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Wayward Angel

Page 2

by K. Renee

  “He would never touch her, Cason. She's lying to get attention from you. Can't you see that? What would Steve want from that little girl when he has me?” She smirks and gestures to her body like it's something impressive. She doesn't even care that Steve was in my room! She probably told him to go in there. Heck, she wanted me to do a threesome with her.

  Dom leans down, grabs Steve by the throat, and asks, “Did you go in my sister's room?”

  Steve starts coughing and turning red. “Yes, but not for what you think,” he whimpers.

  My dad steps away from my mom and gets right in Steve's face. “What is a good reason for you to even step foot in my daughter's room after she already went to bed?”

  "She wanted me to," he states.

  I let out a startled gasp and all heads in the room turn toward me.

  My mom glares at me, her face red with anger. . "You stupid little bitch! You lied to your father just so he'd come here and give you some attention. Tell him you're a lying whore and Steve never came near you!"

  Steve gasps for air as my brother squeezes his throat more, and I realize now is the time to speak up. “Mom wanted me to tag team with one of her clients last night.”

  My dad’s expression changes. He was mad before, but now he is pissed. My brothers look ready to murder.

  Tears start falling down my cheeks as I turn and hurry back to my room. I don't understand how my mom could say that stuff about me. I'm her only child, and I would never come on to Steve. He's creepy and old enough to be my dad.

  My dad's voice booms from the living room. "Enough! Anslie is coming back to Vegas with me. You so much as contact her again and I will put you in the fucking ground. She doesn't need a druggie whore for a mother.”

  Booted footsteps march down the hall and stop outside my door. When I open it, my dad walks in and wraps me up in a hug, which makes me break down and cry harder. My dad's arms have always been my safe place.

  "Come on baby girl, let's get you home."

  All I can do is nod and wipe my tears. He grabs my bag and walks me out to the living room. I don’t even acknowledge my mom or Steve as we walk out into the night air.

  I hear my mom yell, "You're going to regret this, Cason! I'll make your life a living hell."

  My dad and brothers all laugh as he yells back, "I'd like to see you try, bitch!”

  The door swings shut behind us as I walk away from the only place I've known since I was five

  Chapter Two

  It has been three weeks since Prez and the boys came back from a secret run. No one knows what the run was for, but Dom and his brothers have been gone from the clubhouse a lot lately. I sure hope nothing is going down. I would hate to be caught up in a war without knowing who we're fighting.

  I walk up to the clubhouse bar and order a beer just as Dom walks in. He sees me and heads in my direction.

  "What's up, brother?" I ask.

  He shakes his head and mumbles, "Oh you know, just living the dream."

  He must have a new woman taking up his time. I take a drink of my beer and just nod my head.

  After a few minutes of silence, his phone starts buzzing and his expression changes to pissed. It must be a bitch. It’s always a bitch. He types back furiously, letting off a string of ‘fucks’ and ‘shits’.

  I just grin. I’m glad it's not me with bitch problems. Sure, I love to fuck them, but there's no way I'm saddling up with one for the long haul.

  He looks over at me and I smirk. "Some bitch getting under your skin?"

  He gives me a dirty look before going back to his message. I can tell he's getting pissy about me nosing into his business, but it's fun to give him shit. We grew up together, so it's only natural.

  Still looking at his phone, he replies, "No, just family drama. I have to go. See you at the BBQ."

  "Ya." I down the rest of my beer.

  Cherry saunters toward me with a sly smile on her face. "Hey baby," she drawls.

  "Hey sugar," I say, smiling back at her.

  Cherry’s not the hottest whore we have here at the clubhouse, but she’s easy and I need to get off. She’s got long blonde hair - great for wrapping around my fist - and huge, fake bolt-on's that the boys love to motor boat. She's also slim and super flexible, which makes up for her not being the hottest. She wears her makeup caked on and her clothes barely there.

  I pull her towards me and lead her to my room in the back of the clubhouse.

  My room isn't much more than four walls, a bed, a dresser and a bathroom, but it's home. I unlock the door and pull her in. Once I get the door shut, I throw her on my bed and tell her to strip. When she’s buck naked in front of me. I push her down to her knees and she automatically pulls my jeans down and grips my dick. It comes alive under her fingers and she slowly makes a show of licking me from my tip to my balls before impaling her mouth on my dick. This bitch can deep throat like a champ.

  I tangle my fingers in her bleach blonde hair and force my cock down her throat until she starts to gag. Her eyes start to water as I fuck her mouth. I feel the familiar tingle in my spine and I know I’m close. I tap her head, pump my hips a few more times and shoot my load down her throat.

  She licks me clean, releasing me with a pop. I tuck myself back into the jeans, tell her to get dressed and grab my wallet. “Get your ass out of my room.”

  As soon as she leaves, I lock the door behind me and head for my bike.

  I ride out to my favorite place, where I like to watch the cars drive by and the bright lights of the city. Vegas has always been my home. The constant noise and lights calm me.

  I park my bike a mile off the strip, dismount and sit on the red, brown clay with my back to the edge of the mountain. I spend a lot of time here because it's the only place I can be completely alone.

  I sit for a few hours before heading back to the clubhouse to get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a good day.

  Chapter Three

  It's Saturday morning and all I want to do is sleep, but ever since I got to my dad's house, my brothers have been hovering nonstop. I can’t go anywhere without one of them. I think I'm going to go crazy if I don’t get some space soon.

  My dad walks in around noon and tells me to get ready. Apparently, the club is having a family barbecue and I’m required to go since I’m Prez’s daughter. I've never been to a club event before, so I'm not sure what to wear or how to act. I wonder if there are going to be any orgies and naked people everywhere.

  After showering, I pull on my favorite cut-offs and a flowy, dark gray tank. I curl my long, brown hair into soft curls that flow down my back and put on some clear lip gloss. Since I've never worn makeup before, I wouldn’t even know where to start. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, but I do want to make a good impression, since I've never met any of my dad's club brothers or their families.

  Once I'm done getting ready, I walk downstairs to find Bentley in the living room, sitting on the couch and texting.

  When he finishes his message, he drops his phone back in his pocket, looks up and smiles at me. "You ready to go?"

  I smile and nod my head yes.

  I'm so nervous about meeting everyone that I barely notice our bike ride to the clubhouse, isn’t what I thought it would be. It looks like they converted an old warehouse, complete with a big electric fence and a little guard shack that must control the gate. The building itself looks like it just got a fresh coat of paint, and so does the garage. They must fix their own bikes here.

  There are picnic benches and a swing set in the grassy area by the front gate. Those must be for the club members' kids. I don't remember ever coming here as a kid, but that was so long ago.

  Slowly climbing off my brother’s black Dyna, I see hundreds of people milling around the yard of the Wayward Saints' Clubhouse. Bentley nudges me and tells me to keep walking. As I pass a bunch of people dressed in head-to-toe motorcycle gear, I realize I've never seen so much leather and facial hair before. I watch in fas
cination as everyone greets my brother like he's royalty. I guess it pays to be one of the president's sons.

  A beautiful, blonde-haired woman with a short leather skirt, a tight leather vest top, and four-inch heels comes sauntering over to Bentley and wraps herself around him like a monkey. After Barbie fawns over him for a few minutes, she finally notices me - and gives me a death glare.

  "Run along, little girl," she sneers. I don’t understand why she’s being so mean to me. It’s not like I’m going to steal him away from her, he’s my brother.

  Bentley gives me a sad smile. “Why don't you go mingle and find Dom?”

  I don’t even bother replying to Bentley. I walk towards the food table, which is located next to the clubhouse doors, hoping to find Dom or Raef. Instead, I spot the most handsome guy I have ever seen standing by the doors. He has spiky dark brown hair and slate grey eyes, and he's wearing a Wayward Saints cut.

  This is not what I imagined a biker would look like. He's tall and built, with broad shoulders and muscular arms, and he looks more like a model than a biker. Bright, colorful tattoos run along both his arms, and I really want to run my hand along the colorful art and inspect it. I'd also like to run my tongue along his perfectly square and one-day-old stubbled jaw. He's the definition of sex appeal, and I get wet just by looking at him.

  Since I have no desire to stop looking, I continue to appreciate the work of art that is his body. As he gestures to his brothers, his muscles ripple and I want to run my hands all over his body. My core starts to throb when he laughs at something one of the guys says. My god, he is sex on a stick. Imagining what he looks like without the clothes, I blush and turn my head, but I can't keep it turned long.

  Finally, he turns my way and smirks as if he knows I was checking him out. I quickly look away again and continue to scan the crowd for one of my brothers.

  Today's the big family barbecue. I love coming to these things. There are club whores, family and friends everywhere. It's for sure that I'm getting laid tonight - I just got to find me one that will do the job and not get attached. Girls love having the bragging rights of fucking one of us. I don't judge. I spend most of the day scoping out the girls and talking to my brothers.

  I’m standing by the clubhouse doors drinking a beer with a couple of them, when out of the corner of my eye I spot the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen walking through the compound.

  She’s got tanned skin, long, dark hair to pull on and legs for days. I would love to have her long legs wrapped around me right about now. I'm also turned on by the fact that she's not wearing any makeup - I hate when girls cake that shit on.

  I catch her staring at me. She blushes and then starts scanning the yard, acting like she didn't just get caught undressing me with her eyes. This girl is bangin’. She has curves in all the right places, with a generous chest and a smokin’ hot ass. I want to grip that ass and drive my cock into her wet heat. My jeans start to get tight as I picture bending her over the pool table later. Fuck me.

  When her gaze finally settles on someone, I look over in the same direction and see the cutest little scowl cross her face as she takes in the sight of Dom practically humping a club whore. She must be here to see him. Does Dom really have a girlfriend we don’t know about? She must be why he’s been MIA lately.

  I stride over to her with purpose and whisper in her ear, "You are so much hotter than Cherry. If Dom's too stupid to realize that, I’ll be glad to take his place."

  She steps back and looks me up and down. I know she sees something she likes because she gets shy on me, and I can't remember the last time a girl did that. Her breath hitches and she looks down at the ground, avoiding my eyes. It's kinda cute. As I take in her natural beauty, my jeans instantly tighten.

  Once she gets her breathing under control, she looks straight at me. Her words are so soft I almost miss them. "I'm not here with Dom."

  I smirk. "That’s better for me then." My mind sifts through all the ways I can get her naked and under me. I feel an attraction between us that I've never experienced before.

  She looks up at me with an innocent but sexy smile. Fuck me. My dick jumps in my jeans.

  The next words out of her mouth almost floor me. "He’s my brother."

  I instantly lose my hard on. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  All I can think is that I am fucking screwed. Looking more closely at her, I can see that she and Dom have the same bone structure and deep blue eyes.

  "Fuck, you're Prez's kid? I didn’t know he had a daughter." She’s fucking with me right? She has to be. No one has ever mentioned that Prez has a daughter. Where the fuck has she been all this time?

  She just nods her head. Damn, I knew she was too good to be true. This girl is going to be off-limit to the whole club, but I can’t help but stare at her. She is fucking breathtaking.

  A hand slaps me hard on the back and I instantly tense up. I’m two seconds away from decking whoever is putting their hands on me.

  Someone leans in and whispers, "I see you already met my baby sister, Anslie. Make sure you keep your dick out of her, brother."

  Anslie gasps as her brother Robbie slinks back into the crowd. By the look on her face, I’m pretty sure she’s not used to the crude words we use around here.

  I stare into his slate gray eyes and feel a burning rush of desire. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I feel it in my gut - we're supposed to be something.

  Before I can say anything about my brother’s crude statement to this sexy stranger, I hear my dad calling for order in the yard. I turn towards his voice and see him eyeing me and Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. My dad motions for me to come to him.

  Reluctantly, I make my way to him, not bothering to look back at the tall, sexy biker.

  Once I reach my dad, he pulls me close and kisses my forehead before saying, "Everyone, I want to introduce you to my beautiful, and very underage, sixteen-year-old daughter, Anslie."

  I mentally cringe that he had to ensure everyone knew my age. Worse, I see the sexy biker looking shocked after hearing my how old I am.

  After my dad's speech, I spend most of the day meeting club members and their families. I didn't realize there were so many members – and kids, some of whom are running around everywhere while the hooker-looking women hang around the edges of the party. They tend to stay away from the ladies with the property patches, but every time a single member breaks away from the group the whores rush him. I swear I’ve watched at least four of them pretty much tackle my brothers. Gross.

  At about eight, Dom walks out of the clubhouse and offers to take me home. The party is starting to get a little crazy since all the kids are gone, and I'm kind of glad to be getting away before I see something scary. When Dom drops me off, he tells me to make sure I lock the doors and turn the alarm on. Does he think I don't know how to keep myself safe? I've been doing this for years. My mom would go in and out of our house day and night, and we never even had an alarm.

  I assure Dom that I'm fine, set the alarm and make my way up to my room. In bed, all I can think about is that biker. When I close my eyes, I can still feel his warmth surrounding me.

  How pathetic am I?

  I don’t even know his name. I shouldn’t be having these crazy feelings for him already.

  Chapter Four

  It's been a week since I last saw Anslie and she's still the only thing I can think about. I'm lying on my bed, gripping my hard-on while imagining her naked body on top on mine. I slowly stroke myself, imagining she’s the one with her hand on my cock. I am so fucking hard that it's ridiculous. No girl has ever got me like this before.

  God, I want that girl so fucking bad. I need to fuck her out of my system and soon. I can’t fucking believe that girl is only sixteen. Fuck, girls didn't look like that when I was sixteen - not even close. I imagine her on her knees in front of me, running her tongue along the tip of my cock. She grips me and licks it like a lollipop....

  My phone going off interrupts the f
antasy. Fuck, just when my imagination was getting good. I open Dom's message and can't believe what it says.

  Dom: can you do me a favor and take Anslie to school? we’re all tied up at the moment.

  Fuck, yes! I can't wait to feel her long, tanned and toned legs wrapped around me. I hit reply and type of a quick message.

  Me: Yea no prob

  Dom: thanks man I owe you

  I pull on my jeans and a clean shirt. Pulling my boots on, I grab my cut. As I rush out the door, all I can think about is having her tight body wrapped around me as I ride. Damn, just thinking about her gets me harder than I've ever been before. I need to keep it under control.

  I make the short trek to Prez’s house and ring the doorbell. When she opens the door, surprise crosses her beautiful features. I'm probably the last person she thought would show up at her door this early.

  “Hi,” she squeaks. Damn, she's cute when she's nervous.

  “Hey, doll.”

  “W-w -what are you doing here?”

  I smirk. “Your brother asked me to give you a ride to school.”

  Her eyes widen. “Okay.”

  She grabs her bag and I lead her out to my bike. I get on and she hops on behind me. I instantly get hard when she straddles my back and grips my stomach.

  The ride is way too short for my liking. Once we pull up to her school, I look over my shoulder and see her features change. She looks like she wants to say something, so I patiently wait as she gets off my bike. What she asks makes me smile.

  “What's your name?”

  “Brantley,” I reply, watching her expression shift.

  She mouths it a few times. “Thank you for the ride, Brantley.”

  Damn, I love the way my name rolls off her tongue. She has this sexy rasp that makes me want to hear her talk while she has her lips wrapped around my cock. Every second with her makes me think about all the things I want to do to her body.


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