Valves & Vixens, Volume 2
Page 24
Edward sat for a few moments, his head in his hands. Taking a deep breath, he sat up straight in preparing to reveal the true cause of his distractions.
As he stared across the park at the many people taking their mid-morning strolls in the unseasonably good weather, his eyes widened. “It’s her...”
He leapt from the bench and ran off across the grass. Forbes stared after him with amused shock. Edward had never been one for physical activity, even at Eton. Forbes felt the glimmering of understanding.
“Ah...” He whispered to himself. “I believe I have an inkling of what is going on now!” He smiled and pounded after Edward. Within seconds he had caught up with his poor, gasping friend. The girl in question had looked alarmed as Edward had approached her from behind. On closer inspection, it was clear she was not the object of his obsessions. Bowing his apologies, he returned solemnly to Forbes, his shoulders slumped with disappointment.
Later that evening, sitting opposite Forbes, Edward lounged despondently in the luxuriously overstuffed leather armchair nursing a very large brandy. There were only a few others in the private lounge set aside for the exclusive use of the Professors.
“It’s all very simple, my dear chap!” Forbes grinned, reaching for a cigar.
“It is?” Edward asked his features pale and anguished.
“Why yes!” Forbes laughed. “All you need to do is have... intimate relations with the tramp, then you will be free of her hold.”
“She is no tramp, she is an Angel.” Edward’s eyes became like steel.
“Of course,” Forbes agreed, sipping his single malt whiskey.
“Am I correct in assuming you have never had intimate relations with a female of the species before?”
Edward glared at him. “You would be correct.”
“Then the obvious solution for your current malady is to satisfy yourself. After which, you will most surely return to your natural state of mind.”
Edward gazed into his glass and smiled. Through the soft amber liquid, he could see the eyes of his Angel Daemon reflecting back upon him.
“She is such a delicate thing. A creature of ultimate beauty and...” Merely thinking about her set his heart into thunderous desire. He could feel his member begin to throb and enlarge.
Embarrassed, he drained his glass, leapt up and all but ran from the room. Several of the other occupants of the lounge looked curiously towards Forbes and raised their glasses with amusement.
Emily dropped down into the basement of the University, but not as silently as she would previously have done so.
None of the gears and metal rods she had stockpiled in her basement could be used to repair the damage that a horrid rat had inflicted upon her poor Priapus. She would not admit to herself that she had not looked too closely amongst the stash she had previously acquired from the University storeroom.
Her eyes already used to the murky light, she scrabbled amongst the treasures cast so carelessly away.
As she reached for a part that may just be useful, a hand clasped her wrist. She gasped and tried to pull away but the grip was strong.
Her heart pounded as she gazed once more upon her captor.
His eyes were different this time. Hiding behind the gentleness she had witnessed before, she now saw a fevered lust which reflected her own. Her hands took on a life of their own as they slipped downward to feel between his britches. She knew by her anatomy books what was tucked away there. Now, she wanted nothing more than to turn her theoretical knowledge into practical experience. A longing rose within her to see what it felt like in the flesh, to hold it in her hands and taste it within her mouth.
Edward, his heart burning with never before felt passion, snaked his hands intuitively upward beneath her blouse. His shock at encountering her full and pert breasts was matched only by Emily’s own scandalous reaction to his caressing fingers. She pulled her blouse off, exposing herself fully to her stranger’s attentions.
Edward’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes hungrily took in the fair and devilish body before him. Her nipples had become so hard and sharply pointed that he was rendered powerless to fight the overwhelming urge to dip his head to them. Slave to his passions, he pulled those deliciously sharp points between his lips, his tongue playing over them as he sucked and caressed them.
Emily pulled at the laces of the man’s trousers.
Edward’s member burst forth as soon as its leashes were unfurled. Throbbing and erect, he pushed himself against his Angel Daemon, forcing her legs apart to allow him entry into her most inner sanctum.
Emily, driven by a primeval need she was helpless to deny, pushed him beneath her. Straddling him, she felt her juices flow as she lowered herself over his bulging member. To her frustration and confusion, there seemed not enough room to accommodate him. Puzzled, she pressed down a little further, but felt an immovable blockage.
As she began to question whether the texts she had read upon the subject had been correct, she gasped with sharp pain as her final fragile feminine defence burst as Edward pushed all the way into her most inner depths. She raised her head in the purest of pleasure as she bore down upon him with an intensity which brought a similar cry of fulfilment from him.
Edward’s senses imploded as she surrounded him tightly, gripping him with sweet promise.
Emily pressed her hands upon his chest, feeling course hairs beneath her skin. They reminded her ever so briefly of the fur on her old terrier, Priapus. They also reminded her of the feel of her father’s chest as he breathed his last.
She sat fully upon his fully engorged manhood writhing in a natural sensual rhythm. Leaning down upon him, her mouth clamped onto his as she sucked eagerly at his tongue. At the same time she clenched herself against his member as she pulled him even deeper inside her. Her hands ran along his skin tantalising him with her fingertips, setting his nerves on fire.
Edward was lost, his senses enraptured by this creature who held him hopelessly captive in mind, body and spirit. Words were beyond him as she took him from one new sensation to another, filling his soul with unbound ecstasy.
Emily increased her internal contractions as she deepened her kisses. Her nipples were needles against him as she coaxed him further and further into blissful euphoria.
Neither could hold back any longer. Edward exploded inside her, his seed filling her fully. Their mixed fluids overflowed from between her legs and onto his already lubricated member and upper thighs.
Barely able to breath, Emily raised her face from his, her eyes alight with passion unleashed. She kept hold of him within her, teasingly contracting herself around him for a moment or so longer. She reached between them and dragged a finger through their sticky cream and touched it to her lips. She sucked upon it, enjoying the taste of their hot combined fluids.
Edward, unable to talk, knew he was her captive in more ways than one. Astonishingly, he felt himself grow hard once more. Emily smiled as she felt him swell once more within her. She teased his mouth with the tips of her breasts, pulling them away just as he was on the verge of kissing them. Her delighted laugh rang through his ears and he knew the entire purpose of his existence was to worship and pleasure this Divine creature forever joined so intimately to him.
He cried out as once more he spurted his juices within her. Spent and exhausted, he slipped into a deep slumber. When he woke several hours later, his Angel Daemon had gone.
“You seem a little better,” Forbes said cautiously, although if anything his friend appeared even worse than before.
“I do feel better,” Edward responded. “She is magnificent, Forbes, truly magnificent.”
Forbes’ smile faded somewhat.
“Who was?”
“She was incredi
ble.” Edward’s eyes were fired with fevered passion.
Forbes felt his heart sink. Rumours of Edward’s continuing loss of grip on sanity had begun to circulate around his peers at the University.
“I’m sure she was, Edward.” They strolled through the park in spite of the mid-autumn chill and gathering clouds overhead.
Forbes pulled the collar of his woollen coat up around his neck. He made a mental note to bring a warm scarf next time. Edward seemed unaware of the cold regardless of his open coat. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes wild.
“What is her name?” Forbes asked gently.
Edward stopped in mid-stride. “Her name?” He looked around as though the grass upon which they walked held the answer to the question. When the ground beneath his feet failed to provide an answer, his head snapped up and his eyes bored into Forbes’ in sudden panic.
“I know not her name.” He struggled with the concept for a few seconds. “How can one so unearthly possibly possess such a thing so mundane? Even the names of Angels could never fit such a Divine Being.” Edward laughed at the mere concept.
“I’ve been thinking,” Forbes announced carefully. “It would do you a world of good to take your leave of London for a few months. Get away from the pressures of academia and relax for a while.”
“Leave London?” Edward grinned and shook his head. “I could not possibly dream of such a notion! My Beloved waits for me here. She would surely pine and wither without me.”
Forbes sighed. “Of course. How foolish of me...”
They continued their walk, Edward extolling the virtues of his miraculous lover. Forbes remained silent throughout, his fears for his friend deepening.
Butler and Maid had become concerned for their young Mistress. They had pondered upon her change of mood as of late. Over the past few weeks, she had become more withdrawn, continuously refusing food and preferring to stay for longer periods in her basement. Although she still behaved as she had, her eyes now told a very different more confident story, one they both agreed chilled them slightly.
Her formally infrequent midnight soirées out into the streets had become almost a nightly occurrence and often she would remain away from home far longer than she previously had.
With growing dread, Emily had noticed certain changes in her secret lover. She recognised the symptoms and it terrified her to the core. She had seen her parents die of those same symptoms.
She had proved it could be done many years ago when her precious terrier, Priapus had been caught under the wheels of an automatic carriage. She had taken the broken pieces of her small dog to her basement, transferring the vital internal organs, including its tiny brain, and built a clockwork body around them thus preserving her sweet pet for eternity - or at least for as long as she maintained him with the fluids that allowed it to continue existing.
Alas, she had not been so successful with the preservation of her father, although she had learnt many invaluable lessons along the way. With the knowledge she had gained, she determined that she would never lose her beloved.
The professors were served breakfast in their private dining room while their students broke their fast in the halls below.
Forbes’ worry over Edward had increased and although his friend’s health had taken a turn for the worse he had insisted on not seeking the advice of a physician. The other professors were also taking keen note of Edward’s condition and were actively avoiding him whenever possible.
After their morning meal, correspondence was next on the agenda. A liveried manservant discretely moved through the room carrying a silver tray piled with letters delivering them to their recipients.
Edward, with no close family and few friends out with the confines of the University rarely, if ever, received anything. Forbes looked up in surprise as Edward was handed a delicate cream coloured envelope. He watched with interest as Edward opened the letter.
A smile crept over Edward’s features and he held the letter to his face, smelling it deeply much to the nervous amusement of his fellows.
“It’s from her.” He explained to Forbes. “She requests that I visit upon her this very evening.” He tucked the letter inside his waistcoat pocket, relishing its closeness to him.
“We have an important dinner tonight,” Forbes said. “With the sponsors of our department, do you not recall?”
Edward snorted. “I’m sure you will handle the situation quite well enough without me.”
“Surely your ‘beloved’ would understand how important this meeting is for the future of our continued funding...” Forbes appealed to Edward’s academic side.
“I cannot and will not let her down. What sort of gentleman could refuse such a request? Would you have such a delicate creature wait alone in the darkness, subject to all manner of danger and yearning for my arrival whilst I bore the insignificant babbling of crusty old men?” The rapturous look on his colleague’s countenance was one that Forbes had noticed all too frequently since this nonsense had begun and was quite frankly, rather alarming.
Forbes sighed. “I shall see if I can arrange an alternative date for our meeting.” Although he understood that Edward’s presence would be vital if they were to gain further funding, it was his increasing curiosity that outweighed his better judgement, swerving him to compromise on this occasion.
For the rest of that day, Edward continuously consulted his finely engraved silver fob watch, pulling it from his waistcoat pocket with habitual frequency. The watch, given to him by his now estranged father, had fired the glimmerings of his childhood’s fascination for intricate mechanical workings. Now it represented only the moments between his next liaisons with his lover. The mere thought of her delicate skin upon his, her probing fingers and inquisitive tongue made him shudder with such sweet anticipation. He felt himself stiffen and harden much to the bemusement of his students.
In her basement, Emily cast her eye carefully over her arrangements. Her preparations were complete and everything was ready.
She felt a hard intrusion on her leg. Looking down, she smiled fondly at dear Priapus who was in the process of humping her. She laughed with delight. “Oh, my poor sweet thing!” Now fully aware and understanding of the creature’s unforgotten bestial needs, she had constructed a small copper appendage with a tiny tube through the centre to allow the beast to relieve its most basic of instincts. Although the creamy liquid which spurted from the tip of its doghood was merely a simple concoction, it seemed to serve its purpose.
The grandfather clock chimed the hour. Emily hurried up the basement stairs, hardly able to breathe as anticipation threatened to engulf her.
Maid met her in the hallway. “Will you be requiring dinner, My Lady?”
“No! That will not be necessary,” Emily grinned, her face flushed and her breath slightly ragged. She grabbed her shawl and wrapped it around her thinning shoulders.
Both Maid and Butler had spent long hours talking about the state of their young mistress’s health. They had noticed her lack of appetite over the last few weeks and her increasing insistence of spending more and more time in her basement.
“Of course, Ma’am. Just ring if you change your mind.” Maid had her own theories about Emily’s behaviour which mainly consisted of the presence of an unknown man in their Lady’s life. Butler scoffed her notions, putting her odder than usual behaviour down to more physically mundane reasons and, of course, the hysterical nature of women in general.
Emily turned just as she reached the front door. “I want both you and Butler to remain in your quarters until I summon you.”
Maid bobbed a respectful curtsey, hiding a small smile. “Of course, My Lady.”
Edward hurried through the night time streets of London to t
he appointed meeting place near St. James’s Park. In the flickering gaslight, he searched eagerly for the first sign of his beloved amongst those partaking of their evening strolls and illicit meetings.
His mind focussed only upon his upcoming encounter. He had no inkling that Forbes had followed him and was now observing him from a safe distance.
The chimes of the hour echoed through the streets as still Edward waited, his impatience becoming more apparent as he paced up and down the pavement.
It seemed to Forbes that his hypothesis of Edward’s behaviour was correct. The man was obviously suffering from an as yet undiagnosed malady which had undoubtedly warped his grip on reality. He suspected there was no secret lover other than that which lived in the poor fellow’s deluded mind. He would speak to the head of the University in the morning and request the immediate intervention of the physicians. With luck, they may be in time to help set him back on the road to recovery. Recent advances in the sciences of the brain and supplementary surgery had helped no end of similar sufferers. He could only hope his friend’s sharp intellect and intelligence would remain untarnished, unlike many others who had undergone such pioneering treatments.
Just as Forbes was about to confront his colleague and insist upon his return to his rooms at the University, a young woman scurried towards Edward.
Astonished, Forbes witnessed the two briefly embrace. She appeared almost ethereal in the flickering gaslight and Forbes wondered whether she truly was Angelic in nature as Edward had always insisted. A near skeletal hand pulled Edward’s face towards her own and they kissed deeply. Scandalised, Forbes watched. With no consideration of decency let alone decorum, Forbes noticed her other hand clamp itself around Edward’s crotch. Unable to drag his eyes from the shocking scene, Forbes found himself reacting to the spectacle in a thoroughly undignified manner as he felt his phallus begin to engorge. Still he could not stop looking. Never before had he felt such stirrings and never before had he felt the sharp stab of jealously and want that coursed through his very being.
The figures disengaged and the girl, her hand pulling a delighted and helplessly captured Edward, disappeared into the city’s depths.