Book Read Free

Somebody Else's Man

Page 18

by Daaimah S. Poole

  “We were in the area and wanted to see if you had time to go get lunch with us.”

  “I can’t. I have all this work.”

  “Oh, okay.” And then I saw Dre walking behind them. I felt really confused. “What are you doing here?”

  Dre walked up to me and said, “Nicole, you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

  “What is he talking about?” I turned and asked Ms. Pam and Mercedes. They didn’t answer me. I was frozen. We had been playfully talking about marriage, but nothing serious. I knew it might happen one day, but not right now. I knew Dre wasn’t proposing to me.

  “Nicole, I know you are the one. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to ask you something, but first I need you to get this box out of my back pocket.”

  At first I was speechless, and then I thought I would play with him some before I gave him an answer. “You want me to get a box out of your back pocket, so you not going to get on your knees and say, ‘Will you marry me?’”

  “No, I’m not getting on my knees. You want this ring or not?” he joked as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a small red box with gold trimming. Then he slowly bent down on one knee. I felt tears streaming down my face. I was trying not to cry. “Are you going to marry me or what? I know you said you won’t move to Georgia with a boyfriend, but will you move with your husband?”

  “Dre, you for real?” I asked as I shook my hand fast in front of me, trying to wake up from my dream.

  “Yes, I’m for real. Nicole, will you marry me?”

  I stared in his eyes before I responded. He pulled a shimmering white-gold, infinity diamond ring out of the red box and held it up to me.

  “You better say yes,” Mercedes shouted out.

  I said yes, he stood up, and I hugged him. He slid the ring on my finger and said, “I love you, Nikki, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise you that I will be the best husband to you.”

  First, Mercedes started crying, and then Ms. Pam joined in. Ms. Pam was crying harder than me. She turned to me and said, “I prayed for you to come into his life. And now that you are here, I am so happy for both of you.”

  Everybody started getting emotional. Dre pulled me close and hugged me tighter, like I was a prize that he didn’t want to let go. I called Lolo and told her. She was so excited. Then I dialed Reshaun.

  We all went to have a quick toast at the full-service Marriott that wasn’t too far from my job. We were all sitting in a booth. I was leaned over on Dre, staring down at my ring. It was so beautiful, I just couldn’t stop looking at it. He kissed me. “So right after our wedding, we are moving to Georgia.”

  “I kinda figured that out already.”

  “So, we moving?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Good. I thought it was going to take a lot of convincing.”

  Ms. Pam and Mercedes were in their own little world, calling people and telling them how Dre had proposed to me.

  “But wow, babe, we moving fast. It’s only been six months. You sure this is what you want?” Dre asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Are you sure? You accepted my ring.”

  “Of course I’m sure,” I said again. I could hear my phone ringing. I sat up and searched for my bag. It had fallen over by Mercedes’ foot. “Reach in there and get my phone.”

  Mercedes answered the phone and then she passed it to me. “It is somebody talking about getting a divorce.”

  “Huh?” I took the phone from her.

  “I got my divorce! Babe, I got my divorce,” a male voice kept repeating.

  “Divorce? Who is this?” I asked. I noticed Dre looking over at me suspiciously.

  “I need to see you, Nikki. Please. Please, Nikki. I can come to your mother’s house. I miss hearing your voice.”

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s Malcolm. Ever since we left each other, I’ve been thinking about you and I just want to let you know it is official. I just left my attorney’s office. I’m getting divorced in a few weeks and I want to be with you.”

  I couldn’t even say anything. It was the words I had waited to hear for years and now they didn’t mean anything. “No, I’m sorry, you have the wrong number,” I said as I turned the ringer off. I then excused myself from the table and walked to the bathroom. I could feel my phone vibrating inside my bag. Malcolm was being persistent, and all I can say is, he sure had some bad-ass timing.

  “Why you hang up on me, Nicole? Why you tryna act like I had the wrong number?”

  This was an awkward moment. I paced around the bathroom and quietly said, “Congratulations, Malcolm, but I’m getting married.”

  His voice raised and he said, “What the fuck? After three years of us being together and I finally go get myself together and you going to tell me you getting married?”

  “Malcolm. Stop it. I can’t do this right now. I will talk to you later.”

  “You will talk to me later? I can’t believe you, Nicole. How can you do this to me?”

  “What did I do to you, Malcolm? I’m living my own life. Got my own man. I waited for you for years. This conversation is over.”

  “Man, meet up with me, and stop playing.”

  “No, and I’m not playing with you. Don’t call my phone anymore.” Did he really think all these months later I would be here, sitting and waiting for him? He must have been on some type of drugs. I turned my phone off completely. As I came out of the bathroom, Dre was standing right there, asking if everything was okay.

  “Yeah, everything is fine. It was so noisy at the table, I couldn’t hear. I had to tell someone else the good news.” Dre gave me a look like he didn’t believe me. I felt bad for lying to him, but I was really through with Malcolm and it didn’t make sense to bring him up now.


  A loud knock signaled me that someone was at the door. “Dre, are you at my door playing?” I asked, cradling my phone. Dre was always surprising me, so I assumed it was him.

  “No. I’m on a job.”

  “Then who is at my door?” I asked him as I looked out my door and saw Tia standing there, holding a pink blanket around a little baby.

  “Dre, let me call you back,” I said as I opened the door. I didn’t say anything to Tia. I just hugged her and we both began crying uncontrollably. We stood there for a minute just weeping. Then I wiped under my eyes with my hand and said, “Come in. How did you find out I moved in my house? I’m barely ever here. Girl, you are lucky you caught me.”

  “Ernest told me.”

  “You went to my mom’s house?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, I figured your mother wouldn’t be as mad at me since I dropped the suit. I don’t know what I was thinking about. I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I know. My mom told me. But you better be glad you bumped into Ernest instead of my mom.”

  “Is she still mad?”

  “Lolo don’t get over anything, but she is changing. But forget all that. Let’s talk about her.” I held my arms out. “Let me hold the baby. What’s her name?”


  “What? Say her name again. How you pronounce it?”


  “What the hell, Tia?” I said as we both started laughing.

  “I know, I’m thinking about changing it. It was supposed to be a combination of Tia and Lamar.”

  Once inside, I pulled the blanket away from the baby’s face. “Aw, look at her! She is so adorable. I can’t believe you had a baby. How does it feel?”

  “It feels good.”

  “She is so pretty,” I said as I stared down at the little life in front of me. “Hi, baby girl.” The baby just stared up at me, giving me a sweet smile.

  “What is that on your hand?” Tia asked. I almost dropped the baby when I stood up and told her I was getting married.

  “Oh, my God,” we screamed together. I stretched my arm out so she could get a better lo
ok at my hand.

  “I can’t believe Malcolm finally got his divorce,” Tia said, shaking her head in awe.

  “I’m not marrying Malcolm. My boyfriend’s name is…I mean my fiancé’s name is Dre.”

  “I am so happy for you. Oh, my God, this is wonderful. Congratulations. And seriously, Nikki, I’m so sorry about everything.”

  “Me, too!”

  “I know, we were so stupid. While all that drama was going on, I was pregnant with her.”

  “Girl, that’s horrible. That last night I saw you, I was so mad, I was trying to kill you.”

  “We was acting like we was back in high school. I know I was tripping, listening to Lamar.”

  “You was. But that’s over. Right now I am so mad at you. Look at what I missed out on. Tia, I really felt like you turned your back on me. Like you neglected me, like we weren’t ever friends. I mean, when you took his side over mine, that hurt me so much. You never let a man come between us before.” Images of me and Tia out in the parking lot, fighting, scrolled across my mind. Tears started spilling from my eyes.

  “I know. I know. Stop crying, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t see it as being a big deal. I wanted to say I was sorry back then, but I was being stubborn. I am so…so sorry, Nicole. It went too far.”

  “You right. Well, guess what else I’ve been doing? I got a semi-promotion at my job, my fiancé fixed this house for me, and everything has just been coming along for me. It is just the grace of God. So, how is it in South Carolina?”

  “Slow. I thought I would like it, but I didn’t. I didn’t get a lot done. I was pregnant and it was lonely. I know Reshaun told you me and Lamar broke up. You know he wasn’t even there when I had the baby. He came back to Philly and was like he didn’t want to be with me anymore after six long years.”


  “And, you know what? It’s crazy—he left me while I was pregnant with his first child and he got me fired from my job. And the minute he came back to Philly, he got locked up. He is saying he is sorry and wants me to bring the baby up to the jail to see him. But I don’t feel like I want that for me or my child.”

  “No, Reshaun didn’t tell me all of that.”

  “So, how did you meet your fiancé?”

  “At the gas station.”


  “Yes. He has kids, two. They’re three and five.”

  “Wow! You about to be a stepmom.”

  “I guess so, but his kids are sweet. Now my mom keeps talking about me having a baby. Strange as it sounds, I don’t even want any kids. Dre says he’d like to have one or two more, but I don’t know. And, oh, my God! I met my sister and I talked to my brother on the phone. I even got a seventy-seven-year-old grandmother.” I was talking so fast, trying to bring Tia up to speed with my new life, that I found myself running out of breath.

  “You really did a lot in the last seven months.”

  “You did too. Look, you had this beautiful baby. I can’t believe you are a mommy.”

  “Me neither. I’m happy to have her, but now I don’t know what my next move is going to be. I still have the house, but I got to find a job and get her in day care and all of that. It is going to be hard, but I’m going to do it. I do wish sometimes I would have left Lamar’s ass alone. I would still have a job and be sexy, young, and free.”

  “What you always tell me? Everything happens for a reason.” I smiled, trying to make Tia feel a little better about the terrible situation she’d allowed Lamar’s no-good ass to get her into.

  “I guess. I’m really happy for you. You are doing well,” she said as she looked around my home. “I really got to catch up. Timarnet need a stepdaddy.”

  I gave Tia a hug and walked her to her car. We hugged one more time after she put Timarnet in her car seat.

  “I am sorry again,” Tia said as she got in the car.

  “Me too.”

  “Let’s act like it never happened.”

  “No problem.”

  “Love you, girl.”

  “Stop making me emotional. Bye, call me later,” I said as I walked back to the house, so happy my friend was back.


  Mercedes was pressed on giving us an engagement party. I told her no, like three times, but I have come to the conclusion that Dre’s family loves having parties. Our cake read: Congrats Nik and Dre. It was a big, royal dark-chocolate cake with mint green writing.

  I moved around the party. Mercedes and Ms. Pam introduced me to all these people, uncle this, aunt whatever, and so-and-so from the old neighborhood. My head was becoming dizzy. I took a picture with Ernest and my mom, the only two people who were there to represent me. My family seemed so small compared to Dre’s big tribe of family and friends. I wanted another drink but was too scared to be tipsy and make a bad impression. Where were my other family members and friends? I didn’t even see Dre, the man I was about to marry. I dialed Reshaun. “Where are y’all?”

  “We are on our way. I’m trying to find a parking space.” I went to the door and waited for her and Michael. To my surprise, Reshaun brought Tia instead of her husband. I was glad to see them both. I gave them a three-way hug. I walked them to the back of the house and we went out on Mercedes’ huge pinewood deck.

  “This is a real nice party and house,” Tia said as we all walked around to the back of the house and sat on the lounge chairs.

  “I know. His sister set this up.”

  “So, how you feel?” Reshaun asked.

  “I feel good. I’m still in disbelief. My life just changed. But on some real shit, I feel like I deserve all of this and then some,” I said as I looked around to see if anyone was in hearing distance of my conversation. “Like, after all those years I wasted with Malcolm, I finally get a good man. Please, and you know Malcolm tried to call me to tell me he got a divorce.”

  “And I know you hung up on him,” Reshaun said.

  “I sure did. How about if I was still with him? I would still be sitting up in my mom’s house and missing out on all of this. Being dumb and stupid and getting constantly disrespected by someone who only cares about himself.”

  “Are you hiding?” Mercedes asked as she slid open the glass sliding door and came out on the deck.

  “No, girl, these are my friends,” I said as I introduced them.

  She turned to them and said, “Hi, friends.” Then she grabbed me and said, “Get your butt back in here. You have so many people you have to meet.”

  I fluttered my fingers, motioning See you later to Tia and Reshaun. I followed Mercedes, who then introduced me to another half-dozen people with names that I didn’t remember. Then Dre came behind me. He kissed my neck and squeezed my hand.

  “Where you been at?” I asked.

  “Making moves.”

  “Well, don’t go too far, I need you to meet my friend. The one who just got back from South Carolina.” I noticed Mercedes was involved in a lengthy conversation so I pulled Dre’s hand and brought him to the back deck. Tia and Reshaun stood up. They both was smiling so hard. It’s like they couldn’t believe Dre was all mine either.

  “You better take care of my friend. If not, you are going to have problems,” Reshaun giggled as she pointed to herself and Tia.

  “He takes care of me now. Did you see this ring?” I teased. “Tia, this is my Dre.”

  “Nice to meet you, Dre.”

  Tia said a soft hello, never taking her eyes off my ring. I could tell she was a little uncomfortable. She was fidgeting and obviously a little jealous. She probably thought she was going to be the first one getting married and having all this. But it will happen for her too. She just has to recover from all this Lamar nonsense. I gave her a little smirk and she smiled a little and then Dre said, “Nice to meet you ladies again. Excuse us, we have a lot of people to see before the night is over,” and rushed me back over to Mercedes.

  “Why did you walk away? Aunt Linda is looking for you two. Plus, I want to get some more pictures,” Mer
cedes said.

  “Mercedes, give us a minute. I just got here. I need a drink.” Dre went over to the table and poured two shots of Patrón and took them both back with no chaser in less than two minutes. He coughed a little and then wiped his face with a napkin and stood up straight and coughed a little more.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, I just don’t need Mercedes pulling us around our party. But I’m fine, Mrs. Hill. Now let’s enjoy our party,” Dre said as he kissed my hand and led me in the opposite direction of Mercedes and Ms. Pam.


  At work I was slowly going back to my old ways of not doing work. It wasn’t intentional, but my life had become consumed with planning my wedding. Over the weekend I picked out my dress. It was a classic, ivory, strapless chiffon dress with gold trim. Dre, Syeed, and Brandon were fitted for their suits. Reshaun, Mercedes, and Tia were going to be my bridesmaids. Pumpkin got locked up again and couldn’t get bail. So she was not going to be able to make it to the wedding. I wasn’t that close with April, but I invited her and her husband.

  We mailed out invitations last weekend and everyone started calling me and asking if I was pregnant. People thought we were rushing the wedding. But Dre and I were not in a rush, we just didn’t want to wait until next year. We both thought it was a good idea to get it over with before the holidays. We were registered at Macy’s and our honeymoon was going to be in Maui. Every time I needed some more money for the wedding, Dre gave it to me without thinking twice, but he was not the least bit interested in picking out color schemes, selecting items for the menu, or anything else.

  Lolo was helping me do everything and trying to overrule all my decisions. I wanted simple, chic, and classic. She insisted on fabulous, flamboyant, and over the top, even though we only had fifty guests. Like I didn’t want a bridal shower, but she said she was giving me one anyway. I wanted a deejay, but she said I should get a band. She wanted to serve our guests champagne from expensive, personalized glasses that people were going to break and never drink from. I had to put my foot down and told her absolutely not! I chose photo cookies. They were going to have pictures of me and Dre. They were cheap and cute, giving people the option of eating them or saving them if they wanted to. The color scheme was gold and white and I was still deciding on centerpieces. The one thing I was noticing was that everything was really expensive. It started out as, Oh, that’s only twenty-five dollars, I can afford that, and the next thing you know—that’s twenty-five dollars times ten, because you need a couple for each table. I had to remind Lolo daily it was not her wedding. She was getting on my nerves something terrible, yelling at me about my menu selection. Some things will never change.


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