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Scallywag TYPESET

Page 12

by Brogan, Stuart

  Callum looked up at Holler, who was now smiling.

  “Oh, my goodness! They explained it to me but I just had to see it for myself. I couldn’t quite believe our luck. You really don’t remember do you, Scallywag? You truly have forgotten all about poor little Rebecca and her missing finger.” He kept laughing. “My associates and I really must thank you for retrieving our money. Of course, things didn’t really go according to plan, did they? But all’s well that ends well. The money of course is in the clutches of the police, but it won’t take long for it to find its way home. It’s just a matter of time. It would appear that you did a bit of a number on that headcase in the basement. To be honest, we really didn’t think you would make it; he is a psychopath, after all. At the end of the day all we wanted was our money, which he stole from us, and hopefully for you to kill him. It turned out he managed to escape, leaving you to take the wrap for his crimes.”

  Callum looked on. He could feel his temper rising, thrusting itself to the surface. He couldn’t explain why such an emotion was generated and couldn’t figure out why Holler would be speaking in such a way. Was the old man truly aware of what had transpired in the basement? Did Scallywag really have a sister? What was her name again? And what did Holler have to do with her.

  Holler grinned

  “I’m sure that you won’t remember our first meeting, Callum, but a few years ago you were up in front of me on a burglary charge. It was I who sentenced you to your first prison term, and you left a lasting impression. Even back then I despised you and your criminal insolence, your cocky bravado, and wanton disregard for the rule of law, not to mention not knowing your place in the social food chain. So, when it came to finding someone to infiltrate our mutual friend’s home, I instantly thought of you. You were the ideal candidate. All we had to do was watch you for a few months before making our move. Your sister provided the leverage and correct motivational drive for you to get stuck in, and you didn’t disappoint, young man.

  “But don’t worry about her. I can assure you that Rebecca is alive and well, despite losing a digit, and will soon be placed with a foster family far away from your repugnant and toxic influence. So, in fact, you could say we have done you a favour, Callum. I think you should be thanking us.”

  Callum sat emotionless and still. In the far reaches of his mind he felt some degree of recognition when Holler mentioned his sister yet again, like a needle being thrust into his subconscious, but further than that it was still just smoke and mirrors, a mist of twisted thoughts and feelings floating aimlessly around his mind.

  He desperately wanted to remember but, yet again, the drugs still in his system refused to allow it. He stared at Holler. Even though it didn’t matter any longer, he decided to ask the question. “So what’s this all about? Money?”

  Holler chuckled

  “That’s right, Scallywag, the greatest reason of all. What other reason is there for men such as me? Those who don’t have it crave it, and those who have it want more; it is the reason behind everything we do. Between you and me, I dislike what our mutual friend gets up to in his own time and find his methods and hobbies somewhat distasteful. But we turn a blind eye. Despite my reservations, he sometimes proves incredibly useful and staggeringly resourceful, and as such freelances for people like me. You might say he is a cleaner of sorts, and believe me when I tell you his services are in high demand these days.

  “You see, there are very powerful people who wish their secrets to remain just that, sexual preferences and deviant behaviour by the rich and famous, matters of national security and suchlike. Mr Memory comes in very handy when such information needs to disappear without leaving the stereotypical body and pre-requisite murder enquiry, which may lead to those higher up the food-chain. Something like that just wouldn’t be proper. Unfortunately, every pet snaps at his owner now and then, and he negated on our last arrangement then refused to give our money back. Hence your speedy and somewhat short-lived employment. And what a sterling job you did, too. You see, Callum, you were always destined to fall on your sword; that is the part you were born to play. I have to say that current events are to be viewed as spectacular, regarding your ongoing condition. This way it’s almost perfect, because you can’t remember anything.

  “I presume Mr Memory gave you one of his special cocktails? Not enough to turn you into a vegetable, but just enough to frazzle your brain a little. It certainly gave our boys in blue enough to prosecute you with. Whatever else, the man certainly has an impressive skillset and a wondrous sense of humour. It goes without saying that he will more than likely disappear for a while, but I am sure he will return when summoned, like the good little doggy he is. And at that time he shall emerge to once again spread a little joy amongst the gloomy.”

  He turned and started to leave, but the sound of laughter caused him to pause and turn back, a look of puzzlement on his face.

  “May I ask what you find so amusing, Mr Scallywag. Have you truly gone mad?”

  Callum was laughing harder now, the tears cascading down his cheeks. Then, as quickly as he had started, he suddenly stopped. He lowered his gaze and glared at Holler. An atmosphere of menace suddenly saturated the air around them.

  “I wouldn’t be so overly confident, if I were you, your honour. Mr Memory is far more intelligent than you give him credit for. In fact, he knew this day would come.”

  Holler swallowed hard, his face showing the early stages of confusion. “What do you mean by that?”

  Scallywag rose to his feet, his eyes beginning to unnerve the older man. “Mr Memory always knew you and your kind would try to double-cross him. So he made contingency plans.”

  Holler squirmed uncomfortably. “How so?” he replied, his tone nervous.

  Callum simply grinned. “Me, Mr Holler. I am the contingency. He knew the kind of game you would play and, despite what you thought, he was fully aware that it was you who sent me down there in the first place, but you didn’t count on one thing…”

  Holler swallowed hard. “And, pray tell, what would that be, Mr Benson?”

  Callum shrugged his shoulders. “You didn’t count on him liking me.”

  The old man remained quiet.

  “You see, Holler, Mr Memory planted information in my head that could only be accessed by a certain phrase, in this case one of yours.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Joy amongst the gloomy, Mr Holler. I believe it’s one of your favourites. Apparently you use it with great frequency.”

  “So what? How can that damage me? Nothing you can threaten me with would be believed, especially from someone like you!”

  Scallywag’s body felt as if it had been electrified; his temples throbbed angrily as visions of Rebecca came flooding back, her face and the gun to her head, her silent pleas for help. He instinctively clenched his fists, his palms and digits aching from the cataclysmic intensity

  “You were correct. I should be thanking you. That single phrase has given me clarity; it has opened the door to my mind, for I now remember everything, Mr Holler. I remember you and your friends in the basement. I remember the gun you pointed at my head. I remember the threats. But most of all I remember what you did to my sister, you twisted bastard!”

  Before the older man could react, Callum leapt forward with blinding speed and, with full force, crashed into Holler, who in turn collided with the cell door. He tried to keep his balance and turn away but couldn’t move quickly enough as Callum gripped his suit lapels and, using his bodyweight, launched him back across the cell and onto the bed.

  Callum smiled as the judge bounced off the solid structure and collapsed in a heap on the floor, screaming in agony from the sudden and brutal assault. The cellblock silence was suddenly destroyed by the cacophony of an emergency alarm, its high pitch two-tone squeal causing Callum to momentarily close his eyes and focus.

  Amongst the wailing, Callum could hear screaming and shouting as specially-trained officers made their way to his cell.<
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  Scallywag opened his eyes to see Holler slowly rising to his feet, his face a picture of terror, his eyes pleading for mercy, but there would be no quarter shown.

  With a scream of rage, Callum wasted no time and ran towards the judge, simultaneously throwing a colossal right fist, which slammed into his jaw. Holler went down again with a sickening crash, his head ringing from the impact. The aging lawmaker was practically unconscious before he hit the floor. Sensing his time was limited, and without hesitation, Scallywag fell upon his quarry, his knees drawn together causing them to slam into his victim’s chest with devastating force. Callum smiled as he heard ribs snap under the impact. He bellowed once again and clamped his hands around Holler’s throat.

  “Mr Memory and Rebecca send their regards!” he screamed as he gripped his hands tighter. The sudden restriction of air instantly brought Holler back; he lashed out in frustration but missed his target completely. He tried to gasp for fresh oxygen as his limbs began to flay uselessly about him, his body screaming out for respite from the sustained and relentless assault. He stared at his attacker and managed to come to just enough to witness Callum grin manically, then lunge forward and sink his teeth into his throat.

  The terrified judge tried to scream but all he could manage was a tepid fluidic sigh due to the sudden wave of blood cascading down his windpipe and into his stomach, his lungs beginning to fill with fluid. As he let out his last gargled breath, six armoured officers charged into the small confines of the cell, their batons drawn and ready and their shields held high. They lashed out at Scallywag in the hope of halting the bloodshed, but with little effect.

  But there was something else, something strange, Holler looked on as their actions appeared to play out in slow motion, their faces contorted with strain, the lights around them beginning to dim. His vision flitted from his attacker to his would-be saviours, his body struggling to cling to life and craving rescue, but it was of no use.

  The last thing he witnessed was the smiling, and bloodsoaked figure of Callum Benson being pulled away. The last thing he heard was the sound of joyous retribution.




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