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Warrior's Heart (SEAL of Fortune)

Page 3

by Laura Day

  “Stop! Stop! Fuck! Stop, stop, stop! Please! Fuck! Please, stop!” Ronnie begs, but still he thrusts. She is still wet and her cries are clearly not from pain. He growls, tightening his embrace, his face a sneer of pleasure and effort. He is going to push her through, to give her the orgasm he can sense twisting her up.

  Ronnie can feel her orgasm wash over her, crushing her under its weight like a tidal wave as she drowns in pleasure. She begins to struggle, slapping and scratching as she is consumed by pleasure she can’t accept. She grabs a handful of Ryker’s hair as she shudders uncontrollably, pulling hard, knowing she is hurting him but unable to stop.

  As she thrashes and moans, she rears up out of his embrace, her face a twisted mask of anguish, her mouth opening in a silent scream as she flails, her hands slapping at him and the bed, grasping and pulling as she battles through the pleasure. And still he thrusts.

  Ronnie wails out one long, inhuman sound before her orgasmic thrashing subsides and she collapses back into his chest. Never in the history of womankind has anyone come any harder than she just has. To do so would surely kill them. She lies still, panting, listening to Ryker’s bellow like gaps… and she begins to giggle.

  Ryker stops his thrusting. He is exhausted and needs a moment to catch his breath… not to mention forestall the orgasm that was trying to take him. Her thrashing and moaning in orgasm had excited him at a very deep level and he wouldn’t have lasted much longer. As she begins to giggle, moving up to kiss him, he smiles.

  “Did you come?” Ronnie asks as she slides up, needing to feel his lips on hers.

  “No,” Ryker whispers just as her lips close over his.

  They kiss, long, slow and erotically. Ronnie isn’t sure she has anything left to give Ryker tonight, not after that earth shattering orgasm he has just given her. But as Ryker begins to move, she knows she may be spent, but she’s not finished, and still has more to give.

  As she pulls back from the kiss she staggers to her feet, giggling again at her own unsteadiness as she reaches for him, pulling him to his feet beside her. “Are you okay?” Ryker asks with a chuckle as he steadies her.

  Ronnie giggles again. “Oh God, yes!” she says as she flops back onto Ryker’s bed and holds her hands up, inviting him into her embrace. “So much better than just okay! I feel fucking fantastic!”

  He settles into her arms, entering her once more, growling softly in the pleasure of his passage before bending down and taking her lips.

  She smiles as he enters her, his gasping growl of pleasure one of the sexiest sounds she has ever heard. She allows him to kiss her a moment, enjoying the feel of his lips on hers, but then she pushes him up and away. “Look at me,” she orders softly. “I want you to watch me. I want to see you come.”

  Ryker pushes up onto his hands as he begins to thrust, looking deep into Ronnie’s eyes. Her eyes drift partially closed as he begins to move, her lips forming a half smile as she begins to suck softly on her bottom lip, her hands stroking his sides.

  “That’s it,” Ronnie coos softly, moving with him. “I want to watch you when you come. Can you come for me? Please come… I want you to come… please come…”

  Her words are having their effect, baiting his orgasm and drawing it near. “Are you going to come again?” he asks softly.

  “No…” she breathes quietly. “But I want you to. I want to see your face as you come.”

  He begins to thrust harder, driving himself to orgasm. Ronnie’s hands are everywhere, on his back, his arms, his sides, grasping his hair. He grunts as he feels his climax beginning to form.

  She hears Ryker’s soft grunt of pleasure. “Fight it!” she says softly, knowing the harder he fights his orgasm the harder it will be when it finally overwhelms him. “Don’t stop, but fight it! I want to watch you fight it until you come.”

  He can feel his breath become labored as he thrusts hard into Ronnie. She is twisting him up with her words, urging him to his release while demanding he fight against it at the same time. He feels a spasm pass through him and he grunts again, fighting the approaching orgasm.

  “That’s it baby. Harder, but fight it,” she breathes.

  “I’m going to come,” Ryker finally gasps out, sweat beginning to drip from his body.

  She feels a droplet of sweat fall from his face, striking her on the shoulder. She’s not going to come again, but this has to be the sexist game she has ever played. “No… don’t stop… but don’t come. Not yet.”

  He tries, but he can’t hold against the pleasure any longer. “I can’t…” he cries, his voice strained as he struggles for control.

  “Come for me baby,” Ronnie sighs, watching as his face twists in savage pleasure as he grunts hard, driving his hips into her in a final vicious thrust before grunting softly several times, then slowly settling into her embrace. As he lowers himself Ronnie wipes at his sweat-covered face, smiling at the way he makes her feel. She pulls her legs up, wrapping them around his hips, and pulls him tight.

  Ryker lies lightly on Ronnie, supporting most of his weight on elbows and knees, waiting for his breathing to slow. “That wasn’t very nice,” he finally murmurs into her neck.

  Ronnie giggles, feeling more alive than she has ever felt in her life. “No. It wasn’t. But it was fun. I enjoyed it. Didn’t you?”

  Ryker chuckles. “It ended well.”

  Ronnie giggles again. She probably sounds like some bubbly teenager, but she doesn’t care. She pushes him up and begins to pepper his face with quick kisses. “Get up. We’re getting dressed and going back to my room. This bed is too small.”


  Ryker wakes up the next morning in the most pleasant way possible, with Ronnie’s lips dancing across his own. With a groan and a stretch he surrounds her with his arms and pulls her down for a proper kiss.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” she says playfully as they break the kiss. “We have to get in our pre-workout workout.” She rolls off of his chest and opens her legs to him. He moves to pleasure her with his mouth but she intercepts the motion, pulling him to her. “No. Just take me.” She can’t believe how insatiable she feels. It’s been barely three hours since he had positively devastated her in his room, and she can’t wait to have his cock inside her again. Kenneth was good for maybe three tumbles a week, which was fine with her at the time. But Ryker, a full ten years younger than Kenneth, seems ready, willing, and able to go anytime she wants. She had been worried about him being almost eight years younger than her, but now, she’s glad he is… because she is going to try to wear his ass out. Three times a week isn’t often enough with Ryker. Not nearly often enough.

  He enters her with a slow easy motion, his gasp of pleasure mingling with hers. He looks into her face as he begins to move and she is glowing in the dim light of the room.

  They move together for several minutes, Ronnie quickly ramping up to first one orgasm, then another. They are nothing like the mind benders she had last night but they are damn pleasant indeed. As she relaxes out of her second orgasm, Ryker allows his orgasm to overcome him and his hips slowly coast to a stop as they giggle and kiss.

  “I can’t remember the last time I had a quickie in the morning,” she says as they kiss and play. “But we need to do it more often.” She bites him gently on the nose, laughing as his face scrunches.

  He feels a flash of warmth, of hope, at her choice of words. He would very much like to do this more often, but he says nothing, electing to kiss her playfully on the lips again to indicate his approval of the idea.

  They snuggle, kiss, and laugh for about an hour until Ronnie’s alarm goes off. “Time for our second workout of the morning,” Ryker says, giving her one more quick kiss before rolling over and sitting up on the edge of the bed.

  “Yeah. I’ve lost a pound already from working out with you. But this workout sure isn’t going to be as much fun as the first.”

  He smiles in agreement. “No. But better for you.”

don’t know about that. I’m feeling pretty wonderful right now,” she says, kissing him on the back of neck as he begins to dress.


  They hit the weights, working hard, building up a good sweat. Ronnie seems to be burning with an inner power as she pushes and pulls more weight than ever before, gritting her teeth and groaning in effort.

  “Push it, Ronnie! Get it up there!” Ryker encourages from his spotter position before taking the bar from her and sitting it in the rest.

  “Damn,” she pants. “You’re killing me!”

  “You’re doing great! This is the second time in a week you’ve upped the weight. But don’t push too hard or you’re going to start tearing stuff up.” He sneaks a quick kiss before moving the weight pin and taking his place on the machine. As she moves to spot, he takes several deep breaths before lifting the bar off the rest. She is great for his workout as well. Having her watch makes him push harder. His smile disappears and becomes a grimace as he pushes the bar up the first time. It never hurts to try and impress a pretty lady.


  After a shower in his own room, and breakfast with Ronnie, Ryker leaves the compound with a couple of the local spooks to check out some of Baltasar’s information. Riding along in the back of the SUV he has time to contemplate his life. One thing is for sure: if he spends the night with Ronnie tonight, he is taking a change of clothes with him. He practically had a woody just thinking about Ronnie’s soapy body this morning while he showered. Maybe tomorrow they will have a post-workout workout… in the shower. But beyond the physical, there is the emotional. He knows he should be concentrating on the mission, even now, here, in the back of this SUV, but he is thinking about her instead. If he is honest with himself, that’s all he thinks about in his spare time. And has been for the last few days. The turning point was when he snatched her back from her would-be kidnappers. He feels responsible for all those under his care, but he has never felt the fear he felt when she was pulled back from the edge of the roof before she could jump to safety.

  There is no doubt that he is falling in love with her. Considering that this is a first for him, it is an interesting experience. He smiles, watching out of the side glass as Beirut streams past his window, and thinks of Ronnie.


  “Where are they?” Ryker shouts at the man as the CIA agent pushes him back. Ryker tries to dart around him, going for the man again, but the agent gets in front of him just in time, pushing him back once more.

  “You better tell us what you know,” the second agent urges quietly. “I’m not sure how much longer we can keep him under control. You know how crazy some Americans can get,” the CIA agent says. He’s a Lebanese… by way of New Jersey.

  They had worked out the plan on the way to the first meet. Ryker is playing the crazy American, and the two CIA agents, both of Middle East descent, the more rational and reasonable locals. Because Ryker is usually the biggest guy in the room, the ploy has proven surprisingly effective, playing on the fears and prejudices that many have about the unpredictable Americans.

  “I didn’t know why they wanted the equipment!” the man says, nearly cowering before Ryker’s rage. “I just import the stuff! Lots of labs use this type of equipment. Legitimate labs! Why would I even ask?”

  “Have they contacted you for more equipment?”

  The man pauses, clearly thinking.

  “Think carefully,” the spook says softly. “My partner and I may have to step outside,” he says, leaving the threat hang in the air.

  “Yes!” the man responds suddenly, wanting to have nothing to do with Ryker. “But I don’t have what they need in stock! Just like the last time, I had to order it!”

  “When is it scheduled to arrive?”

  “Next week! Wednesday of next week!”

  “You’ll call us first, before you let them know it’s here?”

  “Yes! Of course!”

  “How about you, big guy? You good with that?”

  Ryker grins nastily. It’s kind of fun to play the heavy. “I don’t know. Think we can trust him?”

  The agent looks the man over. “He looks intelligent enough. I don’t think he wants to make you mad, do you?”

  “No. I hope he doesn’t. I’m not this nice when I’m mad,” Ryker sneers.

  “Okay, Mahmud,” the agent says, tucking 500,000 Lebanese Pounds—about $250—into the man’s shirt pocket, “you seem like someone that’s smart enough to know when to do the right thing. Don’t disappoint us.”

  The three keep up the charade until they are away in the SUV before they begin to laugh. “If you ever get tired of the Navy, Evans, you should come back and work for us. Mahmud was about to piss his pants!”

  “You think he will actually call us?” Ryker asks with a grin.

  “Oh yeah. He wants nothing to do with the crazy American,” the second agent, the one that was holding Ryker at bay, says.

  “So what happens when he calls?”

  “I think we will let him deliver the equipment. We’ll put a tracker in the equipment and let it lead us right to them. Then you can do your thing.”

  Ryker looks at the two men skeptically. “Don’t you think they will scan the equipment for bugs? That’s what I would do.”

  The two men look at each other and smile. “Let’em scan. We’ve got good bugs. We use a pellet of Gadolinium-153 about the size of a grain of rice. It emits gamma radiation that we can track to about two miles. It has a half-life of about eight months or so, then after that it is completely inert and is no longer an emitter. Unless you know what you are looking for, it looks like background radiation. If they find that, I’ll eat your shorts.”

  Ryker has never heard of such a thing, but the two seem confident. Pen guns, micro cameras, and radioactive grains of rice. The spooks get all the cool toys.


  “Petty Officer Evans, stay a moment,” Colonel Hargraves says as the debrief ends. Ryker returns to his seat as the two CIA agents leave.

  “Yes Colonel?”

  “I’ll come right to the point. You’re fucking Dr. Baker. That needs to stop.”

  Ryker feels himself stiffen. They had kept a low profile but he’s not surprised that people know. “Is that an order, sir?” Ryker asks formally.

  Hargraves purses his lips at Ryker’s hard ass attitude. He knew this was going to be touchy. “Evans, son, you’re smarter than this.”

  Ryker relaxes just a bit. “Colonel, she’s not the mission.”

  “No… she’s the daughter of the mission.”

  “I don’t see the relevance.”

  “The relevance, Evans, is that you need to be focused and not let your personal feelings get in the way of you doing your job.”

  “Sir. I do not believe my relationship with Dr. Baker has compromised the mission.”

  “And if you are ordered to kill Dr. Baker if you can’t extract him? Are you prepared to do that?”

  That gives Ryker pause. Is he? Can he do that to Ronnie? Ryker sets his jaw. “Is that my orders sir? To kill Dr. Baker if I am unable to extract him?”

  “No. Not yet. But that option is on the table. Are you prepared to do it?”

  “Yes sir,” Ryker says without emotion. “I am not compromised on this mission.”

  Hargraves looks at Ryker, trying to read him. “Very well. See that it stays that way. Dismissed.”

  “Ryker, what’s wrong?” Ronnie asks. He hasn’t seemed himself this evening and is just picking at his food, not eating with his normal gusto.


  “That’s bull. Something is wrong. Talk to me.”

  He stares at his plate. “It has been suggested that I stop seeing you. That you’re a distraction.”

  She feels her blood run cold. “Are you?”

  “No. Not yet. But I may have to. For a while anyway.”

  “Can they make you do that?”

  “Yes. If they order me to stop seeing you, I won’t have any choice. At
least until the mission to extract your father is over.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ronnie whispers harshly, leaning across the table. “What does you seeing me have to do with anything?”

  Ryker can’t answer that… he can’t tell her that he may have to kill her father in cold blood. “There is concern that I’m compromised.”

  “Compromised? What the hell does that mean?”

  “That I will let my feelings for you interfere with the mission.”

  She sits back, thinking. “Are you compromised?”

  “Yes,” Ryker says softly.


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