Curzon, George, Marquess
Curzon, Mary (née Leiter): background; bathing; father’s money; marriage; and Queen Alexandra; and Queen Victoria; and servants; society balls
Daily Alta of California
Daily Telegraph
Daisy, Princess of Pless
Daly, Maria
Daniel, Rodie. See Bonynge, Rodie (née Stephens, formerly Daniel)
Daniel, William
de Baril, Maria
de Castellane, Anna, (née Gould) Comtesse
de Castellane, ‘Boni,’ Comte
de Castellane, Marquis
de Grey, Frederick, Earl
de Grey, Lady Gladys
Declaration of Independence, United States
Deerhurst, George, 13th Viscount
Deerhurst, Lady Virginia (née Bonynge)
Delmonico’s, New York
Depew, Chauncey
Desborough, Lady Ethel (Ettie)
Devonshire, Duchess of
Devonshire House, London
Devonshire, Louise, Duchess of
Dickens, Charles
Dickson-Poynder, Lady Anne
dinner parties
Dorchester Hotel
Doughty House, London
D’Oyly Carte Opera Company
Drawing Rooms, afternoon
Drexel, Elizabeth. See Lehr, Elizabeth (née Drexel)
du Pont, Pauline
Duff-Gordon, Lady Lucy
Duse, Eleonora
Duveen, Sir Joseph
East End, London
Eaton Hall, Cheshire
Echo, The
economy, American
Edward VII, King of England (formerly Prince of Wales): and the Aylesfords; Cassiobury Park, Hertfordshire; and Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester; coronation; at Cowes Regatta; and the Cunards; house parties; and Jennie Churchill; lifestyle; ‘Lovely Five’; and Minnie Paget; social set; Tranby Croft scandal; visit to New York; and the Wilsons
Edwardian era
Elcho, Lady Mary
Ellis, Havelock
‘Emerald Cunard’. See Cunard, Lady Maud (née Burke)
engagements, broken
Erskine Smith, Alva. See Vanderbilt, Alva (née Erskine Smith, later Belmont)
Erskine Smith family
Essex, George, 7th Earl of
Essex, Lady Adèle (née Grant)
etiquette: country weekends; education; everyday life and; and relationships; travel; and young girls
Family Circle Dancing Classes
family mottoes
fancy-dress balls
fashion: beach; Bradley-Martin Ball; cost of; country weekends; George Smalley on; hunting; keeping clothes clean; London; men and; royal; size of collections; sport. See also jewellery; Worth, Charles Frederick
Fête des Roses, Newport
Field, Sara Bard
Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York
Fifth Avenue, New York
Fish, Mamie Stuyvesant
Fish, Stuyvesant
Floors Castle, Scotland
fogs, London
Fortescue, May
Four Hundred (social elite)
Franco-Prussian War (1870)
Frewen, Clara (née Jerome)
Frewen, Moreton
Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs (Acton)
Garmoyle, Arthur, Lord
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert. See Salisbury, Lord
Geoghan, Anna. See Murphy, Anna (mother, née Geoghan)
Gilbert, W. S.
Gilbert’s Studio (photographic)
Glucksberg, Marguerite Decazes de
Glyn, Elinor
Godey’s Lady’s Book (fashion bible)
Goelet family
Goelet, May. See Roxburghe, May, Duchess of
Goelet, May (née Wilson)
Goelet, Ogden
Gold Rush, Californian
Good Form (anon.)
Gordon-Cumming, Sir William
Gore, Mabell
Gould, Anna. See de Castellane, Anna, (née Gould) Comtesse
Gould, Edith
Gould family
Gould, George
Gould, Helen
Gould, Jay
Grace Church, New York
Graham Smith, Lucy
grain, price of
Grant, Adèle Beach. See Essex, Lady Adèle (née Grant)
Grant, David Beach
Grant, General Ulysses S.
Grantley, Lady Katharine (née McVickar, formerly Norton)
Grantley, Richard Henry Brinsley, 5th Baron
Grantley, Richard Henry Brinsley, 6th Baron
Great Depression
Greville, Hon. Ronald (Ronnie)
Grey, Lady Gladys de
Grosvenor, Sophia Wells (née Williams)
Grosvenor, Thomas George
Guest, Josiah John
Guest, Lady Charlotte (née Bertie)
Gwynne, Alice Claypoole. See Vanderbilt, Alice (née Gwynne)
hair and beauty
Hall, Mayor Oakey
Hamilton Gardens, Mayfair
Harmony in White and Ivory (Whistler)
Harriman, Mary
Harriman, Ned
Harriman, Oliver
Hastings, George
Henry of Prussia, Prince
Herbert, Belle (née Wilson)
Herbert, Michael (Mungo)
Holford, Captain George
Homestead Act (1862)
Hope, Lady May (née Yohé)
house parties. See also country house weekends
houses: decor; development of; layout; plumbing of. See also mansions
Houses of Parliament
housing, lack of
Hummel, Roxanna. See Claflin, Roxanna (née Hummel)
Humphreys, Mary Gay
Hungerford, Daniel
Hungerford, Louise. See Mackay, Louise (née Hungerford, formerly Bryant)
Hunt, Richard Morris
husbands, American
Hyde Park, London
invitations: from Alva Vanderbilt; from Caroline Astor; from Cornelia Bradley-Martin; from Maria de Baril; posted; wedding
Irish population, American
Irving, Washington
James, Henry
Jenks, Daniel A.
Jerome, Clara. See Frewen, Clara (née Jerome)
Jerome, Jennie. See Churchill, Jennie, Lady Randolph (née Jerome)
Jerome, Leonard
Jerome, Leonie. See Leslie, Lady Leonie (née Jerome)
Jerome sisters
jewellery: Caroline Astor’s; Cornela Bradley-Martin’s; Grace Vanderbilt’s; left in wills; Louise Mackay’s; Tiffany & Co, New York; wedding; worn to balls
Jewish society, New York
Johnston, Ebenezer
Johnston, Melissa. See Wilson, Melissa (née Johnston)
Jones, Edith
Jones, Harry
Jones, Mary Mason
Jones, Minnie
Jubilee Ball
Junior Patriarchs
Keppel, Mrs George
Kinsky, Prince Karl
Knickerbocker girls
Knickerbocker society
Knollys, Charlotte
‘La Belle Otero’
‘La Païva’ (courtesan)
‘Ladies’ Mile’
Lady in White (Herkomer)
Langdon, Valerie. See Meux, Lady Valerie (née Langdon, also Reece)
Langtry, Lily
Lansdowne family
Lansdowne, Lady Maud
Lansdowne, Marquess of
Lehr, Elizabeth (née Drexel)
Lehr, Harry
Leiter family
Leiter, Joseph Levi
Leiter, Marguerite. See Suffolk, Marguerite Hyde (‘Daisy,’ née Leiter), Countess of
Leiter, Mary. See Curzon, Mary (née Leiter)
Leiter, Mary Theresa
Leslie, Jack
Leslie, Lady Leonie (née Jerome)
Leslie, Sir John
Leslie’s Weekly (magazine)
Lewiston Daily Sun
Lincoln, Abraham
Linsly, Jared
Lippincott’s Magazine
Lister, Barbara
Long Depression (1873)
Los Angeles Herald
‘Lovely Five’
Luby, William
Luckmeyer, Edward
Lucy, Mary Elizabeth
Lucy, Spencer
Lysistrata (Bennett yacht)
Lytton, Lady Emily
McAllister, Ward: advice to men; and Caroline Astor; Patriarchs’ Ball; remoulding of society; ‘The Saunterer’ on
Mackay-Bonynge feud
Mackay, John William
Mackay, Louise (née Hungerford, formerly Bryant)
McVickar, Katharine. See Grantley, Lady Katharine (née McVickar, formerly Norton)
magazines, society. See also individual titles
Manchester, Consuelo (née Yznaga), Duchess of: and Adèle (Lady Essex); and Alva vanderbilt; background; education; and Louise Mackay; marriage; and Minnie Paget; and Willie K
Manchester Examiner and Times
Manchester, Helena (née Zimmerman), Duchess of
Manchester, Kim, 8th Duke of
Manchester, William, 7th Duke of
Manchester, William, 9th Duke of
Mandeville, Lady Consuelo. See Manchester, Consuelo (née Yznaga), Duchess of
Mandeville, Viscount. See Manchester, Kim, 8th Duke of
Mann, Colonel William d’Alton
mansions: development of; extravagance of
Mar, Countess of
Mar, Earl of
Marble House, Newport
Marlborough, Charles, 9th Duke of
Marlborough, Consuelo, Duchess of (née Vanderbilt): and Blenheim Palace; childhood; and Jennie Churchill; marriage; relationship with mother (Alva); relationship with parents; servants; society balls; on society life
Marlborough family
Marlborough, John, 7th Duke of
marriage: definition of; fidelity; meeting partners; proposals; and religion; ‘on the shelf’; success of. See also divorce
Marriage of Thetis and Peleus, The (Poussin)
Married Women’s Property Acts
Martin, Bradley. See Bradley-Martin, Mr
Martin, Cornelia. See Craven, Lady Cornelia (née Bradley-Martin)
Martin family. See Bradley-Martin, Cornelia; Bradley-Martin family
Martin, Frederick
Martin, John Biddulph
Mason, John
Mason Jones, Mary
May, Caroline
Mayflower, The (Goelet yacht)
Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest
Melba, Nellie
Metropolitan Opera House, New York
Metternich, Princess Pauline Clémentine von
Meux, Lady Valerie (née Langdon, also Reece)
Moncreiffe, Lady Louisa
Monserrate, 1st Viscount of. See Cook, Francis, 1st Viscount of Monserrate
Monserrate Palace, Portugal
Montagu, George Victor Drogo (Kim). See Manchester, Kim, 8th Duke of
Montagu, Lady Mary
Montagu, Lady Nell
Montijo, Eugénie de. See Napoleon, Empress Eugénie (née Montijo)
Mook, Robert
Moor Park, Hertfordshire
Moore, George
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Pierpont
Morrison, Arthur
Moulton, Lillie
‘Mrs Cust’
Mrs Jonathan Abroad (Hastings)
Murphy, Anna. See Wolseley, Lady Anna (née Murphy)
Murphy, Anna (née Geoghan)
Murphy, Daniel
musical evenings
Napoleon, Empress Eugénie (née Montijo)
Napoleon III, Emperor Louis-
National Consumers’ League
National Trust
naval officers
Neustretter, Nellie
Nevill Holt Hall, Leicestershire (Cunard house)
New York
New York American
New York Draft Riots (1863)
New York Evening Telegraph
New York Herald
New York Historical Society
New York Journal
New York society
New York Times: boardroom of; on Bradley-Martin Ball; Mackay-Bonynge feud; on Marietta Stevens; on Mary Mason Jones; on Newport; on Saratoga Springs; on Scotland; on Tennie Cook; on women
New York Tribune
New York World
Newport society
newspapers, American. See also individual titles
newspapers, English
Nice carnival (1886)
Nineteenth Century Magazine
Norseman, The (yacht)
North American Review, The
North Star (Vanderbilt yacht)
Norton, Charles
Norton, Katharine. See Grantley, Lady Katharine (née McVickar, formerly Norton)
Nunn, Ada Annie
O’Brien, William
Oelrichs, Blanche
Offenbach, Jacques
Overland Telegraph Company
Paget, Captain Arthur
Paget, Lady Minnie (née Stevens): childhood; and Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester; death of mother; and Edward VII; family; jewellery
Pankhurst, Christabel
Park House, Wolseley Hall, Staffordshire
Park Theatre, New York
Patriarchs’ Ball
Paul, Mary. See Astor, Mary (Mamie) Waldorf (née Paul)
Pearl, Cora (courtesan)
Peters, Rev. Dr Madison
Phelps, Edward J.
Phipps, Henry
Piccadilly, London
Political Equality League
polo matches
Poniatowski, Prince André
Ponsonby, Sir Frederick
Pont, Pauline du
Portland, Duke of
Pougy, Liane de
Poussin, Nicolas, Marriage of Thetis and Peleus
Price, Lilian
Professional Beauties
property rights
Punch Almanack
Reece, Valerie. See Meux, Lady Valerie (née Langdon, also Reece)
Reed, Fanny
Reed, Marietta. See Stevens, Marietta (née Reed)
Reform Act, English (1832)
Revelstoke, Lord
Richards, John Morgan
Robinson, Anna
Roche, Frances (‘Fanny’) Ellen (née Work, later Batonyi)
Roche, Frank
Roche, James (‘Jim’) Boothby Burke
Roche, Maurice
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, President Theodore
Rothschild, Lady
Rotten Row, London
Rough Point, Newport (house)
Roxburghe, Anne, Dowager Duchess
Roxburghe, Henry, 8th Duke of
Roxburghe, May, Duchess of
Russell, Lillian
Rutherfurd, Winthrop
Sagan, Prince de
St James’s Street, London
St Thomas Episcopal Church, New York
‘Salisbury Blacks’ (horses)
Salisbury, Lord
Salon de Lumières
San Francisco Call
Sandringham House, Norfolk
; Saratoga Springs, New York
Scarsdale, Lord
Schermerhorn, Caroline. See Astor, Caroline (née Schermerhorn)
season, junior
servants: accepting newcomers; Americans and; British Raj; butlers; children and; footmen; immigrants; number of
sexual attitudes
Shaw, George Bernard
Sherman, Cornelia. See Bradley-Martin, Cornelia (née Sherman)
Sherman, Isaac
Sherman, Mildred
Singer Sargent, John
Sitwell, Osbert
Sloane, Jessie
Smalley, George W.
Smith, Jennie
Smith, Mamie Stuyvesant
Smith, Murray Forbes
Smith, Phoebe
Social Democratic Federation
social skills
social status
society balls
society columnists
Soveral, Marquis de
Spencer-Churchill family. See Marlborough family
Spring-Rice, Cecil
St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York
stag parties
Stead, William
Stephens, Rodie. See Bonynge, Rodie (née Stephens, formerly Daniel)
Stevens family
Stevens, Harry
Stevens, Marietta (née Reed): and Edward VII; and Louise Mackay; scandal; social climber; and son Harry; widow
Stevens, Minnie. See Paget, Lady Minnie (née Stevens)
Stevens, Paran
Stewart family
Street, George Slythe
Studley Royal, Ripon
Suffield, Lady Cecilia
Suffolk, Marguerite Hyde (‘Daisy,’ née Leiter), Countess of
Sullivan, Sir Arthur
Supreme Court, New York
Talbot, Charles Chetwynd-, 2nd Earl Talbot
Talbot, Lady Cecil
Tandragee Castle, County Armagh
Tarifa (Cunard liner)
Tennant, Margot. See Asquith, Margot (née Tennant)
Teutonic (ship)
Thaw, Alice. See Yarmouth, Alice (née Thaw), Countess of
Thaw, Harry
The Breakers, Newport house
‘The Saunterer’ (Town Topics): on the Astors; on the Bradley-Martins; on Cornelia Martin; on Duke of Marlborough; on Frances Roche; on Marietta Stevens
Thynne, Lord Alexander
Tichenor, Charles
Tiffany & Co, New York
Times, The
Titled Americans (magazine)
Town Topics (society magazine): on Alva Vanderbilt; background; Mackay-Bonynge feud; on Marietta Stevens; on Maud Burke; on Willie K Vanderbilt. See also ‘The Saunterer’ (Town Topics)
‘triangle trade,’ Newport
Truth (magazine)
Tuileries Palace, Paris
Tweed, Boss
Tweedsmuir, Lady
Underground, London
United States Hotel, Newport
Valiant (Vanderbilt yacht)
The Husband Hunters Page 33