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Aeon Captive: Alien Menage Romance (Sensual Abduction Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Amelia Wilson

  She stepped inside and her blood ran cold. Henry turned to look to her.

  “Hello love,” he said in his mind. “I’ve come to rescue you.”

  Sarah wanted to scream. She wanted to say no. She wanted to turn and run way and never stop. But something in her mind, well, not something but someone, kept her from doing so.

  “Hello,” she said instead.

  “Let’s go, shall we,” Henry said, and he walked out. Sarah left behind him, leaving a very confused Adam in her wake. Henry had a triangular ship parked right at the edge of the small village, and it was with horror that Sarah stepped onto it, unable to do anything else, and the door shut behind her.

  Gar was two miles from the village, working his way in that direction when he saw the ship rise in the distance and blast off into space. Somehow, he knew Sara was upon it. He screamed and fell to his knees, and he stayed there for some time. When he rose, he made a promise to the Earth woman he had fallen in love with.

  “I will save you,” he said, to himself, to her though she couldn’t hear him. “I will save you.”



  About The Next Book: Aeon Fugitive

  The crystal necklace her father gave her years ago acting as a beacon to an alien species, Sarah Ellison finds herself abducted by the aliens and taken halfway across the galaxy.

  The Aeon are a species of alien who look much like humans, except for their bobbing antennae, blue skin, and the fact that they speak with their minds and not their mouths. One alien, which Sarah nicknames ‘Henry’ spends more time with the young Earth woman than any of his fellow space beings. Is Sarah going crazy, or is there an attraction growing there?

  As she begins to fell for the alien, and he for her, Henry tells her of the Zaytar, another alien species which seems intent on destroying the Aeon. Their brief outer space love affair is interrupted however, when the Zaytar attack and abduct Sarah right from under the Aeon’s nose. Sarah finds herself a captive once more, and it’s quite clear that Gar, the Zaytar tasked with guarding her, desires her very much.

  Torn between the two aliens, Sarah finds herself simultaneously in the middle of a war between alien species, where the things she’s been told may not be truth.

  Will Sarah ever make it back to Earth? And which alien has truly one her heart? And even more importantly, which alien suitor has really been telling her the truth?

  I hope you enjoyed the first book in the series. Here is the link of the second book in series.

  Happy Reading.

  About The Author

  Amelia Wilson has dedicated her life to writing. She is a firm believer in the power of love to conquer all, and her works reflect this belief. Her paranormal romances are known for their love stories, action and suspense. She creates immersive worlds that are rich in detail and full of emotion.

  Amelia can be contacted at her Facebook page or through her newsletter.

  Note From The Author

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  Once again, thank you for your support - and enjoy what's left of the weekend!


  Amelia Wilson




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