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Beast of Zarall

Page 32

by E B Rose

  “Fascinating,” he muttered. He wished he could take this to Eternal Pillar with him and examine it. He’d already made a discovery by witnessing that light could be turned into an object.

  He shook his hand to get the slimy coating off his fingers while turning his attention back to the orb. He noticed two things; firstly, the orb seemed slightly bigger now. Secondly, the slimy liquid that stretched from the orb to his fingers was crawling towards his palm.

  Tesla pulled his hand back, shaking it harder. The liquid light didn’t fall off his fingers. The more Tesla pulled his hand, the more it stretched and crawled up his wrist.

  Tesla started breathing frantically. As he struggled, the orb was growing and revealing more details. The liquid had reached Tesla’s wrist and was progressing up his arm now. He used his other hand to scrape it off, but the liquid light smudged on that as well.

  Tesla cried out in panic. Now both his hands and forearms were covered in materialized light. He couldn’t even see the outlines of his limbs. He walked back and the liquid stretched further up his arms, reaching his elbows. The orb grew to the size of a window. Tesla could see the beast inside.

  Despite his overwhelming panic, he noticed details he hadn’t seen before; the beast was wearing the dragon bone necklace. He saw rows of seats and people running between them. A hole opened up in the sand at beast’s feet and started growing.

  Tesla stumbled backwards, still trying to yank his arms free. The liquid light moved up to his shoulders and the orb grew even larger. It didn’t even look like an orb now; it was a hole, just like the one at beast’s feet, only it was white instead of black.

  Tesla stopped moving. He looked back at the pure blackness behind him, then looked at the white gap opening in front of him. Something in the back of his mind cautioned him against widening this hole any further.

  The slimy liquid crawled to his chest now. Tesla forced himself to remain still and the hole stopped growing. He didn’t know what was going to happen to him. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he laughed bitterly. Now he knew why studying premonitions wasn’t allowed.

  Inside the white hole, the beast raised his arms in the air and roared. Tesla realized the man’s face wasn’t the face of a demon. It was just badly disfigured. So were his hands. They were mangled and twisted. More sand fell into the black hole. Then...

  Demons started crawling out of it.

  Tesla gasped. The white liquid was crawling down his stomach and up his neck. He tilted his head back, trying to avoid it, and continued watching the premonition with an increasing dread.

  The demons varied in sizes and shapes. There were bug-like demons, little flying ones, and ones that looked like burning hounds. They ran in every direction and attacked people.

  The beast continued yelling. Something bigger was coming. Four giant claws, each one the size of a house, reached out of the hole.

  Tesla screamed in horror. One of the demon hounds stopped. It turned its vicious face and looked directly at him.

  “No,” Tesla gulped.

  The demon dog howled furiously. It lunged towards the white hole. Tesla resisted the urge to run back. He had to close this gap before the hound got to him, and he knew what he needed to do.

  He pushed forward.

  The white liquid crawled up to his chin, covered his mouth. It consumed his torso and reached down his groin. However, the white hole that he stretched open started closing.

  Tesla continued pushing. The demon hound skidded to a stop and reached with its claw. Tesla tossed his head back to avoid the razor-sharp claws. Behind the demon dog, he glimpsed at the horror climbing out of the ground in front of the slave.

  The white hole shrunk to the size of a watermelon, then to an apple, then to a marble. Tesla pushed. The white liquid covered his eyes, turned everything to a bright white…


  It took a while to figure out he was awake. He had to clung to his memories to gain his sense of self back. He was one with the light that consumed him. He was weightless; he flowed and spilled like light. He was lost. He had to fight hard to yank himself free and summon his physical appearance back.

  Everything around him was pure white; the exact opposite of where he was before. When he figured out which way was back and oriented his body in that direction, he wasn’t surprised what he saw there.

  A pure black orb, the size of a marble, floated in the air.

  Logic would say this was the way back to where he came from; way back to consciousness. However, Tesla had no proof, and at the moment, he was quite reluctant to experiment.

  Plus, he hadn’t gotten what he came here for. He needed to locate Lion of Zarall.

  “Okay,” he said in an effort to comfort himself. “Lion of Zarall. Need to find him...”

  He felt a movement behind him and flinched back. His jaw dropped as he blinked at what he saw.

  “What the...”

  A bull was standing in front of him.

  Tesla took a cautious step back.

  A bull?

  No matter how many times he rubbed his eyes, he was still looking at a bull.

  The animal stared at him intently. Its chest and shoulders were wide. Its muscles bulged under its dark brown coat. Two majestic horns protruded from its forehead and curled elegantly.

  “Okay...” Tesla mumbled carefully. “I was looking for a lion, but...”

  The bull burst into flames.

  The animal made a heart-wrenching sound. The flames covered its head and back. Tesla smelled the burning flesh and fur. The bull stomped madly and shook its head. Flames charred its face and melted its eyes. The animal started charging blindly ahead, still screaming in pain.

  Tesla remembered he had legs. He ran.

  He tripped.

  He fell.

  The bull trampled over him, though Tesla didn’t feel any pain. He didn’t hit any ground, yet he continued to fall, as if he was in a wicked nightmare. He was in a nightmare. Sort of.

  He flailed his arms, trying to brace himself. Then, he landed in water.

  Cold water filled Tesla’s mouth and nose. It had a coppery taste. Tesla kicked his legs and swung his arms, trying to orient himself towards the surface, though he couldn’t tell which way it was. After moments of paddling under the water, his head finally emerged, and he drew a deep breath in.

  Tesla’s feet found soft, muddy soil underneath, and he stood up. Water withdrew to his chest level. Tesla wiped his face and shook the water off his hair. Breathing irregularly, he looked around.

  He was in some sort of a cave. It must have been vast, as he could neither see the walls nor the ceiling. It was dark, but it was nothing like that pure blackness he’d been in before. A faint light was emanating from the silver bars of a giant cage in the middle of the cave. The cage was empty. Beyond that, floating on the surface of the water was...

  Tesla gulped. He battled a surprising burst of excitement. He cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

  “Hey?” Tesla called out.

  Tesla’s voice echoed from the cave walls, though the man, floating on his back, didn’t seem to hear him. This was Lion of Zarall, Tesla knew that. He could see the beast tattoo on his neck. The dragon bone necklace rose and fell on the slave’s chest as he breathed steadily.

  When Tesla approached closer, he noticed the man’s grey eyes were flat, glass-like. He blinked at the dark ceiling, without seeing. Although they had no focus, Tesla couldn’t help but follow the slave’s gaze up. He looked back down, then glanced up again, furrowing his brows. Had he just seen a movement up there? He stared and waited, determined to catch it again, when a hissing voice spoke behind him.

  “Who are you?”

  Tesla flinched. Lion of Zarall was still drifting peacefully. The voice had come from inside the cage. A black fog swirled behind the silver bars. It concentrated near the edge, and took the form of a dark silhouette.

  “How did you get here?” The thing inside the cage demanded.

; Tesla ignored the question. “Who are you?”

  The silhouette responded by ignoring Tesla’s question. “I don’t know how you got in here, but you better go.”

  Tesla took a step back. His eyes flickered between the slave, the necklace, and the cage.

  The silhouette let out a low growl. He was joined by more growls and snarls that echoed from the surrounding shadows.

  “Demons,” Tesla whispered as he searched the shadows.

  The slave was still floating on his back; not seeing, not hearing, as if not existing. Did he even know he was surrounded by demons? Did he know who was inside that cage?

  The attack came from above. Out of the corner of his eye, Tesla saw a long, black arm reaching down from the ceiling. He ducked and plunged under the water. The snake-like arm dove down with him, trying to wrap around his limbs. Tesla struggled against it. He hit the soft, muddy bottom underneath the water and an image flashed in front of his eyes.

  He was looking down at a room. It was a well-decorated, tidy room with ornate furniture and wide windows.

  Lion of Zarall was lying inside a bath tub. His eyes were flat.

  Tesla studied the room, trying to etch every detail in his memory. Lion of Zarall was there, in that room, right now. An armour with Zarall coat of arms was in the corner. The bed was made neatly. Heavy, silk curtains were drawn. Daylight snuck around the edges of the curtains.

  Daylight? It was still night when Tesla...

  Then, he saw the carefully drawn praying circle near the bath tub.

  A praying circle! He could track that...

  The black tentacle wrapped around his ankle and pulled him out of the water. It shook Tesla in the air, and swung him against the walls.



  The servants had started bringing new clothes an hour ago, courtesy of Master Vadithas. Shirts, pants, doublets, and vests. They were all made out of Whulgar cotton, the best quality. Sewn by talented hands in the latest Chinderian fashion.

  Lygor picked one without much thought. He allowed the servants to dress him.

  The sun was just setting, but there was still plenty of light in the room. Valnar stood by the window, wearing his Kiejain armour. In a house where the Twelve Riders were so disregarded, he had an urge to show Kiejain’s face to everyone.

  Ink was in his leather armour. His face was freshly painted with Kaldorian battle markings. He leaned against the wall; his arms crossed. His gaze flickered around the room without looking at anything specific. They hadn’t spoken another word since bringing Beast to Valnar’s room.

  “Master Naelar wants to meet me tomorrow,” Lygor said. He stood straight to let the servant button his shirt. “We’ll discuss the restrictions on his request. Ink, I’d like you to be there.”


  Lygor glanced at Ink. The Kaldorian hadn’t even looked his way. Lygor scowled, but didn’t comment. He slipped inside the doublet the servant was holding, then dismissed him with a flick of his hand. “I can do the rest, thank you. Leave us alone.”

  The servants bowed deep before leaving the room. Lygor finished buttoning his doublet. He walked over to the table which served fruit, cheese, and wine. He poured himself a glass and stared out the window.

  “How is he?” Lygor asked.

  “He’s alright,” Valnar said, maybe too quickly.

  Ink stiffened, but remained silent. It was hard to decipher his expression under the layer of paint. The purpose of Kaldorian war paint was to make the warrior’s face look furious and fearsome. Valnar couldn’t tell how much of it was the paint, and how much was Ink’s genuine feelings.

  Lygor stared at Valnar until the knight fidgeted. “He’s got some cuts, that’s all,” he confessed.

  Lygor gritted his teeth. His lips formed a thin line as he returned to gazing out the window.

  “Really, it’s just minor cuts,” Valnar pressed on. “I’m sure he’s had worse.”

  Ink gave him a harsh glare. Valnar thought Ink was going to speak and tell Lygor how they’d found Beast. How knowing it and seeing it were very different. Valnar shook his head to warn him. All he wanted was to protect Lygor from anything that could hurt him; including the knowledge of what this alliance had cost the slave.

  “Find a physician,” Lygor said. “Don’t come to dinner until you make sure he gets the treatment he needs.”

  “Yes, Lodi.”

  Lygor covered his eyes with a hand. “I should see him,” he breathed.

  “No,” Valnar said. “I mean... if you want to. But he was resting last time I checked.”

  “Tomorrow morning, then.” He seemed somewhat relieved.

  “Of course.”

  “Ask him if he feels good enough to start training tomorrow morning. For the Fire Breath, I mean. It’s only six days away. Master Vadithas said he could use the yard at the back.”

  “I’ll ask him. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  “Good.” Lygor finished his wine glass and put it back on the table. He raised his eyebrows at Valnar. “What are you waiting for? Physician. Off you go.”

  Valnar bowed. He shot one last warning at Ink, but the Kaldorian didn’t give him any eye contact. Valnar walked out and closed the door behind him.

  He ran his hands through his hair, tilted his head back and sighed heavily. He spotted one of the servants several feet away from Lygor’s door. He clicked his fingers at him.

  “You, come here. Fetch me a physician. Bring him to my room. As quickly as possible.”

  “Yes, Sir Valnar.”

  Valnar watched the man go. Then, he faced the door next to Lygor’s. His door. He rubbed his neck and wished he could deny his reluctance to open that door.

  That morning, when Ink had returned with clean clothes, they’d walked back into the room and helped Beast get dressed. The slave hadn’t talked again and he kept his head down the whole time. He’d flinched when they held his arms to help him up, but hadn’t resisted. His eyes were flat and he’d let them guide him as if he was in a dream.

  Valnar had the servants fill the bath tub in his room with hot water. They’d helped Beast in, then left him alone for some privacy.

  “You let this happen,” Ink had said.

  “I didn’t...”

  “Don’t you fucking tell me you didn’t know. You both did. We all did.” He’d ran his fingers through his hair and mumbled. “And I didn’t try to stop it either.”


  “I should go and escort Your Highness to breakfast.”

  “Remember, Lygor can’t know. He needs this alliance.”

  “Better be worth it...”

  When Valnar returned with some food, he’d found Beast still in the bath tub. The slave had plunged his head under the water and stayed there for a long time, until Valnar was sure he was trying to drown himself. After he’d dressed and had a few bites, he’d crawled into Valnar’s bed and he’d been sleeping ever since.

  Valnar took a deep breath and opened the door. Beast woke up with a startle to the sound of the door closing. He slid out of the bed and stood with his hands clasped in front of him, his head down. Like a good slave, Valnar thought with a twist in his stomach.

  “You can relax,” Valnar said.

  The slave stood as he was.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I live to serve; I breathe to please, Owner.” Beast’s voice was low and raspy.

  “I’ve called for a physician to come and check those cuts.”

  No answer.

  Valnar studied the ceiling. The silence made him uncomfortable. He fidgeted with his cuffs, then remembered he had some wine at the table. He poured himself a glass.

  “Do you want some wine?”

  Beast’s face twitched. “I live to serve; I breathe to please, Owner,” he repeated.

  Valnar took the answer as a no. He remembered Beast wasn’t great with booze anyway. He drank half of his glass, scanning the room and looking anywhere but the slave. His ey
es lingered on the prayer circle.

  “Do you... umm...” He drank the other half and poured himself another glass. “Do you have a rhoa or not?”

  “Purebreds don’t have rhoas, Owner,” Beast answered flatly.

  “I know that’s what the priests say. And the Union, and everyone else. But... do you have one?”

  “Purebreds don’t have rhoas, Owner,” Beast repeated after a slight delay.

  Valnar sighed. He touched his throat and looked down. “You know what? It... doesn’t matter.” He inhaled. “I’m sorry.”

  The slave didn’t answer, but his shoulders tensed. Valnar put his glass down on the table.

  “Lygor needs the Union’s help. He needs this alliance.” He felt like he’d said this sentence for a hundredth time since this morning. “Kiejain, have mercy on my rhoa. I would still make the same decision. But...” He looked at Beast’s face. “I’m sorry.”

  Beast didn’t look up. His blonde curls left his eyes in shade. Part of Valnar wished the slave would say anything. Maybe he would have, if it wasn’t for the knock on the door.

  The physician was the youngest Valnar had ever seen. He introduced himself as Caerlo. He walked in with a small bag and cleared himself some space at the table. He instructed Beast to get undressed and the slave complied obediently.

  Valnar watched outside the window as the physician went on with his examination. The man kept talking as he worked. He explained how Master Vadithas was always so careful with purebreds, as if it was a quality to admire. He said freeborns had it a lot rougher. When he started describing the precautions Vadithas took in the training room to prevent any injury to the purebreds, Valnar growled him to work quietly.

  “I’m leaving some cream for the cuts on his wrists and ankles,” Caerlo said sourly, when he finished his check-up. “He’ll be sore for the next day or so, but other than that, he’s fine. Like I said, Master Vadithas is always...”

  “Get out!”

  Caerlo half-closed his bag and hurried out. Beast put his clothes on quietly. His ears were bright red, and his jaw was clenched, but his face was otherwise blank.


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