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Revenge in Vein, The Complete Series

Page 7

by Jennifer Blackstream

  Dubheasa sucked in a deep breath and beamed at Bron. He had performed exactly as she’d wished. After getting a taste of his power, she was more certain that ever that she’d chosen the right men to give her the submissive experience she desired. Her smile widened. She wouldn’t allow it to be over so quickly, though. She wanted a war, not just one battle. Her gaze bored into Bron, daringly glancing at his brown eyes as he tried to shake off the disorientation of her attack.

  “Come on, lover,” she said sweetly. “You were doing so well, you mustn’t give up now.”

  An arm snaked around her waist, and her heart pounded like a war drum as a warm breath caressed the back of her neck. Her eyes widened in surprise as sharp twin pains ricocheted out from her neck as Vincentas sank his fangs into her flesh. Dubheasa moaned with pleasure as shivers ran down her spine. She closed her eyes, protecting herself from the vukodlaks’ mesmerizing stares and allowed herself a moment to enjoy Vincentas’ attack.

  The vukodlak’s mouth sealed over her skin as he drank her blood. Every swallow sent another wave of pleasure down Dubheasa’s body, a delicious tension building in her muscles. She opened her eyes, keeping her gaze low so that she could see Bron’s location without giving him the chance to mesmerize her again.

  Bron’s jerky movement drew her attention to his ankle and she sighed in sympathy. It was black and blue.

  A hand glided up her body. Dubheasa gasped in surprised pleasure as Vincentas caressed her belly, his large hand smoothing over her flesh with surprising tenderness. She closed her eyes to better concentrate on the feeling, floating on the pleasant ripples of pleasure that skated over her skin. His palm glided upward, skimming over the underside of her breasts before plucking her nipple through her gown of shadows. She thrust her chest out, silently urging him to increase the pressure.

  The sounds of Bron scrambling to regain his bearings ruffled in her ears as Vincentas swirled one finger around her nipple. Frustration sang in her nerves as he studiously ignored the peak, still throbbing from his earlier attentions. He smiled against her neck, apparently sensing the increase in her frustration when he repeated the same torture with her other breast. A frown threatened her countenance. She’d brought them here to experience domination and a little pain. Vincentas was being almost . . . sweet.

  Suddenly, something pinched both of her nipples. Hard. A strangled gasp of pleasure and pain fell from her lips, the corners of her mouth rising in a smile. That’s more like it.

  The pressure continued to increase until her nipples throbbed with pain, locked in a vice-like grip. She moaned, squirming with the combination of pleasure and pain.

  “Got you,” Bron hissed.

  Her eyes shot open at the dark threat in the vukodlak’s tone. Too late, she realized Bron had positioned himself in front of her, his red glowing eyes only inches from hers as he continued to hold her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers in a punishing hold.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered.

  The command echoed in her head, almost painful with its weight. The fight was on. Dubheasa gritted her teeth in determination. She’d been preparing for this since she’d hatched her wild plan. Once she was locked in his gaze, she would be unable to disobey him--but all he’d said was don’t move. Summoning her power, she filled the air between her and Bron with darkness.

  “What the—”

  The confusion thick in Bron’s voice calmed her nerves. The pressure against her mind eased as his control slipped, the power of his gaze weakened by the darkness between them. She started to turn away.

  “No! Do not turn away from me!”

  Surprise jolted her system as she turned back to face Bron, moving as if in a dream. Despite her determination not to look into his eyes again, the darkness hovering between them wavered and revealed the faintest glow of red.

  He’s stronger than I gave him credit for. Dubheasa breathed through her fear, relishing it even as she fought it. She’d planned for this panic, she wanted this uncertainty. After all, wasn’t that the essence of the pleasure had by a submissive? She centered herself and thrust more darkness into the space. She drowned out the light, making the air into a black hole that seemed deep enough to physically fall into.

  Bron growled in frustration as his hold on her broke and Dubheasa smiled. She could draw this out all night. Abruptly, Vincentas pulled his fangs free of her neck. Dubheasa gasped. The sensation of his fangs withdrawing from her body echoed between her legs as if it had been his cock he’d been pulling free of her pussy. She pressed her thighs together as her entire body mourned the loss. She jolted as a flicker of red in front of her reminded her to close her eyes. She barely avoided being recaptured by Bron’s gaze.

  “Do you miss my fangs, Dubheasa?” Vincentas whispered.

  Wet heat rushed down her body as Vincentas’ question brought back a sensory memory strong enough to make her doubt whether or not his fangs were still embedded in her neck. His voice was so deliciously sinful. So smooth even with the hint of violence underlying each deliberate syllable. Dubheasa stilled, keeping her eyes closed as the vukodlak behind her continued to run his hands up and down her body. His fingers left a trail of heat behind them as he skimmed her sides, cupped her heavy breasts in his palms.

  “We’re going to tie you up, Dubheasa,” Vincentas whispered. “We’re going to make you helpless and then we’re going to plunge our cocks and fangs into that perfect pale flesh. Over and over we will soak your body with pleasure until you beg for more. You will dance on the edge of pleasure and pain. Blood will drip down your body as the ecstasy rips you apart and we will not stop until you scream our names.”

  Arousal gripped Dubheasa, tightening her muscles until hot liquid slid down her flesh from deep inside her body. It had been centuries since any man had dared to speak to her that way, since any man had dared to even suggest he wanted to dominate her. For centuries she had dominated her lovers, always with a little part of her wondering what it was like on the submissive end, wanting to try it but knowing her station wouldn’t allow it. Finally she’d figured out a way around it, she’d found a way to truly fight and still get to experience the other end of pleasurable pain. The promise echoing in the vukodlak’s voice reached deep into her soul.

  And the distraction cost her.

  Something hard slammed into her forehead and she cried out in pain, her eyes opening instinctively to see what had hit her. Her mouth went dry as she fell into the intense scarlet gaze less than an inch away from her own, Bron’s forehead pressed to hers. He’d smashed his forehead into hers with enough force to give a human a concussion. As it was, pain arced through her head, echoing for a while before finally fading to a dull pulse. She didn’t have time to focus on the pain as her entire world tumbled and swirled around her. A strangled sound escaped her throat as vertigo spun her senses and left her desperately grasping for some sense of which direction was up and which was down. Bron’s red eyes hovered before her, and she heard his voice as if it was coming from far away.

  “You will not use your powers without my permission again.”

  Dubheasa clenched her teeth as the command pressed against her subconscious like an iron fist. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead as her mind sluggishly fought to stay oriented in the face of the vukodlak’s power.

  This is what you wanted, a voice whispered in her head. You are truly helpless, a submissive at the mercy of your master.

  Sucking in a deep breath, Dubheasa forced herself to calm down. As her initial panic subsided, she realized that she could actually think clearly, even under the weight of Bron’s hypnosis. Experimentally trying to summon her power, she found she couldn’t. Fear threatened to take her breath away again, but Dubheasa fiercely fought it off.

  This is all part of my plan, she growled at herself. They cannot kill me, there is no iron to be had in the sithen. She thought of Vincentas, concentrating on the feel of his hands still roaming up and down her body. Her mind flashed back to earlier that eveni
ng, before Aldric and his men had arrived. She’d anointed her body with Aine’s Dew, one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs known to the sidhe. The oil should be active now, it’s had plenty of time to absorb into my skin. Vincentas dipped his head, running his cheek over her shoulder like a cat. Dubheasa smiled, some of the tension seeping out of her muscles. Vincentas couldn’t seem to stop touching her. It is working.

  “Where is the key to the shackles, Dubheasa?” Bron demanded, his voice harsh with anger and a trace of pain.

  “Under the pillows.”

  Dubheasa’s heart fluttered as her voice reached her ears, echoing with a strange lethargic tone. She could feel Bron’s power pressing against her, harder the longer she looked into his eyes. Still, now that she was almost certain Vincentas was being affected by the Aine’s Dew, she had no reason to be afraid.

  “Vincentas, get the key.”

  A tiny whimper fell from her lips as Vincentas pulled away from her, the sudden absence of heat against her body making her shiver. Aine’s Dew was a double-edged sword. Her flesh hungered for Vincentas’ touch as much as he ached to touch her. Still, such a consequence was well worth it for the pleasure she was more and more certain awaited her.

  “Such moans at Vincentas’ absence. Don’t worry, your majesty,” Bron assured her mockingly. “He’ll be back.”

  “So nice to see you getting with the program,” Dubheasa murmured, a smile tugging at one corner of her mouth despite her enthrallment.

  Bron shook his head without breaking eye contact. “You should have taken the alps. My realm is pain, not pleasure.”

  His words sent a shiver down her spine, lending the faintest hint of trepidation to her arousal. Dubheasa rubbed her forehead back and forth against his, trying to quicken the oil’s effects on Bron.

  “You can beat me if you like, vukodlak,” she whispered. “As long as you fuck me while you’re doing it.”

  Bron jerked back from her, and she could practically feel his anger radiating off of him. A thick masculine scent curled around her nose and she impulsively ducked her head, smiling when she was rewarded with the graze of hot velvety flesh against her cheek. Before Bron could react, she darted forward, tongue extended to lick a quick path along his erection. Bron roared and wrenched his body back, but it was too late. Dubheasa knew he was aroused. Satisfaction warmed her heart even as she continued to remain trapped in the furious vukodlak’s gaze. It was only a matter of time.

  “Get these chains off,” Bron hissed at Vincentas.

  The sounds of shackles grating on metal sent shivers over Dubheasa’s arms. She’d left plenty of slack in the chains, intending for them to keep the vukodlaks from leaving, not from moving. The slack allowed Vincentas to stretch to her pillow and retrieve the key while Bron pushed against her mind without breaking eye contact.

  “Fetch some implements from her torture cupboard.”

  Footsteps leading away from the bed followed by the sounds of rifling in her armoire let Dubheasa know that Vincentas had followed Bron’s instructions. Another wave of arousal washed over her. What toys would Vincentas choose? Would he be tame or would he reach for the implements that even the queen only brought out on special occasions? Staring into the mesmerizing scarlet gaze in front of her, Dubheasa hoped for the latter.

  “You’re going to get your wish, Dubheasa,” Bron whispered. “You will suffer the torment you so gleefully inflict on others—and you will beg me for more.”

  Dubheasa’s mouth went dry, her skin shivering with anticipation. Rattling chains drew her attention and her heart skipped a beat as something closed around one of her ankles. Vincentas was putting restraints on her. Cool air swirled against the wet flesh of her pussy as her legs were pulled apart.

  Spreader bars. An attempt to move her legs confirmed her suspicions. Dubheasa could picture the contraption in her mind’s eye, a bright silver bar with thick black cuffs at either end, each one outfitted with wide shiny buckles.

  The hair on her nape and arms rose as she realized how helpless she would be in just a moment. She wasn’t afraid of Vincentas--he was obviously affected by the oil. Even as he put the restraints on her he kept petting her legs, sliding his fingertips back and forth along her skin. But Bron . . .

  Bron’s anger seemed inclined toward violence without the cushion of sex. Dubheasa couldn’t be entirely certain whether he would follow Vincentas into the erotic game of BDSM she wanted so badly--or if he would hurt her with the same single-minded brutality that he’d heretofore focused on the men who’d destroyed his pack. Her heart pounded, thundering against the wall of her chest. A thrill of excitement ran down her spine. This was the thrill she’d inflicted on so many of her lovers. The delicious tension of hovering between fear and arousal. She was right to want this experience. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before.

  A minute later she felt the same cuffs on her wrists and her excitement rose another notch. Any minute now she would find out her fate.

  “Do not take your eyes off of mine,” Bron commanded.

  The command was unnecessary. Already Bron’s luminescent gaze had eaten Dubheasa’s world. She could see nothing but the twin ruby orbs filling her vision with their light and power. The mattress creaked as the two vukodlaks shifted. Dubheasa held her breath, straining to make out any sound that might give her a clue to what was happening. Suddenly, her body was hauled into the air and she gasped.

  Pain bled from her shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles, dull, but insistent. Her body swung midair and a small burst of panic erupted in her belly. For a moment she put every ounce of her concentration into looking away from Bron’s gaze, a primal desperation to regain her bearings seizing her as she hovered over her bed.

  “Her dress is gone.”

  The lower quality of Vincentas’ voice betrayed his growing arousal. Dubheasa startled, momentarily rising about her panic as she realized that in her panic she’d lost control and her shadowy garments had simply vanished. Her pulse raced a little faster. It’s been ages since that happened.

  “Oh, gods, will you look at her,” Vincentas whispered hoarsely.

  In one crystal clear moment, Dubheasa had a vision of the picture she presented. The vukodlaks had chain her ankles to a spreader bar and then used her own bedcage to heave her off her bed and suspend her naked in midair. Liquid arousal rushed from her body at the idea of her body bared to the eyes of the men holding her prisoner in her own bedroom.

  “Look into Vincentas’ eyes.”

  Dubheasa frowned in momentary confusion, her usually sharp mind made sluggish by the thickness of her arousal. Bron pulled away and against her will, her eyes sought out Vincentas’.

  Bron’s beaming red eyes had been powerful enough, but they were an empty stare compared to what hovered before her now. Vincentas gaze bored into hers like twin streams of molten lava, burning into her, through her as he knelt in front of her.

  “You may notice that my gaze is slightly different from Bron’s, your majesty.” She heard more than saw him lick his lips. “I have tasted your blood. We are connected now, and I feel obligated to assure you that any lingering hopes you may have had about maintaining any control over what’s about to happen should be relinquished. Now.”

  Shock laced with arousal seized Dubheasa’s body, straightening her spine so that she swung back and forth. Goddess, save me, he drank my blood. Combined with the effects of the Aine’s Dew . . .

  “You want to experience the pleasure that only we can provide, don’t you?” Vincentas continued, his deep voice sliding over her skin like a heated caress. “Shall I put my cock in your mouth? Shall I let you suck on my pulsing flesh while Bron plunges his shaft into your wet, aching body? Would you like that, Dubheasa?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Oh, goddess, what have I done?

  Even with the growing realization of just how out of control things had gotten, Dubheasa couldn’t ignore the delicious eff
ect her fright had on her body. Her nipples ached to feel the pinch of the vukodlaks again, her pussy clenching in anticipation as the spreader bar kept her painfully aware of how wet she was already. Vincentas’ smile widened and he leaned down to pick something up from the bed beside him.

  The sharp scent of metal combined with the musky scent of the leather assaulted Dubheasa’s senses, reaching deep inside her to touch something primal. Her pussy clenched as Vincentas pressed something to her mouth. Shock sent spasms through her body as Dubheasa realized what it was. A spider gag. A simple metal ring nestled between four straight bits of metal and a leather strap hanging from one side, notched so that it could be adjusted on the buckle at the other end.

  “Open your mouth, Dubheasa,” he said softly. “We would not want you to accidentally bite me while I fuck your mouth.”

  Dubheasa whimpered at the intensity of the arousal that wracked her body. Everywhere Vincentas had touched her seemed to burn with heightened awareness, enflamed with the magic of the Aine’s Dew. His voice only added to the spell, promising wicked things that would provide fantasy material for centuries to come.


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