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Treasure of Egypt

Page 36

by Barbara Ivie Green

  “What is the meaning of this?” Lord Langston stood in the doorway.

  Alec lunged for the gun, slamming his fist into the Admiral's face as he twisted the gun from his fingers. Akeim disarmed the two men who had escorted the old lord, while Genevieve left the guard that held her rolling on the floor gasping for air.

  With lightning speed, Sophia flipped the guard standing next to her across the room; he landed with a thud against the bureau. The statue above him toppled from its place, the heavy base striking his head. The man slouched over, knocked out from the blow. The base of the statue broke open, releasing the rock that rolled across the floor.


  Lord Langston held a revolver in his hand. “Cease this at once!” Smoke swirled from the end of the gun in his hand. The warning shot had shattered the window.

  Alec stepped protectively in front of Genevieve as he eyed the new threat. Akeim moved closer to Sophia as the Admiral pulled out a small pistol from his jacket. Another shot rang out. The Admiral dropped the gun, grasping his hand.

  “Don’t think for a moment that I wouldn’t kill you,” Lord Langston replied as he held the gun on him. “I’ve the blood of honorable men, whose only crime was to fight for their country against mine, on my hands.” He gave him a look of pure hatred. “You murdered my son and kept his wife and child from me.” His finger tightened on the trigger as he stared at his son-in-law. “I would gladly go to hell just to make sure you suffer for an eternity.”

  “You think that this is the end?” The Admiral replied venomously. “It is merely the beginning,” he warned. “You have no idea who you are dealing with.”

  A dozen armed men wearing British uniforms entered the room. “Take him away,” Lord Langston ordered, releasing his finger on the trigger. Two men hauled the Admiral out as the old lord turned his attention to his granddaughter. “Genevieve,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “Grandpapa,” she cried running into his arms.

  He looked over her head at Sophia, “Forgive me, I had no idea.”

  Sophia nodded with tears in her eyes.

  “Hmm-hum,” Samuel cleared his throat, holding up his bound hands. “Could someone cut these?”


  “Aahh, aah, watch it,” Samuel winced as Sophia ripped his pant leg open inspecting his wound. “Ow, not so hard… Ouch!”

  Sophia rolled her eyes looking at him. “Samuel?”

  “What?” He opened his scrunched eyes.

  “I haven’t even touched it.”

  Samuel grimaced, “Dear God in heaven, just give me a drink!”

  “Oh, honestly,” she sighed.

  “Here,” Alec came forward with a bottle of scotch, “Looks like this is from his private stock.”

  “That’s better,” Samuel took a healthy sip, “Augh!” He wiped his mouth, looking up at Alec. “Turns out the b was for bullet.”

  “Samuel?” Lord Langston came to stand in front of him.

  “Sir,” Samuel immediately sobered.

  “Looks as if you’ve taken a hit,” he eyed the wound.

  “Just a scratch, Sir,” Samuel straightened up, causing Sophia to lift a brow.

  “From your note, I presume you have the evidence,” the old lord waited.

  This time it was Alec’s turn to raise a brow.

  “Yes Sir, you will find all the marked guns in his armory. He was definitely the one selling illegal arms to Cetshwayo.”

  “I see,” Lord Langston turned to one of his own men, ordering him to find the evidence. He turned back to Samuel, “Good work,” he nodded before leaving the room.

  Samuel looked up to face Alec’s anger, “It’s not like it sounds.”

  “You mean to tell me that all this time you have been on an assignment?” Alec didn’t allow him to respond, “That even when we were on the ship chasing after Genevieve you were snooping around?” Alec pulled the bottle of scotch from Samuel’s fingers and glared down at him.

  “It’s not like it sounds,” Samuel pleaded. “And in my defense, nothing was as it seemed. If you’ll remember, the bad guy we were chasing was actually on our side and the good guy was deceiving us by lending aid.”

  “All this time and you didn’t tell me?”

  “I was sworn to secrecy!”

  Alec gave him a look that lowered him to the level of a gnat.

  “By the Queen herself,” Samuel defended himself. “Remember the night that you won the map?” he looked hopeful, “Well, I was with the Queen.”

  “Are you implying that your new mistress is the Queen?” Alec folded his arms across his chest.

  “God no,” Samuel responded. “You’ve met the Queen… but let me tell you, she is nothing if not relentless.”

  “Unbelievable!” Alec shook his head as Akeim joined them. “I knew it was more than just a coincidence that we had the map and had managed to find the keeper as well.”

  “Lord Langston did ask that I look for his granddaughter,” Samuel admitted. “Ah com’on, it was brilliant,” he added. “We walked out of there with Genevieve when everyone else he’d sent had failed.”

  “I could remove that bullet,” Akeim smiled as he pulled out his knife.

  “Trust me, it’s tempting,” Alec replied.

  “Alec,” Samuel looked up at the leering warrior. “I took this bullet saving you for God's sake. Don’t leave me alone with him.”

  “Stop it. Both of you,” Sophia took the bottle from Alec and handed it back to Samuel. “I will remove the bullet.”


  Alec walked over to Genevieve who smiled at him, despite Samuel’s outburst.

  “How is Samuel doing?” she glanced over at him with concern.

  “Aahh!” the man in question screamed.

  Alec smiled, “He’s going to be just fine.”

  “How did you know it was Sheba’s tomb that he wanted?”

  “How did you dispatch that guard so easily?” He smiled as she blushed, “It doesn’t matter now that you’re safe.”

  “But I still protect the tomb,” she watched him with concern in her eyes.

  “Correction,” he smiled at her, “We protect the tomb.”


  Chapter 28

  “Samuel what are you still doing here?” Alec crossed the lobby of the Shepheard’s Hotel in Cairo. The man in question was sitting between two ladies dressed in bright colors, the feathers in their hats bobbed, making them look like fantastic birds of paradise.

  “Oh, hello there Alec,” Samuel grinned up at him from his place at the table. “I’d like you to meet Ladies Chastity and Amelia.” He moved his eyebrows up and down as he spoke, “They are twins.”

  “Yes, I can see that,” Alec nodded stiffly as he stood next to the table. “Samuel may I have a word with you,” he cleared his throat, “In private.”

  “Why yes,” Samuel stood, excusing himself with a slight bow. “Ladies,” He kissed their hands before walking over to Alec who had stepped out of earshot, though you could still hear the twins twitter as Samuel turned and waved.

  Alec noticed his limp was more of a swagger as he strolled toward him, “Well?” he asked.

  “Well what?” Samuel turned to look at him. “They are twins, booked on the same passage that we—”

  “You know damn well what I’m talking about,” Alec glared at him.

  “Oh, that,” Samuel looked back at the ladies. “I left Akeim in charge of the decorations.”

  “Oh hell,” Alec groaned.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” Samuel said as he waved again. “It’s handled, all right.” He turned back to Alec, “Trust me.”

  “That may not be the best term to use to instill my confidence,” Alec commented dryly.

  “It’s going to be fine,” Samuel chuckled, changing the subject. “Speaking of Akeim, the Ol’ Lord of the Desert’s son, Ahmed sends word that his cousin, Omar,” he smiled, “You remember him, he’s the owner of the mutton shop that you destroyed.” />
  “I didn’t destroy it,” Alec replied testily.

  “The last we saw of it, there was smoke billowing out the sides of it and flames shooting out the back.” Samuel reminded him. “What would you call it?”

  “Well-needed ventilation.”

  “At any rate,” Samuel continued. “He has received your most gracious gift and will now stop cursing you as the filthy son of a pig and send his blessings for restoring his livelihood.”

  “That’s always comforting, but what about the packages?”

  “The packages?” Samuel responded distracted by the ladies who were waving back at him.

  “Yes, the packages!” Alec pulled a hand through his hair in frustration.

  “Being delivered as we speak.”

  “What? Both of them?”

  “Both of them,” Samuel nodded absently. “What?” he looked back at Alec. “Oh no, of course not,” he laughed. “I almost forgot, here you are,” Samuel withdrew a box about the size of his fist from his inside jacket pocket. “It was almost like cracking a safe to get it I tell you.”

  Alec sighed, visibly shaken as he took it from him.

  “Oh, Com’on man,” Samuel clapped him on the shoulder turning him toward the door. “It’s all been taken care of. Relax, it’ll be perfect.”

  “It better be!” Alec warned.

  “Well, it won’t be if they see you,” Samuel continued in a calming voice as he ushered Alec toward the entrance, “You had better leave before you blow the whole thing.”

  Alec took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “Right.”

  “If you want to change your mind,” Samuel offered as he waved back at the twins.

  “Samuel,” Alec’s look was one of extreme irritation.

  “Alright, alright, just checking,” Samuel grinned. “You’d better get a move on,” Samuel looked up the grand staircase of the hotel. “They’ll be down any moment.”

  Alec nodded, taking another deep breath before walking away.

  As soon as he was out the door Samuel turned around, walking back toward the table. “Ladies,” he smiled. “Have I told you yet about the time I took a bubble bath in hell?”

  “Oh Samuel,” Chastity tapped him on the shoulder with her fan. “The things you come up with are simply scandalous,” she giggled.

  Amelia batted her eyes as she laughed, “You’re absolutely incorrigible.”

  “Yes but, delightfully so,” he winked in response to their delighted peal.


  A knock on the door sounded. “Just a minute,” Sophia called as she went to open it. She returned with a package, “It’s from the dressmaker.”

  “I thought we had all the items she made for us already?” Genevieve looked up curiously as her mother opened the box and gasped in wonder. “Oh my goodness!” she breathed, as she uncovered a white gown. The tiny pearls sewn onto the bodice shimmered against the fabric. “There is a note,” she smiled as she held it out, “With your name on it.”

  “For the keeper of my heart and soul,” Genevieve read, “Love Alec.”

  “It’s simply gorgeous,” Sophia lifted it from the box. “It’s a bit much for traveling. We should probably pack—”

  “I’m wearing it,” Genevieve smiled as she took it from her twirling in the room.


  “You’re a vision of loveliness,” Samuel grinned as he met them at the bottom of the stair. Dressed in the latest fashion both mother and daughter raised quite a stir among those in the salon as they turned to stare.

  “Thank you,” Sophia inclined her head as Genevieve looked over the crowd.

  “Where is Alec?” she asked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Samuel held out his arm for her. “He had some things to attend to and asked if I could escort you ladies to the ship.”

  “Oh,” Genevieve commented, somewhat deflated.

  “Are these your trunks then?” He asked of the baggage being carried out by the porters. “I’ll just see them loaded and we’ll be on our way.”

  The ride was a surprisingly short one. Sophia looked out the window at the cathedral as they came to a stop. “Here we are,” Samuel opened the door and offered his hand up to Genevieve. “There is something here that I’m sure you will want to see,” he grinned up at her.

  Once inside Genevieve’s grandfather met them. “I would like very much to see you happy young lady.” He smiled warmly at her as he held out his arm. She accepted it as he escorted her further into the chapel.

  He turned to face her, looking at her with tenderness, “There is a certain young man who has asked me for your hand in marriage.”

  He patted her hand as he spoke, moving so that she could see what awaited her at the end of the isle. Alec stood before the altar holding a single, white rose in his hand. The light from the stained glass window above him filtered down, casting him in an ethereal glow.

  Her grandfather once again extended his elbow to her as music began playing softly. As they approached Alec bent to one knee. She walked on shaky legs until she stood before him.

  “Genevieve,” his voice cracked, reminding her of the first time she’d heard it. He smiled nervously as he took a deep breath, extending the rose out to her, “Will you marry me?”

  Love shone in his eyes as he gazed up at her. It moved her to the core that he would allow himself to be so vulnerable. He’d never been stronger or more beautiful in her eyes. “Yes,” she nodded, taking the rose that he offered with trembling fingers. She blinked at the tears that had formed in her eyes. Alec stood wiping it away with his thumb as he cradled her cheek.

  “You have my blessing,” her grandfather whispered as he transferred her hand from his arm to Alec’s and stepped back.

  A priest stepped forward from the podium, smiling kindly at the couple. “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here,” he began.

  The ceremony was a whirl, much different than the first time. Alec smiled down at his bride as he took the box from his pocket. Opening it up, he withdrew a diamond ring, slipping it on her finger.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” the priest smiled at them. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Alec scooped his wife up into his arms and kissed her to the applause and cheers of their family.

  Genevieve was laughing with joy as he set her back down. He winked at her as he took her hand. “Are you ready for the rest of our lives together Mrs. Brighton?”

  “Yes,” she nodded happily as they walked together down the steps.

  Lord Langston turned to Samuel as they watched the happy couple. “What do you intend to do now that your business here is completed?”

  “I was thinking about some rest and relax—” Samuel looked over at him noting the sharp eyes that appraised him. He knew that look. “What did you have in mind, Sir?”

  Sophia met the bride and groom at the bottom of the steps. She hugged her daughter as Samuel came up to Alec.

  “Congratulations!” Samuel vigorously shook his hand. “See, I told you it would be perfect.”

  “So you did,” Alec smiled as he looked over at his bride. She and her mother were happily talking together. “Oh, that reminds me,” he pulled a note from his pocket. “Deliver this to my mother upon your arrival will you. Since we’ll be in Venice on our honeymoon, and she would probably like to know she has a new daughter-in-law before we arrive.”

  “Ah, about that,” Samuel’s voice was somewhat hesitant. “Your mother may not have been quite as zealous in her pursuit of a bride as it may have appeared.”

  “Samuel,” Alec narrowed his eyes, “What did you do?”

  “I may have sent a few sketches to the newspapers and expounded on a few rumors.”

  “You what?” Alec opened his mouth in disbelief as he remembered the cartoon in the paper and the whispering of his upcoming proposal. The fact that he’d pointedly avoided his mother probably hadn’t helped him.

  “I needed the cover,” Samuel was saying when he turned his attention bac
k to him. “All in the name of God and country, I assure you.”

  Alec tipped his head back and laughed heartily.

  “You’re not angry?” Samuel looked at him oddly.

  Alec clapped him on the back. “Angry?” he smiled, “How could I ever be angry about getting the greatest treasure known to man.” He looked over at Genevieve who had turned at his laughter. “Quite the contrary, I’m forever in your debt.”

  “Oh well, that’s a relief,” Samuel replied. “I hear Venice is perfect this time of year.”

  “You’re not coming,” Alec stated flatly.

  “I wasn’t suggesting,” Samuel snorted. “I’ll have you know I have a new assignment.”

  Alec turned to him in surprise, “What of the leg? Are you sure you’re up to it?”

  “Of course,” Samuel grinned. “It fits nicely into my plans in fact.”

  “And how is that?” Alec asked.

  “I’ll be babysitting a spinster who is firmly on the shelf,” Samuel replied. “In fact you may know of her, Miss Constance Applegate.” When Alec shook his head Samuel continued. “I’m posing as her aged butler,” he winked. “I’ll be reviving my role as Higgins.”

  “Aren’t you concerned she’ll recognize you?” Alec raised a brow.

  “From what I understand she rarely goes out in public.” Samuel smiled with a wink. “The twins will be in London and I will have a lot of time on my hands. What could go wrong?”

  “What indeed?” Alec raised a brow.


  Alec picked up his bride and opened the door, carrying her over the threshold of the honeymoon suite.

  “Oh Alec,” Genevieve gasped as he moved to close the door. “You thought of everything.”

  Alec turned to see the room decorated with sheer drapery across the bed, rose petals scattered across the floor and a bubble bath already prepared. A bottle of champagne was chilled beside a platter of fruit. Candlelight lent a soft glow to the room that looked like something straight out of Arabian nights.

  Alec grinned, silently claiming credit for the decorations. The Ol’ Lord of the Desert apparently knew a thing or two.

  Alec gently placed her on the floor, turning her into his arms so that he could look into her eyes. “I love you,” he whispered, grinning from ear to ear.


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