Book Read Free

Chub Rub

Page 12

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Tell me he’s got a monster cock in those jeans. I saw the bulge in those leather pants last night. He’s packin’, isn’t he?” she said, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

  Before I knew it, I was laughing so hard, I ended up on the floor, with Faith running around my trembling body. Leave it to Polly to say the most vulgar sentence she could, to tear me away from the thoughts clouding up my mind.

  When both of us finally contained our laughter, my stomach hurt, and there were tears streaming down my face as I climbed back onto the sofa.

  “Thanks, Polly. I needed that,” I chuckled out.

  “I know, Mags,” she beamed, “I really do want to know though.”

  “You know how they say ‘It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of ocean?” I said to her raised eyebrow. “Well, let’s just say Jackson’s packing the Titanic in those leathers.”

  “FUUUCK!” she replied.


  “You really do like him, don’t you, Maggie?” she sobered.

  “I do. I can’t explain it. I trust him beyond reason.”

  “I understand. It’s the same with Chase and me. The connection was instant, and the sex is fucking amazing.”

  Giggling, I threw a pillow at her. “I gotta do some laundry, Polly. Jackson is taking me to dinner tonight and I’ve got nothing to wear. You’re welcome to stay and help me.”

  I knew that one statement would get her off of her ass and out of my door, leaving me in peace. Or as much as I could find with my own thoughts as company.

  “Nah, I gotta go. I’m staying at Chase’s tonight,” she said, by way of explanation.

  Standing up, she gripped me in a hug. “I’m happy for you, bestie.”

  “Thanks,” I said, holding onto her just as tight. “Love you”

  “Love you too, bitch!” she said.

  Letting me go, she waltzed over to the entryway and turned the knob. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Mags!’ she screamed over her shoulder, before shutting my front door.

  Don’t do anything she wouldn’t do? That list was very short indeed.

  At six pm, my phone buzzed with an incoming text from a number I didn’t recognize.

  I’ll be there an hour, wear something sexy. Xoxo. -J

  Had it not been attached, I was positive my head would have flown off. An hour? How could I be expected to get ready in an hour? I hadn’t even changed out of Jackson’s sweats and shirt, and my hair was piled on top of my head. I had finished my laundry and decided to clean the house, hoping the loud music I was blaring would stop my thoughts for just a little while.

  Luckily, I knew what I was going to wear since I had picked it out specifically to wash. Throwing my shirt over my head as I ran into the bathroom, I threw it on the floor and shimmied out of the pants. Cranking the shower on high, I took the fastest shower of my life, being careful not to cut myself with the razor as I shaved every inch I could reach, to silky smoothness.

  Twenty minutes later, with an extra large bath sheet wrapped around my body, I blow dryed my hair. I wasn’t going to have time to curl it, so its’ natural wave was going to have to do. I teased the front of my hair, pinning up a small section in a little pomp, and ran some finishing paste through the rest.

  Deciding against an overabundance of makeup, I swiped my mascara wand through my lashes, applied a small amount of concealer to my face, and slapped a bit of clear gloss on my lips. With ten minutes to spare, I put on a short white floral dress with a lace up bodice and stepped into my small wedged white heels, finishing up with a simple black choker necklace.

  As I spritzed on some of my favorite perfume, my doorbell rang, and my stomach tightened in anticipation. He was a few minutes early, but thankfully, I was ready. Calm was what I needed. We were going to dinner, and that was it. It wasn’t a date (at least that was my assumption). We would probably just discuss limits during play and have a nice meal away from the club. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the door on unsteady feet and opened it for the man who had taken up permanent residence in my thoughts for the past week.

  Neither of us said anything as we stood there staring at each other. He wore black jeans and a skin tight black t-shirt, my mouth watering instantaneously. His hair looked freshly washed, and was still slightly damp, and his scent penetrated my nostrils leaving me feeling dizzy.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he whispered, breaking the silence and leaning in for a soul sucking, toe curling, closed mouth kiss.

  “Hey,” I whispered back when he pulled away.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah, let me grab my bag,” I said, shaking away the vertigo he had induced on me, and patting Faith’s head.

  Opening the door to his truck, I climbed in, fully aware of his eyes on my ass, before he shut it and jogged around to the drivers side. He climbed in and started the truck, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers before he took off for our destination.

  His hand was warm in mine, and I couldn’t help the giddy feeling rising up in my throat.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  Instead of answering, he looked over at me, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up in front of a nice looking Italian place. I loved pasta, and so did my body, but I was going to suffer through a salad because I didn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of Jackson. I could see it now, spaghetti sauce all over my white dress and the disgusted look from my dining companion. No thanks!

  Sitting at a table in the back, Jackson explained he wanted to be far away so we could talk without prying eyes. I didn’t know what he wanted to talk about, but I nodded my head in understanding.

  “Do you know what you want, Maggie?” he asked, his nose over the menu.

  I shook my head no. Everything smelled so good, but the fear of rejection I might see in his eyes if he saw me stuff my face with creamy pasta was enough to leave me feeling torn on my decision.

  “Do you want me to order for you?” he asked.

  “Yes, please,” I said, gratefully. If he chose for me, then he couldn’t be repulsed at what I was eating.

  “Any allergies?” he asked.

  I shook my head and reached for the ice cold water sitting near me. I was so nervous about this conversation, and I didn’t even know what it was about.

  “Good Evening. My name is Gerard and I’ll be taking care of you this evening. Were you ready to order or did you need a few minutes?” the waiter asked.

  “We’re ready,” Jackson responded. “We’ll take two iced teas, and we’ll each have an order of the cajun chicken and shrimp pasta.” He finished, closing the menu and handing it to the dashing waiter.

  “Very good, Sir,” the waiter said, grabbing the menus from Jackson before walking away.

  “You ok with seafood?” he asked me.

  “Yes. I love shrimp.” I answered honestly.

  “Good. Me too.” He smiled.

  After our drinks were delivered, I watched as Jackson gauged my demeanor, sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Are you ready to talk?” he asked, clearly pensive as to whether I was or not.

  “Yes,” I responded, looking into my hands, not comfortable for more than one word at a time.

  “Little sub?” Jackson growled at me, so low I almost didn’t hear him.

  My head snapped up immediately at his tone. Gone was the playful guy who had held my hand the entire drive here. He was now replaced with Master Jackson. The sex on a stick Dom who rocked my world last night.

  “I want to have a conversation with you, but you look like you’re about to take off screaming. What’s the matter?” his voice held a no-nonsense tone, daring me to avoid the question. I wasn’t stupid though.

  “I’m scared,” I answered honestly.



  Wrong answer. I saw the hurt flash across his eyes before I could backpedal.

  “I’m n
ot scared of you, Jackson. I’m scared of what you could do to me.” I explained as well as I could.

  “That’s what I want to talk about, Maggie. I want to discuss your limits when we play, and the boundaries we will put in place when you’re in my home or yours, versus the club.”

  He clearly misunderstood what I had meant.

  “Jackson, I’m happy to discuss those things with you, but that’s not what I am saying. I’m scared of what you could do to my heart.” The words were out before I could filter them or take them back. God! I was screwing this up!

  Dawning struck those beautiful eyes, and suddenly, I found myself sitting next to him in our circular booth. Pulling me into his embrace, I squirmed closer into his chest and breathed in his scent, locking the fragrance away into a mental vault and throwing away the key. I wanted to remember this moment, with his smell, for the rest of my days.

  “I’m scared too,” he whispered into my hair, surprising me as well.

  With both of us sensing we were on the cusp of something life changing, we clutched each other tighter for a few moments and waited to see what the other person would do or say.

  When our food arrived, and Jackson had migrated back to his own seat, I resolved I couldn’t wait anymore. I wanted to know what he was thinking and what he wanted to do about us.

  “Ok, I’m ready to talk,” I said, impressing even myself with my confidence.

  “Where would you like to start?” he said, twirling his pasta on a spoon before bringing it to his mouth.

  I watched as he chewed his food, the muscle in his jaw moving with grace, and the hard features of his face softening with the enjoyment of the taste. When he swallowed his bite, and his adam's apple jumped out of the way, my heart jumped into my own throat and my panties grew damp, again.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll bend you over this table, little sub, and give the other restaurant goers something to talk about later,” his husky voice teased, wrapping around my head and licking at the inside of my ear drums.

  “Limits,” I barely managed to choke out, my previous bout of confidence gone with the wind.

  His chuckle was light hearted, and anyone with a brain could tell he was enjoying my reaction to his threat. Hell, I was enjoying my reaction.

  “Ok, limits. What are yours? I’ve read your file, but they seem a little vague,” he said, twisting up some more pasta.

  Taking my own small bite, and pushing my awkwardness to his question to the side, I answered as best as I was able.

  “I’m willing to try just about anything, and I trust you. There are some things I won’t do, but they aren’t polite to discuss at the dinner table.”

  Nodding his head, he understood my request. I could be adventurous in the bedroom, but I drew a line at golden showers and other repulsive things in that category.

  “And, how do you feel about the different implements you saw on my walls?” he asked.

  “I’ve never used any of them, but I’m willing to try. With you.”

  My answer must have shocked him, but he took in a deep breath before asking, “You trust me that much?”

  “I do. You won’t hurt me,” I said with complete sincerity.

  “You need to hurry up and eat, Maggie,” he said, changing the subject, “I’m rock hard under this table and I need to get you home ASAP or we’re going to get charged for public indecency.”

  His words caused a fresh flow of juices to spill out of me and into my panties. I pushed my half eaten pasta away and watched as Jackson motioned for the waiter.

  “Two boxes and the check, please.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the waiter bowed.

  Within three minutes, Jackson had me pressed up against his truck in the dark corner of the parking lot, my hips around his waist, pushing my panties aside and plunging into me with no warning.

  He swallowed my scream of ecstasy with his mouth, plunging into me both above and below, his cock and his tongue alternating the in and the out while he held me up. When it was clear his mouth wouldn’t be enough to quiet the little screams coming from me, he clamped his hand over my mouth and pushed into my harder, my back and my ass bouncing against the cold metal of the vehicle.

  Even though it was forty degrees outside, my body was on fire as he fucked me like a wild animal and I bucked against him, matching each thrust with one of my own. I didn’t care if anyone saw us, and there was no way in hell I was going to stop until both of us had reached our peaks. It wasn’t going to take long, I could already feel the slow burn building inside of me, and i could feel Jackson’s dick enlarging to capacity within me.

  His hand over my mouth was what did me in though. The inability to scream and be heard turned me on in ways I couldn’t explain, even to myself, and when he squeezed my cheeks and rammed into me harder, I knew we were both done for. Bellowing his name into his palm as he roared out mine, we both came at the same glorious time. The walls of my pussy clenched down on him, riding out the waves of pure fucking pleasure, and daring him to even think about sliding out of me. His cock sputtered over and over again, pulsating inside of me, and keeping my own orgasm floating far longer than normal.

  I could feel our mutual juices gushing out of me and sliding down my thighs, but I didn’t care. That was the hottest thing I had ever done, and I wanted more. So much more. If this was what it was like to be Jackson’s submissive, I wanted him to collar me right then and there, not that I really knew the implications of a true collaring. I had some more research to do it seemed.

  Gently setting me down, and holding onto my hip, Jackson removed his hand from my mouth, and bent to put his lips in its place. Forehead to forehead, we looked into each other’s eyes as our tender tongues danced together.


  “Hey back,” I whispered.

  “Ready to go home?” he asked


  Neither of us said a word on the way home, instead, grasping onto each other’s hands for dear life. We had seen the rawness of the encounter for what it was, and both of us were scared shitless. What we saw reverberating back at ourselves was a four letter word neither of us were ready for, but both of us were starting to feel. How it was possible, so shortly after meeting each other? Who the hell knew, but I could tell you with crystal clarity, I had never felt like this in all of my life.

  Chapter Sixteen


  As usual, my dick was still solid, even after our impromptu fucking against the truck. I had originally planned on getting her back to her house first, but the blood sucking appendage in my pants had other ideas. Sliding on a patch of ice, I caught her before she could go down, and when her body pressed up against mine and she smiled her thanks, that was all it took for her to be up in my arms with those sexy fucking legs wrapped around me. Even now, I wanted to pull over and plough into her again, but with the release back at the restaurant, I knew I’d be able to make it home. Just barely.

  The entire thing baffled me, and I was glad we were silent, for once, as we trekked back to her house. Multiple things had happened that I wanted to take a closer look at. For the first time, Maggie didn’t seem embarrassed or awkward. She jumped right into my arms and let me slide into her with zero hesitation. Maybe she was starting to realize that I thought she was the sexiest fucking woman alive, or maybe her lust had clouded over her apprehensions.

  The second thing that surprised me was the way she had tightened on to me when I moved my hand to cover her mouth. Being a Dom meant I knew how to read ladies, and if I was correct in my assumption, Maggie fucking loved being somewhat gagged. I hadn’t covered her mouth for that express purpose, more so to prevent someone coming to check out the scene when they heard a woman screaming, but now I wondered how she would feel about trying out a ball gag. I put that on the back burner, for now. At dinner, she said she would try anything, and I was going to hold her to that. I was going to thoroughly enjoy bringing her over to my dark side, bit by bit.

The final thing on my list was the most difficult to pronounce. After we had both successfully gotten our rocks off, there was a moment, a fragment in time, that I couldn’t diagnose. I was looking into her eyes, with my forehead resting against hers, and I felt like I was looking into her soul, and in turn, she was looking into mine. The emotions I had locked away deep inside me spilled forth and mingled with hers, a cacophony of silence and noise, colors and shapes. No words were said, but an entire conversation had taken place between us. It had been the most intense experience of my life.

  It was too soon, and we both knew that, but it didn’t change the fact that my feelings ran deep for this woman, as deep as hers ran for me. Two weeks ago, I considered shutting down my livelihood because I found no joy in it, no satisfaction. Today, I was falling for a girl that turned my world upside down. The entire scenario was both beautiful and fucking ridiculous, and there was no way I was climbing out of the ring on this one. I was determined to see what would happen between us.

  Looking over, I could see Maggie was deep in thought, similar to where I had been only moments ago. Squeezing her hand, I pulled her from her trance, and as she looked over at me and smiled that perfect fucking smile, my heart flip-flopped behind my rib cage, causing me to smile back.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect when we pulled up to her place. Was she planning on inviting me in or sending me home? We hadn’t put any plans together, both of us just winging it as we went. There was so much I wanted to do to Maggie, so many toys and different ways to induct her into my lifestyle, but I knew I needed to be meticulous with her training. Slow to start, and then build to the maximum. I had no doubt in my mind she could handle anything I decided to throw at her, but too hard too fast might cause her to bolt, and that was just not fucking happening.

  Killing the engine of my truck and hopping out, I went to her side and opened her door. Grabbing on to her hand, I helped her hop out and steady her when her feet hit the ground. I couldn’t stop myself from pulling her into my arms and smelling her hair.


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