Vanderbilt, Alice (née Gwynne)
Vanderbilt, Alva (née Erskine Smith, later Belmont): and Alice; background; behaviour towards Consuelo (daughter); and Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester; divorce; hair colour; jewellery; marriage to Belmont; Political Equality League; social climber
‘Vanderbilt Ball’
Vanderbilt, Consuelo. See Marlborough, Consuelo, Duchess of (née Vanderbilt)
Vanderbilt, Cornelius (‘Commodore’)
Vanderbilt family: church attendance; marriages; picnics; social climbers; wealth of
Vanderbilt, Frank (née Crawford)
Vanderbilt, Frederick
Vanderbilt, Gertrude. See Whitney, Gertrude (née Vanderbilt)
Vanderbilt, Grace (née Wilson)
Vanderbilt II, Cornelius
Vanderbilt II, William Henry
Vanderbilt III, Cornelius (Neily)
Vanderbilt IV, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, William Henry
Vanderbilt, William Kissam (Willie K)
Vanity Fair
venereal disease
Veragua, Duke and Duchess of
Versailles, Palace of
Victoria and Albert (royal yacht)
Victoria, Queen
Virginia City, Nevada
Waldegrave, Lady Frances
Waldorf Hotel, New York
Wales, Prince of. See Edward VII, King of England (formerly Prince of Wales)
Wales, Princess of. See Alexandra, Queen (formerly Princess of Wales)
Wall Street, New York
War of Independence (1861–5)
Warwick, Frances, Countess of
Watford, Hertfordshire
Webb, Beatrice
Western Union Telegraph Company
Westminster, Duke of
Wharton, Edith: Age of Innocence; The Buccaneers; at Cassiobury; character; marriage; on Newport society; on the Vanderbilts
Whig families
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill
White Ladye, The (Lily Langtry yacht)
Whitehurst, Felix
Whitney, Gertrude (née Vanderbilt)
Whitwell, Rev. Elwin
Wilde, Oscar
Williams, Sophia Wells. See Grosvenor, Sophia Wells (née Williams)
Wilson, Belle. See Herbert, Belle (née Wilson)
Wilson, Carrie (née Astor)
Wilson family
Wilson, Grace. See Vanderbilt, Grace (née Wilson)
Wilson, May. See Goelet, May (née Wilson)
Wilson, Melissa (née Johnston)
Wilson, Orme
Wilson, Richard Thornton
Wilton, Lady
Wimborne House, London
Winthrop Chanler, Mrs
Wolseley Hall, Staffordshire
Wolseley, Lady Anna (née Murphy)
Wolseley, Sir Charles, 7th baronet
Wolseley, Sir Garnet
Woodhull and Claflin’s Weekly
Woodhull, Dr Canning
Woodhull, Victoria (née Claflin)
Work, Frances (‘Fanny’) Ellen. See Roche, Frances (‘Fanny’) Ellen (née Work, later Batonyi)
Work, Franklin
Worth, Charles Frederick: ball dresses; reputation; rise of; wedding dresses
Worth, Marie
yachts. See also individual names
Yarmouth, Alice (née Thaw), Countess of
Yarmouth, George, Earl of
Yohé, May. See Hope, Lady May (née Yohé)
Yznaga, Consuelo. See Manchester, Consuelo (née Yznaga), Duchess of
Yznaga del Valle, Antonio
Yznaga, Ellen Maria
Yznaga family
Yznaga, Fernando
Yznaga sisters
Zimmerman, Helena. See Manchester, Helena (née Zimmerman), Duchess of
Zola, Émile
The English in Love
A Guide to Modern Manners
1939: The Last Season
Society’s Queen
The Viceroy’s Daughters
Diana Mosley
Debs at War
Snowdon: The Biography
The Fishing Fleet
Margot at War: Love and Betrayal in Downing Street
Anne de Courcy is the author of several widely acclaimed works of social history and biography, including THE HUSBAND HUNTERS, MARGOT AT WAR, THE FISHING FLEET, THE VICEROY’S DAUGHTERS and DEBS AT WAR. She lives in London and Gloucestershire. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
List of Illustrations
1. Where They Came From
2. The ‘Buccaneers’
3. Jennie
4. The First Duke Captured
5. Living in the Country
6. Mrs Paran Stevens
7. Alva
8. Newport
9. The ‘Marrying Wilsons’
10. The Call of Europe
11. Virginia
12. Maud
13. Royal Connections
14. The Bradley-Martins
15. Fitting In – or Not
16. Tennie Claflin: The Odd One Out
17. The River of Gold
18. It Was All Too Much
Also by Anne de Courcy
About the Author
THE HUSBAND HUNTERS. Copyright © 2017 by Anne de Courcy. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
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First published in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, an imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd, an Hachette UK company
First U.S. Edition: August 2018
eISBN 9781250164612
First eBook edition: June 2018
The Husband Hunters Page 34