Book Read Free

Chub Rub

Page 14

by Shannon Youngblood

  Blinking back the sleep in my eyes, I rolled over to an empty bed. Frowning, I put my arm out to find the bed sheets cold underneath my palm. He must have left shortly after I had passed out. I didn’t want to think on that too much, Mondays were depressing enough.

  Throwing on my robe, sans sash, and padding my way across the cold wooden floor, I walked towards the kitchen to fire up my beloved Caffeine Machine, as I liked to call it. In other words, the coffee pot. While I stood and waited for the black liquid to drizzle out into the carafe, I smiled, remembering the night that I had just had, and why I was missing the tie to my robe.

  Intense was the best word I could use to describe my night. Every single second of it had been filled to the brim with some new emotion, or something orgasmic. Dinner had been shaky at first, but Jackson had quickly put my mind at ease. And then the after dinner, against the truck? Well, that had been dangerous and fun. Thank God no one had seen us.

  When we had gotten back to my house, I didn’t know if I was supposed to invite him in or not, but I knew how much I wanted to, so at the risk of being rejected, I had asked, and surprisingly enough, he had accepted, as well as letting me initiate some playtime. From the moment I had met Jackson, I had an inner voice constantly chattering at me to please him, however I could. When he was near, the voice got louder and louder, and I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I had watched as his eyes darkened when I called him Sir, and I knew that I would do anything for this man, all he had to do was ask.

  And then, he came waltzing into the bathroom, after our intense orgasm, only to stop short. I had wanted the bath to be a little surprise. My tub was being enough to fit both of us, which had been the selling feature for me when I was looking for an apartment. His face had drained of color as soon as he had spotted me. The fear I had felt washing over him in waves had hit me square in the chest.

  I didn’t know what I had expected him to say about his sudden demeanor change. Maybe his phone call had gone bad? But to tell me he was afraid of water? That was not at all what I had envisioned.

  Filling my favorite mug, I loaded it up with creamer and sugar, and shuffled over to the couch. I always made sure to wake up at least thirty minutes earlier than needed, so I had enough time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, or three. I would never be one of those people who grabbed a to go cup with a bagel dangling from their mouth, because they were just too busy to stop and enjoy the hot caffeine. I always made time for joe, my now second favorite man.

  After perusing my social media apps, and checking my emails, I finished my coffee and made my way back to my room for a nice hot shower. It was going to hit fifty today according to my weather app, but that meant it was still too freaking cold for my liking. One day, I was moving to California, or Florida. I couldn’t stand the snow anymore.

  Deciding it was a leggings and sweater dress type of day, I headed for my closet in search of my needed attire. Once I was dressed, dried, primped, and perfumed, I headed back to my living room to grab my purse and head out, but something caught my eye on my dresser just as I made to turn off my light. A folded piece of paper.

  Walking over and picking it up, I saw it was, indeed, a note, from Jackson.


  Sorry to leave while you were sleeping, but I had a few things to handle at the club. I will text you later today, my sweets. Until then, think of me, little sub. Xoxo


  Like the silly school girl that I was, I held the note to my chest and did a little happy dance in place. Xoxo. Hugs and Kisses from Jackson. I could feel my heart swell inside my chest, and lodge itself in my throat. The wide smile I was sporting probably looked ridiculous and out of place, but I couldn’t help it. That man did things to me I couldn’t explain, and frankly, didn’t want to.

  Kissing the note and laying it back on my dresser, I skipped out of the room. Literally, I skipped like a teenage love sick puppy. Polly would have jokingly called me disgusting while laughing with me. This was turning out to be one hell of a Monday. Maybe work wouldn’t be quite so bad!

  My mood hadn’t slipped at all the entire thirty minute drive to work. My local radio station had me in fits of laughter almost the whole way there, and when I walked into the office, it was clear I was the odd man out. Everyone looked like it was currently a Monday morning. It was a look I was familiar with, seeing as I usually donned it every Monday myself. This morning though, I couldn’t join in with the crowd. It had been too good of a weekend and too amazing of a morning.

  “Good Morning, Dominique!” I happily sang, tossing my purse onto my desk and plopping down in my chair.

  “What’s so good about it?” She dryly asked, although the smirk was apparent on her face.

  “Hey you stole my line!” I said, laughing at her.

  Dominique and I had started working together on the same day and had become great work friends. We didn’t really get the chance to hang out outside of work, because I was single with no children, and she had a husband and three kids, but we talked about everything and anything while at work and were friends on social media.

  Putting on my headset and logging into my phone, I started my work day, and prayed it would fly by. I was hoping to see Jackson tonight, but I would wait for him to text me and tell me our plans.

  By lunchtime, my mood had soured considerably. This job was mentally exhausting and I was ready to take a much needed hour to myself and catch up on some reading in my car. Before I could leave though, our receptionist Trish flagged me down.

  “Hey Maggie, you have a delivery,” she smiled at me, a knowing look passing in front of her eyes.

  “Okay?” I said.

  “Let me grab it. I didn’t know if you had left for lunch yet.”

  Scurrying away without a response, I stood and waited for Trish to come back and eavesdropped in to Dominique's current phone call. I couldn’t help but laugh when I listened to her. She had the best way of sounding incredibly kind while she told you off. It was a skill I hadn’t yet mastered.

  “Here ya go,” Trish announced from behind me.

  Turning around, my mouth popped open in stunned silence. In Trish’s hands was another large bouquet of beautiful flowers, in all different colors. This set, also sitting in a crystal vase, was larger than the last, the flowers more potent. The smell wrapped around me, and drugged me for just a moment.

  “Oh-ho-ho,” Dominique piped up behind me. “That’s why you’ve been all smiles this morning. I see now.”

  I laughed at her, before picking out the card and stuffing it in my purse. If this note was anything like the last one, I definitely wasn’t opening it anywhere inside this building. Grabbing the arrangement and thanking Trish, I set it on my desk and proceeded my march outside to my car at a much quicker pace than I had originally. I needed, all so I could read that note that was burning a hole in my bag.

  Once encased inside, the heat blowing full blast in my face, I rummaged in my Mary Poppins bag of a purse and produced the card that came with my stunning bouquet.

  To my little sub--

  I want to feel your warm mouth engulfing my throbbing cock. I want you to take me into your throat and choke on me. I want to see your eyes water when my cum shoots out and dribbles down your chin. You’ll beg for me over and over again, until your throat goes hoarse from screaming.


  Fuck! Reaching out, I had to turn the heat down in the car, as I read the note until I could quote it. My panties were drenched, and my breathing was ragged. The vision of me on my knees, while Jackson stood in front of me, claiming my mouth and my throat, was all consuming. I had never been a huge fan of blow jobs, but when Jackson’s cock had been dangling in my face last night, and I wasn’t physically able to pull it into my mouth because of the gag, I had been severely disappointed.

  Looking around the parking lot, I took a chance and dipped my hand in my leggings and under my panties. Finding my swollen clit I gave it a little pinch and cried out. I was almost unbearably sensit
ive, and I didn’t know if it was from the overuse the last few days or because my daydream had been so vivid. Rubbing in little feather light circles, I laid my head back and took in the overwhelming sensations coursing through my body. Never had masturbation felt this good in my life.

  Just before I could feel myself nearing the edge of climax, my phone rang out, scaring the hell out of me, and effectively killing any chance of getting off. I looked around my car, making sure no one had seen anything, before I scooped up my phone from the cup holder and flared it to life.

  From Jackson: Maggie, I hope you got my note this morning. I’d love to meet you tonight at the club if you’re not too busy?

  Typing back a quick reply, confirming my availability, I paused a brief moment before I pressed send. I didn’t want to sound that desperate, but who the hell was I kidding, I was desperate. I was desperate for another mind blowing, toe curling, earth shattering climax that only Jackson had ever coaxed from me. Ringing again in my hands, I opened his message.

  From Jackson: Good. Be at the club at seven. Wear something sexy for me, baby, but not too revealing. No one else gets to look at what’s mine. Xoxo --J

  What’s his? Holy shit, he called me ‘His’. If I had thought the car was too steamy before, now it was now downright hell. Cracking the windows, I let the cold breeze seep into the car and cool my over warmed skin. How in the hell was I supposed to make it another four hours at work? Maybe I could play sick and go home early? No, that wouldn’t work. At this point, the gossip mill was probably in hyperdrive with news of my flowers, and leaving early would just fuel the ever-present whispered words. I’d just have to stick it out and wait.

  I hated waiting.

  At five to seven, I pulled into the parking lot of “The Hunt”, and found somewhere in the back to park. The place was crowded, unusually so for a Monday night, or so I would assume since this was my first. I was surprised I had even made it on time. By the time I had gotten home, showered, shaved and made myself presentable, I was scrambling and out of time. I still hadn’t picked out something to wear that was “sexy, but not too revealing.” What did that even mean?

  I settled on a half dress, half lingerie piece, in the back of my closet that Polly had insisted I buy a few years ago for my boyfriend, but had never worn. The thin black material clung to my curves and stopped a few inches shy of my knee. I knew, if I bent over, I’d show everyone some very intimate details of my anatomy. The tank style top dipped low into my cleavage and I wore a hot pink bra underneath with matching satin panties. Over the top of the dress was a sheer white robe, that tied in the front, with long billowing sleeves. It didn’t really cover anything, but it was cute, and if I had been two hundred pounds skinnier I could have walked a catwalk in this outfit. I finished it off with a lower, but still ridiculously high, hot pink heel, the color perfectly matched to my undergarments.

  Walking to the front door of the club, I wrapped my long pea coat around me a little tighter. Normally, this jacket kept me warm all winter long, but when I was practically naked underneath it, there was only so much the coat could do. The door of the club opened before I could grasp the handle. The hallway was scarcely lit, but the noise from inside drifted down, greeting me, pulling me in.

  Handing my coat and my clutch to the man at the entrance of the coat room, I took my standard white ‘sub’ wrist band and walked into the expansive entry room. Each time I came in, I felt an awkwardness descend on me. Ninety Five percent of the women and men in the club were built the complete opposite of me, and it unnerved me when they stared. The first time, I had almost run out screaming and, if it hadn’t been for Polly gripping my arm, I probably would have. Each time, the stares lasted progressively less, and I could only hope, in time, they wouldn’t stare at all.

  It wouldn’t stop me from staring right back at them though. The first thing I always looked for was the colored bands. Curiosity ran rampant in my head when I saw girls with white and rainbow signifiers. Rainbow meant they were up for anything and everything, and I knew I’d never make it to that point. The women with blank bands and men with white bands always piqued my interest as well. I couldn’t imagine being a Domme. The thought actually terrified me.

  Looking over at the direction of the bar to see if Jackson was there, Derek gave me a little wave to flag me over. I walked over as carefully and as gracefully as I was able in my still too high for my liking shoes. Sitting down, I smiled at Derek.

  “What’ll it be, Maggie?” Derek asked.

  “None for me tonight, Derek, I left my clutch in the coat closet, and I am not walking back over to get it,” I laughed.

  “Nonsense. Jackson gave specific orders that you could order a single drink, on him, while you wait,” he said to me while he wiped down an invisible spot on the bar in front of me.

  “In that case, I’ll have a glass of White Merlot, Vendage, if you have it.”

  Nodding at me, he turned back to grab my drink and I swivelled half way around in my chair to study the members gathering tonight.

  Since tonight had no particular theme, and it wasn’t a newcomers night, participants were much more relaxed and open with their play. Multiple women were kneeled at their Master’s feet while they spoke with other Doms, and some were being hand fed from a table while on their knees as well. Some of the more risque acts included one woman tied to a large looking cross in the back corner of the room, her back being lightly swatted with a leather flogger. I’d never seen one in use before. Only pictures, and both times, I had been in Jackson’s playroom.

  There was a rule that no penetrative sex was allowed in the great room unless a demonstration was happening that called for it, but fellatio was acceptable, and a few couples were taking advantage of it. I couldn’t stop my eyes from lingering on one in particular that had caught my eye.

  A spitting image to my daydream earlier in the day, a blonde haired, almost completely naked woman, was on her knees, her hands tied behind her back, a large cock filling her mouth. His hands were gripped tightly in her hair as he guided her mouth onto his dick, down to the base and back up. With each thrust, her body convulsed with her gag reflexes and you could see the strands of drool dripping from her mouth. But through it all, you could clearly hear her moan, and her Master tell her to come. The instant he spoke, her entire body had quivered in release, as did his, and she gulped down everything he gave her while simultaneously riding out her own orgasm.

  No one had touched her, and yet she had still come. How was that even possible? I had to have direct clitoral stimulation to even think about coming. She must have been a special breed of woman.

  With my thoughts in a far away distant land, I didn’t hear the footsteps approach me from behind and wrap their hands around my stomach to massage my heavily swollen breasts. I let out a little squeal of surprise, but instantly calmed when his lips brushed my neck and he whispered softly in my ear.

  “Does my little sub like watching other people get throat fucked?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I knew she was turned on, and I couldn’t resist spouting those dirty words into her ear. She had watched Master Devon and Mistress Kat’s entire public scene without blinking for a second. I didn’t even think she caught on to the fact that Mistress Kat had on a black wrist band. I hadn’t thought Maggie would have any voyeuristic tendencies, but she was proving me wrong, again and again. She really was the entire package, if I was honest with myself. I just needed to find a way to make her see how extraordinary she was.

  Leaning over and whispering in her ear again, “I believe I asked you a question, little sub.”

  Her heavy breathing picked up before she finally answered, “Yes, I did like it, Sir.”

  I knew it. She enjoyed watching, but how would she feel about participating? In her current state, I knew she’d never go for it. It was another reason I needed her to understand how beautiful she really was. She needed to love every inch of herself if she was ever g
oing to play with me outside of my little room in the back.

  As owner of the club, I performed demonstrations at least once a month. Normally I would use an experienced sub to help me with these, but with Maggie in the picture, that was firmly out of the question. I knew there were simpler demo’s I could do, showcasing a newly trained sub, that Maggie could handle, but eventually, I wanted to be able to do some more hardcore exhibitions with Maggie, including instances where she needed to be completely nude and comfortable in her own skin.

  Saving that conversation for another day, I picked up Maggie’s glass of wine and took a sip. Bitter, but sweet. I liked it. I wasn’t much of a wine drinker, but this was pretty good. Turning around in her seat, I handed the glass back to her and watched her tilt it back, her delectable throat swallowing the blush liquid that matched the color of her cheeks. When she sat the empty glass down on the counter, I waited to see what her next move would be.

  Pride filled me to the brim when she scooted off of her seat to kneel at my feet without any prompting from me. I patted her head and whispered ‘good girl’ before summoning Derek.

  “Yes, Master Jackson? What can I get you?” THe petite gay man said.

  “Another glass of the wine for my little sub, and a double whiskey, neat, for myself,” I ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.” he said, flouncing away.

  While I waited for our drinks, I continued petting Maggie’s head, injecting as much calmness through my fingertips as I could. Tonight, I had big plans for us, and I hoped she could handle them. It was going to be risky, but in the end, it might just pay off.

  Taking both of our glasses from the counter and standing from the stool, I walked around to stand behind Maggie.


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