An Unconventional Courtship (If the lady first refuses...)

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An Unconventional Courtship (If the lady first refuses...) Page 4

by Morgan King

  Despite being generally easy-going, and often engaged in intellectual and solitary pursuits, he was determined not to be entirely at Ellie’s mercy. He wanted her at his. “You’re not in charge here.”

  “I’m always in charge when we play,” Ellie said playfully as she wiggled into position, trying to stretch her thighs to straddle his waist.

  “We’re not playing. It’s our wedding night!” Well, maybe they were, but there clearly needed to be new rules.

  “You promised me that when I married you, bed sport would be fun.”

  That promise, he recalled, had been particularly heartfelt. “Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean you get to be in charge.”

  “It’s fun when I’m in charge.”

  Alexander threw up his hands in exasperation. “Fine, you’re in charge. Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” If Alex had learnt anything during their short but eventful courtship it was that disagreeing with Ellie only made her obstinate. Distraction, persistence, and subtle challenge were far more likely to be successful.

  “Aside from removing your clothes … no. But I could just experiment.”

  That was a disaster waiting to happen, most likely an explosion. Alexander could see himself detonating before the marriage was even consummated if Ellie continued to climb all over him, and heaven forbid her little hands come into play! There was no time for clever ploys. Tangling their legs together and clasping Ellie in a bear hug before she could protest, Alex quickly reversed their positions so that his weight was pinning her down. He laughed at the expression of surprise on her face, her mouth a delightful round O.

  “Come now, Ellie, don’t be annoyed. You know I’m stronger than you.” Alex wished to forestall any frustration on her part, unless it was sexual in nature, but still couldn’t help teasing. “Don’t you remember how I had to rescue you?”

  “Rescue me! I was perfectly fine. I walked out of that lake on my own. Someone would have brought me a blanket if you hadn’t interfered.”

  Indignant and fired up, this was Ellie at her best and most alluring. Alex’s cock nudged him with an insistent throb to get a move on. “You were a perfectly gorgeous damsel in distress, is what you were.”

  “I was not in distress; I was infuriated. Wyvern was being such a bore. Who but he would believe that rowing on a lake or a single dance could denote an engagement?” Ellie paused to smile. “Stepping out of the boat into the lake allowed me to escape him and clearly demonstrated that I was not the right sort of wife for him. It must have worked, for he still hasn’t spoken to me since.”

  Alexander laughed. Ellie stepping out of the boat had led him to first propose, and a single dance had secured their engagement.

  The moment he’d witnessed her step calmly out of a rowing boat and into a lake as the quickest route away from her would-be suitor, he’d known he wanted her in his life, quirks and all. She was unique, so different from any other young lady he’d met that he’d instantly wanted to be in a position to observe all her habits. Oblivious to his intentions, she’d walked, head held high, to the bank, unknowing, for a short while at least, that she was from that moment destined to be his wife. And here they were. Alex couldn’t be happier.

  “And besides I doubt very much I was gorgeous. I was covered in clingy pondweed and exceedingly drippy. That you were so awestruck by my beauty you had to propose just goes to show you clearly use your spyglasses so frequently that now you can’t see well without them!”

  It wasn’t her beauty that had struck him, although her form had been shown to very great advantage. He doubted any man close enough would have failed to notice even if they did need glasses, but perhaps best not to mention that the physical attribute that had instantly struck him was the press of her very generous breasts against the white material of her dress as it became increasingly see-through in splashed patches. Her nipples had been clearly visible. “Your personality shone through any outward appearance.” Who said he didn’t have a way with words!

  She laughed as he had intended, although perhaps not for the reason he had laughed. He loved her laugh. It was no imitation laugh or coquettish giggle. It made her body vibrate. It made her breasts wobble. He would have to be careful, or she would mesmerise him more that she already had.

  Becoming serious, he kissed her. Kissing was serious business now that he had time to indulge. For the first time, he used his tongue to touch, tease, taste, explore. He couldn’t get enough, especially when she responded, pushing his tongue back with her own. He should have guessed. There was nothing she didn’t commit her whole body to. He was honoured she’d committed her body to him, and he would be lucky to have the whole of it.

  Eagerly he broke away to scatter kisses across all the bared skin his lips could find. When he began to run out of un-worshiped places to kiss, he tugged at the strings on her nightgown, opening the ties to reveal her breasts. He buried his face in the lavish mounds, revelling in their softness and Ellie’s gratifying moans and wiggles.

  “This is fun, is it not?”


  Ellie didn’t know where Alex found the breath or thought to tease, but he was right. It was fun, if the tingling sense of anticipation chasing along her nerve endings could be called fun. “It’s different from what I was expecting.”

  Alex paused in his actions. “Different?”

  “I didn’t know it would feel so intense, so all consuming.”

  “I don’t know that we’ll ever get enough of each other. Life’s at its best when you feel you can’t get enough.”

  It was true, Alex did like his obsessions. Ellie was just grateful she’d attracted his attention, and she fully intended to keep it. He’d been stalking birds his whole life, so her chances looked good. When he looked into her eyes Ellie never wanted him to look away. “Make me yours, Alex.” He’d reduced her to pleading for him again. She wasn’t quite sure what power it was he held over her. It wasn’t just his position on top; it was that her heart submitted to his.

  Alex growled at her but did as she’d asked. He fumbled with his trousers, the only piece of his clothing she hadn’t got as far as removing before he took control. She tried to help, using her hands to help the material over his hips. They got distracted, feeling the smooth but firm swells of flesh over bone, and, when it came to his bottom, skin over muscle.

  “I think I might just have to tie your hands up next time.”

  Was that a threat? Hah! “Only if I get to tie you up, too.” She rather fancied the idea. After all they were the greatest of equals. And didn’t they say “what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander”? Surely he would respect such feathered wisdom.

  Ellie smiled to herself. Sometimes she looked back over the past month and tried to find the moment where her feelings ceased to be merely infatuation and the giddiness of being the focus of so much attention, the moment where her soul had become involved. Was there even one moment? Probably not. What there was, was the growing realisation that they were so well matched, on so many levels, that there was an inevitability to their hearts coming together.

  Stepping out of the boat that day had been the most fortunate thing Ellie had ever done. Her mother had scolded her for being foolish and making a scene. If she had been foolish, than so had Alex by proposing on the spot. Love had not made fools of them, but as fools they had found love.

  They had not married for prestige, although Alex was a Viscount. They had not married for wealth, although she had a rich dowry. They had not married for beauty, although he was a fine figure of a man, and called her beautiful. They married for love, and it didn’t hurt that he had gone down on bended knee in front of a park full of people in order to propose, even if she hadn’t said yes straight away.

  To have inspired such instinctive desire was heady. That for her he would be so impulsive was the dream she’d have gone to sleep for each night, if she’d known it existed.

  Now some weeks later and in the middle of her wedding night she knew they
were suited in so many ways, that they brought each other alive. “Alex, I love you.” What better time to say the words.

  “Never doubt I love you, too, Ellie.” They were words of love given in a ceremony of shared intimacy.

  Alex proceeded to take her for his wife. Ellie felt his fingers delving into her innermost self. He seemed to find what he was searching for and moved to place his manhood at her entrance. It felt strange, yet she welcomed him with subtle shifts of her hips, pushing upwards as he pushed in. There was discomfort and at the same time a sense of satisfaction at finding herself truly a woman. When there was no space to get closer Alex held himself still above her and asked “You are not too hurt?”

  “No more hurt than when I fell out or the apple tree, aged eight.”

  “And were you very hurt then?”

  “No, no bones broken, unlike the first time I fell from my horse.”

  “I see I shall have to keep you safely occupied, so as to keep you from danger.”


  Having reassured himself as to any hurt he might have caused, Alex could delay moving no longer. He rocked into her, slowly building momentum, rewarded by Ellie gasping in delight as he found a spot that gifted her pleasure.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders. He lost his ability to focus on her. Sliding his hands underneath her bottom he raised her to his thrusts, grunting rhythmically as his climax approached. The instant he felt her internal muscles grip and release him and heard her cry out, “Oh, Alex!” he shuddered into her, letting his seed spill.

  The release left him spent, and he rolled them onto their sides so as not to crush her. Bringing their foreheads together he heaved a sigh of satiation. “So do you think you will like being the wife of a Viscount, Ellie? It is a bit of a step down for a Duke’s only daughter.”

  “As long as you remember your station, husband, I think I shall like it very well.” She teased him with her words as well as a quick kiss.

  “You would find me worshipping at your feet, if I could move.”

  “No need. Now you have not the energy to fight me, I can keep you just where I want you.” So saying, Ellie threw an arm and leg over Alex, climbing back to where their lovemaking had started. “Can I be in charge now?”

  “Would you like me to show you how?”

  “You are not too tired?”

  “I may be older than you, but I am still in my prime, I will have you know!” Alex smacked her playfully on the bottom.

  Ellie found she didn’t mind. “Just old enough to be a good tutor for me.”

  “Indeed, let me show you how to ride.”

  “I know perfectly well how to ride.”

  “A man?”

  Ellie blushed. There were still some things she had to learn. Alex appeared to be taking pity on her and pulled her down for a kiss while adjusting her position atop him with firm movements of his hands. “Am I not squashing you?” She felt his manhood twitch as if in answer.

  “It is not uncomfortable yet, but if you lift up I will guide myself inside you again.”

  Ellie felt that incredible fullness as she sank back down, Alex inside her. There was nowhere she would rather he be. Bed sport was turning out to be more fun than she had ever imagined.


  The sun was setting, but the inside of the summerhouse was still warm. It retained a pleasant heat that was no longer stifling. Ellie reclined on a lounger, drifting in and out of sleep. She found she rested frequently these days. The doctor said it was quite normal, even if she struggled to get used to it. As her mind became more active she thought of how few days of peace like this might be left. A sharp jab below the left side of her rib cage signalled the baby’s agreement. “With the kicks and punches this baby gives I’m sure it’s a boy.”

  The sound of Alex laughing heralded his entry into the room. “Surely you jest, my love. If the baby is active I think it must have all your finer qualities, not mine.”

  “Would you not be disappointed if it were a girl?” Ellie had no reason to think that Alex wished strongly for a boy. It was just that little irrational thoughts niggled at her as the time for the birth drew nearer. She was a little unsure of herself in becoming a mother and treasured every reassurance.

  “If we were to achieve our heir so soon where would that leave us? No, I’d rather we had five girls before we are blessed with a boy.”

  At this Ellie laughed. “That’s very ambitious. What if I were to object and declare fatigue after only two girls?”

  “Well then, I would just have to ensure you were reinvigorated.” Alex came over to kneel next to her and placed a tender kiss upon her lips. “My love for you has not dimmed, you know.”


  “No. It will only grow as it extends to the baby.” He guided his hands over the swell of her stomach.

  He certainly didn’t touch her any less now that her body had changed shape. With the movement of his hands Ellie could feel arousal slowly seeping through her skin, stretching its way along her limbs, chasing away her lethargy.

  “You’ll have to behave yourself when we have visitors. You don’t want to shock my mother with too much touching when in company.”

  “Surely she will be too pleased at being a grandmother to care.” Alex paused in his ministrations. “Or should I stop touching you now? To try to break the habit.”

  “Don’t stop,” Ellie said placing a hand on top of his and encouraging it to move against her again. “With both your sister and my mother arriving soon we shall have to begin planning our excuses to slip away.”

  A thought occurred to Ellie. “Do you think we should warn your sister that Nathaniel has returned and not alone? That he will be at Leydon Hall this summer.”

  One night Ellie had remembered to ask Alex who Frances’s young suitor had been, only to discover he was a younger son of their neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Ainsley.

  “No, I would not worry. Surely his presence will not concern her.”

  Privately Ellie was not so sure. She was of half a mind to try to bring the two together and equally convinced it might be better to try to ensure their paths didn’t cross for the duration of Frances’s stay. She would have to hope an obvious way forward presented itself. Maybe an opportunity to gauge Frances’s feelings another year on. Just because she was still unattached did not necessarily mean she was pining after a lost love.

  For now she had other things deserving of her attention. Alex was extending his touch, the matter not preying on his mind.

  He now stroked not just her stomach but along her legs as far as he could reach. In gradual increments fabric bunched. The air meeting her skin with every sweep of his hand was cool, in contrast to the material.

  “That’s nice. These days my skin can feel so itchy with the heat,” Ellie said in gratitude.

  “I think it’s your impatience making you itchy, but by all means let me see if I can help.”

  One hand left her body as Alex reached for something. A moment later it returned with a cold tingling sensation. “I know you like your ice.” Alex’s voice was deep, rough around the edges of each word.

  “But I won’t get to enjoy the taste.” Ellie spoke with mock annoyance, secretly thrilled by this latest idea of Alex’s.

  “But I will. While striving to provide adequate compensation, of course.” His eyes held the intimate connection with hers until the very last moment, his head finally dipping out of sight. An instant later Ellie’s eyes rolled back as she felt his tongue drag along her moist flesh.

  “Mmm, delicious.”

  Ellie loved that Alex dedicated himself to finding new ways to please her, and this particular decadence reminded her of their courtship. Was it really a year ago? They were sweet memories, and their taste still lingered as their life together continued to be filled with treats like this.

  A slight tremble began in Ellie’s legs as Alex took additional scoops of ice and painted it higher and higher up the insides of her thighs. He followed the desig
n with laves of his tongue, intermittently pausing to talk to her. “That day at your house I fantasised about licking the ice from your lips you know.”

  Ellie gasped, the pleasure from the idea and physical sensation simultaneous. “I had no idea. My innocent mind was awash with the pleasure of eating ice and drinking in your adoration.”

  “Well I was, and it made me ache, just like now.”

  “Is that a hint? You know I hate to see you ache....”

  “Mmm, indeed, but first I have been waiting a long time to do this.” So saying Alex smeared the melting ice along the inside of Ellie’s most private lips, before gracing them with kisses from his own lips and tongue. It was an intimacy that still made Ellie shy, and she closed her eyes, letting ecstasy distract her from thinking about it.

  “I do believe you are sweeter than the ice,” said Alex.

  Ellie briefly opened her eyes to see him licking his lips. “You never cease to surprise me. People think you’re cold, but here you are making me melt.”

  “You make me hot. That’s what it is.”

  Ellie was hot, the beautiful burn of arousal warming her from skin through to core. “I think I’m going to burst.” Convulsions threatened.

  “Please do.” Alex resumed sucking and licking at her with renewed vigour, ‘til she could contain the intensity of sensation no longer.

  “Yesssss.” Ellie let the pleasure go. It rippled out in waves carrying ecstasy right to the tips of her fingers.

  “Thank you,” she said when her voice was working again “Would you like me to return the favour?”

  “I would hate you to feel in debt.”

  “Never,” Ellie said, intending to return the favour anyway. She felt eternally grateful for the life and love she had, but never burdened by it. Together they were both winning at love and life.

  The End


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