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Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)

Page 30

by Damiels, Rebekah

  “Shit. Trinity!” Malachi yelled as he slammed one more time into her and held himself there. Trinity gave a long, drawn out moan when she felt him come inside of her. She raised her head and pressed her lips against his; not in a punishing kiss as the times before, but one that was entirely soft. Closing her eyes, she tried to put as much love into the kiss as possible.

  After a few minutes, Malachi pulled out, before moving her up the bed so her legs were no longer hanging over. He was lying in between her open legs with his head buried in her chest. Trinity lovingly caressed his hair, running her fingers through it as they stayed like that.

  “I was so scared.”

  Malachi’s raw voice brought her out of the tranquil state she had entered. “What do you mean?” She didn’t stop what she was doing with his hair, afraid that he would stop talking.

  “When I heard you on the phone…I thought…” He couldn’t finish the sentence, but wrapped his arms tighter around her and adjusted to bury his head in the bend of her neck instead.

  “I know. I’m okay though.” She did know, because she thought the same thing…that she would never see him again.

  He propped himself up on his elbows to look down at her. “God help me, I love you too. I don’t know what I would have done if things would have ended differently. He could have taken you, or worse, and I couldn’t do…”

  That was as far as he got, before Trinity put her fingers over his mouth to silence him. “You cannot dwell on the what-ifs. Yes, tonight was awful, but I’m fine, thanks to you.” Regret started to seep in. “I only wish I could say the same for Hugh.”

  Shaking off the unpleasant thought, Trinity focused on something more uplifting. She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled. “You love me?”

  Malachi sighed in resignation, but Trinity noticed his lips twitch. “Yes, I love you.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”


  He laughed. “I love you.”

  “One more time.” Trinity couldn’t help but laugh with him.

  “You know, I could just show you how much I love you.” He punctuated his words by leaning down and running his tongue around one of her nipples.

  She gasped at the sensation, but gave a slight push on his shoulders. “Get up.”

  The urgency in her tone made him move quickly. He stood up, but looked at her quizzically. “What’s go…fuck!”

  When he stood up, she wasted no time in dropping to her knees and quickly maneuvering his jeans down further, before running her tongue up the underside of his cock.

  She looked up at him through her lashes and gave him one of her best seductive smiles. “Just fulfilling my promises…” With that, she wrapped her mouth around his impressive erection, and watched as his head dropped back in rapture.

  Chapter 18

  Malachi woke, and reached over to pull Trinity against him. Ever since his resolve to not let her go, he has had a constant need to be close to her. She probably figured that out last night when he hardly let her get any sleep. He smiled when he thought about the last time he reached for her and she outright punched him in the chest and mumbled something about sleep. When she mentioned something about vice grips and his balls, he decided she might need a small intermission. He looked at the clock, and smiled as he thought that two hours was enough.

  Her back was against him, and he leaned down to nuzzle her neck. She smelled of her lavender body wash along, with her own distinct aroma. The smell of sex was still in the air, and Malachi smiled, thinking that all his favorite scents were rolled up into one perfect package.

  He propped himself up on an elbow and used his free hand to lightly caress her body. With the sunlight pouring through the window, he could now see the evidence of their night together. He caressed her hip and ran his fingers over the bruises from his grip. Leaning down, he brushed his lips over them and watched as they slowly disappeared. The image made him think back to the night before. It was as if neither could get enough of the other. Whether he was gentle or rough, slow or fast, nothing was too much for her. He thought how he had definitely found his match in every way. Not because his essence was with her, but because it was his Trinity.

  When he moved his hand to caress her breast, she gasped and sleepily turned over onto her back to face him. She flashed him a genuine smile that he would never tire of seeing.

  “Hi there.” She whispered.

  “Hi yourself. How you feeling this morning...or should I say almost afternoon?” He leaned down to place feather light kisses against her skin.

  She stretched underneath him and was about to say something, but her stomach beat her to it and let out a loud rumble.

  There was a moment of silence before they both started to laugh.

  “I guess that answers my question.” He gave one last kiss to her stomach before maneuvering himself off the bed.

  “Where are you going?” The anxiousness in her voice made him pause and turn back around.

  “Getting sustenance for m’ lady, of course.” Leaning down, he gave her a kiss that would keep her missing him until he returned.

  Pulling away to get some pants on, he was acutely aware of her eyes on him. When he turned around, sure enough, she had propped herself up on her elbows and was staring at him.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Mmmm, why don’t you get back in bed and I’ll show you what I think?”

  “You’re an insatiable little thing aren’t you?” He couldn’t help but laugh when she smiled sweetly up at him.

  “Only when it comes to you, Sir.”

  He leaned back over her and caressed her face. “Give me just a few minutes, so I can feed you something. Then we can start all over again. Maybe I can get you to scream even louder than last night. That will really give your friend Nicole something to talk about, now won’t it?”

  He watched as her cheeks heated up into a glorious shade of red, and she treated him to one of her small giggles. She looked happier than he had seen her in a while. That was until she opened her eyes and mouth real wide and jumped out of bed.

  “Shit! Shit, shit, shit!”

  This immediate change had him confused and reeling. Nervous that he had missed something that was wrong with her, he rushed up toward her. “What? What is it?” Patting her down, he tried to find the problem. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine.” The words made him stop and breath, before concentrating on what else she was saying.

  “…Nicci. She’s really sick. I was supposed to go over there last night and check on her, but with everything that happened…” She was bending over and throwing her clothes left and right. “Pants, where are my pants?”

  Ignoring the enticing vision of her bending over naked, he walked over to her dresser and pulled out her favorite pair of slick pants, then opened another drawer and grabbed a long sleeve t-shirt. He grabbed her hand to stop her frantic search, and placed the clothes in her arms. Looking down at her bundle, she visibly relaxed and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek.

  “Thanks.” She whispered.

  “You’re welcome.” He reached up and smoothed hair out of her face. “Is she really that bad?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “I’ve never seen her like this.”

  He didn’t like the idea of her going over there and possibly catching whatever Nicole had, but he understood the importance of taking care of the people important to you. “Ok, just be careful. If I’m needed, just come and get me.” The unspoken meaning did not miss her. If she needed him to help heal her and risk being exposed, he would do it. “You go check on your friend, while I make us breakfast.”

  With one last parting kiss, he left her to go downstairs and start cooking while she got ready.

  Forty minutes later, a continental breakfast was on the table and there was still no Trinity. What if something happened to her? The thought was no sooner out of his head, before he was up and moving toward the door. Before h
e got there, it opened and a bleak looking Trinity walked in.

  “What’s wrong? Is she okay?” He hated the look on her face.

  “No change, really. She’s still sort of out of it. She didn’t even remember me saying that I was coming over last night. I decided not to tell her everything that went on. There’s no point in upsetting her right now.” Trinity sat down at the table, deep in thought.

  Malachi knelt down on the floor next to her chair. “Do you need me to go check on her?”

  Trinity swallowed and finally looked at him. She pursed her lips and shook her head. “I don’t know. It could just be a bad case of the stomach flu. Let me check on her tonight and we’ll see.” Trinity adjusted herself in the chair to start eating. “Anyways, while I was there, I cleaned her place for her. I’ll bring her over something to eat later and go over everything again. She always hated an un-kept house; it just shows how bad she is by not being able to clean up after herself.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, smelling the food. “It smells so good in here, and everything looks delicious. Thank you Malachi!”

  With that, he stood up and brushed his lips across her forehead. “Eat up.”

  Trinity ate about half a plate less than what he’d expected. “Is something wrong with the food?”

  “Oh no! Everything is great. I’m not a big eater to begin with, you know that.”

  “But when was the last time you ate?”

  She chewed on her lip as she thought for a moment. “Breakfast yesterday.”

  “You’re kidding me. Let me guess, it was one of those ‘barely there’ breakfast bars you eat.” He didn’t understand how she had managed to not eat for over twenty four hours and not realize it.

  “Ha Ha! No actually, Gemariah took one look at it and tossed it out the window. He said he was feeding the birds.” She laughed at the memory. “Then he gave me his breakfast to eat.”

  Malachi smiled, having no trouble picturing his friend saying that, but to give up food..? “He must really like you. No one can get food out of him. In fact, he steals everyone else’s.”

  There was that lovely blush creeping up her cheeks. “He called me “Mal’s girl”, that’s why.”

  Standing up, he started to clear the table. Was there any way to get this grin off his face? Mal’s girl? It had a nice ring to it. No more running, no more being alone. As he washed the dishes, he handed them off to her to dry. So this is what normal felt like, he thought. He stood there and tried to enjoy the moment and ignore the inner voice that told him she would eventually have to pass on. Then he’d be alone all over again.

  The comfortable silence stretched on until Trinity spoke up. “Malachi…there are still some things we need to discus.”

  By the sound of her voice, he knew she wasn’t going to ask about their plans for the day or what his favorite book was. He pursed his lips together, but nodded his head in acceptance.

  “How can you heal people? Are you into witchcraft or something?”

  “If only it were that simple.” He mumbled more to himself than anything. Abandoning the rest of the dishes, he dried his hands and made his way into the living room, with her close on his heels.

  “What did you mean by that?”

  Malachi swallowed down the lump in his throat and started to pace back and forth in front of Trinity who tentatively sat down on the couch. Should he tell her everything, or the bare minimum to get him by? The last thing he wanted was for reality to finally sink in, but he knew it had to happen eventually. He sat down next to her, resolved to tell it all.

  “I cannot stress enough, how imperative it is that you keep this quiet. You can’t tell anyone, not even Nicole. Lives would be in danger if word got out.” He had to make it clear first, before going any further.

  Shaking her head, she scooted closer and grabbed his hand. “Never. I swear.”

  “It’s going to sound crazy, but you have to have an open mind, okay?”

  “Babe, I have seen your hands glow when they touch me and skin fuse back together as if nothing had happened. My mind could not get any more open.” She squeezed his hand in reassurance. “It’s okay, just tell me.”

  Taking a deep breath, he began trying to explain something he had never before put into words. “Have you ever heard of the angels that left heaven and settled at Mt. Herman? Most refer to them as the original fallen angels?”

  She thought for a moment. “I think I’ve heard of this before. Didn’t they leave heaven to…um…” Waving her hand in front of her, she started to blush. He found himself chuckling at her bashfulness. How she could still be shy with him, after everything they had done together, he didn’t know.

  “Sex. Yeah, they “fell” from heaven to fornicate with women, and for the respect they got from the humans. Anyways, they were warned that the longer they stayed on earth, the more they were susceptible to evil overpowering them. Like the arrogant asses they were, they didn’t listen.” Malachi couldn’t keep the bitterness from his tone.

  Trinity tilted her head to the side and gave him a skeptical look. “Okay, but what does something that supposedly happened…what, thousands of years ago, have to do with you?”

  “4400 BC… give or take anyways, and I’m getting to that.” Malachi continued. “Have you ever heard of a nephilim?” He wasn’t expecting her to, but he had to ask. No one ever remembers them.

  When she shook her head in denial, he took a deep breath and continued. “That’s the name that was given to the children that unexpectedly happened. They were half angel, half human, and evil to the core. They were big and inhumanly strong. Well…” He ran his fingers through his hair. Here goes everything. “…they obtained certain abilities that were passed to them from their angel side. These ranged from seeing the future, telepathic abilities, controlling others emotions, and…and being able to heal others.

  Trinity let go of his hand, and immediately he felt the loss. Rubbing her head, she was obviously trying to sort through all the information. “You’re not telling me that your father is a fallen angel, are you?”


  “Good, because…” Trinity didn’t even get to finish before he clarified.

  “My Great Grandfather is one.”

  She just stared at him in shock, until her face broke out into a grin and she started to laugh. “Oh, you’re good. You almost had me there.”

  He knew she wouldn’t believe him. It sounded crazy to him as well. Abruptly he stood up and started pacing again. When she saw his reaction, she immediately stopped laughing. “Oh my, you’re serious?”

  “Open mind Trinity, open mind.”

  “Oh.” She started to chew on that lower lip again in concentration. “Say this is true...”

  “It is.”

  Trinity continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “How is that even possible? You’re thirty two years old. How long ago was your grandparent born, or even your parent for that matter?”

  When he stopped pacing, he dropped his gaze to the ground. She knew something was up by the sudden change in him.

  “What? You are thirty two, aren’t you?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Well how much ‘not exactly’ are we talking about?” She used air quotes to emphasize her point.

  Malachi squared his shoulders and looked her strait in the eye. “I was born in 1685. I’m 328, Trinity.”

  She was stunned into silence, and eventually sagged onto the back of the couch. He watched as she shut her eyes and took several deep breaths.

  “Say something.”

  She opened her eyes and glared in his direction. “What would you like me to say? I’m on the fence here, Malachi. On one hand, I want to believe you, but on the other, I want to call the closest mental institution so they can give you your own nice little padded cell.”

  Malachi pulled up the stool so he could sit and face her. “Why would I lie to you?”

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head, but he noticed her eyes
starting to tear up.

  “Just let me tell you my story, okay? Then I will answer any questions you have.” He grabbed her hands that were in front of her, and was relieved when she didn’t pull away.

  When she nodded her acceptance, he began slowly. “My great-grandfather was one of the original fallen angels. He, like the rest of them, took on his human form to be able to mate with a human female. Because of this, my grandfather, Isac, was conceived. He was a nasty excuse for a man, pure evil. They say he was twenty feet tall and could knock down trees with just a swipe of his arm. Some reports say that he had an extra row of teeth needed to crush the bones of the victims he chose to eat. Somehow, I think that might have been a myth made up to scare children.”

  “Anyway, he made it to be 2,047 years old before he was shoved into a volcano out of spite.” Trinity’s eyes grew to the size of half dollars at his statement.

  “Who would do something like that?”

  “Do not have pity for that man. All nephilims were born evil, but some were worse than others. Reports say that he was one of the worst ones out there. Many people wanted to have the chance to off him, but apparently it was my grandmother, also a nephilim, that had the privilege.”

  At her scandalized look, he jumped to explain.

  “Yeah, what a great family tree I have. I guess he over powered her one day and raped her. That was why she did it, but it was also how my mother was conceived.”

  He tried to keep his emotions controlled, but it was always hard when he talked about the woman that gave birth to him. There was always mixed feelings when it came to her. Something must have shown on his face, because she squeezed his hand, letting him know that she was still with him.

  I’ve been told that Leah, my mother, was a kind-hearted person. She was still taller than most humans at 13 feet, but lived in the mountains so she wouldn’t have to try and blend in with a town’s population. Researchers have done studies on why some second generation nephilims were not as evil as the first, and they’ve chalked it up to the human genetics were slowly taking over. They were still just as strong and just as fast, but smaller with smaller aggression levels as well.


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