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Yahn: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Mates Book 4)

Page 11

by Ashley L. Hunt

  Just before we started our descent towards Earth, Wendy came over to my cell.

  “How are you, girl?” she asked, putting her hand up to the invisible barrier between us.

  “Not so great. Look, I wanted to thank you for relaying messages back and forth between us. I know that puts you at risk, and the last thing I want is for you to get into trouble.”

  “It’s the least I can do. Look, I don’t know how I know this, but I get the feeling that everything is going to be alright somehow. It’s just a hunch, but I thought I would share it with you,” she shared, hopefully.

  I smiled. “Thanks. That actually does help. Where there’s hope, there’s life. Can you go and pass along one more message to Yahn before we land? Tell him I’ll be ready once he works out a plan to get us all free.”

  “I will, Jessie. Like I said, I get the feeling that everything is going to be ok so keep the faith sister!” I smiled at her and watched her walk away.

  A few minutes later we began our descent to Earth. As we came close to the surface, I was amazed at how bustling the traffic in Washington was. I had only been gone for a few years, but in that time, I noticed that new towers had been added to the skyline. There seemed to be more hover cars everywhere and here and there I could see people flying about with their jetpacks strapped to their backs. I longed for the quiet forests of Padure. As soon as we landed, two soldiers came and opened my cell. My hands were cuffed and I was led off of the ship. I saw Yahn up ahead being led by other soldiers. A crowd of spectators gathered along the landing ramp. As we walked past them, they began to yell at me.

  “Traitor! I can’t wait to watch them execute you!” One woman yelled.

  “There she is, the one that sleeps with aliens!” a younger man said. I didn’t look at them. I kept walking, holding my head up high with my eyes looking forward. I was led through a side building attached to the main military complex. I guessed that they took me this way to minimize my exposure to the public. Many of them looked as if they would murder me themselves if given the chance. I couldn’t believe how full of hate these fellow Earthlings were. I was taken up several flights of stairs and down several hallways until we came to the prison. There were two wings, one for aliens and one for humans. I was led into the east building where the other human prisoners were housed. As we walked through, the other prisoners began to shout at me. Some of them were saying things that I did not wish to repeat. Needless to say, they were very unkind remarks and some of them were quite vulgar. As I looked up all I could see were floors and floors of prison cells that stretched up to the ceiling. Down below me there were more cells. Although Earth’s technological capabilities had advanced significantly, they still hadn’t addressed the ills that plagued society. I couldn’t think of any planet I had visited that had prisons as crowded as the ones that I saw on Earth.

  I was put in a cell off in a corner where there were no other cells around. I was thankful because I didn’t want to be stared at like a zoo animal. As soon as the cell door was closed behind me, I grabbed the bars and began to cry. I didn’t feel hopeful like Wendy did. I sank to my knees and took a deep breath.

  “I wouldn’t get too comfy. From what I hear you’re to be executed in the public square tomorrow!” the guard hissed at me before walking away. I ignored him.

  After a while, I decided to try and reach out to Yahn, mentally. I knew it was a long shot because more than likely they still had him hooked up to a neutralizer to keep him from using telepathy.

  Yahn are you there? It’s me, Jessie. Are you alright? Where are they keeping you? I waited hopefully for a response.

  I’m here my love, I have managed to free myself. I am still in the cell block, trying to get to you. I am in a vaporous state.

  How did you manage to get free?

  One of the female guards tried to have her way with me. I managed to convince her to take off my neutralizer. She didn’t seem to know too much about the powers of Karkastians, luckily. I managed to turn into a vapor and disappear, but they are looking for me everywhere. Jessie I am going to free you, I promise you that I will find a way.

  Well, you are going to have to try something fast because they are planning on executing me tomorrow in the public square.

  What? Aren’t they going to give you a trial?

  I don’t think that’s going to happen. Traitors usually don’t get such treatment. I have to go, someone’s coming. I felt better knowing that Yahn was free as the guard approached my cell with two people. As they got closer, I realized that the two people behind the guard were none other than my father and mother! My mother looked so much more shriveled and gray than the last time I saw her. Her brown eyes were hollow and I could tell that she had been crying. My father’s nostrils were flared and his brow was furrowed. He too looked older. His hair was thinner and grayer than before.

  Tears filled my eyes as my mother came up to the cell and I reached out her hand through the bars. I grasped it as tightly as I could.

  “Mother, how I’ve missed you!”

  “Oh, my dear Jessie how I’ve missed you too! Are they treating you alright?” she asked.

  “I’m ok, but they are going to execute me tomorrow if everything goes the way they’ve planned it.” I looked over at my father who was keeping his distance, still staring on with a distant, angry glance.

  “Jessie, I just want to know what you were thinking,” he finally said.

  “Dad, I don’t expect you to understand what’s happened, but I will try and explain things the best that I can. First off, I watched as one of my fellow soldiers tried to unlawfully execute Yahn, a Karkastian. Our mission was to take prisoners, not execute people. I stopped the soldier from killing Yahn by injuring the soldier. After that, I had to escape in order to keep from being declared a traitor. I managed to stay at large for a very long time and visited several planets. I fell in love with the Karkastian and we tried our best to find a place where we could live in peace. Finally, the expedition crew caught up with us and here I am.”

  “How could you fall in love with one of…. them?” He asked in a disgusted voice.

  “I don’t know, dad. It just happened. Yahn is very kind and would never hurt anyone unless he had to. He is as kind and loving as any human man I have ever known,” I explained, but I could tell the explanation was falling on deaf ears.

  “You’ve thrown everything away. You were just supposed to be in the army long enough to earn money for college. Now, I have people at work saying my daughter is a traitor to her country and her planet. Now, I have to try and keep them from executing my only daughter. Did you not think about how all of these choices of yours might affect us?

  “Honey, she has been through enough without all of this. What she needs right now is our support, not our criticism. What’s done is done. I can’t say what I would have done in her position, but we have to assume that she did what she felt was best at the time. You can’t fault her for that!” my mother fired back at him.

  “You baby her too much, as usual. She has made some bad choices and it is going to cost her, her life!”

  “If this is the last time I’m going to speak to either of you, I don’t want to spend it arguing. I just want both of you to know that I love you and that I’m sorry,” I pleaded as the tears began to flow again. My father’s expression began to soften somewhat as his eyes began to fill with water.

  “Jessie, I tried everything I could to save you, but I have gotten nowhere. I made an appeal to the head judge and begged the governor to grant you a trial. My request was denied. I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you,” he told me as a single tear streaked down his face.

  “Thank you for trying father,” I said. A guard came walking up a second later.

  “Alright, that’s all the time that you are granted. Now say your goodbyes and you must leave!” The guard barked.

  “Goodbye, mom and dad. I love you!” I told them in a pitiful voice.

  “Goodbye Jessie, we will alway
s love you!” my mother said as the tears streamed down from her eyes.

  “Let’s go,” the guard said in a detached voice.

  Chapter Eighteen


  In my vaporous state, I searched all over until I found the cell where they were keeping David. I knew that the next thing I had to do was to get the keys, which consisted of a small electromagnetic device that would deactivate the invisible force field that sealed each cell. I saw several police officers running around searching for me and waited until they had finished searching the cell block I was in. Once they left, I went over to the guard station and turned back into my normal form, just behind the guard. I put my right hand over his mouth and with my left hand I put my laser gun up to his temple.

  “Do not move or try anything. I need to know where the keys to this cell block are located. If you try to warn someone about my presence, it will be the last thing you ever try, understand?”

  “Yes,” he said quietly as sweat began to stream down his face.

  “The keys are over in the control room just down the hallway.”

  Keeping the gun pointed at him, I took him along with me to the control room, keeping a sharp eye out for any other guards or policemen. Luckily, they were still searching other cell blocks and were nowhere in sight.

  As I stepped into the control room, two guards turned suddenly towards me with their guns at the ready.

  “Put the guns down or your friend gets it!” I said. They looked at me and the guard that I held at gunpoint, and then threw their guns down on the ground.

  “Now, get in the closet over there, all three of you!” I shouted. They looked at one another and did what I asked. As soon as they got inside the closet, I closed and locked the door. The electromagnetic keys were located inside a transparent box on the wall. I opened it and got out the keys. Now I had access to every cell on the block. Without further hesitation, I ran back up the platform to the cell where I had seen David. He was now awake and ready to escape as soon as I deactivated the force field.

  “That was quick,” he said as I began to try different keys on the small opening to the right of the door.

  “I’m sure that it will only be a matter of time before the place swarms with police again, so we must be quick,” I said as I continued to try different keys. A second later, I heard a commotion coming from the guard room. I knew that the men I had locked in the closet must have freed themselves or made enough noise to attract attention to themselves. I looked down at the platform below and saw the guards running up the stairs.

  “Hurry, they’re coming!” David shouted.

  “I’m trying!” I said as I continued to try the different keys. Finally, the tenth one worked. The key fit in the slot and the force field was deactivated. It made a sound like a long, descending note and the bars disappeared from view.

  “Come on, quickly, this way!” I told David as I watched the guards reach the platform just below the one we were on. We ran towards the stairs just as they began to fire laser beams at us. I ducked at the last second so that the beam would miss me.

  “We can’t go this way, they are coming up the stairs!” David insisted.

  “Hmm,” I looked at the keys in my hand and devised a plan in that instant. “I think I know what I can do to help our situation. Come on, let’s head in the opposite direction. The guards will be up on our level soon!” The guards continued to shoot up at us as we began to run in the opposite direction. I fired back at them, managing to hit one of the guards.

  “Here!” I handed the laser gun over to David and took out my keys. I closed my eyes and tried to use my mental powers to give me a clue as to which key to use. A muscular human with no hair stood looking at me.

  “Why are you handing this to me?” David asked as the guards reached the level we were on.

  “I’m going to free as many prisoners on this block to cause confusion. Just cover me while I do so!” I shouted. David returned fire, but the guards continued to approach. My concentration paid off. One of the keys began to glow and I used it to free the large human inside.

  “Thanks, man!” the human said as he began to take off in the same direction we were going in. I moved on to the next cell, opening it and freeing two more puzzled humans who both had scars on their faces. They too began to run. We moved onto the next cell and the one after that. By now, the guards were only a hundred yards away from us. David fired at them and managed to kill one of them. The guard fell over the side of the platform. Now only one guard remained on the platform. However, the noise had attracted more guards and more policemen who were beginning to file in the cell block far below. Finally, after several minutes, I had managed to free twenty or more prisoners. The guards were busy scurrying around trying to capture the men we had set free. We made our way to the exit of the cell block, shooting any guards that got in our way. As we emerged onto the street, several hover cars began to move in and surround the building. A large hover copter swooped in and began to descend.

  We managed to run around the corner and disappear into a crowded street nearby. I looked behind us and saw several policemen scurrying around trying to round up all of the prisoners that I had set free.

  “That was a good plan, but what do we do now?” David asked.

  “We’ve got to find where they’ve taken Jessie. They are supposed to execute her today. I hope we’re not too late.” As soon as I said this I looked back and saw one officer whispering to another and pointing in our direction. “Quickly, we’ve been spotted. This way!” I took off through the crowd as quickly as I could and turned into an alley. David and I pressed ourselves against the wall and watched as the officers continued down the main road. They had been unable to follow our path through the crowded street.

  “Don’t hesitate to use that laser gun if necessary. I am going to see if I can connect with Jessie and see where she is.” David nodded and held his gun by his side. I closed my eyes and tried to connect with Jessie, mentally.

  Jessie, can you perceive my thoughts? We have gotten out of the prison and we are on our way to help you. Where are you? Please tell me that we aren’t too late. I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her response.

  Yahn, I’m so glad you managed to free yourselves. I am ok but they are taking me towards the public square as we speak. We are only about a block away now. I can see it up ahead and there is already a huge crowd assembled there. You have to hurry before they go ahead with this. There are people everywhere shouting, ‘traitor’ at me. Some of them are throwing rocks. Please get here as quickly as you can. The public square is five blocks directly west from the prison. Be careful, there seem to be police everywhere.

  I will my love. We will try and get there as quickly as we can

  “Well, were you able to connect with her?” David asked me.

  “Yes, we have to hurry. She is four blocks away from the square where they mean to execute her.”

  “How are we ever going to reach the square in time? That’s a long way to go and this huge crowd is sure to slow us down,” David insisted.

  I looked around the area and my eyes landed on a mechanic’s shop that was just down the street.

  “There’s our solution. Time to get us a hovercraft so we can get there faster!” I answered. We ran towards the shop. I opened the door of the shop and two very large men turned and looked at us. One of them was underneath a small, white hovercraft that looked to be a sleek new model. It was only large enough for two people and had two very powerful thrusters. I knew that this vehicle would have the speed that we required.

  “What the hell do you two want? Get that Karkastian out of here!” the largest of the two mechanics shouted at us.

  “You are in no position to make demands!” I answered him as David pointed the laser gun at them. They threw their hands up.

  “Alright, boys, no need to get excited. What is it we can help you with today?” the smaller man asked.

  “Is that hovercraft in good shape?�
�� I asked.

  “Yep, I just finished all the repairs to the hyper drive myself. That’s a XL236, one of the fastest hover cars on the market, but please don’t take that one. It belongs to the boss,” he begged.

  “Sorry, we will do our best to return it to you, but we don’t have the time to haggle over it. We will also be needing your mechanic’s uniforms so kindly take them off please,” I requested.

  They looked at one another reluctantly as David waved the gun in their faces.

  “You heard the man, take the uniforms off and hand over the keys right now!” David said forcefully. The two men began to strip off their uniforms until they stood before us in their underwear.

  “Please don’t scratch or harm the vehicle. The boss will kill us!” The smaller one pleaded.

  “I will do my best, but no promises!” I said. Then, we proceeded to put on the mechanic’s uniforms to disguise ourselves. I put the hooded portion of the uniform over my head to hide my blue face which would make us stand out too much in the crowd. Next, we lowered the scaffold that held up the hover car and got inside. I put the key in the ignition and it started up immediately.


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