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A Naughty Little Christmas (Cowboys, Cops, and Kilts: 8 Seasonally Seductive Romances from Bestselling Authors)

Page 45

by Randi Alexander

  A queen size bed took up most of the room, a thirty-two inch T.V. sitting high on a corner stand filled up the rest and a small dresser finished it off. She watched Chris set her suitcase down by the closet, as she moved around the bed to the bathroom. She was thankful to see a full-size tub as well as the shower.

  Turning, she saw Chris standing in the center of the multi-colored carpeted floor with his hand slid into his back pocket. Did he know how that stance brought attention to his lower anatomy? She could see him clearly now, her view no longer obscured by the night. His hair was actually black not dark brown, and it curled at the ends around his ears and the nape of his neck. His body was fit, muscular as if he used to play football or lift weights. She wondered if he still did to stay in shape. His T-shirt pulled across his broad shoulders, but hung loose over the top of his faded jeans. Even though the vintage look was now the new trend, his jeans looked original, worn soft by time.

  Her gaze drifted back up his body to his strong jaw-line and chin then passed his narrow lips to the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. They were so vivid, almost appearing electric.

  She noticed he was giving her the same examination as she’d done to him. He studied her face, plain and light brown, her mouth with its overly full lips, then studied her hair, ebony, thick, and in need of a trim. Doug had said that it was an old fashioned style and unbelievable for a black woman to have hair practically to her waist. Even though she’d explained time and time again that her mother was half Cherokee. Taking in the rest of her, Chris’ eyes roamed across her breasts.

  She was almost ashamed at the feel of her nipples pushing through the damp fabric of her camisole to her button down shirt. Her nipples were appallingly large and she knew they were evident to Chris’ view. She was well aware of her shortcomings. Doug had made sure of that.

  When he continued his perusal of her body, only stopping once he reached her jean-covered sex, her body temperature rose and she became wet in the same instant. As if he knew her response to him, his chest expanded as he took in a deep breath and his blue eyes met her chocolate brown ones.

  Doug had found her lacking and all of a sudden, it became important to her how Chris saw her.

  “Your head.” She felt winded and light-headed.

  His lips held a small smile. “Excuse me?” His eyes lit up, clear understanding was apparent as to where her Freudian slip originated.

  She restated her intentions and touched her brow for clarification. “Your forehead, I have a first aid kit in my bag to take care of it for you.”

  He nodded.

  She sat on the bed and rifled through her carry-on bag. She had shoved so much stuff in it, in her rush to leave the city she was having a hard time locating anything. “Have a seat. I’ll find it.”

  Chris crossed the room and the bed dipped under his weight.

  In frustration, she flipped the bag over, pouring its contents on the spread. “I know it’s in here somewhere.”

  Everything came spilling out, pens, make-up, scraps of papers, her monthly supplies, the small plastic white first aid box and a tube of lubricant that rolled off the bed onto the floor.

  Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Chris retrieved it from the floor and placed it in the bag. Doug had made her buy it, telling her she never got wet enough for him. Now Chris would know her shame.

  “What happened to my emergency treatment?” He smiled at her, pretending he hadn’t just seen the intimate aspects of her life.

  “Coming right up.” Her hands were shaking as she tried to open the kit.

  Reaching over, Chris took it out of her hands, popped it open and then handed it back to her.

  She removed an alcohol pad from its pouch then gently dabbed at the dried blood, revealing a small cut at his hairline. She blew softly across it to keep the sting at bay. “Band-Aid?”

  “Do you have Superman?” he asked, his voice laced with humor.

  Holding up a slender packet, she shook her head. “Sorry, just the standard beige.”

  “Then I’ll pass.” He looked at her for a long moment then stood. “I guess I’d better be going. Thank you, Amber.”

  Following his example, she rose as well. “But it’s still raining.”

  “I promise I won’t melt.” He turned toward the door.

  She felt desperate, like his staying linked to her liberation. Somehow, she knew if he stayed, she would finally be able to sever all ties from Doug. More importantly it was Christmas Eve night and she didn’t want to be alone.

  His hand reached out, grabbed the knob and opened the door.

  “Chris,” she called out.

  He froze, facing the storm raging outside. Amber thought how much it resembled the storm that tore through her emotionally.

  “Yes, Amber?” He had yet to turn around.

  “Are you married?” She didn’t see a ring on his finger but she had to ask. The last thing she wanted was to be the cause of a man cheating on his wife.

  “No.” Speaking out to the night, his voice was weighted by a note of sadness. “What is it that you want, Amber?

  Relief flowed over her like a cold shower as she rushed on, “Tonight. Just give me tonight.”

  Closing the door, he faced her, searching her eyes. “What else?”

  This was it. She had to say it. She had to tell him what she needed to be set free. She plunged forward. “Control. I want…I need to have control.”

  She couldn’t read his expression because he kept his features void of emotions.

  “For how long?”

  “Until the morning? When the sun rises, it’s over. You’ll be gone.” She didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings. She couldn’t offer more than this—than here and now.

  “And you…” He still had not moved.

  “I’ll have my life back.”

  “You got it,” his voice poured over her like warm fudge.

  One moment, he was at the door and the next he was standing in front of her, not touching her except by the heat radiating from his body.

  Chapter Two

  “Do you have any problems taking orders from a woman?” She felt the need to set up the ground rules for the night.

  “I never have any problems with a woman doing what she has to do to get her satisfaction in bed.” His voice was deep, husky and laced with all kinds of innuendoes.

  “Good. Here’s how it will go tonight.” She was amazed at the confidence and excitement spreading throughout her body. “Your mission is to please me. Do what I say. You can’t come until I say so.”

  He moved in closer, speaking directly in her ear. “As long as you remember that a man does have his limit. Even though it takes me longer than most to reach mine.”

  She was panting and he hadn’t even touched her yet. “I’ll remember that.” She stepped away from the heat of his body. It was stirring her so strong, making her want to drop everything and tell him to take her. But, she couldn’t. She had to do this. “Take off your shirt and only your shirt.”

  Without question, Chris reached down, grabbed a handful of his T-shirt and hoisted it over his head. The shirt fell soundlessly to the floor.

  A dusting of fine black hair spread across his chest, narrowing below his navel and disappearing into the hip-riding waistband of his jeans. She was right; he did keep himself in shape. Not only were his shoulders broad, but his entire chest was well sculpted with deep grooves in his stomach defining his abs.

  She needed to touch him.

  “You want to touch me?” Chris spoke the words running through her mind.

  Bolstering herself for her role, she fixed her gaze directly on his. “I don’t remember telling you to talk.” She placed her hands flat against his chest, almost jerking back from the heat of his skin. He was hot. Rubbing her hands over him, she used her sense of touch to know him. When her thumbs flicked his nipples, he groaned.

  “Like that, do you?” She leaned down and tweaked one with her tongue, causing his second groa
n to rumble against her palms. “Well, tonight is about me. Since you seem to be having trouble remembering that fact, I’ll have to help your memory. Undress me,” she commanded, settling into her role.

  She noticed the gleam sparkling in his eyes. Good, he’ll enjoy this too. She would never have told him, but regardless of her bravado, she would have abhorred the idea of forcing him against his will to pleasure her.

  Answering her command, he began undoing the fastenings of her shirt. Those done, he pushed the shirt off her shoulders, his fingers trailing down her arms to her hands. She sucked in a breath when his hands glided back up her shoulders and over the front of her camisole then grazed her erect nipples. The lips of her sex started to ache causing the snug fit of her jeans against her swollen, pulsating body to only intensify the feeling. He has great hands.

  Lifting her arms over her head, he tugged off her camisole and it joined their shirts on the floor. The air felt cool across her raised nipples. She noticed Chris’ appreciative look as he stared at them, transfixed.

  “Continue,” she ordered. If he continued to stare at her with such open appeal, she would cream in her pants and that wasn’t what she wanted.

  Obeying, he unsnapped her jeans, lowered the zipper then slid his hands into the front, over her hips and down the sides of her underwear. An abrupt push and both garments ended up around her ankles. On his knees, he clasped her calves one at a time, helping her step out of the leg holes and muddy shoes.

  She stood before Chris bare as the day she was born. Glancing down at the crown of Chris’ black hair, she watched as his gaze rose from her feet, up her legs and stopped for a long pause at her naked sex.

  A frisson of heat ran up her spine. It was the first time any man had ever seen her like this. A week ago on her thirtieth birthday, she had gotten herself waxed—fulfilling her own desire.

  His eyes met hers. As he still kneeled before her, she could see the dark shadows of hunger in his eyes. He liked what he saw and his approval excited her.

  Amber stepped back until she encountered the bed and was able to sit down. “Since you like what you see…come here.”

  He didn’t rise. Instead, he moved forward on his knees, stopping when he arrived in front of her.

  “Taste me and make me come.” Her demand was almost her undoing. This was something Doug refused to do, even though he wanted it done to him. She didn’t even know if she would like it, but that book she read had piqued her interest. The thought of seeing Chris’ head between her legs was a memory she wanted. Something she would savor after their night was over.

  He looked at her. Never breaking eye contact as those great hands touched her knees, slid up her inner thighs and parted her wide. Then he smiled and winked at her, before he dipped his head and lightly stroked her, causing her heart to slam against her ribcage.

  First, he gingerly touched her clit with his tongue and stole her breath away. Without further hesitation, he did exactly what she commanded and tasted her, licking her from ass to clit and she was lost.

  She rotated her hips toward his mouth as his tongue swirled around the stiff nub. Her hips arched when he gave her a true French kiss, open-mouthed, he licked and suckled her swollen lips in his mouth. She fell back onto the mattress as he hummed against her wetness.

  “Yes, I want to hear how much you like it.” She had never been vocal before during sex but something about Chris made her lose all her inhibitions.

  He continued to hum as his tongue slid inside of her and fucked her. In. Out. Lick. In. Out. Lick. Nothing left untouched.

  Grabbing a handful of his glorious black hair, she raised her sex to his mouth, not wanting to miss a single movement of his talented tongue. Trembling started in her legs as her completion bore down on her. Using all of her control, she fought against it, not wanting the feeling to end. Not wanting Chris to stop.

  He must have perceived what she was doing, because his mouth became more demanding. Angling his head, he became more attentive to her clit with rapid flicks and circles. Chris raised her knees until her heels pressed into the bed, spreading her wider. Then his hands joined into the foray as he slid a finger into her heat, then pulling it out just as quickly. She didn’t have time to think about what he was doing when his wet finger, soaked with her juices, glided inside the puckered opening of her ass.

  The invasion felt wicked and hedonistic, but as Chris continued to lick, swirl, hum and finger-fuck her, she was powerless to hold back her release. The strength of it caused her shoulders to lift off the bed as she screamed and climaxed into Chris’ awaiting mouth.

  Her body relaxed back onto the bed as she sucked in large quantities of air in a state of pure euphoria. She felt him taste her one last time before pulling away. Be careful what you ask for you just might get it.

  Chris jarred the bed as he crawled up beside her. Lying next to her, his eyes intense, she could smell her scent on his face. Raising her hand, she brushed her thumb across his lips, firm and soft. He had just given her incredible pleasure and the urge to kiss him was overpowering. But, that was intimate. Intimacy was saved for relationships. This was not going to turn into a relationship. It was just tonight.

  Placing a hand on Chris’ shoulder, she pressed him against the mattress. “How about round two?” She dragged her shaking hand down his body and stroked the length of his hard cock through his jeans. “Seems like someone needs a little attention.”

  He growled in response.

  Amber took that as a sign of agreement. Leaning back, she watched her hand at work as she undid his jeans. Once loosened, his manhood sprang forth, thick and long. The length of him made her nervous. He was much larger than her ex or the vibrator she had bought. The thought of him inside of her was making her wet again.

  “You’re an impressive man, Chris.” Her fingers glided down his cock, from tip to base, his hair brushing the back of her knuckles. She loved the feel of him, soft and hard, hot to the touch. She lowered his pants to his thighs. She wanted to see all of him. Combing her fingers through the wiry hair, she cupped his tight sac in her hand.

  The loud hiss of air Chris blew out of his mouth forced her gaze back to his face. It was as red as the angry crown of his cock.

  “Do you like my touch, Chris?”

  He didn’t answer. He was being so obedient, but she wanted to hear his voice. She had been wrong earlier. She could have silence with her vibrator. She wanted him to talk to her. Taking his cock into her hands, she squeezed him. “Talk to me.”

  “Yes.” He opened his eyes and looked at her. “I like your touch very much.”

  “Good.” Brushing her thumb across the sensitive tip, she placed her mouth next to his ear and whispered, “I’m glad you like my touch, because I like yours as well. You have great hands.” She gripped him again. “We’re going to have a race. Your hand against mine.”

  Turning his head, his lips brushed the shell of her ear, causing more juices to flood her sex. “For how long?”

  Returning the favor, she licked the shell of his ear. “Until one of us comes,” Amber declared.

  “What does the loser get?”

  Allowing her breath to caress his ear, she announced, “There are no losers tonight.”

  Chris moved his hand between her thighs. “Let me know when you’re ready.”

  Pumping her hand along his thickness, she smiled and sat up on her knees. “I’ve already begun.”

  “Cheater,” he cried out through gritted teeth. Evidently not one to be outdone, Chris slid his fingers through the wet puffy lips of her sex, locating her stiff clitoris begging for attention. “I love how wet you get.” He was using his words to get her off as well as his hand. “Your flavor is still on my tongue.”

  Amber couldn’t find words to speak, she was moving fast to the peak of her arousal as she tightened her fist around him and pumped faster.

  His voice strained, but he continued, “Hear how wet you are?” Shoving two fingers inside of her, he filled her and
spread her wide as he slapped his palm against the juices covering her sex.

  She heard it and it turned her on even more. A moan escaped from her mouth. Extending her thighs beside his hand, she gave him full access.

  “All this juice just makes me want to stick my tongue so deep inside your pussy until I get every drop. Then start all over again.” Curving his fingers at just the right angle, he found and caressed her G-spot.

  That was her undoing. Throwing her head back, she came and came hard, causing her juices to run down the inside of her thighs and his hand.

  Her hand didn’t stop, closing around Chris in a vise grip. She continued stroking his rigid length faster and harder, bringing him to completion. Clenching his teeth, a fierce groan tore from his lips.

  Hot cream jetted out from the tip and cascaded down the back of her hand. It was a serene feeling to know that she had the power to bring Chris to such pleasure.

  A peace filled her like she’d never experienced after following the forceful demands of her ex. She was too replete to analyze why this stranger stirred such emotion in her.

  They recovered slowly.

  When Chris removed his hand, Amber looked at him through a haze of satisfaction. When she saw him bring his hand to his face and lick her gleaming wetness from the center of his palm, the homage honored her and made her blush.

  He winked at her.

  She smiled in return, becoming very fond of his gesture.

  “I do believe we are both in need of a cleaning.” Amber glanced down at his sticky semen covering the back of her hand as well as his stomach.

  He followed her gaze. “I think you’re wet.”

  Back into her role, she told him, “Draw us a bath.”

  “Your wish is my command.” His voice drifted off as he got up from the bed, stepping out of his jeans as he headed toward the bathroom. At the door he stopped. “Mistress.”

  She tossed one of the bed pillows in his direction, attempting to wipe the cocky smile from his face. Even though she admitted to herself she kind of liked the nickname. She didn’t think she was down for the black leather, whips and cuffs part of the act, but being in control was a heady feeling.


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