement; it was too late to pretend to be asleep. Daniel didn’t stop his masturbation, but raised his free hand to cup the back of my head and slowly, firmly, pushed my head down.”

  “This is not good aftercare technique,” said Mr. Page.

  “That occurred to me at the time, Sir, but it’s easy to excuse it after the show I’d given him—and I’d been sitting beside him naked for I don’t know how long, and no one had given him any relief. He may be a billionaire, but he’s only human, Sir.”

  “I suppose,” said Mr. Page.

  Julia continued, “Holding his cock in his hands, he guided it into my mouth, and I sucked him, Sir. Not a blowjob like the ones I give you, but a good one—one that you’d be proud of. I sucked his balls and licked his shaft; I nibbled his head and licked the pre-cum out of his slit. Then I sucked him off, holding him in my hand till he came in my mouth. I let it run out of me over his cock. Then I stood up, said ‘Thank you, Daniel,’ and left him to clean himself up. That wasn’t payback, Sir—I was just very tired.

  “When I got to the slave quarters, Amanda was asleep. I showered quickly, crawled into bed, and fell asleep instantly.

  “I woke in the middle of the night, the way Amanda had the week before, thinking about my ride on the Sybian and the blowjob I’d given Daniel. I imagined you were watching me do those things and grew hot and agitated. I looked across the room. In the dim light of the waning moon, I could see that Amanda was turned towards me, sleeping soundly. I could hardly make out her face. I crawled across the room and slowly, carefully pulled back her sheet and blanket. In that light, her body was ghostly pale: I thought it would be transparent if she were standing in front of the window.

  “I knelt beside her and studied her delicate features, waiting. At length she slowly and sleepily opened her eyes. She turned her head and focused on me. She smiled.

  “‘Hi, Julia,’ she whispered.

  “‘Hi, Amanda,’ I replied, bent down, and kissed her.”

  While Julia was telling her story to M
r. Page, Emily and Amanda were having a lovely sixty-nine on Emily’s bed. Afterwards, they lay in each other’s arms while the post-orgasmic glow slowly dissipated. When the last wisps of it were no longer worth preserving, Emily said, “Tell me what happened between you and Julia last night.”

  “How did you know, Emily?” Amanda asked.

  “I smelled pussy on you this morning, baby,” she said.

  “Oh,” said Amanda. She sometimes imagined that her lover and mistress was magic; she was faintly disappointed to learn that her method of detection was so mundane.

  “What happened, sweetie?” Emily asked again.

  “She woke me up and kissed me,” said Amanda.

  “And how did you make love?”

  “We ate each other, and then we tribbed. You’re not mad, are you, Emily?”

  “No, Amanda—I’m glad you made love. I just wanted to know.”

  So Julia had initiated the encounter. Not only had she shown a lot of toughness on the Sybian the night before, she had also made love to Amanda without being forced. Being affectionate towards Emily’s sweet, fragile slave was an important test of character, and Julia was passing it handily, despite some early stumbles.

  Emily said, “Do you want her to come back next week, baby?”

  8. A few friends

  Julia said, “When Amanda opened the door this time, she had a haunted, scared look. She let me in, hugged and kissed me, and whispered, ‘Emily’s upset.’

  “‘Why?’ I asked.

  “‘She tried to do her hair, and it didn’t come out well.’

  “‘So? She can go to a salon and get it fixed.’

  “‘But they’re having Frederick over tonight and she wants to look good.’

  “‘How bad is it?’

  “‘She tried to use a dye remover, and it turned her hair orange.’

  “I said, ‘You’d better take me to her.’ How much of this do you want to hear, Sir?”

  “Why don’t you give me the summary version, Julia?”


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