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Vengeance: A Kindred Sons Mafia Romance

Page 4

by Beth Wynne

  I was reeling, but the walk home helped me keep distracted enough that I didn’t cry. I thought over all the work I’d done with Mildred since I had started but I had no idea what the Chester file was. I thought of the local businesses that I knew of since I grew up in JOB but that was no help. What was the Chester file?

  My phone rang at the same time my microwave pinged. Louise.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t meet up with you guys.” I said as I answered the phone – shit, with everything I’d forgot.

  “Are you ok?” her voice sounded urgent. “I went back to the office but you were gone.”

  “I’m fine.” I sniffled, the adrenaline leaving me to my tears now. I was just thankful I was alone.

  “I’ll be over in 10 minutes.” With that, she hung up the phone and I let myself sob.

  Chapter 8


  My heard the knock at my door within 10 minutes of putting the phone down.

  When I answered, Louise took one look at me and pulled me into a hug. Even though I didn't "do" hugs, I really appreciated it, clinging to her tiny frame as I swallowed back the remaining tears. When the ache eased a little, she finally spoke.

  "What did he do?" she was trying to speak calmly, but I knew there was fury beneath it.

  "I'm going to loose the job. He's got a video of some woman having sex with him in his office and he says he's going to show it and say I’ve been sleeping with him." I sagged down onto the sofa where Louise followed. "If he does that, everyone will think I got this job by fucking one of the partners… a married one at that. Any respect for me or chance of my job lasting will be gone."

  "Blackmail?" she pondered, "So, what does he want? You to actually sleep with him or he shares this?"

  "Yeah," I lied. "But it doesn't make sense, he's the married one - surely spreading a video that he says is me would get him in trouble?"

  "You'd think that." she said, unconvincingly, "But the thing is... he's involved in some messed up shit."

  That made no sense to me. "Eh?"

  "Look, I promise not to say anything to anyone about what he's trying to do to you… Please, you can't tell anyone about this."

  I listened in shock as Louise told me that Denver and his wife were very much a respectable couple, doing respectable jobs, living in a respectable neighbourhood and with respectable lives. Yet, he and his wife were involved with the McCauley gang. Louise was pretty sure that Denver's wife was one of the madam's for their gang's sex trade.

  "Are you saying," I laughed, "that Denver and his wife are pimps?" I laughed incredulously. "There's an actual underground sex business in Londonderry and Denver isn't just customer - he's running it?"

  "And doing very nicely at it, or so I hear." the bitterness in her voice took me back. "His wife makes sure the girls keep in line, he gets the buyers and handles the transactions."

  "So it's not a brothel?"

  "No, there are brothels, but Denver and her are involved in the high-class buyers and in selling on the used-up, broken women. Of course, Denver likes to make a little extra by blackmailing the married businessmen who enjoy the darker games he lets them play."

  "And where better to see how much they can afford and to move it painlessly from their accounts than working in the biggest accountancy firm in the area?" The penny had dropped. That's why he works in Sawyer’s, he can easily make up invoices to blackmail payments can be made and hidden all in plain sight. That's what the Chester file was for.

  "It makes sense now," I whispered to myself.

  "What does?" keen eyes surveyed me; "you know more than you're letting on."

  I couldn't say it. I didn't say it. I knew what I had to do: keep quiet for long enough until I could get another job and away from Sawyer’s. As much as Denver was trying to blackmail me, what did I care about another one of his john's getting blackmailed? I came back here for Ryan, he needed me to keep a flat going to he can move into it and be supported when he's released. Ryan is finally clean and sober - if all I have to do is hand over one file to Denver to keep my own head above water before leaving my job, then so be it.

  "Denver had seemed so nice," I played for time. "I can't believe it all, but looking back now it makes sense... was he grooming me to be one of their girls?" I knew that wouldn't be the case, the only thing he really wanted from me was the set of keys for Mildred's office.

  "Possibly," she said unconvinced. "More likely that he wanted you as one of his own collection," she admitted. "He has a real thing for dark hair and blue eyes."

  "He's married!" I said in shock.

  "Maybe so, but apparently they're both fine with the other having… varied tastes."

  I laughed hysterically at the way she'd explained it. Once I’d stopped she was looking at me, and I had a feeling I wouldn't like what she was going to say.

  "I think we should tell Jake."

  "Why on earth would you even suggest that? Not your boyfriend my ass."

  "He’s not!"

  "So why do you think he needs to know? You just said you'd keep this to yourself." I felt betrayed. I stormed over to my sink and poured myself a glass of water. "What's he going to do?" except get in the way of me being able to do what I need to do and move on.

  "You don't like him, do you?"

  That was a question. There were things about him I didn't like, but that was because it felt too soon, I didn't know what to do about the flicker I felt when I saw him, or the fear I had now that he knew who I was - or at least knew I wasn't Bella. I couldn't let him get near, it was too risky and all those routes lead to me losing my job and therefore my flat, and how could I help Ryan then?

  "It's not that I don't like him," I lied, "I don't know what he could actually do." I rolled my shoulders, trying to ease the tension I now felt. "Yeah, he owns a gym and is one huge guy, but what's he gonna do - frighten Denver again? I don't think that worked the first time."

  "I can't go into it, but I promise I won't say anything right now. Think about it over the weekend, we'll talk about it again on Monday - let's see how Denver plays this with you at work. If he's trying to get you into his bed, then he'll want to play nice."

  This time I wasn't convinced.

  Louise insisted that we got some food for me to eat and we spent the next couple of hours watching a chick flick on TV that we'd both seen before. I was glad of the company and that she'd dropped the conversation about Denver and Jake.

  Chapter 9


  Although I met Louise as planned on Monday, I still begged her to keep everything from Jake. I could guess what he’d want to do. The Armstrong family had always been trouble, even as a youngster I knew to give their children them a wide berth at school. It didn’t surprise me that an Armstrong guy ran a boxing club and gym in the slightest, what did surprise me was that it sounded like they’d cleaned up their act somewhat. With what I’d seen and the rumours I’d heard about their family as I grew up, I would have expected Jake to have beaten the shit out of Denver without even thinking about it.

  They were the family that didn’t need an excuse to fight with someone else… I remembered one time when I was about ten that even my mother in her most drunken states learning the lesson everyone else seemed to know.

  I just didn’t need another guy in my life thinking he knew better. Especially not an Armstrong. They were too well known, too close to my past.


  “Mummy isn’t home yet and I’m the boss when she’s not here.” I screamed. “Now go to bed or I’ll tell her you ate all her favourite biscuits.” Ryan’s face paled and I saw tears well in his eyes.

  “No Sarah! Mummy will be cross with Ryan.” He pouted. “Ryan doesn’t want to go into the naughty box again.” He lifted Fuzzy and held the tattered and smelly bear close for comfort and moving his little body away from the airing closet.

  “Well go to bed.”

  “I’m hungry.” He whined. Damn. I knew he was hungry, his tummy had been rumbling for an
hour. The only thing left in the cupboard was some dry pasta and I wasn’t allowed to use the cooker.

  “If you go to bed I’ll go see if Mrs. Conway has locked her gate.” She always threw so much food out for the birds, most of it was ok to eat but last time mummy found out I’d took some she called me a dirty thief and took her shoe to me. I just won’t get caught this time.

  “But…” I saw the fear in his eyes too. “It’s ok Seh-Rah. I’m not that hungry.”

  I pulled him close, “Now, let’s get you into bed. I bet Fuzzy is tired.” I bent down and spoke into the bear’s only ear, “Fuzzy, are you tired? What’s that? You are? But you don’t want to go to bed on your own? What? Ok, I’ll ask him.” Ryan giggled as I talked with Fuzzy.

  “Ryan,” I said deliberately, “Fuzzy says he is tired and he wants you to go up to bed with him, just until he falls asleep.” He giggled.

  “Fuzzy can’t talk!”

  “Well, that’s what you think… he tells me things, you know.”

  “What things?” he asked, letting me walk him along the corridor.

  “Well, things like how much better he liked it when daddy was still here.” I pulled down the bed covers as he crawled in. “And how rumbly his tummy is.” I tucked Ryan in and reached for my school coat, draping it over the thin covers as usual. “And… that he’s glad we ate mummy’s biscuits!” I was rewarded with a giggle.

  It only took ten minutes for Ryan to fall asleep. Once his breathing was deep and slow I sneaked out of the room and tiptoed down the stairs and out into the space behind the flats. On tiptoes, I checked the flickering lights in Mrs. Conway’s ground floor flat bedroom window. She’d gone to bed and was watching TV. Her fence is easy to climb and as usual, the scraps are on her bird table, just waiting for me.

  Ryan was still asleep when I came back so I hid the scraps in my school bag for the next morning, I slipped into bed beside him, snuggling behind him for the heat we’d both need. It was still dark when I was awakened by her return home. This time, she wasn’t alone. I held my breath as I listened… a woman’s voice?

  I peeked through the crack in the door, seeing Veronica, mum’s drinking buddy dabbing mum’s face in the bathroom. “You know she’s an Armstrong, Sarah, so why did you try it?”

  Mum slurred her response, “I dunn giva fuck… bitch wass tryin it awn wif Charlie.”

  Veronica, swayed as she stood. She was drunk but not in the stupor my mum was in, she rinsed the cloth and kept dabbing at my mum’s eyebrow. “Yeah, I know. But he’s left you, he’s not yours anymore…” she eyed my mother cautiously, kneeling beside my mum who was slumped on the side of the bath. “They’re together, or at least from what I’ve heard.”

  The one and only image of my mother’s tears burned into my soul. Mum’s face crumpled as her shoulders bobbed and sobs wracked through her. “But I sstill luv-im.”


  The rest of the week at work was, thankfully, entirely uneventful… except for one phone call from Denver. His professional voice oozing over the phone. “I’m calling to confirm the file I requested.” I swallowed the bile that pooled in my mouth and listened. “So, my colleague, Barry will be meeting with you in Flanagan’s. I’ll confirm time in due process.” With that, he hung up.

  Ok, ok, it’s one file. One piece of paperwork… it’s not that big of a deal. Big companies like this loose more paperwork than that. I assured myself that it was a once off, that I would apply for other jobs, any jobs, to get out of here. He won’t blackmail me again.

  I didn’t know why Louise is so uptight about this guy. He was greasy, yes, imagined himself as a big-shot, yes, but what hold could he have over me once I left this place? Worst case was he’d share a video that wasn’t me and by the time he’d do that, I’d be gone from here anyway so that couldn’t hurt my job. He overstepped when he got physical in the kitchen that day, but my guard will not be down again - he won’t get that chance to sneak up again. I didn’t believe he had the balls to actually attack me now. The pocket knife I had tucked into the side of my bra was my insurance… and I prayed to God I didn’t need it.

  Chapter 10


  Mildred, my manager, arrived into work shortly after I did, which was a surprise since she was supposed to be on holiday leave for another few days.

  “I was about to go to sleep last night and I remembered that the Windsor case needed signing off by the end of the month.” She smiled. It was nice to see her looking so relaxed, in the short time I’d been here, it seemed that she worked at warp speed the whole time and the dark bags under her eyes were somewhat faded today. “I need a favour, though,” she peered at me over her reading glasses, “Can you pop round to their office, they’ve some paperwork waiting for us to process.”

  On the way back, I passed a deli and decided to grab a sandwich for lunchtime. Sandwich in one hand, large file in the other; I almost dropped both when I caught a glimpse of Jake as I left the deli. He’s walking straight towards me, fuck! A flash of electricity zipped through me in excitement, and I instantly scolded myself - girl-code, even if Louise denies there’s anything going on… but damn, that chiselled jaw, the slight stubble, and those smouldering blue eyes. Jeeze, those eyes could get you into trouble.

  I scrambled to think of something coherent to say but when he reached my length the words poured out before my mind had the chance to filter them. What I hadn’t seen on his face from afar was painfully clear at this closeness.

  “Oh my God, Jake, what the fuck happened?!” his eye was swollen and the skin was a curious shade of purple. His other cheek was reddened and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t holding his arm that way before.

  He laughed dryly, “Nice words for a lady.”

  “Jesus, are you ok?” I couldn’t breathe; I didn’t care what my words sounded like. Why did I feel so angry at seeing him like this?

  “I’m fine, it’s nothing.” He brushed my concern off like I brushed off compliments. He watched me, searching my face for tells. I shivered knowing he was looking at me, but somehow, the fool I was, I wanted him to keep looking.

  “Not working in the office today?” he asked casually.

  “I’m on my way back now.”

  “Great,” he said, turning the opposite direction to what he had been going, “I’ll walk with you.”

  I felt the air frizzle between us, I was suddenly nervous and my mouth was dry. If only I’d bought some water in the deli too. As we walked, Jake explained that the gym was going very well and that he was building on his MMA training. The gym was putting forward a couple of guys into a competition soon and that he was sparring with them. He laughed, a sound that was deep and felt like home, promising that the other guy looked a lot worse that he did. I truly hoped he did.

  It was the first time we’d spoke more than a few words to each other, the first time we’d been alone together and I had to admit, I could see what attracted Louise to him. I wasn’t ready for a relationship, after what had happened before, but if I had met Jake in six months’ time and he wasn’t secretly dating my work friend, then he would be exactly what I would look for. Tall, strong, very much an alpha, and that air surrounding him that told you he always got what he wanted. God help me, and I knew it was a betrayal to Louise, but a dark, deep and unsatisfied part of me wanted him to want me.

  We reached the street corner beside the office too soon. He said his easy goodbyes and left me feeling giddy from being so close to him, but also disappointed that he would obviously never see me as anything more than an acquaintance.

  Mildred disappeared with the Windsor file as soon as I gave it to her and a few moments later my mobile phone pinged.

  I’m dying to share our little video… or did you get that folder?

  An unknown number and no name - and I needed neither. Denver had my personal number now.

  At 4 o’clock Mildred popped a lever arch folder on my desk, her face etched with stress. “I need another favour… I really need to go;
my daughter’s waiting on me. That’s most of the final paperwork for the Windsor file completed. Can you get this form signed by their CEO tomorrow then print the invoice, put a photocopy inside here and then put this back into the cabinet in my office - just use your key, and lock up again when you’re done.”

  No one would have questioned me being in Mildred’s office whilst she was off anyway, but I’d just been given a valid excuse for being there today. I would take the Chester file tomorrow.

  Chapter 11


  Meeting Bella like that was an extremely pleasant surprise and one that was needed after the aches my body felt. I was in shape, so the problem had been my brain. The planned Kindred Sons training was starting in earnest and last night’s had been heavy going: I wanted everyone to realize we’re not as ready as we should be. Six guys at a time in a boxing ring, the last one standing was the winner. Then the 6 winners fought each other. I’ve been distracted lately so I deserved the couple of swipes that came my way, if I’m honest I was pleased that no one pulled punches if they had the opportunity to take me out - I certainly didn’t. They all ended up on their asses regardless.


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